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Sintonízanos de lunes a viernes a las 6:00pm en ABC Puerto Rico. Liberty 15/ 215HD, DirecTV 172, Claro 17/ 1017HD, Dish 20 y en el canal 5 por antena en toda la isla. #directoysinfiltro #abcpr #abcprlocal #abcpuertorico
Sara Pastor, experta en imagen, proyección y estilo, nos enseña a vivir sin caducar. Sintonízanos de lunes a viernes a las 7:00pm por ABC Puerto Rico. Liberty 15/ 215HD, DirecTV 172, Claro 17/ 1017HD, Dish 20 y en el canal 5 por antena en toda la isla. #ABCPuertoRico #ABCPR #primetime #primetimeporabcpr
¡Aventurando por la selva! ???????? La artista Cheryl @cherylriveramusica lanza su nuevo tema “Selva” y en Primetime tenemos todos los detalles. Sintonízanos de lunes a viernes a las 7:00pm por ABC Puerto Rico. Liberty 15/ 215HD, DirecTV 172, Claro 17/ 1017HD, Dish 20 y en el canal 5 por antena en toda la isla. #ABCPuertoRico #ABCPR #primetime #primetimeporabcpr
“Gracias por creer en nosotros, eres y serás siempre nuestro presidente”, leyó de una carta escrita de su puño y letra.
Lourdes Collazo también protagonizó uno de los anuncios.
Denuncia que se pierden más de $50 millones.
Se trata de una enfermedad altamente contagiosa. Conoce sus síntomas iniciales.
Representarán a la Isla en la Serie del Caribe.
#CNC3 #GuardianMediaLimited
Saint Lucia has recorded its second road fatality for the year. Twenty-Six-year-old Jordon St. Ange, a resident of Bagatelle and football player from the B1 Football club lost his life tragically after dropping his girlfriend home from a party in the early hours of Monday.
The Ministry of Agriculture is informing the public of a new plant disease, Yam Rust. Given the critical significance of yams as a staple tuber, the presence of this disease has serious implications for the livelihoods of farmers.
Former tourism Minister, Dominic Fedee has warned against Saint Lucia’s tourism sector suffering a similar fate as the Bahamas. A travel advisory was issued by the U.S. government due to the high homicide rate in that country. The warning comes as Saint Lucia recorded its eighth homicide so far for the year.
The Castries Central Library held its second Lunchtime Literary Festival, LitFest, on Friday as part of ongoing Nobel Laureate Festival celebrations. Director of Library Services, Sally Roseman, says the activity not only showcases local writers and entrepreneurs but is a great way for libraries to reconnect with and engage the community.
The Commissioner of police has issued a stern warning to criminals and would be criminals of the RSLPF’s intention to do everything in its power to put an end to their illegal activities. She issued the warning as she called on law abiding citizens to join the police in their efforts to combat criminality.
_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
Emergency Sewage Works Commence in Coronation Market, Downtown Kingston The National Water Commission (NWC) initiates emergency sewage works on Monday, January 29, in the Coronation Market, Downtown Kingston. The announcement came during a recent tour by the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Desmond McKenzie. The NWC's team will be replacing the existing 10-inch sewer main connecting a section of the Coronation Market to the trunk main along Beckford Street. This critical maintenance work aims to address suspected collapses in several points along the main. However, Minister McKenzie notes that the sewage works will unavoidably cause disruptions to vending operations in the affected area. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged