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Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Liberal Candidate for Boothby Nicolle Flint says Australians should “ignore whatever Labor are saying” about the upcoming budget. Ms Flint told Sky News host Paul Murray that the Australian people “won’t be” better off after the federal budget. “Labor’s spending is growing faster than our economy," Ms Flint said.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Families are losing out in Sydney's new housing race following a shortage of family-friendly apartments. According to data from Domain less than one in ten units recently sold in the city’s inner west had more than two bedrooms. PR Counsel's Kristy McSweeney joins Sky News host Paul Murray to discuss Australia’s housing issue. “There's not only a debate of how big these houses have to be or these units or apartments but where and they're not big enough for families at all and if we want people to live in these affordable social housing that governments are seeking to build,” Ms McSweeney said. “So it is a really difficult policy area but ... they're not big enough, not big enough at all.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says while former president Donald Trump was allowed out of the courtroom, the media was “excited” about every little detail Stormy Daniels had to say. “Trump was allowed out of the courtroom for just a couple of days … the media was excited about every little detail that Stormy Daniels had to say,” he said. “It may well end up working in the former president’s favour.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Former Labor senator Graham Richardson says managing relationships with China is “by far the most difficult task”. Mr Richardson’s remarks come as people are calling Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's response to China following the critical incident in the Yellow Sea. “The difficulty is of course that managing the Chinese relationship is by far the most difficult task and our foreign affairs efforts. By far,” Mr Richardson said. “I mean how do you manage a relationship a friendly one with someone who is buying your coal, while at the same time all of your defence … and strategic efforts are fighting a war with them. “It's really very difficult and from the Chinese side you can understand why they might find that a bit rich.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Writer and Broadcaster Esther Krakue says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle being so “vocal” about their experiences in the Royal Family has given the public “a lot to scrutinise”. Ms Krakue told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo that the Royal Family “were never going to respond” to allegations that were made. “We have never heard their side of the story and we never will.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio says Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ new federal budget reveal this coming Tuesday shows Labor’s agenda will be to “turn the narrative around”. “It is all about the budget of course this Tuesday and we know Labor’s agenda will be to turn the narrative around, getting rid of this idea that they are bad on cost-of-living,” she said. “Bad on inflation, bad on managing the economy.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio says Australia is seeing a population explosion under Labor with a “key part” being the number of international students on study visas. “We do talk a lot about Big Australia under Labor, of course, the immigration, the population explosion we are seeing,” she said. “A key part of that is the number of international students applying for study visas.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Joe Hildebrand says there was “no sense of alarm” prior to the October 7 attack on Israel. Mr Hildebrand said for most of the world, “nobody saw this coming”. “There was a real sense of normality.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Senior Reporter Caroline Marcus says the relationship between Israel and Australia has been on “very thin ice”. On Friday, Australia voted yes to a resolution supporting Palestine’s push to become a full member of the United Nations. Ms Marcus said Australia is already “in the bad books” with Israel.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says Labor has “come good” on their promise to ban live sheep exports announcing the industry to close on May 1 2028. “Labor has come good on its promise to ban live sheep exports, they have announced legislation this weekend that will shut the industry down from May 1 2028,” he said. “But do not worry, they say the upcoming budget will reportedly include $107 million spread over a five-year period to help farmers move out of the industry.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Heavy rain in Sydney has caused Warragamba Dam to spill after hitting full capacity. Water New South Wales listed the dam at 100 per cent on Sunday morning, and began to spill at about 7:30 am. Residents downstream from the dam are being asked to stay clear of fast-flowing or deep waterways and flood plains, such as the Hawkesbury and Nepean rivers.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher says Tuesday’s federal budget will be a “responsible” one, seeking to make every dollar go “as far as it can.” “It will continue out the work that we’ve done, certainly as finance minister in finding savings, and looking to make sure every dollar goes as far as it can,” Ms Gallagher told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “At the same time trying to deal with some of the cost-of-living pressures. “Making sure we are not adding to the inflation challenge, and also laying down the future foundations for growth.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Meghan Markle has revealed it's been "humbling" to find out through a genealogy test that she is partly Nigerian. The Duchess of Sussex met with women in the West African nation – to discuss the importance of mentorship for young women and the career challenges faced by women in Nigeria. Meghan is visiting Nigeria for the first time with her husband Prince Harry to promote mental health for soldiers and young girls. “Never in a million years would I have understood it as much as I do now,” Ms Markle said.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Property Agent Eric Wong says it is “really hard” to get a nursing home approved in Australia. Mr Wong told Sky News Australia that the government could help create better retirement options for Australians by “making the approval process easier”. New research suggests retirees are ditching Australia to spend their well-earned money and time overseas.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Property Agent Eric Wong says new research showing Australian retirees leaving the country could mean “more supply” on the property market. Mr Wong told Sky News Australia that the extra supply could lead prices to be “less for first home buyers”. “It’s really hard to say for everything.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host James Morrow says a group of US college campus protestors calling for the beheading of their school president proves their motive is not to end the war in Gaza, but rather to “overthrow the US.” “Basically, proving that really what their movement is not about, it’s not about ending the war in Gaza,” Mr Morrow said. “It is really about a violent overthrow of the United States. “This is what they’re teaching in these schools people!”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Former World Health Organisation Medical Officer Dr David Bell details the proposed plans under the WHO’s global pact to fight future pandemics currently being negotiated. “They’re putting together a system where about US$30 to 40 billion of public money, which is about ten times what you spend on the WHO now, will build this huge surveillance system that will find viral variants,” Dr Bell told Sky News Australia. “The’ll have lockdowns, they’ll have 100-day MRNA vaccine. “That will be the path back to freedom.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Former World Health Organisation medical officer Dr David Bell says talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics is a “business scheme” based on a “fallacy” there is an increasing risk of widespread epidemics. The WHO’s 194 member states are attempting to strike a landmark global agreement on handling future pandemics. “It’s a business scheme on a level we’ve never seen before to channel public funds into pharmaceutical companies and investment houses that own them,” Dr Bell told Sky News Australia. “In the process impoverish the population and take away the basic freedoms we thought were ours.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood says a “corporate arms race” is taking place between crime-fighting authorities and defence services against hackers. “With the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence, the race has just been amped up a few notches,” Mr Greenwood said. “Companies and governments need to keep spending to stay ahead in the game because if they lose, our whole way of life will change rapidly.” Mr Greenwood sat down with Palo Alto Networks Regional Vice President Steve Manley to discuss the implications of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity. In partnership with Palo Alto Networks

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

For all the telltale signs that our economy is slowing, the housing market is still “astonishingly robust”, says Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. REA Group CEO Owen Wilson joined Mr Greenwood to discuss the factors affecting Australia’s housing market, including high immigration, a housing shortage and higher rental prices. “It has been incredibly strong,” Mr Wilson said. “If you went back a year and looked forward, we weren’t predicting this level of strength.” In partnership with

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