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Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

La Trobe University’s Dr Emma Grant discusses the likelihood of contracting bird flu after two Victorian chicken farms were exposed. “Thankfully, animal-to-human transmission is actually quite rare,” Dr Grant told Sky News Australia. “The viruses that circulate in the avian space actually find it really hard to bind to human cells. “We’re finding that only in specific circumstances, such as individuals being in close proximity to infected animals for prolonged periods of time, do we see these animal-to-human transmission occurring.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Radio host Dave Hughes discusses Victoria’s sobering up centres in which only 417 people have used the service in the past five months. “I know back when I was drinking I would have said no,” Mr Hughes told Sky News host Erin Molan. “I imagine people are just saying no because when you are really, really drunk, as I used to get, you are really, really confused and so when someone comes up to you and says come with me, your first idea is to say no because you probably think they are taking you to a shallow grave somewhere.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Former Australian British Chamber of Commerce CEO David McCredie says Scotland is a “real heartland” of Labour victories in the past. “It’s important, I think, for Labour to really figure out how to regain that conversation with the Scottish public if they’re going to win significant seats in Scotland and win a big majority that they’re hoping for,” he told Sky News Australia. This comes as UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been in Ireland on the campaign trail while his opponent, Sir Keir Starmer, has made his way to Scotland.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes has been spectacularly dumped at today’s Liberal preselection.  Senator Hughes has been relegated to an unwinnable spot on the Liberals’ NSW Senate ticket for the next federal election.  Senator Hughes previously occupied top spot on the Liberal ticket when she was elected in 2019.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Radio host Dave Hughes discusses a Sydney man who passed away this month and became the first person in the Southern Hemisphere to be cryogenically frozen in the hopes that technology will become advanced enough to revive him. “I don’t think it’s worth it, I really don’t,” Mr Hughes told Sky News host Erin Molan. “I wouldn’t trust my own family to keep the power on either, to be honest. “I think this guy is kidding himself.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The Queensland government has come under fire after raking in an extra $3.5 billion in stamp duty over the last three years. As home ownership becomes increasingly out of reach for many, buyers are spending close to a decade paying off hundreds of thousands in government taxes. The tax burden has reignited calls for the Miles government to review stamp duty amid the state’s housing crisis.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sydney train drivers will again be allowed to wear shorts at work. Shorts were banned in 2013 by then transport minister Gladys Berejiklian as part of an overhaul of staff uniforms. Workers have complained the uniform is not appropriate for rail staff. The Fair Work Commission delivered the ruling this week, saying rail staff will still be required to wear long trousers when there is an unacceptable safety risk.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Four people have been killed and 16 others injured in a building collapse on the Spanish island of Majorca. Police have confirmed the victims include two German tourists, a Spanish waitress and a Senegalese man. The Medusa Beach Club beachside restaurant collapsed on Thursday in one of the busiest areas on the popular holiday island. Investigations will now focus on whether the building complied with safety regulations.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been campaigning in Ireland ahead of July’s snap election. The 44-year-old is on a whirlwind tour of the British Isles, where he made a pit stop in Belfast’s Titanic Quarter.  Sir Keir Starmer launched his campaign in Glasgow. He believes winning votes in Scotland could secure him the keys to 10 Downing Street but also position himself as a prime minister for the whole of the UK.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Hundreds of people are feared dead in Papua New Guinea after a massive landslide struck six villages. The disaster began on Friday morning in the country’s Enga province. Emergency and rescue services say it could take days to reach the site, which is 600 kilometres northwest of the capital Port Moresby. Residents and survivors have begun clearing rocks and soil searching for survivors. The Red Cross believes the number of dead and wounded could be as high as 500.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

China's has deployed dozens of war planes and ships off the coast of Taiwan as part of a mock missile strike. Beijing says the two-day tests are a punishment – following this week's inauguration of the territory's new president. Taiwan’s new President Lai Ching-te was inaugurated on Monday.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sydney has sparkled on the first night of the annual Vivid festival. Organisers are expecting more than 3 million people to enjoy the light installations and musical performances around the Harbour City. The festival – centred on the theme of humanity – will light up the skyline until June 15.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has reached out to struggling families, calling for social cohesion in Labor heartland at a major address in Western Sydney. Mr Albanese tapped into his roots, reaching out to voters feeling the cost-of-living pinch. Community groups within Western Sydney are demanding a greater show of support for the Palestinian cause.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Security Expert Lincoln Parker says “there is an axis now” after UK Secretary of State Grant Shapps revealed China was “collaborating on combat equipment” with Russia. “You have got China, Iran, North Korea and Russia all working together,” Mr Parker told Sky News host Erin Molan. Mr Parker joined Sky News host Erin Molan to discuss the continuous rise of international tensions.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

China is currently “not happy with lots of things” regarding Taiwan, says Security Expert Lincoln Parker. “Chin are encircling – they are doing these actions of encircling the island of Taiwan,” Mr Parker told Sky News host Erin Molan. “They have got jet fighters; they are really bullying them.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host Erin Molan has delivered an emotional tribute to Madeline Suy after the young girl passed away following a lengthy battle with a brain tumour. Ms Molan described nine-year-old ‘Maddy’ as “the most beautiful young soul I have ever met”. “To have know her was such a blessing.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Centre for Independent Studies’ Warren Mundine has ridiculed the Allan government’s efforts to put forward an Indigenous Treaty shortly after the failed Voice to Parliament referendum. “No one in this country voted has for it,” Mr Mundine told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio. “60 per cent of Australians said no to the whole package of the Uluru Statement. “I don’t know why they keep pushing these agendas, wasting money.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The chants and flags seen at pro-Palestine university protests “do not represent our Australian values” as they are a “precursor to actual violence” against Jews, explains Centre for Youth Policy Director Freya Leach. “When you are chanting ‘from the river to the sea’, when you are chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ on campuses, what comes after that?” she asked Sky News host Danica De Giorgio. Ms Leach urged politicians and university staff to “take these threats seriously”. “When they are calling for violence against Jews, let’s not just write them off as crazy student protesters because it is scary and it is the precursor to actual violence,” she said. “These encampments, these do not represent our Australian values.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host Erin Molan has called out “self-proclaimed Australian feminist” Clementine Ford for being on the wrong side of history by not voicing condemnation for the sexual crimes of Hamas on October 7 and beyond. “The current dossier of evidence that Hamas not only killed women and children, but they inflicted significant sexual violence and no doubt still are,” Ms Molan said. “Yet still, it isn’t enough for some -self-proclaimed Australian feminist Clementine Ford- I did a search of her social media this afternoon, of course expecting a moving tribute to these women or at the very least an acknowledgement of their existence. Absolutely nothing. “You are not on the right side of history like you think you are – those with hate in their hearts never are.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Small Business Women Australia Founder Amanda Rose has questioned if radio hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson are “genuinely that detached from morality” after Jackie ‘O’ reacted to virtual reality pornography live on air. “It was a very deliberate decision on their behalf to do this,” she told Sky News host Steve Price. “Are they genuinely that detached from morality that they think doing something like this is okay?" Ms Rose lamented the lack of responsibility displayed as the show is known to “influence so many youth”. “We are trying to protect people from this type of activity,” Ms Rose said. “This was actually crossing a line and how many times does someone need to cross the line before that line then becomes normal and then we have another line and, before you know it, morality has disappeared from society.”

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