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Saint Lucia Government
12 mois depuis

The Building Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Variability in Agriculture in Saint Lucia (BRACCVAS) project is actively addressing the escalating vulnerabilities in the agriculture sector through an ongoing analysis aimed at mapping challenges across Saint Lucia. This initiative seeks to enhance resilience and effectively combat climate change, with a specific focus on Geographic Information Services within the agriculture sector.

Morning Report | Mornin' Barbados - January 18, 2024 Connect with the CBC Barbados Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #CBCTV8 #MorninBarbados #MorningReport

RadioTele Zenith Official
12 mois depuis

???????????????????? : Bienvenue sur la chaîne officielle youtube de Radio Tele Zenith. Radio Tele Zenith est une chaîne informelle qui se consacre à vous donner les informations les plus véridiques qui se déroulent autour de la terre, en particulier Haïti Port Au Prince. Radio Tele Zenith diffuse également des informations en direct sur le football. Assurez-vous de vous abonner et appuyez sur le bouton similaire pour plus de ces vidéos. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Instagram : ... Facebook : ... Twitter : ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ______________________________________________________________ Twitter : ... Instagram : ... Facebook : ... ________________________________________________________________

Radio Television Caraibes
12 mois depuis

???????? ???????????????????????? | ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? | ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? Présentation: Guerrier Dieuseul, Johnny Ferdinand et Hadiany Oxymable St Fleur Météo: Chrisnette SAINT-GEORGES Tansyon Lari: Mackenson RÉMY 4x4 Productions:Jean-Claude DOLCÉ Coordination: Peterson LUXAMA Rédaction: Dieuseul GUERRIER Réalisation & mise en ligne:Saint-Ange Junior & Elysé Hansley

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

4RD Noticias
12 mois depuis

#Abinader #CentralNoticias #losalcarrizos #teleférico #Abinader #71aniversario #71añosdelatelevisióndominicana Presentadora: Charys Melo (@charysmelo) Wendy Mora Cueto (@Wendycmora) Gracias por visitarnos. ¡Nos vemos! Para más información ingrese aquí: Suscríbete y activa las notificaciones YouTube:→ Facebook: → Twitter: → Instagram: → tiktok: →

12 mois depuis

Telemicro es el canal más avanzado del Caribe y Centroamérica. Llevamos por años la mejor calidad en imagen, audio y contenido, para el mejor disfrute, entretenimiento, información y diversión para toda la familia. Contamos con los medios de mayor cobertura a nivel nacional en República Dominicana e internacional vía satélite para todo el mundo y con una gran variedad en programas de TV. Conéctate con nosotros: Chequea nuestro FACEBOOK: → Síguenos en INSTAGRAM: → Síguenos en TWITTER: → Entretente con nuestro TIKTOK → VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Para contenido exclusivo descarga nuestra App: Android - IOS- ¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de nuestro contenido! Ve la programación completa: #telemicro #entretenimiento #tendencia #entrevista #noticias #comedia #humor #rd #republicadominicana #telemicro #canal5 #telemicrohd #telemicrointernacional #digital15 #telecentro #canal13 Grupo Telemicro: Somos el grupo de medios más moderno de la República Dominicana, contamos con 5 canales de televisión, Telemicro, Canal 5, Telemicro HD, Telemicro Internacional, Digital 15 y Telecentro, Canal 13.

Puissance Télévision vous donne rendez-vous quotidiennement pour un tour d'horizon complet des évènements de votre territoire ! Aujourd'hui dans votre agenda : - La classe Archéo, jusqu'au 13 mars au Fuseaux de Saint-Dizier - Boucles temporelles, jusqu'au 17 mars au Musée de Saint-Dizier - Bulle à bulle, samedi 27 janvier à l'Espace Simone Signoret de Vitry-le-François - Bien Parado, samedi 2 février au Théâtre de Saint-Dizier © Puissance Télévision 2024 --- Toute l'actualité à Saint-Dizier, Bar-le-Duc et Vitry-le-François est à retrouver sur ou sur le compte youtube de Puissance TV. Retrouvez-nous également sur Facebook : - Twitter : @puissance_tv - Instagram : @puissancetv

12 mois depuis

#GUYPHILIPPE#MANIFESTATION#fernandokanaldo#KOMISERICHEMEON#BOSEBANDE#GUYPHILIPPE#shortsa#bsap#p#MARKYKESSA#HAITI#GUYPHILIPPE##claudejoseph#l#joveleinmoise#haitiVIDEOVIRAL#SHOTVIDEO#beleg9#KOMISEMUSCADIN#YOURILATORTUE#ARIELHENRY#KOMISEMUSCADIN#OSEPH#VITELOM#ARIELHENRY#haiti#bwakale#rodejoseph#l#pnh#HAIT ACHRAFAKIMI#vitelom##fadh##IZO#pnh#komisemuscadin#vitelom##haiti##PRESIDENTJOVENELMOISE#ARIELHENRy# ===================================== cloche la sonne si haïtien pa leve kanpe nap disparet/yonn nan kolonbien dekare se pou Grande puissance yo tap travay flash BONNE NOUVEL MET NEWTON ST JUSTE MANDE BIDEN POU ENQUET SOU BANK DOMINICAIN NAN LANMORT PREZIDAN JOVENEL /Dimitri Herard dio peur pou vi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SEZISEMEN TOTAL DR Claude Joseph DEPLIME VOLE YO JISTIS POU JOJO pep la mane Depa Ariel Henry prese prese jistis pou peyim jistis pou jovenel PKONTELI========================================================================TOUT LES MAB TV PARTAGE VIDEO SA SVP LI IMPORTANT MERCI =============================================================================== 1AVRIL LAPOLIS ARETE YON HOME D'AFFE KI KONN HT ZAM BAY NEG 400MAWOZO/ARNEL BELIZE PA KA JWEEN PASSEPORT DIPLOMATIK ============================================================================= ============================================================================ ==================================== ABONNEZ VOUS A la CHAINE MOUN AFE BON TV Découvrez MOUN AFE BON TV, la dernière-née des chaînes d’info en continu du groupe . Une chaîne qui couvre l’actualité LOCAL et internationale Une chaîne qui pose les questions que personne n’ose poser pour VOUS aller au-delà de la pensée unique. Une chaîne fidèle aux valeurs des Haïtiens VIDEO 4K POLITIQUE, ART, MUSIQUE ... ABONNEZ VOUS DECOUVRIR LA CULTURE PROMOUVOIR DES IMAGES ET VIDEO POSITIVES

Haiti Viral News
12 mois depuis

???? Mega Matin Live 18 Janvier 2024 Sou Radio Mega avec Blaise Peterson. Haiti Viral News is a YouTube Channel that covers everything from Haiti: News, severe weather, Sport, Culture, Politic and more. Anywhere, Any time. We are a the best trusted source for breaking news, analysis, exclusive interviews, headlines and live Streaming in Haiti Haiti Viral News se yon Chanèl ke Ayisyen Kreye pou kenbe ou Enfòme sou sa kàp pase nan Peyi a tankou lòtbò Dlo. Tout sa ki gen Rapò ak Actualités en temps réel et info en direct se nou. Nou Live Chak Jou nan Sousi pou pote Enfòmasyon yo bay ou Lakay ou. Nou genyen Jounalis ki sou teren an k'ap fouye Enfòmasyon toupatou pou Followers nou yo ka konnen sa k'ap pase nan peyi a menm so yo ta ap viv deyò Peyi a. Jounalis nou yo kouvri tout gro evènman tankou: Manifestasyon, Konferans pou La Presse, Kanaval etc.. Sou Channel sa wap Jwenn tout gro Emisyon Haiti yo Live tankou: Jounal Premye Okazyon, Mega Matin, Mega Booster, Matin Debat, Haiti Debat, Jounal 4e, Ti Koze ak TT, Boukante Lapawol ak Panorama. Nou bay tout moun pale san gade sou koule po ou, Rad ou mete ak Sa ou Posede. Nou pa genyen okenn kan nou pap soutni ni pouvwa a ni opozisyon an. Sèl Deviz nou se Enfòmew. Chak Fois ou abòne ak Chanèl sa, Gade Video nou yo pibliye yo e Pataje yo ak Zanmi oubyen Fanmiy se ede ou ede Travay la avanse. Merci deja ou Sipo ou. Join Channel: Store: Visit our Website: Follow us on Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #MegaMatin #Live #RadioMegaHaiti #NewsEndirect #HaitiViralNews #HaitiLiveNews #HaitiViralEnDirect #RadioMegaHaiti #HaitiViralNewsUpdates #TiKozeAkTtEnDirect #haitilivenews #haitiancreator #NouvèlTotal #UnissonsNousLive #Tak509 #MachannZenHaiti #PremyeOkazyon #tripotaylakay

Cubainformación TV
12 mois depuis

#BestOfVocalDeepHouse​ #RelaxingMusic​ #HouseMusic2023 Avicii, Alan Walker, Kygo, Alok & Dua Lipa, The Chainsmokers Style Summer Nostalgia Mix #23 ✔️Siga-nos no spotify: ✔️Siga-nos no spotify: ✔️Enviar música: ✔️Assinante Youtube: ✔️ Deixe um like no vídeo para mostrar seu apoio ─────────── Suporte DJ HAO☼ ────────── ????Filmes de vídeo usados: "???? Video By: Gaëtan Piolot » Youtube: » Instagram: @gaetanpiolot" ????Música de: ???? Follow Out Of Dimension Music ➤ ➤ ➤ ???? Follow Deep Disco Records ➤ Spotify → ➤ Apple Music → ➤ Soundcloud → ➤ Website → ◢Lista de músicas: 00:00:00 | 1. Dj Goja x Veronica Bravo - Skyfall 00:02:26 | 2. AMHouse & Deepest & Taylor Mosley - I Don't Wanna Know 00:05:07 | 3. ReMan & Nito-Onna - Leave The Lights On 00:07:42 | 4. YOUR LOVE RMX 00:10:25 | 5. Feel Your Lovin (Paul Lock Remix) - Costa Mee 00:15:47 | 6. Love Of Yesterday - Paul Lock 00:19:21 | 7. Don't Lie To Me (Original Mix) - Nando Fortunato, Tommy , Pete Bellis 00:24:54 | 8. You Should Know (Costa Mee Remix) - Pete Bellis & Tommy 00:29:08 | 9. Important Story (Costa Mee Remix) - Nando Fortunato 00:34:03 | 10. Remembering Your Touch (Original Mix) - Costa Mee 00:37:49 | 11. I Wanna change (Housenick Remix) - Nando Fortunato 00:43:38 | 12. Say Goodbye - Nando Fortunato 00:47:59 | 13. The Feeling (Paul Lock Remix) - Nando Fortunato 00:53:26 | 14. The Melody (Paul Lock Remix) - Marc Philippe 00:59:09 | 15. Need Your Touch (Original Mix) - Tommy , Costa Mee , Pete Bellis 01:02:43 | 16. Don't Say It's Over (Paul Lock Remix) - Tommy , Costa Mee , Pete Bellis 01:07:08 | 17. I Wish - Pete Bellis & Tommy, Costa Mee ???? Crédito da imagem: / ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Obrigado por assistir!!! ♦ Todos os direitos pertencem aos seus respectivos proprietários. Se algum proprietário de faixa/fundo usado neste mix estiver insatisfeito, por favor, não nos denuncie, reserve um tempo para nos contatar via e-mail Forneceremos os devidos créditos ou removeremos o vídeo se você exigir. ◢Por favor, compartilhe este mix em sites sociais (Facebook, Google +, Twitter etc.) para que mais pessoas possam ouvi-lo!

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

The Firearm Licensing Authority (FLA) has issued a stern advisory, cautioning licensed firearm holders against participating in any gun salutes during this festive season. According to the FLA, such actions are deemed illegal under the recently enacted Firearm (Prohibition, Restriction and Regulation) Act of 2022. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

Jamaicans Advised to Prepare as Meteorological Service Forecasts Persistent Rainfall The Meteorological Service has issued a heightened rainfall alert as we usher in the new year. A weather front impacting parts of the Caribbean is anticipated to linger east of Jamaica until dissipating on Tuesday, January 2. Residents in the northern, central, and eastern parishes are specifically cautioned to brace themselves for cooler temperatures accompanying the increased rainfall. The weather front, expected to stall over the region, brings with it the potential for prolonged precipitation. Jamaicans are urged to stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and well-being during this period. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

The Cornwall College Old Boys' Association, led by Chairman Neville Bell, has been making substantial contributions to education by donating IT equipment to over 30,000 students. This philanthropic effort, initiated in 2021, has recently expanded its reach, benefiting schools across 8 parishes in Jamaica. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

CVM Television
12 mois depuis

In a significant stride towards enhanced commuting in Trelawny, the Falmouth Transport Centre was introduced in late 2023. While Mayor Colleen Gager hails it as a notable achievement, he emphasizes ongoing plans for further enhancements. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged

12 mois depuis

Please we accept any small donations we would be more than grateful: ????PAYPAL DONATIONS - or Cashapp - $jamaicawalkby There’s no feeling quite like the comfort you get from sitting back and unwinding after a long day on your feet. SHOP HERE USE 20% OFF Code: RTN92UR4 Relieve Foot Pain after long time Walking, Running or other outdoor activities. Increases Blood Flow Circulation, Deep Kneading, with Heat Therapy- Deep Tissue, Plantar fasciitis, diabetics, neuropathy, and simply feel good. I reviewed this foot massager for you, so you can make an informed buying decision. What Can You Expect from MOUNTRAX Foot Massager 1. Dedicated Foot Massage 2. Customized to the Max Intensity 3. Soothing Heat for an Added Bonus 4. Shiatsu Deep Kneading Features 5. Easy-to-Use Controls #mountrax #footmassager #mountraxfootmassager #gift #giftguide #footpain #footpainrelieve GET THIS NOW!! TubeBuddy will get you 50 times more views and engagement! Try it now! ????We are very happy for your constructive feedback. Please COMMENT AND LIKE for Jamaica. We hope all of you enjoying our videos! ????Please Subscribe To Our Patreon For Exclusive Contents: Please Shop At Our Amazon Store To Support: ➝ Allow to share/embed my video to any sites with credit link ➝ Don't allow copy/re-upload my videos on (YouTube & Facebook) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Connect with us: + Instagram: + Fabian Instagram: + TikTok: + Facebook: + Twitter: + For business inquiries: + Creatives Featured: Graphics done by: __________________________________________________________________________________ + Location: ????????GOOGLE MAPS: WALKING THROUGH JAMAICA TO SEE THE RAW HAPPENINGS OF WHAT THE TOWNS ARE LIKE FOR A FEW MINUTES WITH MY 4K OSMO HD CAMERA. please enjoy the sounds of natural rainfall and city ambience, Please be warned that the video contains sounds of loud horns, traffic and sirens. Depending who you are you might find relaxing, but I'm aware that some might hate it. Either way, I hope you enjoy! :) Playlists: JAMAICA LIFE DOCUMENTRY - SHOPPING PLACES IN JAMAICA - JAMAICA BEACHES AND RIVERS - JAMAICA TOWNS - REAL TIME DRIVING VIDEOS - POPULAR JAMAICA ATTRACTIONS - JAMAICA HOTELS - JAMAICA WALK BY - My Gear Small camera - Action camera - Larger camera - Edited on - SD Card - Micro SD - Travel backpack - Larger backpack - Everything in the video is filmed and recorded on location. Do not copy, reproduce, or distribute any of the content. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE AND LEAVE A COMMENT. #jamaica #trending #4k #asmr #camping #StJames #walking #walkingtour #walkingvideo #walkingaround #walkingstreet #walkingvlog #portland #outdoorcooking #jamaica #travelwithme #stmarygr #4ktraveltips #travelguide #waterfall #fishing #snapper #asmrsounds #standrews #StCatherine #StMary #StAnn #Manchester #Clarendon #Hanover #Westmoreland #StJames #Trelawny #StElizabeth #relaxingsounds #jamaicawalkingtour #kingston #kingstonjamaica #christiana

12 mois depuis

¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de las últimas noticias a nivel nacional e internacional! Vea de lunes a viernes nuestras dos emisiones de Noticias Telemicro: 1:00PM Primera Emisión con Julieta Arias 10:00PM Emisión Estelar con Elianta Quintero VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Échale un vistazo a nuestras redes sociales: FACEBOOK: → INSTAGRAM: → TWITTER: → No olvides compartir el vídeo con tus amigos y seguirnos en todas nuestras redes sociales. #NTelemicro #Noticias #Telemicro #NoticiasTelemicro

12 mois depuis

¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de las últimas noticias a nivel nacional e internacional! Vea de lunes a viernes nuestras dos emisiones de Noticias Telemicro: 1:00PM Primera Emisión con Julieta Arias 10:00PM Emisión Estelar con Elianta Quintero VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Échale un vistazo a nuestras redes sociales: FACEBOOK: → INSTAGRAM: → TWITTER: → No olvides compartir el vídeo con tus amigos y seguirnos en todas nuestras redes sociales. #NTelemicro #Noticias #Telemicro #NoticiasTelemicro

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