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Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Congressional Republicans are fighting to gain access to the audio recordings of US President Joe Biden being interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Hur. The Attorney General has refused to comply with an order from Congress to hand over the audio recordings.  Merrick Garland could find himself being held in contempt of Congress.  President Biden has enacted executive privilege to stop the audio recordings of the interview from being released publicly.  The report detailing Mr Biden’s mishandling of classified documents famously described the President as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

New Caledonia has entered a third night of violent riots after a state of emergency was declared by France on Thursday. Stranded Australians are being warned not to venture out onto the streets as clashes between police and protesters escalate. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese asked Australian tourists to “minimise movement” as they remain trapped on the island.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Shadow Veterans Affairs Minister Barnaby Joyce has hailed Opposition leader Peter Dutton for his “brave” budget reply speech on Thursday night. “I liked the way he laid down the path towards having baseload power back in our grid under nuclear,” Mr Joyce told Sky News Australia. “I like the way he was brave enough to say that what we had in the Labor Party budget was billions of dollars for billionaires.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sydney has been blanketed by a thick layer of fog. All ferry services were cancelled earlier this morning, but services have now resumed and are returning to timetable. Passengers are being advised to listen to announcements for service updates.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

An unborn baby has died after a car crash west of Brisbane.  It’s understood the two-car collision occurred near Ipswich on Thursday evening.  Six people – three people in each vehicle – were taken to hospital.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The Queensland government’s alternative plan for the Gabba could result in 4,000 seats being cut from the stadium. According to the Courier Mail, plans to upgrade the venue and keep it from deteriorating could come at a cost of more than $1 billion. The upgrade could see the stadium’s capacity downgraded from 36,000 seats to 32,000.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson has compared Donald Trump and Joe Biden's upcoming debate to “one boxer and a lettuce leaf”. Sitting US President Joe Biden and his Republican predecessor Donald Trump have agreed to two presidential TV debates which will be broadcast on CNN and ABC in June and September. The announcements follow an escalating war of words about the terms of any debate between the two candidates. “The sledging has already started,” Mr Macpherson said.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson slams The World Health Organization’s handling of the COVID pandemic as they call on all UN member nations to sign their proposed pandemic treaty. “If this went to a vote, there is no way Australians would support what handing over our sovereignty to some unelected unrepresentative group based in where, Geneva,” Mr Macpherson said. “If we were of a mind to give up our autonomy and say we’re going to give someone else the authority to tell us what to do in the event of a health emergency, The WHO would be the last organisation to choose. “I mean, we only have to look back what 24, 48 months ago to see they stuffed up COVID something shocking.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond reacts to Australian athlete Liam Adams missing out on the Olympics as a “universality” entrant is put in his place. “Maybe I’m missing something here, I thought the idea of the Olympics, the pinnacle of athletics in the world, is that the best in the world go over there and represent their countries," Mr Bond said. “No, no, no we don’t do that, we’ll let the first 70 best in the world represent their countries, and then we’ll just have some also ands make it in because they happen to come from a smaller country. “How does that work?”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News Australia host Caleb Bond has reminded the Walkley Awards of the need for energy distributors as they cut ties with sponsor Ampol in line with a new ‘woke’ policy. The awards foundation ended a media awards sponsorship deal with fossil fuel company Ampol after choosing to sever ties with companies whose dealings offer ‘no tangible benefit to humanity.’ “I would suggest to the committee at the Walkleys that if Ampol were to shut down, and every other gas company, and petrol company, oil company, coal producer in this country were to shut down there would be a little bit of a difference to humanity. “You’d have to stop all the cars, you’d have to stop all the electricity, and you’d have to stop all the planes and the trains. “I think Ampol actually does a fair bit for humanity to be perfectly honest.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Centre for Independent Studies Emilie Dye says the Coalition has taken “such a soft response” to the changes of stage three tax cuts. Ms Dye told Sky News host Paul Murray that the Coalition was also soft on the “broken promises” by Labor. “I think that they should’ve come out much stronger.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Former Brexit leader and GB News host Nigel Farage believes the Trump- Biden debate is happening “at the right time” despite it being instigated in Biden’s favour. Sitting US President Joe Biden and his Republican predecessor Donald Trump have agreed to two presidential TV debates in June and September. “The terms are very much on Biden’s terms,” Mr Farage told Sky News Australia host Paul Murray. “It’s going to be hosted by CNN invigilating. “Trump's microphone will be turned off when Biden’s talking. “The worst part of it is there is going to be no live audience. “It’s kind of a watered-down debate but, I think it’s happening at the right time.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to a recent episode of Bill Maher’s ‘Club Random Podcast’ where he was joined by comedian Bill Burr. Mr Burr roasted Mr Maher throughout the episode. “Can I tell you something Bill most of the shit you say is not smart its just sort of obscure,” Mr Burr said. “I know you're not that smart,” he said.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer says former Australian ambassador to the United States Joe Hockey did a “phenomenal job” as he “understood the role”. “Joe Hockey did a phenomenal job representing Australia,” Mr Spicer told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “He understood the role. “He used it to benefit Australia.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Royal commentator Josh Rom says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s charity being declared delinquent suggests the foundation is “not their top priority” and they’re more interested in “grandstanding”. Mr Rom said state officials have confirmed there was a mishap and the charity no longer has the ‘delinquent’ label. “This notice does kind of set the tone maybe that the foundation may or may not be kind of not their top priority and that ... they may be more interested in grandstanding and showing off as being huge members with powerful influence,” he said.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Royal commentator Josh Rom discusses the BBC being required to pay undisclosed damages to Princess Diana’s former chauffer, Stephen Davies, following a High Court case. Mr Davies accused the BBC of making fabricated allegations that he leaked information before Princess Diana’s famous interview with Martin Bashir. “He said that these fabricated and unfounded allegations and accusations are a real ‘blot' on his character, so to speak," Mr Rom said. “I think this is once again the BBC being made to look quite foolish here for what went on at the time."

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

‘To Di for’ Podcast Host Kinsey Schofield has lauded other celebrities for rallying behind actor Kevin Spacey. This comes amid the actor releasing a 90 minute tell all interview. “The fact that they are standing up for him saying this is ridiculous, let’s put this guy back to work, I think it means a lot to Kevin Spacey” Ms Schofield told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The Daily Telegraph’s Tim Blair says US President Joe Biden finally accepting a debate with Donald Trump “shows how far" behind he is in the polls. “This is a real ‘Hail Mary’ effort,” Mr Blair told Sky News Australia host Chris Kenny. “The polls might be a little more dire for Biden than a lot of people are aware.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

CommSec Chief Economist Craig James says there is a “softening” of the job market. Mr James told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood that the RBA “jealously guards” employment figures for Australia. “The fact that they’ve achieved full employment here in Australia.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Energy Minister Chris Bowen once again “gave voice to the quiet part” when it comes to Labor’s “tricky and temporary inflation drop”, says Sky News host Chris Kenny. Mr Kenny said under Labor's strategy, Australians’ tax dollars will go to power companies and “not direct to you,”. “And that's why they're going to lower the bills of millionaires and billionaires, and government ministers, as well as yours. “Because it’s all a political trick, with your money, to artificially influence inflation and interest rates.”

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