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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says people should “keep putting” their foot down against climate alarmist scare campaigns. Mr Bond joined Sky News hosts Liz Storer and James Macpherson to discuss the continued climate alarmist agenda. “If we’ve had two years since basically the dawn of time to save the planet, something tells me we’re going to be okay,” he said. “Keep driving your Toyota Prado, keep driving your turbo-powered car like mine. “Do whatever the Hell you want.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce says Foreign Minister Penny Wong has “fallen off” the “pick of the Labor Party” mantle with recent Israel stance. “She is hardly a safe set of hands,” Mr Joyce told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “We have always been told Penny Wong is the pick of the Labor Party. “And completely reliable. “Well, she has just fallen off that mantle.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The timing of Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s call for recognition of a Palestinian state is “absolutely appalling”, says former foreign minister Alexander Downer. “It’s an atrocious thing to have done,” he told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “This plays straight into the hands of Hamas. “They will be hearing these sorts of statements from political leaders like Penny Wong and from a couple of other countries with glee. “They will rejoice in these sorts of comments because they will demonstrate to Hamas that it is gradually gaining the upper hand in the propaganda war.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Small Business Women Australia CEO Amanda Rose says Melania Trump is a “very compassionate lady” and is “family orientated”. Ms Rose agreed that the former First Lady of America could be her husband’s “secret weapon”. “I think we underestimate women,” she told Sky News Digital Presenter Gabriella Power. “Very compassionate lady, very switched on, very family orientated. “Let’s face it, that is going to resonate with pretty much every woman out there.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Peta Credlin discusses the Labor government’s “appalling pivot” on recognising Palestinian statehood. Senator Wong, during an ANU conference on Tuesday, signalled the Albanese government is considering recognising Palestinian statehood. “In terms of both domestic politics at play but more broadly, internationally,” Ms Credlin said. “Because it speaks to the growing anti-Semitism across the West. “That frankly, we all would have thought was unthinkable just a year ago.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Danube Institute fellow David Oldroyd-Bolt says Penny Wong’s comments on Palestinian statehood has brought to light the “obvious anti-Semitism" of the left. Senator Wong, during an ANU conference on Tuesday, signalled the Albanese government is considering recognising Palestinian statehood. “I think it’s really terribly shocking that Senator Wong can think that this is in any way appropriate,” Mr Oldroyd-Bolt told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “Given the continuing attack on the very existence of Israel from Hamas and Hezbollah. “How can this possibly be the way that an ally responds to an ally being under attack?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

NSW residents have been advised to stay out of the water over the coming days. Beachgoers, boaters and rock fishers have been notified to avoid surf-exposed areas or coastal rock platforms prone to ocean swells. It comes as warnings for hazardous surf were issued for the Illawarra Coast, Batemans Coast, and Eden’s Coast. A low-pressure system over the Tasman Sea has been producing a vigorous southern flow in its western flank, creating dangerous conditions. The warnings extend to Byron Coast, Coffs Coast, and Macquarie Coast.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called on Australians to continue “building on our existing strengths” as he delivered a speech on the economic global future at the Queensland Media Club. “Building prosperity has never been a polite and gentle process where every nation gets a turn,” Mr Albanese told media on Thursday afternoon. “It is always a contest – it is always a race governed by rules, driven by competition. “Australia simply can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. “Being in the race does not guarantee us success but sitting it out guarantees failure as the world just moves past us.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Gary Hardgrave has ridiculed the new union deals for workers in Queensland by likening the “stupidity” of the rules to the “Dim Sim Allowance” days. Mr Hardgrave explained the fabled rules came as workers "were building Darling Harbour". "They could smell all of the fumes coming up from the Sussex Street Chinese Restaurants," he told Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi. “The serious part about this – a month of rostered days off … you’ll see big building sites with no activity for a week or more. “It is costing between six and nine billion extra on government-funded building projects in Queensland.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has unveiled his plans for the ‘Future Made in Australia Act’. Sky News Brisbane Reporter Kaiser Shields breaks down the Prime Minister’s plan, revealing exactly what the act will do and how it will impact the nation. “Albanese says the government’s role needs to evolve to make sure Australia’s domestic industries grow and that they remain competitive,” Ms Shields said. “He wants there to be more government intervention to attract more investment into our domestic industries. “Including manufacturing and green energy.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister has weighed in on the case involving Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange. Mr Birmingham noted the saga has “gone on for a very long time”. “I think many would welcome the mere ending of the saga,” he told Sky News Australia. “Of course, Mr Assange and his supporters would welcome anything that saw his freedom. “Ultimately, if the US sees a pathway to the resolve it, then that is a matter for the US, but we should clearly respect their processes and systems.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Wall Street markets dropped overnight after US consumer prices rose more than expected in March. Sky News Business Reporter Edward Boyd says a lot of economists in America are “pushing back their expectations” for when rate cuts will begin. Mr Boyd said there was a “50 per cent chance” of rate cuts in June before the inflation numbers came out. “Since the numbers were released in the early hours of this morning, it’s now a 20 per cent chance of interest rates being cut in June. “A lot of US economists are now expecting to see two rate cuts from the US Federal Reserve – one in November and one in December.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has unleashed a tirade of insults directed at Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil for her “dog’s breakfast” legislation attempts at curbing the detainee debacle. “Clare O’Neil is just this rolling trainwreck – she goes from one stop to the next, and every stop she crashes into the platform,” Mr Dutton told a media conference Thursday morning. “The train is derailed on a daily basis – she is a complete debacle, just a walking disaster for the government. “We saw Clare O’Neil say it was ok for 150 people to be released into the community – these are serious criminals – and she says ‘well, we can't do anything about it, the High Court said that these people needed to be released’. “As it turns out, the High Court did not say that and these people are out committing more crimes – we are talking about rapists, we are talking about paedophiles, people who have committed sexual assault against women and children and that was Clare O’Neil’s big claim to fame.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Peta Credlin has called out the Albanese government for “trying to beat the Greens at their own game” with Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s calls for Palestinian statehood. The Opposition leader has taken aim at Penny Wong’s calls for the recognition of a Palestinian state. In a speech at the Sydney Opera House on Wednesday night, Peter Dutton labelled the move reckless and blamed Labor for a rise in anti-Semitism in Australia. “This is absolutely brutally – not just about the Muslim vote in Western Sydney – this is about the Greens,” Ms Credlin said. “They’re now just joining the Greens or trying to beat the Greens at their own game. “This is why it’s just rank politics, and it stinks.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Australian Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan is “profoundly disappointed” in the Foreign Minister for her speech calling for a two-state solution. The Opposition leader has taken aim at Penny Wong’s calls for the recognition of a Palestinian state. In a speech at the Sydney Opera House on Wednesday night, Peter Dutton labelled the move reckless and blamed Labor for a rise in anti-Semitism in Australia. “I was profoundly disappointed in this speech,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “I’ve had a lot of respect and admiration for Penny Wong previously, but this speech, although it was carefully worded, there’s a kind of undergraduate silliness to this speech as if she’s the first person who’s ever discovered a two-state solution.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Australian Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan has criticised the Albanese government for “going bad on security”. The Opposition leader has taken aim at Penny Wong’s calls for the recognition of a Palestinian state. In a speech at the Sydney Opera House on Wednesday night, Peter Dutton labelled the move reckless and blamed Labor for a rise in anti-Semitism in Australia. “The government has gone bad on security,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “It started off very good on security … and they’ve gone worse and worse and worse as the months have gone on.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer says Australia is “clearing thousands of hectares” for renewable energy projects. Alinta Energy Chief Executive Jeff Dimery said at the National Press Club on Wednesday that Australians will have to pay more for energy in the future as the country transitions to renewables. “When we’re talking about renewables versus coal or renewables versus nuclear – renewables versus basically any other form of energy – we’re not talking about comparing apples with apples,” Ms Storer told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “Now we’re clearing thousands of hectares. “What do we know about solar energy? It’s not half as powerful as coal, so what are we getting?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer has criticised renewable energy projects as Western governments have “now spent $2.7 trillion” on projects but they are “yet to see value for money”. Alinta Energy Chief Executive Jeff Dimery said at the National Press Club on Wednesday that Australians will have to pay more for energy in the future as the country transitions to renewables. “Across the Western world, our governments have now spent $2.7 trillion rolling out renewable energy, and every single country is yet to see value for money,” Ms Storer told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “We keep being told … this is the cheapest form of power. “We are simply not seeing that.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Canstar Finance Expert Steve Mickenbecker urges Australians to “be aware” of hidden fees when making cashless payments. Mr Mickenbecker pointed out fees attached to credit cards are “significantly higher” than debit cards. “When you use a payment system run by one of the banks … you pay fees,” he told Sky News Australia. “The retailer pays a merchant service fee, and you always will pay a fee. “Now, there are tricks in it because debit fees are lower than credit fees – if you go through a merchant system that is linked by Mastercard or Visa, then you will be paying the credit card fee.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Australia will get left behind if the government doesn't play a larger role in attracting investment in domestic industries, says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese who is set to unveil the 'Made in Australia' Act on Thursday. It follows countries such as the United States, South Korea, and many European nations who have been pumping money into their domestic industries for a number of years in a bid to try and attract new investment on their soil. As a result of the large amount of money now flashing around their economies the Prime Minister believes Australia has no choice but to go down the same path. During an address in Brisbane on Thursday Albanese will unveil what he hopes will be a key pillar of the second term of an Albanese government –the ‘Made in Australia Act.’ The Act will evolve the way in which the government interacts with business, and the private sector in the Australian economy. The act involves a suite of new measures including subsidies, and incentives to try and attract new investment in Australian manufacturing, alongside existing programs such as the National Reconstruction Fund.

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