Sous catégorie
Mr. Trevor Louise speaks on behalf of the youth of Seychelles and expresses their frustration, suffering and belief of fake promises based on the actions of LDS over the past 4 years. Mr. Louise reminds the youth to reflect on what they really want to see happen in Seychelles and if at this moment in time, they see themselves living in any implementations/policies the government had originally promised.
Mr. Jacques Matombée reflects on his life over the past 43 years and goes on to explain how your life and your decisions are in your hands. Mr. Matombée conveys his grace to the government who through them, helped him get to where he is today.
Mrs. Pamela Charelette talks about how not only through US’s manifesto was the party able to put Seychellois’ best interest at heart concerning development, but how the different infrastructures set in place all over Mahe, Praslin and La Digue will help our country develop economically and socially.