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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Julian Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson says she’s “encouraged” by Joe Biden’s remarks that the US is ‘considering’ dropping charges against the WikiLeaks founder. “We are of course encouraged by his response, this is what we have been asking for over five years,” Ms Robinson told Sky News Australia. “Since 2010 we’ve been saying this is a dangerous precedent that’s being set, “she said. “So, we certainly hope it was a serious remark and that the US will act on it.” Assange is facing 18 criminal charges in the United States related to material published on Assange's WikiLeaks website in 2010. If extradited, the WikiLeaks founder would be charged under the Espionage Act, adopted by the US during World War I to deal with spies and traitors.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Megyn Kelly Show host Megyn Kelly has praised ‘Back to the Future The Musical’ saying it had “no wokeisms”. Ms Kelly said she had been spending the last two years “ripping on Broadway”. “I’ve had it with Broadway until now,” she told Sky News host Paul Murray. “Back to the Future is just like the movie it’s perfectly done “The acting and the singing is superb, the performances will have you out of your seat laughing, dancing, singing. “I give it five out of five stars.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says a “probe” is underway into why a Gaza wish list was in the secure area of a Melbourne hospital. A confidential document detailing a $7.7 million wish list of medicines and medical equipment for Gaza is being investigated by Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital after being found in an operating theatre precinct. “Why and how does a document listing exactly what Gaza wants end up in an Australian hospital?” Mr Bond said. “Unless there are doctors or others within the hospital who are lobbying or pushing for this kind of thing to happen. “To give them the medicine and equipment they are asking for.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

NPR Senior Business Editor Uri Berliner ripped NPR “to shreds” as having “completely lost its journalistic way,” says The Megyn Kelly host Megyn Kelly. Ms Kelly’s comments come after Mr Berliner, who works at NPR, wrote a scathing piece for The Free Press outlining his problems with the network. "He says at one point he went and did a little poll to see what the voting registrations of the people were who work in the DC bureau of NPR, and it was 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions – guess how many Republicans – zero,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray. “He talked about how their coverage of Donald Trump really did them in and how they went from covering a President to actually trying to topple a president. “He goes through this saga that really leaves you completely flabbergasted at how lost this group is.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson says a Melbourne council is being accused of “concocting a fantastic story” to cover their backs over a bungled attempt to “rip off” ratepayers. Residents of Malane St in Ormond arrived home yesterday to find cars parked out on the street had been slapped with $96 parking fines. “Outraged residents contacted the Glen Eira City Council yesterday and today received an email where the council told them that someone had tampered with the parking signs,” Mr Macpherson said. “The council withdrew the fines and quickly got rid of the signs but local residents smelt a rat. “Unknown fraudsters ... erected parking signs and parking inspectors just happened to turn up at this off the way street where parking restrictions had never been enforced to start issuing tickets.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Megyn Kelly Show host Megyn Kelly has called out Beyonce following the latest release of her country music album ‘Cowboy Carter’. “She’s not a queen – people like her music, she sings some good music, that’s it, she didn’t cure cancer,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray. “Country music’s been around for a long, long time, it goes right to the heart of America and most Americans in red states have been loving and enjoying it long before ‘Queen B’ decided to stick her big toe into the lane. “She makes an album which of course because she’s queen has got the thumbs up and promotion from Michelle Obama, from Vice President Kamala Harris.” Ms Kelly blasted Beyonce for getting “her hands” on the song ‘Jolene’ by Dolly Parton. “God, forbid she sing anything that makes anything look less than all empowered with the muscle,” she said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former Labor senator Stephen Conroy says the potential for nuclear energy production in Australia has “missed the window”. Mr Conroy joined Sky News host Paul Murray to discuss the government’s continued push for renewable energy. “The Coalition has been trying to make that case for 14 or 15 years,” he said. “Sometimes they’ve won elections and other times they’ve lost elections. “Now they’ve got the fantasy policy called nuclear.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

A South Australian council has cancelled a public meeting meant to engage the community to discuss whether they should bring back Australia Day events. Adelaide Hills Council rejected a motion to have community consultation about Australia Day events after a meeting on Tuesday night. “We told you last night in the papers segment about Adelaide Hills Council of course in South Australia where they were planning to hold a public meeting where they would discuss whether or not they should hold events on Australia Day,” says Sky News host Caleb Bond. “Now the Adelaide Hills Council made a decision last year to move away from Australia Day events so they don’t have any fireworks, they don’t have citizenship ceremonies, etcetera. “At their council meeting last night they decided they would not have a public meeting to discuss whether or not they should bring back Australia Day.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former speaker of the House Bronwyn Bishop says renewables being paraded as the “cheapest form” of energy is a “perpetual lie”. Ms Bishop joined Sky News host Paul Murray to discuss the government’s continued push for renewable energy. “I have said all along right from when I was still in the parliament arguing against these policies that the cost of electricity is – what it costs to get it from the generator, from the point of generation to your house or your business,” she said. “That’s the cost. “The real question that should be put to people in a poll is – do you want cheap, reliable electricity that comes from coal until we get nuclear? Or do you want expensive, unreliable electricity that comes from destroying forests, sea beds and productive land?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi says trust in the National Public Radio has plummeted. “Our own ABC should take note of this next story,” Ms Panahi said. “Uri Berliner, who’s worked at NPR for 25 years, wrote a scathing piece for The Free Press outlining how the network has lost its way and lost the trust of its audience. “As a taxpayer-funded media outlet, it has an obligation to be neutral and it certainly is not just like our ABC and SBS, here, in Australia.” Ms Panahi said the National Public Radio’s response to Mr Berliner’s claims is to “basically bury its head in the sand”.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Newsweek’s Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer says the housing market in the United States is the “number one issue”. Housing affordability has become a big issue in America as young people struggle to get into the housing market. “BlackRock and other like-minded financial institutions are buying up tons and tons of residential property across America,” Mr Hammer told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “It’s really tough out there. “It’s very, very unfortunate right now but I think the housing market is one of the number one issues.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer and columnist Justin Smith have clashed over renewables. This comes after Alinta Energy’s CEO said at the National Press Club on Wednesday that Australians will have to pay more for energy in the future as the country transitions to renewables. Ms Storer suggested keeping using coal in Australia until the country can find a “viable replacement”. “You have a problem because you want to keep using coal,” Mr Smith said. “What’s your plan?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Menzies Research Centre Senior Fellow Nick Cater says Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg should be given “credit” for their handling of the economy during the COVID pandemic. Labor says 1,220 jobs are created every day by their government and marks the highest jobs figures of any previous government. “If you remember, they spent the money during COVID deliberately in a way that would keep businesses running and people in jobs so we could have a V-shaped recovery,” Mr Cater said. “I don’t think Chalmers and Albanese can claim any credit for that. “In the end, voters will decide on how they feel about this.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Adventurer Danielle Wolfson says her journey to Mount Everest’s summit was a “very exhausting” and “very tough expedition”. Ms Wolfson is the first Israeli woman to scale the seven highest summits across the glove. “It took me like more than 63 days of the expedition to … stand on the summit of highest point of the world,” she told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “It’s a very, very exhausting, very tough expedition. “It’s not even physically it’s like mental expedition – it’s like 80 per cent mentally. “Very dangerous mountain and I succeeded to do it.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Geologist Ian Plimer says the Labor Party always promises to be “transparent” when elected as the government but “close their doors” once they’re in power. Mr Plimer joined Sky News host Rita Panahi to discuss the government’s latest push for more solar panel manufacturing in Australia. “Labor governments squawk and carry on about how when they’re going to be in government, they will be transparent and they will have accountability, as soon as they’re in government they close their doors,” he said. “There’s no transparency, there’s no accountability and here they have all of their fellow travellers going through caviar and champagne. “These people are so embarrassed by the absolute waste they have to wear sunnies.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Reporter Nathan Templeton dies aged 44, school holidays cause chaos at a Queensland hospital, Aunty Jill Gallagher calls for tax breaks for Indigenous people, perks showered on Queensland union workers, Foreign Minister Penny Wong calls for a two state solution in the Israel-Hamas war, Ireland to recognise Palestine as a state, and Arizona's Supreme Court revives a 19th century law banning access to almost all abortions.  See ( for privacy information.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Fitzpatrick and Co Advisory Eamonn Fitzpatrick says Australia is “not immune” to inflation. Mr Fitzpatrick told Sky News Australia that inflation is a “huge challenge electorally”. “It’s absolutely why this is a government that did what it did around stage three (tax cuts). “That’s why there has been assistance around some of the cost-of-living measures. “We could be less than a year away from an election, so now’s the time.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Comedian and actor Rob Schneider has expressed his support for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Schneider appeared on Fox and Friends First on Tuesday to discuss why he chose to support RFK Jr ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The actor revealed he and the independent candidate are friends and that he believes Kennedy speaks about real issues affecting US citizens. During his appearance on the show, Schneider quickly outlined health care as one of the key reasons he supported Kennedy Jr. The 60-year-old comedian also criticised the US for sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and for getting involved in “forever wars”. The comedian then set his sights on freedom of speech and how he believes the Democratic Party are attempting to censor Americans. “The Democrats now suddenly turned out to not be the party of the people. Now that is the party of forever wars and the party of censorship,” he said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has left the country’s cash rate on hold. For the sixth consecutive month, the RBNZ has decided to keep the cash rate on hold at 5.5 per cent. The RBNZ’s cash rate decision was widely expected. The consumer price index for New Zealand sits at 4.6 per cent, which is outside the central bank’s target band of one to three per cent. This comes ahead of the budget expected to be handed down by the New Zealand government in May.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

There have been calls to scrap the so called CFMEU tax in Queensland after a deal was struck between the Queensland government and the CMFEU for better conditions for workers. Queensland Major Contractors Association CEO Andrew Chapman discussed the pitfalls of BPIC (Best Practice Industry Conditions) which ensures a significant wage increase but not greater productivity. “It means we are delivering less for more money over a longer period of time,” Mr Chapman told Sky News Australia. “It means that the taxpayers are paying more and getting less”, Mr Chapman added. “We have already dropped eight to ten per cent this year, over the last year, in productivity on our construction sites and BPIC is forcing that further south”.

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