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New Zim TV
2 mois depuis

Tavakutya zvigure zvakachera gomba mumba masisi vedu vakashaya

2 mois depuis

SUBSCRIBE to BUSTOP TV official YouTube channel: #BUSTOPTV #BUSTOP Bustop Tv is a youth-run Zimbabwean media house that was established in 2014. We are widely known for our satirical skits that go viral as they comment on economy, political and social issues that affect society. BustopTv has the most creative, talented and experienced personnel in comedy, journalism, film and video production as well as script writing. BustopTv has a massive online audience. Bustop Tv Mission Statement Create awareness that enables people to make informed decisions daily.

2 mois depuis

Health Proffession Authority says full body scans done on the street are illegal

2 mois depuis

SUBSCRIBE to BUSTOP TV official YouTube channel: #BUSTOPTV #BUSTOP Bustop Tv is a youth-run Zimbabwean media house that was established in 2014. We are widely known for our satirical skits that go viral as they comment on economy, political and social issues that affect society. BustopTv has the most creative, talented and experienced personnel in comedy, journalism, film and video production as well as script writing. BustopTv has a massive online audience. Bustop Tv Mission Statement Create awareness that enables people to make informed decisions daily.

New Zim TV
2 mois depuis

Destiny Blitz: Vana Mbuya vaviri vopondwa vaenda kuhuni | Mainini pabarika vochemera bota | Plus More.... Chegutu: Ana Mbuya vaviri vakaenda kuhuni, vakazowanikwa vakapondwa vakabviswa mabhurugwa Maiguru vakanorara kumurume riri duty rangu. Murume wacho musi weduty rangu akundishotesa : Hapana anoshingirira gomba risina mari" Mambo voudza mukomana aka mitisazve musikana akatembaJadel

New Zim TV
2 mois depuis

"Vakadzi musapakure sadza mundiro dzakawanda makutinetsesa" baba vemuroora ndevapi

2 mois depuis

In this episode of Keeping Up with ED, we dive into President Mnangagwa’s recent visit to China, where he participated in the Africa-China Summit (FOCAC), discussing key partnerships and opportunities for Zimbabwe. We also explore local food security efforts with a visit to Champion Foods, one of Zimbabwe’s leading grain millers, and have an insightful conversation with the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries, and Rural Development. Don’t miss this comprehensive look at Zimbabwe’s strides in international relations and food sustainability.

New Zim TV
2 mois depuis

Madzimai eku ZPCS Vogadzira zvinonwisa mvura

2 mois depuis

SUBSCRIBE to BUSTOP TV official YouTube channel: #BUSTOPTV #BUSTOP Bustop Tv is a youth-run Zimbabwean media house that was established in 2014. We are widely known for our satirical skits that go viral as they comment on economy, political and social issues that affect society. BustopTv has the most creative, talented and experienced personnel in comedy, journalism, film and video production as well as script writing. BustopTv has a massive online audience. Bustop Tv Mission Statement Create awareness that enables people to make informed decisions daily.

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