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Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland says the Albanese government is “determined” to make the internet and social media safer. During the federal budget, the government announced $6 million for a trial of age verification technology for internet use. “We know that this is part of the embedded life of these young people now,” Ms Rowland said. “The consensus is, it does have positives, it does have negatives; the key issue here for government is to ensure that we strike that right balance, that its evidence-based and that’s its effective.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland says the government is “up against” giant multinational companies in their ability to regulate the internet and social media. During the federal budget, the government announced $6 million for a trial of age verification technology for internet use. “They have deep pockets, they are highly litigious but that is no reason why they should not be subject to Australian law,” Ms Rowland said. “We should seek to enforce Australian law.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says News Corp newspapers have launched a campaign for social media use to be banned for under 16s. Mr Clennell’s comments come as the government announced during their federal budget $6 million for a trial of age verification technology for internet use. “The government is also flagging legislation to crack down on scams run through social media sites,” Mr Clennell said.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has found himself in a “pickle” following the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. An ICC prosecutor recommended to the Hague-based court that an arrest warrant be issued for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes, as well as warrants for Hamas leaders who ordered the October 7 attacks. “Netanyahu is soon to visit the US and address Congress. And Australia is a signatory to this International Criminal Court while Israel and the US are not after John Howard signed the country up in 2002,” Mr Clennell said. “Anthony Albanese believes the controversy over his reaction to this story is a storm in a teacup as this is a prosecutor's recommendation and there has not even been an arrest warrant issued.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Australia has finalised a historic climate and security treaty with the small Pacific island of Tuvalu. The island is at risk of becoming uninhabitable within the next century. New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters recently visited the country to strengthen relationships and provide funding. Foreign Minister Penny Wong also travelled to the country to finalise the climate and security treaty, The deal includes a provision of emergency support when major disasters hit the country.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Paul Murray Live Our Town is heading to Parkes for a special one-hour program broadcast on Sky News Australia. In partnership with Harvey Norman.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The elections in India have entered its sixth phase as voters head to polls despite extreme heat conditions. New Delhi along with several other constituencies across India are casting their ballots under sweltering conditions. This is the penultimate phase of the vote.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Translink public transport services in Queensland will be slashed to 50 cents from August 5 no matter how far people travel. The cost-of-living measure aims to ease gridlock on roads and increase the number of people using public transport. The six-month measure is expected to cost the state budget $150 million but is projected to save commuters thousands.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

United States President Joe Biden has emphasised his country’s critical role in supporting its allies including Israel, Ukraine, and the Indo-Pacific. Mr Biden was speaking at the commencement for the US Military Academy in New York, where he highlighted his government’s efforts to support active and retired military personnel. He also underlined the country’s role in bringing aid to Gaza and training troops in Ukraine.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Mount Warning in the northern region of New South Wales has been deemed a men-only site by Wollumbin Consultive Group as they continue to push for the once-popular tourist attraction to remain closed to the public. Made up of several Aboriginal groups, the Wollumbin Consultive Group serves as a guide to the management of the landmark region and has succeeded in keeping the track closed to public access since the COVID-19 lockdowns. A NSW National Parks and Wildlife spokesperson acknowledged an ongoing discussion between relevant stakeholders of Mount Wollumbin/Warning. A petition to reopen the track has gained over 10,000 signatures which subsequently brought the issue to the NSW Upper House Parliament.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Former Socceroo Craig Foster speaks on both he and co-chair Nova Peris resigning from the Australian Republican Movement due to differences coming from the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Mr Foster claimed the disagreement between him and Ms Peris had put the ARM “forward” as it had “demonstrated to Australia that we can disagree respectfully and have difficult conversations in the public domain”. “That is what Republicanism is about.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Joe Hildebrand has attributed Labor’s recent sensitive media performances to “being bruised” in the fallout of the Voice to Parliament referendum. “It was appallingly run and I say that as a yes supporter,” Mr Hildebrand told Sky News host Steve Price. “I was just dismayed watching it all unravel in real time.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Anthony Albanese’s policies since becoming Prime Minister have been “destructive for small businesses” with the ripple effect being “devastating to communities and families,” Amanda Rose, Small Business Women Australia Founder explains. “From that aspect, I’d say he is a very poor leader,” Ms Rose told Sky News host Steve Price. “He has gone back on his word and when it comes to leadership we want someone with good quality character.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Cartoonist Mark Knight explains his sketch which shows Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s delivery attempt of a nuclear power station to Victoria, the “nation’s capital of protests”. “As soon as poor old Peter said he was going to deliver nuclear power to Victoria, Jacinta was in the middle of the road laying there,” Mr Knight told Sky News host Steve Price. “So, none shall pass over my dead body. “That cartoon sort of drew itself.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

A Victorian conservation charity is calling for knitters to help craft thousands of tiny jumpers for the world's largest little penguin colony on Phillip Island. The sweaters play an important role in protecting the species from any potential oil spill. Money is also being raised from selling soft toy penguins adorned with sweaters and then being used for the vital research and rehabilitation directed towards their continued safety.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The largest collection of vapes since crackdowns began has been seized in just one single week. Up to 400,000 vapes have been stopped entering Australia out of three sea cargo consignments from Asia. The Australian Border Force found the illegal products worth an estimated $12.4 million

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

RMIT’s Dr Rajeev Roychand explains the world’s first coffee concrete footpath has been laid in Australia marking a significant milestone in the quest for sustainable construction practices. “We started this research about two years ago because we are focusing on the large amount of organic waste that ends up in landfills, which is about 6.78 million tons per year and is responsible for about three per cent of Australian greenhouse gas emissions,” Dr Roychand told Sky News Australia. “This discussion started with a cup of coffee, and there where we decided why not start with coffee itself.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

NZ ACT Party Leader David Seymour has knocked back criticism from the Māori Party after they took issue with a new bill they claim will be “exterminating any ounce of culture, identity and any sense of their Māori selves”. “Just because they are called the Māori Party, they don’t speak for Māori,” Mr Seymour told Sky News NZ Correspondent Jack Nyhof. “In fact, according to the polls, they speak for perhaps one in six Māori who actually voted for them. “The vast majority of New Zealanders, including the vast majority of Māori, want nothing to do with what I describe as race-fanaticism.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Over 6 million Australians volunteer each year for the emergency services, as lifeguards, firefighters, and more. Volunteers sandbag ahead of floods, clean up after major storms and repair damage in the wake of bushfires. This National Volunteer Week, the New South Wales SES is recognising those who step up to help in times of crisis.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

La Trobe University’s Dr Emma Grant explains that avian flu cannot be contracted through eating properly cooked chicken and eggs after two Victorian chicken farms were exposed. “It is indeed very safe,” Dr Grant told Sky News Australia. “There is no evidence at all that avian influenza can be contracted through eating properly cooked chicken meat or eggs.”

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