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Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson calls for Australia to “stop” foreign investment altogether. This comes amid Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s budget reply detailing a two-year ban on foreign buyers. “Stopping foreign investment – that has been a staunch policy of mine for so long,” Ms Hanson told Sky News Australia. “Peter Dutton wants to put a two-year ban on it. I’m saying let’s just stop it.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson says the Coalition’s budget reply regarding migration was important so that all Australians “have a roof over their head”. This comes amid Opposition leader Peter Dutton’s budget reply in which he announced he wants to cut down Migration by 25 per cent, put a two-year ban on foreign buyers and limiting international students. “We’ve had a million people come into this country under the Labor party,” Ms Hanson told Sky News Australia. “We see the problems that we have – congestion on roads, there’s 650,000 houses that we need now at the moment. Ms Hanson said Peter Dutton’s “basically net-zero immigration” policy should be employed until all Australian’s “have a roof over their head”.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

AACo Chief Executive David Harris discussed the relaunch of its 1824 Wagyu Brand which is a beef product for the “everyday eater”. AACo is Australia’s oldest ASX-listed company and has celebrated their 200th year of operation by launching their 1824 brand. “A wonderful wagyu product, but more for the everyday eater and more casual dining, slightly lower price point,” Mr Harris told Sky News Business Editor Ed Boyd. “It's for us to continue to opportunistically use every part of the animals that we process and put through our supply chain. “Really excited to launch 1824 on our 200th Birthday.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

AACo Chief Executive David Harris has discussed where the best markets for Australian beef are around the world. Mr Harris told Sky News Business Editor Ed Boyd that the best markets for Australian beef “changes by the day”. “That’s one of the things we talk about in our strategies,” Mr Harris said. “Being able to go different parts of the world at different times of the year. Mr Harris said “the foundational markets” for AACo were “North America and South Korea.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Labor MP Andrew Charlton says the people who don’t like nuclear energy are in Peter Dutton’s party room “holding him back” on his nuclear policy. Peter Dutton said during his budget reply that young people support the introduction of nuclear energy as well as the majority of the world’s developed countries. “If people are so supportive of nuclear energy, why didn’t he have the guts to outline that policy in detail in his budget reply?” Mr Charlton said. “He said he was going to do it; we were all sitting there waiting with bated breath and he had no information on costs and no information on locations.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Labor MP Andrew Charlton says Opposition leader Peter Dutton had his “big chance” with his budget reply but did not announce “a single new dollar” for housing supply. Mr Charlton says house prices have increased by 12 per cent in his electorate of Parramatta over the last 12 months. “That’s why the government has announced $32 billion in new housing initiatives since we came to government,” Mr Charlton said. “Compare that with the Opposition leader, who had his big chance in his budget reply, and he did not announce a single new dollar for housing supply. “That’s a pretty extraordinary position for the Liberal Party to take at a time when everybody says that the problem is housing supply.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Labor MP Andrew Charlton says the Opposition’s signature super for housing policy will “hurt the people it is aimed to help”. Before the 2022 election, the Coalition proposed allowing first home buyers to use up to $50,000 of their super for a deposit on a property. “This is one of those policies which looks good on the surface but when you think about it for just a minute, you realise this is terrible policy,” Mr Charlton said. “This is not a panacea for first home buyers, this is a nightmare for first home buyers.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed Victoria’s “idiot state government” for banning gas connections in new homes. “That ban came into place this year, meaning any new residential buildings that include all subdivisions and public and social housing, will be exclusively connected to electricity to supposedly save us from catastrophic climate change,” she said. “Our bills are also said to skyrocket further.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Labor MP Andrew Charlton says immigration needs to be managed “very carefully” to make sure important Australian industries aren’t being damaged. Mr Charlton concedes that many Australians think immigration levels are “too high”. “That’s why the government has put in place a plan to halve migration levels by next year from last year,” Mr Charlton said. “As we manage migration levels appropriately, we have to make sure that we do it carefully so we don’t destroy great Australian industries that bring a lot to this country.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Wrong Speak Publishing founder Adam B. Coleman says Joe Biden is "losing the black vote” due to mostly economic reasons. This comes as Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to two presidential debates which will be held on June 27 and September 10. “We have less buying power and whoever is in power, we are going to blame,” Mr Coleman said. “Joe Biden is in power; he is held responsible for our economic distress.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host James Morrow reacts to footage of millennials on a hunger strike over the war in Gaza. In the video, the individuals can be heard saying they have suffered weight loss as a result of their efforts. “These are people whose normal diet is sort of bug beans and stuff from the rabbit food aisle of the PetSmart,” Mr Morrow said. “It is perfectly exemplar of the whole sort of performative nature of this thing, ‘we’re going to do something really tough until actually, it gets tough, no, no, no, then we’re not going to do that’.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Former British commander Richard Kemp says the Israeli Defence Force is fighting “extremely effectively” in Gaza. Mr Kemp’s comments come as Israel ramps up operations in northern Gaza and the eastern outskirts of Rafah. “I’m optimistic and confident about Israel’s success in Gaza once it really embarks on the full campaign on in rafah,” Mr Kemp said. The former British commander sat down with Sky News host Rowan Dean, Rita Panahi and James Morrow to discuss the war in Gaza.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

WA Labor Senator Fatima Payman has been condemned by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Senate after she accused Israel of genocide. “This incident took the risk of further inciting intentions in the Australian community on the issue,” Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell said. “But the Senator is not facing disciplinary action with the PM’s view being she’s a vulnerable young senator and has been subject to a lot of pressure to come forward with the views she did.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton confirmed in his budget reply speech that he intends to cut immigration and do more for first-home buyers if elected. “Sky News revealed last Thursday that the Opposition wants to cut net overseas migration from 260,000 in 24/25, which the government is projecting, to 160,000,” Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell said. “That’s on top of what Peter Dutton announced in his budget reply speech of a cut to permanent migration from the government’s project 185,000 to 140,000.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Local officials in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv say at least four people have been killed in a Russian airstrike. 31 others were injured in the attack as Russian forces pushed forward. Ukraine is belatedly hardening its defences, but the last few days show they’ve already been badly breached, says Sky News UK Security and Defence Editor Deborah Haynes.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The Biden campaign is rejecting further debates put forward by former US president Donald Trump’s team. Mr Trump has posted on his Truth Social account claiming he is willing to participate in four presidential debates against US President Joe Biden. The Biden campaign has released a statement indicating it will stick to the current agreement of two debates. Recent polling suggests both candidates are neck and neck.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Brisbane is alive with activity as an epic weekend of major events attracts more than 200,000 visitors to the city. The NRL’s sold-out Magic Round is the headline event for the major city's weekend of attractions. Magic Round has attracted more than 75,000 visitors and is expected to inject at least $40 million into the local economy.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

British TV presenter Anne Robinson has confirmed she is in a relationship with Queen Camilla's ex-husband Andrew Parker-Bowles. The former host of UK game show 'The Weakest Link' confirmed her relationship in the June issue of 'Saga' magazine saying: "Yes. mind your own business." In the interview, Ms Robinson spoke about returning to the dating pool in her 70's after being single for more than a decade.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sony and Apollo have signed non-disclosure agreements which will allow them to examine Paramount's financial records. According to a New York Times report, both companies are preparing for a potential bid on the movie studio's assets. It could have implications for Australia's media landscape as Paramount owns Network 10 in the five major state capitals.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Former US president Donald Trump has attended his son's graduation while taking a break from the trial into his alleged hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels. The former president's youngest child Barron graduated from a private school in Florida. Mr Trump and the former first lady Melania Trump sat in the first row during the ceremony which went ahead with heightened security.

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