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Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The latest mass coral bleaching event across the Southern Great Barrier Reef is shaping up to be the most severe and widespread on record. Scientists are raising the alarm about the unseen casualties of the environmental disaster. Researchers at One Tree Island on Queensland’s southern reef say a range of fish species are likely to be hit hard by the heat. “There are fishes and other invertebrates like crustaceans and worms and bacteria, that form an important part of the system here,” said USYD Research Associate Dr John Turnbull. “The butterfly fish for example, we’re expecting those to fall away unfortunately and then there’s a flow-on effect for the animals that live within the corals because they’re used to living within live healthy corals and they can’t find them and so they have to settle for poorer places to live.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Victoria’s government is expected to cut tourism funding. The decision to cut funding will take place on Tuesday’s state budget. The move could threaten potential jobs and the viability of 96,000 businesses. The cuts come as tourism spending reportedly hit a record high. It’s believed visitors added $37.8 billion to the state’s economy last year.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Victoria’s government is considering major law reform which would give police more power to deal with domestic violence offenders. Victoria Police is in discussions with the state government to reform the state’s current family violence safety notices. Currently, those notices expire after 14 days. However, officers are calling for powers to issue enduring family violence safety notices. In a statement, Victoria Police said "This means they would be extended in duration, giving victim-survivors immediate and long-lasting protection and helping them avoid any trauma confronting a perpetrator in court’.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The New South Wales Parliament is set to discuss action against domestic violence. It comes as the state’s Opposition introduces its bail amendment bill. The legislation is expected to strengthen existing bail laws for serious DV charges. Reportedly, it will include the removal of powers for registrars to determine bail for serious personal violence charges where bail is opposed. The Minns government is seeking advice from Crown Advocate David Kell before pushing reforms.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

An auction is underway in Sydney Airport after the millions of passengers annually flying in and out inevitably leave some things behind. Those items range from the mundane to the strange and the ones that are not reunited with their owners are auctioned off for charity. All lost property items begin their bids at $10. There are currently more than 2,500 unclaimed items stocked for auction. 2024’s charity recipient of the funds raised from auctioning the lost goods is the Harding Miller Education Foundation.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The United Kingdom’s Conservative Party has suffered historic losses in the country's local elections. The votes, some of which are still being counted, do not bode well for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Mr Sunak remains publicly upbeat ahead of the upcoming 2024 general election. The Tories also suffered a crushing defeat in a parliamentary by-election held during the same week. A change in government would see a 14 year streak end for the Conservative Party along with a sixth UK Prime Minister in just eight years.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

King Charles III has committed to take on more than 200 new charities. The gesture will include many of those his late mother, Queen Elizabeth, was the patron of. The move was prompted by a review into the number of charities supported by the Royal family. A list of charities to be kept on and to be released was written and distributed to the relevant bodies. Several of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s charities have been split amongst King Charles and Queen Camila.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Anthony Albanese’s relationship with “vile” radio shock jock Kyle Sandilands means he has “no problems with someone who treats women so poorly,” says Small Business Women Australia’s Amanda Rose. Ms Rose joined Sky News to discuss the launch of the Sydney-based Kyle and Jackie ‘O’ show on Melbourne's airwaves and Mr Sandilands' relationship with the Australian Prime Minister. “Pick your company and I will pick your character,” she told Sky News Australia host Steve Price. “If our Prime Minister is hanging out with someone who speaks like that, that means he has no problems with someone who treats women so poorly like he does. “It is disappointing that people support him by listening to this type of trash. “It is 2024 and if we want to change how people see women and treat our sisters and daughters and everyone in the workplace, then we need to start by turning off anyone or anything that is vile or has anything abusive to say about a woman.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Joe Hildbrandd has admitted to originally siding with Steve Price on criticism of radio shock jock Kyle Sandilands but says he has now gone “completely 180”. “I had a very similar view to you of Kyle Sandilands many, many years ago,” Mr Hildebrand told Sky News host Steve Price. “He has said some really rough stuff about a female reporter at The Daily Telegraph and I am very tribal. “So when that happened … I went out swinging. “But I have actually got to know him a bit more since then and I think the persona he puts on, on the radio.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

There is a “growing lack of confidence or alarm” surrounding the effectiveness of public administration in Australia, says former Howard government minister Peter McGauran. “We used to be good at these things – we could solve problems,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia. “The Prime Minister announced two years ago, a $500 million package to address domestic violence and promised 500 case workers – 17 in two years have been appointed. “The only way you will provide support to escapees from domestic violence is by providing refuges, by providing support services, transitional support – governments have to spend money. “But they actually have to implement, in a practical way, their good intentions.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The Albanese government will “continue to haemorrhage” due to the “incompetence and inability to carry a public argument” by both the Home Affairs and the Immigration Ministers, says former Howard government minister Peter McGauran. “It is public safety, you have got to drive the issues,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia. “All these problems are potential dangers to the community that have now come to pass and were all predicted in November. “The only person I can see looking at the ministerial list who would have the experience and the ability and the mental toughness is Bill Shorten. “They have to put Bill Shorten in otherwise the government will politically suffer.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Labor’s 2024 budget will be an “expression” of their “priorities” as they look to position themselves ahead of the federal election, says Tanck co-founder and Executive Director Angus Crowther. “Budgets are all about priorities and this budget is going to be an expression of this in terms of what the government is going to be looking to do to position themselves ahead of the election.” He told Sky News Australia. “Ultimately, I think the people who are going to be the winners are going to be the people who have done the work engaging with politicians, particularly the government and have ensured their voices are heard. “From the perspective of the current Labor government, I think we are going to see them investing along gridlines, so those areas they are well known for and that they are strong. “So, we are going to be looking at education, health and this kind of stuff.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

A budget surplus is “the big indicator” the Albanese government would look to give Australians to demonstrate they are able to “manage the taxes taken from the constituency,” says Tanck co-founder and Executive Director Angus Crowther. Mr Crowther explained to Sky News Australia how “budgets are all about priorities” and the steps Labor would be taken among its constituents ahead of the next federal election. “From the perspective of the current Labor government, I think we are going to see them investing along gridlines, so those areas they are well known for and that they are strong,” he said. “So, we are going to be looking at education, health and this kind of stuff. “With recent developments, I’d be surprised if we don’t see more funding in domestic and family violence as well.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Donald Trump has “tempered down” on his social media posts relating to the New York hush money trial, says Axios Political Reporter Erin Doherty. “The judge in the case did kind of offer a strong warning against former president Trump,” she told Sky News Australia. Ms Doherty explained the partial social media silencing came after Mr Trump attended two different hearings which were to “consider whether he has had violations” of the gag order placed on him for the extent of the case’s tenure. The judge has warned the former US president “the threat of jail is very real” if he “continues to take to his social media accounts to attack people in his case, such as witnesses and in violation of the gag order he is under”. “The judge continues to hold the threat of jail in front of him,” Ms Doherty said.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Axios Political Reporter Erin Doherty says “it seems unlikely” former US president Donald Trump will end up behind bars. “The judge in the case did kind of offer a strong warning against former president Trump,” she told Sky News Australia. Ms Doherty explained the judge overseeing the hush money case had still offered “a strong warning” to Mr Trump cautioning the likely Republican candidate to refrain from actions such as “attack people in his case”. “The threat of jail is very real. “The judge continues to hold the threat of jail in front of him.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation Chief Officer Robin Penty explains some of the warning signs of ovarian cancer. In Australia, one woman succumbs to ovarian cancer every eight hours.  With World Ovarian Cancer Day approaching, millions of people will gather to raise awareness about the destructive disease.  “Australia is actually one of the top three countries in the world leading in ovarian cancer research,” she told Sky News Australia. “The symptoms of ovarian cancer often mimic a woman’s natural cycle every month. Ms Penty explained Ovarian cancer symptoms can include “abdominal bloating, lower back pain, abdominal pain, gas, changes in bladder and bowel, sort of behaviours,” and “sudden and unexplained weight loss". “We really encourage any woman who has any one of these or a constellation of them to see their GP fairly immediately.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sport and Life Training CEO Dave Burt discusses how his organisation can create “substantial change” in the domestic violence space. This comes as gender-based violence has been declared a national crisis in Australia.    The federal government has committed nearly a billion dollars to help women leave violent relationships. “It’s great to see that this is now such a prominent issue”, Mr Burt told Sky News Australia. “There has to be further funding, particularly in areas, I think, that are very preventative, like the one we were in, in local sporting clubs. “I think we can bring about some real substantial change.” If you or anyone you know needs support: 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Independent MP Zali Steggall says she “could not support that delaying of more urgent action” when it comes to a royal commission into domestic violence. This comes after state and federal governments this week announced funding to curb the rise in gender-based violence. “I think a royal commission is a very effective way of hearing from victim-survivors,” Ms Steggall told Sky News Australia. “My concern is the delay and the time and the cost. “We are in a situation of crisis, where urgent action is needed, and the difficulty with a royal commission is it takes one to two years.” If you or anyone you know needs support: 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Independent MP Zali Steggall discusses “dramatic” domestic violence rates and what needs to be done to curb them. State and federal governments this week announced funding to curb the rise in gender-based violence. “I’d like to see a commitment to a sentencing review,” Ms Steggall told Sky News Australia. “We need to look at our sentencing laws to ensure that we are stopping perpetrators on that journey and escalation of violence. “Perpetrators need to feel more consequences of their actions. “Women and children, where it’s possible, need to be able to stay in their homes with wraparound services to keep them safe.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Red Roses Foundation Chief Executive Dr Brian Sullivan discusses the warning signs of an abusive partner.    “It can be very difficult to detect early on in a relationship because women will report to us that initially there’s all charm and attention to her and sometimes, this is called love bombing,” Dr Sullivan told Sky News Australia. “Then the controlling behaviour can start, and that can start very slowly.   “Early signs of jealousy is a warning sign for me.” This comes after state and federal governments this week announced funding to curb the rise in gender-based violence. The Albanese government has pledged $925 million over five years, while the New South Wales government will introduce new domestic and family violence policies. If you or anyone you know needs support: 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Beyond blue: 1300 22 4636

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