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Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

PR Counsel Managing Director Kristy McSweeney says Democrat strategists in the United States are “holding their breath”. Ms McSweeney told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio that there are Democrats telling journalists that Joe Biden “should resign”. “They’re waiting for the polling to come back from those crucial Midwest states.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio says US President Joe Biden “mistook” July 4 for Christmas. Joe Biden addressed an audience of people on July 4 by saying ‘Ho, Ho, Ho’. Ms De Giorgio said the US president has “really lost it”.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News Contributor Emily Carver says she expects UK Labour to be a “socialist government”. Ms Carver told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio that it would give the conservative party time to “sort themselves out”. “There’s so much infighting, there’s so much disagreement.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News Contributor Emily Carver says Nigel Farage wants to be “the next leader” of the United Kingdom. Ms Carver told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio that the political system in the UK makes it “very difficult” for smaller parties to break through. “But stranger things have happened here in Britain.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Child and Adolescent Psychologist Clare Rowe says the Democrats have “protected” Joe Biden for years now. Ms Rowe told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio that the curtain has been “lifted” for everyone to see the downfall of US President Joe Biden. “He’s clearly got a diagnosis I think of some kind, of dementia and so forth.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

The Australian’s Darren Davidson has accused some media outlets in the United States of turning a “blind eye” to Joe Biden’s declining health in fear of Donald Trump winning the election.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton has hit out at the Huffington Post after advocating for the AI augmentations and video renderings to “smooth out” Joe Biden’s blunders.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton hits out at “dishonest” media outlets for only turning on President Joe Biden after realising he would lose to Donald Trump.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

National Farmers’ Federation Deputy CEO Charlie Thomas says the 2028 live sheep export ban is an “absolute disaster”. Mr Thomas told Sky News host Steve Price that producers in WA “don’t have enough time” to transition the genetics of their flock. “None of that work will be done by the time 2028 rolls around.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News host Erin Molan has warned “weakness” in Australia’s rhetoric against Hamas will harm the country and urged people to condemn the terrorist organisation. “The Australia I know and love is better than this and those who share our values, ie Israel, deserve better than this,” she said. “Our children and our allies deserve better than this and all those in the Middle East deserve a negotiated, lawful peace which will only come when we defeat evil, when we are all collectively better than this.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

A new video has surfaced of US Congressman Wesley Hunt being interviewed and asked about working with former US president Donald Trump. “When we were negotiating with the Taliban – president Trump wanted to get out of Afghanistan but he wanted a conditions-based withdrawal … It’s president Trump and Mike Pompeo, and they are talking to Taliban leadership in the room, and they had one translator in the room,” he said. “President Trump looked at the Taliban leader and said this – ‘I want to leave Afghanistan, but it’s going to be a conditions-based withdrawal’ … he said ‘if you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you’ … reached in his pocket, pulled out a satellite photo of the leader of the Taliban’s home, and handed it to him, got up and walked out the room. “Do you know for 18 months not a single American was killed in Afghanistan.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News Australia host James Morrow says the Biden administration should get US Vice President Kamala Harris “out of the way” with a gig on MasterChef after she was filmed giving instructions on how to cook a turkey. “Possible next president Kamala Harris, you know, with the yellow school buses and the Venn diagrams – but did you know she’s also actually something of a cook?” he said.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

REA Group Economist Anne Flaherty says people are “pretty confident” in the current property market conditions. Ms Flaherty told Sky News Australia people are “more likely to sell via auction” when they are more comfortable in the market. “Sometimes when the market’s not doing as well, we tend to see people less likely to select auctions as a way of selling their home.” In partnership with REA.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Lawyer Robert Barnes says there is a “substantial chance” the judge of Donald Trump’s hush money case will be dismissed following the SCOTUS ruling. “It’s what he should do constitutionally,” he told Sky News Australia host James Morrow. “The big question is whether this judge actually cares about the constitution.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Outgoing UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak addresses his electorate as he retains his seat for Richmond and Northallerton but loses the election. “The Labour Party has won the general election, and I have called Sir Keir Starmer to congratulate him on his victory,” Mr Sunak said. “Today, power will change hands in a peaceful and orderly manner with goodwill on all sides.” “To the many good, hardworking Conservative candidates that lost tonight despite their tireless efforts, their local records of delivery and their dedication to their communities, I am sorry.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Mayhem and unrest has taken place across France after the results of the first round of voting in the French Election. As France heads back to the polls in the coming days, shops are being boarded up and parts of the population are concerned at what chaos could ensue. Following the first round of voting, rioters took to the streets after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party secured a large victory. "These are the same people who raged against Donald Trump and his supporters when they stormed the Capitol, quite rightly. And yet they see nothing wrong now," The Spectator author Gavin Mortimer told Sky News Digital Originals. "This is the immorality of a section of the left who are so virtuous, they feel that they can do what they want if a vote doesn't go their way."

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Sky News host James Morrow says the United States finds itself in a leadership crisis which is “unprecedented”. US President Joe Biden struggled with a shaky performance during the first presidential debate with his Republican rival Donald Trump. “Allow me to offer one gentle point of criticism to the founding fathers: y'all didn't make it easy to suddenly change the president if the chief executive turns out to be dribbling into his corn flakes,” Mr Morrow said. “That's why we have seen all the breathless speculation about the Democrats making a move to swap Joe out if, of course, he consents to leave.”

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Reform UK candidate Anthony Goodwin says the Reform Party exists because of the Conservatives' “mistakes”. The Conservative Party is set to record their lowest seat tally in the party's history. “The Conservatives have done everything they possibly can to destroy themselves,” Mr Goodwin said.

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

US President Joe Biden has claimed to be “the first black woman" to serve "with a black president” during a concerning radio interview which critics contend could be the final nail in the coffin of his 2024 campaign. The president's latest flub adds to growing concerns about the extent of his cognitive decline. The comment came days after Biden’s poor debate performance against Donald Trump. Speaking on Philadelphia's WURD on Thursday, local time, Biden appeared to confuse himself with Vice President Kamala Harris. The 81-year-old said he was "proud to be the ... the first vice president, first black woman", adding to the confusion. The oldest serving US president also referred to himself as the “first president that got elected statewide in the state of Delaware, when I was a kid".

Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Liberal Senator and former diplomat Dave Sharma discusses how Brexit has affected the UK elections. According to Exit Polls, it was a thumping win for the labour leader, who picked up 410 seats – a majority of 170 seats. The Conservative Party is set to record their lowest seat tally in the party's history. "I don't think the Brexit project has worked out well for Britain either in its conception or execution, and that was obviously a conservative project," Mr Sharma told Sky News Australia. "There has, of course, been a rotating door of a conservative leader since that time as well, a lot of bickering and infighting, which I think voters have rejected."

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