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"Munin'ina anowana pfuma yakawanda kudarika ini mukuru sei?" Vana vanyamunhu vorwira pfuma yababa pamberi peDare raChief Seke
Coverage of all the stories making the headlines in Zimbabwe and abroaf
International Africa Day celebrated in Moscow
SUBSCRIBE to BUSTOP TV official YouTube channel: #BUSTOPTV #BUSTOP Bustop Tv is a youth-run Zimbabwean media house that was established in 2014. We are widely known for our satirical skits that go viral as they comment on economy, political and social issues that affect society. BustopTv has the most creative, talented and experienced personnel in comedy, journalism, film and video production as well as script writing. BustopTv has a massive online audience. Bustop Tv Mission Statement Create awareness that enables people to make informed decisions daily.
South Africa elections......... Who will win?
Norton Tragedy : Mwana akatsikwa nemota yechingwa achibva afira ipapo
"Murume wangu akandisiya nekuda kwehurema hwemwana" Twice A Mother Ep 2
Twice A Mother "Amai vakaenda nemwana wavo arwara ku S.A vakasviko wana murume ava neumwe mukadzi"
Akabaya mukadzi wake nebanga amuwana achidyiwa bota nechikomba.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa says Africa should harness innovation and technology to achieve inclusive development in line with Agenda 2063. He was addressing the nation as the continent commemorates Africa Day this Saturday.
SUBSCRIBE to BUSTOP TV official YouTube channel: #BUSTOPTV #BUSTOP Bustop Tv is a youth-run Zimbabwean media house that was established in 2014. We are widely known for our satirical skits that go viral as they comment on economy, political and social issues that affect society. BustopTv has the most creative, talented and experienced personnel in comedy, journalism, film and video production as well as script writing. BustopTv has a massive online audience. Bustop Tv Mission Statement Create awareness that enables people to make informed decisions daily.