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En el sepelio estuvieron Tito "El Bambino" y Héctor Delgado.
"Corrí la casa gateando", contó una vecina.
#CNC3 #GuardianMediaLimited
Today, our people speak to an open mic.
Under clear blue skies and perfect conditions, the World ARC 2024-25 set sail from the IGY Rodney Bay Marina. 23 yachts bound for Santa Marta, Colombia received a cheerful send off for their round-the-world rally.
A draft Tax Administration and Procedure Bill has raised concerns about increased penalties and powers conferred on the comptroller of the Inland Revenue Department in recovering outstanding taxes to the government. Over the past few weeks, the IRD has been holding consultations with stakeholders on the proposed legislation.
A French Canadian citizen was shot dead while walking along the Bonne Terre road on Tuesday afternoon leaving residents in shock over the disturbing incident.
Innovative Business Solutions or IBS teamed up with Harris Paints recently to create a mural at the Dunnottar School. But more than beautifying the space at the school, this particular mural is a powerful tool that has transformed the educational institution into a more welcoming and engaging, place to be and to learn in.
_____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
As February approaches, Jamaica anticipates a pulsating month of political energy, with the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and the People's National Party (PNP) preparing for a divisive local government showdown, marking their first engagement since 2016. The absence of a political ombudsman adds a layer of concern, given Jamaica's history of electoral violence dating back to the slavery era. Read More: _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
An oil spill on Spur Tree Hill Main Road resulted in a series of vehicle collisions on Monday, prompting partial road closures and causing significant disruptions. Authorities are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of the spill, believed to have originated from a truck, leading to a chain reaction of car accidents and traffic congestion. Read More: _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
As Jamaicans brace for potential polls in the near future, the Representation of the People Act and other factors play a role in determining the election date, ultimately resting in the hands of the governing party. The Local Government Election is expected by February 28, 2024, unless there is an attempt to postpone. Read More: _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
In a recent candidates' presentation ceremony in Westmoreland, Opposition Leader Mark Golding expressed his concerns about the Jamaican government's claimed transparency. Golding took particular issue with the handling of six parliamentarians currently under investigation for potential illegal earnings. _____ We're on the scene, bringing you the latest, keeping you up to date on News, Entertainment, Business & Sports! Constantly working to enhance your viewing experience, telling compelling, diverse and engaging stories. ???? Verified and Delivered, News You Can Depend On. ???? Drama, Music, Lifestyle! Watch It All On E-Live Unplugged
#Abinader #CentralNoticias #71aniversario #71añosdelatelevisióndominicana #abinader #centralnoticias #911#Meteorología #haiti #haitianos #frontera #cierretotaldelafrontera #riomasacre #alvarito #ejercitord #vigia #canalvigia #reformapolicial #Jimaní #mercadofronterizo #farideraful #zonacolonial #alofokeradioshow #ecuador #violência #guayaquilecuador Gracias por visitarnos. ¡Nos vemos! Para más información ingrese aquí: Suscríbete y activa las notificaciones YouTube:→ Facebook: → Twitter: → Instagram: → tiktok: →
Telemicro es el canal más avanzado del Caribe y Centroamérica. Llevamos por años la mejor calidad en imagen, audio y contenido, para el mejor disfrute, entretenimiento, información y diversión para toda la familia. Contamos con los medios de mayor cobertura a nivel nacional en República Dominicana e internacional vía satélite para todo el mundo y con una gran variedad en programas de TV. Conéctate con nosotros: Chequea nuestro FACEBOOK: → Síguenos en INSTAGRAM: → Síguenos en TWITTER: → Entretente con nuestro TIKTOK → VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Para contenido exclusivo descarga nuestra App: Android - IOS- ¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de nuestro contenido! Ve la programación completa: #telemicro #entretenimiento #tendencia #entrevista #noticias #comedia #humor #rd #republicadominicana #telemicro #canal5 #telemicrohd #telemicrointernacional #digital15 #telecentro #canal13 Grupo Telemicro: Somos el grupo de medios más moderno de la República Dominicana, contamos con 5 canales de televisión, Telemicro, Canal 5, Telemicro HD, Telemicro Internacional, Digital 15 y Telecentro, Canal 13.
Telemicro es el canal más avanzado del Caribe y Centroamérica. Llevamos por años la mejor calidad en imagen, audio y contenido, para el mejor disfrute, entretenimiento, información y diversión para toda la familia. Contamos con los medios de mayor cobertura a nivel nacional en República Dominicana e internacional vía satélite para todo el mundo y con una gran variedad en programas de TV. Conéctate con nosotros: Chequea nuestro FACEBOOK: → Síguenos en INSTAGRAM: → Síguenos en TWITTER: → Entretente con nuestro TIKTOK → VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Para contenido exclusivo descarga nuestra App: Android - IOS- ¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de nuestro contenido! Ve la programación completa: #telemicro #entretenimiento #tendencia #entrevista #noticias #comedia #humor #rd #republicadominicana #telemicro #canal5 #telemicrohd #telemicrointernacional #digital15 #telecentro #canal13 Grupo Telemicro: Somos el grupo de medios más moderno de la República Dominicana, contamos con 5 canales de televisión, Telemicro, Canal 5, Telemicro HD, Telemicro Internacional, Digital 15 y Telecentro, Canal 13.
Telemicro es el canal más avanzado del Caribe y Centroamérica. Llevamos por años la mejor calidad en imagen, audio y contenido, para el mejor disfrute, entretenimiento, información y diversión para toda la familia. Contamos con los medios de mayor cobertura a nivel nacional en República Dominicana e internacional vía satélite para todo el mundo y con una gran variedad en programas de TV. Conéctate con nosotros: Chequea nuestro FACEBOOK: → Síguenos en INSTAGRAM: → Síguenos en TWITTER: → Entretente con nuestro TIKTOK → VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Para contenido exclusivo descarga nuestra App: Android - IOS- ¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de nuestro contenido! Ve la programación completa: #telemicro #entretenimiento #tendencia #entrevista #noticias #comedia #humor #rd #republicadominicana #telemicro #canal5 #telemicrohd #telemicrointernacional #digital15 #telecentro #canal13 Grupo Telemicro: Somos el grupo de medios más moderno de la República Dominicana, contamos con 5 canales de televisión, Telemicro, Canal 5, Telemicro HD, Telemicro Internacional, Digital 15 y Telecentro, Canal 13.
Telemicro es el canal más avanzado del Caribe y Centroamérica. Llevamos por años la mejor calidad en imagen, audio y contenido, para el mejor disfrute, entretenimiento, información y diversión para toda la familia. Contamos con los medios de mayor cobertura a nivel nacional en República Dominicana e internacional vía satélite para todo el mundo y con una gran variedad en programas de TV. Conéctate con nosotros: Chequea nuestro FACEBOOK: → Síguenos en INSTAGRAM: → Síguenos en TWITTER: → Entretente con nuestro TIKTOK → VISITA NUESTRA PAGINA WEB → Para contenido exclusivo descarga nuestra App: Android - IOS- ¡No olvides suscribirte y activar la campanita para que no te pierdas de nuestro contenido! Ve la programación completa: #telemicro #entretenimiento #tendencia #entrevista #noticias #comedia #humor #rd #republicadominicana #telemicro #canal5 #telemicrohd #telemicrointernacional #digital15 #telecentro #canal13 Grupo Telemicro: Somos el grupo de medios más moderno de la República Dominicana, contamos con 5 canales de televisión, Telemicro, Canal 5, Telemicro HD, Telemicro Internacional, Digital 15 y Telecentro, Canal 13.
154th Session of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization Statement on Taiwan’s Participation in the World Health Organization (WHO) In November 2023, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that threats to health are increasing. No country or institution can address the challenges alone. We need collective and coordinated action. The director-general’s statement underscores the importance of public health stakeholders worldwide, including Taiwan, working together to counter the next health emergency. Taiwan has proven itself to be a valuable partner. It has supported WHO’s Triple Billion targets and health-related SDGs and contributed to the global fight against communicable and non- communicable diseases (NCDs). Therefore, Saint Lucia calls on the World Health Organization to include Taiwan in all technical meetings, activities, and mechanisms and invite Taiwan to participate in the World Health Assembly as an observer. Taiwan has always been vigilant in its approach toward NCD prevention and management. It has successfully implemented a range of associated programs, including initiatives focusing on cancer prevention and screening, education and action on tobacco use, and metabolic syndrome diagnosis. For many years, Taiwan has also collaborated with its diplomatic allies and partners around the world to improve the capacity of local primary healthcare and medical services. Among other things, this has involved training physicians and medical workers, establishing and updating medical information systems, creating emergency response systems, and implementing projects that focus on NCD prevention. Taiwan has amply demonstrated that it is ready, willing, and able to work with WHO in strengthening the global network to combat NCDs. Taiwan is fully committed to realizing UN Sustainable Development Goal 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for people of all ages. For many years, Taiwan has collaborated with its diplomatic allies and partners around the world to improve the health of women, pregnant women, and newborns. Its long-term projects have strengthened medical information and care functions at medical institutions and facilitated the training of physicians and medical professionals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan’s advanced public health system, well-trained epidemic prevention personnel, and comprehensive, cutting-edge disease surveillance, investigation, and analysis system helped contain and slow the spread of the virus. The comprehensive response model established by Taiwan facilitates advance deployment and early response in the event of an epidemic. Based on the lessons learned from combating COVID-19 and other communicable diseases, Taiwan recognizes the vital role of sharing genetic sequencing information. In order to implement effective pandemic preparedness and response measures, all stakeholders, including Taiwan, must participate in the global information-sharing network. With its advanced technology and healthcare expertise, Taiwan is eager and able to make a global contribution. We urge World Health Organization (WHO) to include Taiwan in all health emergency-related meetings and mechanisms. Over seventy (76) years, WHO has worked with the global community to address public health emergencies. However, in today’s ever-evolving landscape, we find ourselves confronting an increasing number of health threats. To effectively tackle these challenges, it is critically important that we foster inclusiveness and promote global cooperation. We urge World Health Assembly (WHA) to include Taiwan in all technical meetings, activities, and mechanisms, as well as invite Taiwan to participate in the WHA as an observer.