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America TeVe
12 mois depuis

Visita nuestro web: Señal en vivo: Programas anteriores: Instagram: @americateve41 AméricaTeVé es una estación de TV independiente en Español basada en Miami, con distribución de aire en los mercados de Miami, New York y Puerto Rico.

CNC3 Télévision
12 mois depuis

#CNC3 #GuardianMediaLimited

CNC3 Télévision
12 mois depuis

Climate Analytics Caribbean Director, Rueanna Haynes, says proper policies must be put in place in order to move ahead in the green hydrogen direction. Meanwhile, TAQA, an international company that offers leading solutions for the energy industry, has now set up shop in Trinidad. Andrea Perez-Sobers shares more in this edition of Business Watch.

CNC3 Télévision
12 mois depuis

Officers are threatening to sue the Police Commissioner over her handling of promotions. So, we asked members of the public whether they support the officers' move to take legal action. Here's what some of you had to say.

CNC3 Télévision
12 mois depuis

If you ever wanted to get information on the history of Carnival, or to view cultural artefacts that tell the story of its origin, there is only one place you should go. Angelo Jedidiah and cameraman Che Teekersingh paid a visit to the Trinidad & Tobago Carnival Museum and certainly learnt a lot.

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

American Airlines has completed a series of test flights at Ian Fleming International Airport in St. Mary. The airline's technical team evaluated the airport's standards and facilities, conducting multiple take-offs and landings. The experienced aviation professionals comprising the technical team walked through the airport's infrastructure to ensure it meets the stringent standards set by American Airlines. Following their thorough assessment, the team expressed satisfaction with the facilities at Ian Fleming International Airport. Robert Montague, Member of Parliament for St. Mary Western, praised the success of the initiative. He announced that American Airlines has officially given the green light for the commencement of commercial flights starting February 24. Reporter: Celine Campbell _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

Fire destroyed five homes, leaving approximately twenty people homeless. The affected buildings, consisting of adjoining board and concrete structures in Pond Piece, were engulfed in flames on Thursday afternoon. According to victims interviewed by CVM News, the fire was reportedly started by a boy residing in one of the houses with his mother. The fire ignited shortly after 1:30 pm and rapidly spread to all five dwellings. While some victims managed to salvage some of their belongings, frustration grew among residents as three non-functional fire hydrants forced firefighters to abandon their efforts and seek water elsewhere during the blaze. Responding to the emergency, two units from the Lucea and Montego Bay fire departments successfully extinguished the fire, but not before the homes were completely destroyed. CVM News plans to follow up with the victims in upcoming newscast. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

The community of Job Lane in Christiana, Manchester, recently experienced a shocking incident with the death of one of its residents, a mason lost his life after being electrocuted by dangling power lines while walking to work. Reporter: Celine Campbell _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

Woman murdered as a result of gang feud, off Maxfield Ave in Kingston. She fell victim to what both the police and residents are attributing to an ongoing gang feud. Kimberly Henry provides the report on this unsettling development. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

The political landscape in South Manchester is heating up as the competition for the Member of Parliament position welcomes a late entrant - Senator Peter Bunting, the former three-term MP from the neighboring Central Manchester constituency. The JLP's Robert Chin expresses readiness for the impending showdown. In a surprising move, Opposition Spokesperson on Citizen Security and Productivity, Senator Peter Bunting, has announced his return to representational politics, this time in a different seat. Bunting disclosed this decision earlier this week during a spot meeting in Porus, Manchester. Reporter: Ramon Gordon _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

4RD Noticias
12 mois depuis

#Abinader #CentralNoticias #71aniversario #71añosdelatelevisióndominicana #abinader #centralnoticias #911#Meteorología #haiti #haitianos #frontera #cierretotaldelafrontera #riomasacre #alvarito #ejercitord #vigia #canalvigia #reformapolicial #Jimaní #mercadofronterizo #farideraful #zonacolonial #alofokeradioshow #ecuador #violência #guayaquilecuador Presentadora: Alex Santiago (@alexsantiagotv) Gracias por visitarnos. ¡Nos vemos! Para más información ingrese aquí: Suscríbete y activa las notificaciones YouTube:→ Facebook: → Twitter: → Instagram: → tiktok: →

4RD Noticias
12 mois depuis

#Abinader #CentralNoticias #losalcarrizos #teleférico #Abinader #71aniversario #71añosdelatelevisióndominicana Presentadora: Charys Melo (@charysmelo) Wendy Mora Cueto (@Wendycmora) Gracias por visitarnos. ¡Nos vemos! Para más información ingrese aquí: Suscríbete y activa las notificaciones YouTube:→ Facebook: → Twitter: → Instagram: → tiktok: →

Noticias SIN
12 mois depuis

“Noticias SIN”, es una empresa dedicada a la producción y transmisión de programas de información y opinión a través de televisión abierta a nivel nacional por el canal 9 de Color Visión . SUBSCRIBETE: / noticias. Los programas de “Grupo SIN” ofrecen los más completos contenidos de noticias en el ámbito social, económico y político tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Adicionalmente cuenta con programas especializados en economía, finanzas, deportes, tecnología, espectáculos y salud, ofreciendo a la audiencia televisiva la más amplia cobertura en programas informativos. Es por esto, referencia para destacados empresarios, dirigentes, políticos y líderes de opinión. Parte de este éxito, radica en el equipo de presentadores y periodistas de amplia experiencia y observadores agudos de los eventos, personalidades y tendencias. SUBSCRIBETE: / noticias. . Programas: El Despertador, Noticias SIN – Primera Emisión, Deportes SIN, Noticias SIN y Más, El Informe, Noticias SIN Edición Digital, Noticias SIN Emisión Estelar, Noticias SIN Fin de semana. No olvides compartir el vídeo con tus amigos y seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales: Suscríbete en YouTube → / noticias. . Twitter→ Facebook → Alicia Ortega Fans → Instagram→ Google+→ Visita nuestra página web oficial de Noticias SIN. Aquí podrás encontrar informaciones actualizadas. Nuestras emisiones son por Color Visión, canal 9. → #NoticiasSIN, #Elinformeconaliciaortega, #AliciaOrtega, Noticias SIN | República Dominicana | Color Visión Canal 9

Noticias SIN
12 mois depuis

El presidente de la Cámara de Diputados, Alfredo Pacheco, calificó como politiquería, la denuncia de la oposición sobre una supuesta llamada de última hora del Palacio Nacional, que alteró el consenso que se había logrado en el artículo 11 de la Ley 1-24 de la Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (DNI).

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