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Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The Queensland and Federal Governments have committed $940 million to US start-up company PsiQuantum, who have promised to build the world's first commercially useful quantum computer in Queensland. Quantum computers perform calculations beyond the capability ordinary computing. They are viewed as the holy grail of computer scientists. Two of the companies’ co-founders, professors Jeremy O’Brien and Terry Rudolph, spoke at a press conference with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Industry Minister Ed Husic and Queensland Premier Stephen Miles. Albanese is hopeful the long-term gains from a fault-tolerant quantum computing program will add up to 240,000 jobs by 2040.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Chris Kenny has labelled Prime Minister Anthony Albanese telling a rally against men’s violence “people tried to stop him speaking” as “ungracious at best”. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was heckled at a ‘No More’ rally against men’s violence in Canberra over the weekend. The rally was attended by 5,000 people. “The bottom line is Albanese got up and told the gathering that people tried to stop him speaking, which was ungracious at best,” Mr Kenny said. “All of this reminds me of a brilliant and famous observation by the late great Margaret Thatcher. “She said that ‘Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t’.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Astronomer-at-large Fred Watson explains China’s next mission to the moon. It’s hoped the spacecraft will reach the far side of the moon and return dust and rocks to Earth. “It is an area of great interest it’s in the southern polar regions of the lunar surface, but the far side yes, always hidden from us here on Earth," he told Sky News Australia. “To put a spacecraft there and then take geological samples from the rock then bring them back to Earth is every lunar scientist's dream project”.’ “The 2030s are the time that the Chinese National Space Administration are discussing sending their taikonauts to the Lunar surface.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

CBA's head of Australian economics Gareth Aird says not only is there a “near-term risk” of further rate rises, but any cuts will be slower than previously expected. “The RBA will not be cutting rates in the near term because they have just had an inflation premium that was just a little bit stronger than they had forecast,” Mr Aird told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “You could say the consumers are just a little bit weaker than they have anticipated but if they're going to do anything in the next three to four months they will be more likely to hike than cut. “We think they won’t actually hike, we see them on hold and if we get through the next six months with an economy that’s continuing to slow a rate of inflation. “Then we can be optimistic that at the back end of this year, we do actually see some easing because the RBA is probably going to have to take the cash rate down about 125 base points from where it is right now to take it away from a restrictive setting to something that looks more neutral.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Australia’s astronomer-at-large, Fred Watson, discusses China’s new high-resolution map of the Moon. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has released the highest-resolution geological maps of the Moon ever produced. The map features more than 12,000 craters and has caught the interest of governments and big mining companies which would like to know exactly what minerals are on the Moon. “It at a scale of one to two and a half million, which is the highest scale yet of any map of the moon,” Mr Watson told Sky News Australia. “It uses data from the Chang’e 1 mission an orbiting spacecraft launched by the Chinese Space Administration, coupled with lunar reconnaissance orbiter images, which is a NASA spacecraft. “Over 10 years, 100 Chinese scientists have poured over this data to put together this really elegant and very very useful geological map of the moon.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Alice Springs has been subjected to a “deterioration in everything in this town” over the last six or seven years, says Northern Territory Independent MP Robyn Lambley. Her comments come as the state continues to experience a youth crime crisis, and questions are now being raised over the Albanese government’s funding, which was allocated to tackle the issue. “We don’t know where that money has gone in its entirety,” Ms Lambley told Sky News Australia. “We do know where $150 million of the $250 million has gone, basically. “It’s all very well to be optimistic, but history will say that this money often just disappears, and it’s very difficult to see what’s being delivered for the money that’s allocated. “Of course I’m optimistic, I’ll always be optimistic, but I’m no fool, and locals won’t be fooled either.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Former Labor MP Michael Danby has called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to take the youth crime issue in Alice Springs “more seriously”. The Prime Minister flew to Alice Springs on Monday for the first time in over a year. “What he should do is … go there, unannounced, at midnight, and see what’s happening in the streets with these underaged children and take the issue more seriously,” Mr Danby told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “I was not a great fan of Tony Abbott when he was Prime Minister, but he took Indigenous issues seriously, and this bloke should lift his game and go there … when the trouble is on, after midnight. “Something has to be done about it.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Hundreds of passengers attempting to travel domestically across Australia have been impacted by flight cancellations. This comes after the budget airline Bonza cancelled all flights across the country today. Bonza Chief Executive Tim Jordan released a statement earlier saying that services were suspended today while the viability of the business is discussed. The federal government has asked the airline to stop selling tickets whilst its future remains unclear. CEOs from Virgin, Qantas and Jetstar have announced they will assist the stranded passengers where they can.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the Solomon Islands Prime Minister stepping down from his five-year rule is a “good outcome” from Australia’s point of view. Manasseh Sogavare conceded he would not have enough members in a hung parliament to remain the leader of the Pacific Island nation. Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele will take over as prime minister. It’s believed the move may change Solomon Island’s ‘pro-China’ stance. “This is a good outcome from Australia’s point of view,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News Australia.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Riot police in Richmond, Virginia, have clashed with anti-Israel protesters camped at Virginia Commonwealth University late on Monday night, local time. The protest at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) began peacefully earlier in the day, with signs calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. VCU Police in riot gear formed a line around 8:30 p.m., declaring the protest violent and an unlawful assembly, according to 8News. Officers from various agencies, including Virginia State Police and Richmond Police Department, were involved in dismantling the protest encampment, arresting multiple individuals, and using chemical agents. Protesters were forced to the ground, bound with zip ties, and pepper spray and tear gas were deployed.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

The Albanese government is “overcoming previous neglect” of Australia’s housing industry, which was left by the former Liberal government, says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. “That comes on top of the additional money we have got for refurbishing existing housing as part of our Housing Australia Future Fund,” Mr Albanese said during a media conference on Tuesday. “We have, very much, a comprehensive plan. “It takes time to roll this out. “But we have the most significant investment in housing that has ever occurred in the Northern Territory in history.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Sam Crosby says the governments of Australia for the past 30 years have been affected by the “plague” of consultants. Mr Crosby joined Sky News host Paul Murray to discuss the upcoming 2024 budget. “Instead of saying, ‘hey, we’re going to go invest $100 million and build up the public service with some of the best and brightest minds’,” he said. “’No, no, no, we’re going to (invest) five or six or seven hundred times that number but do it incrementally’. “That is where I’d start.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has responded to a review into last year’s Optus outage. This comes as Australia’s telcos will be forced to share real-time outage information and set up a body to take charge of Australia’s triple-zero system following the release of the review. “At its core is ensuring the integrity of the triple zero service and that it continues to operate effectively in the interest of all Australians,” Ms Rowland said during a media conference on Tuesday. “I’m pleased to say that the review that has been handed down by Mr Richard Bean provides an excellent viewpoint on how this can be achieved. “Mr Bean has made 18 recommendations, and the government accepts all of them – we’ll be implementing those regulations over the next 12-18 months.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News Australia host Paul Murray says the abortion debate may end up “supercharging” the upcoming US election. Mr Murray joined Sky News contributor Sam Crosby and Nationals Senator Matt Canavan to discuss the latest on Australia’s power prices and the US election. “Latest opinion poll turns around and says that Trump’s up by six,” he said. “Now, this is a poll that’s taken place after the court started, been there for a couple of weeks. “National polls don’t mean too much because you’ve really got to get down into the seven states that matter, and you’ve got to have three candidates, including RFK.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced an additional $8 million in public school infrastructure upgrades in the Northern Territory. “Each school benefitting from funding of at least $250,000 to build new infrastructure in schools that can really improve the learning environment,” he said during a media conference on Tuesday. “It’s just part of my government’s commitment to making a difference. “We want every child, no matter where they live in Australia, to have the opportunity of a good education. “What my government is determined to do is to make sure that we invest, to make sure that we give this region, this fantastic region of Australia ... the opportunity to thrive in the future.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

At least five people have died – including an infant – from tornadoes in the United States. State emergencies have been declared in Oklahoma and Nebraska, as the clean-up begins. Severe storms continue to rage on in the south and mid-west after six tornadoes ripped through Texas on Sunday. More than 120 tornadoes ploughed through six states in just two days. Four of the people who lost their lives were in Oklahoma, while the fifth was in Iowa.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf has resigned. He was adamant he could survive an incoming vote of no confidence after ceasing a deal with The Greens. “I have informed the SNP’s National Secretary of my intention to stand down as Party Leader,” Mr Yousaf said during a press conference. “Unfortunately in ending the Bute House Agreement in the manner that I did, I clearly underestimated the level of hurt and upset that caused. “For a minority government to be able to govern effectively and efficiently trust when working with the Opposition is clearly fundamental.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to a non-binary teacher’s social media video in which she celebrates after confusing school children about her gender. The text on the video read, “Having your elementary schoolers ask if there’s two of you because they saw you be fem one day and masc the next”. Ms Panahi questioned why that would bring the teacher so much joy. “Imagine you walk into your child’s elementary school, you enter the classroom and are confronted by this non-binary teacher,” she said. “And you wonder why she’s so happy. “Guess why she’s so happy ... she’s overjoyed because the little kids she’s supposed to be teaching are confused about whether she’s Arthur or Martha.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Joe Hildebrand has reacted to an Australian gender clinic failing to record basic centralised patient data as guidelines labelled deficient. A Freedom of Information request showed Australia is not tracking which child is getting what drug while undergoing treatment, as well as having minimal information of birth sexes. “I think everyone involved thinks they are doing the right thing,” Mr Hildebrand said. “This is what happens when you have something that is ideologically driven. “People think oh there is all these trans kids everywhere, we just haven’t been identifying them we just need to go out and find them all.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Lollipop ladies' help has been enlisted to get High School kids across roads safely. It comes over fears they are not paying attention due to the excessive use of phones and headphones. “Without a lollipop person there to stop them they are so engrossed in their piece of technology, they are literally willing to just que sera with the cars,” Ms Storer said. “That’s how engrossed they are in their phones. “They think well my life is worth this.”

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