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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Northern Territory Opposition says failed government policies have led to the increase in crime and anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs. This comes after Northern Territory Chief Minister Eva Lawler declared an ‘emergency situation’ in the Alice Springs CBD to combat crime. A two-week youth curfew has been put in place as part of the response. Northern Territory Chief Minister Eva Lawler says she believes the curfew will make a difference. “This will give us an extra string to the bow, really, around making sure that people who are in town, kids that are in town are doing the right thing,” she said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Assistant Trade Minister Tim Ayres has launched an attack on Barnaby Joyce after the former deputy prime minister questioned the deal which saw China lift trade tariffs. “It is hard to fathom a bloke like Barnaby Joyce who is unable to accept a government would behave with honour in the Australian national interest without being blowhards on the domestic scene and will just work through this in a programmatic, sensible kind of way to achieve the outcome,” Mr Ayres told Sky News Australia. Mr Joyce came into question after he commented on Labor’s new renewable energy project, calling it a “swindle factory” while also pointing out the Chinese-bought materials came at the same time as the wine tariffs being lifted. Mr Ayres denied any connection between the $1 billion solar panel project and the dropping of tariffs as he slammed Mr Joyce for being “hostile” and saying “wild things”. “He has absolutely no evidence for that kind of proposition – he is just making it up because that is all the Coalition has got,” Mr Ayres said. “Negativity, conspiracy theories, fear campaigns – we just should stick to the facts.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former UN assistant secretary-general Ramesh Thakur discusses the passing of the UN Security Council’s immediate ceasefire resolution on Monday, saying it was "one-sided" in its impact. “I think it reflects a lot of anger in the UN community on the civilian carnage that’s inevitable when you have a war – I think they forget a couple of key things though,” Mr Thakur told Sky News host Sharri Markson. “One, the war started with the Hamas attacks on October 7 that were particularly brutal and gruesome, and were it not for what happened on 7th of October, there would be no Israeli military presence in Gaza today. “The second they forget is that the war could indeed end if Hamas releases all the hostages, surrenders weapons and hand it over for trial. The senior commanders are responsible for what happened on 7th October. “And the third thing is I think they ignore the reality that the civilian casualties are so high.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The two pilots of the ship which caused the collapse of a bridge in the US city of Baltimore will be interviewed by authorities on Friday. The Dali ship collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday causing its collapse. Two bodies have been recovered since the incident, however, four other workers who were on the bridge at the time of its collapse are still missing. The captain and two engineers on board have already been interviewed by the National Transport Safety Board. Authorities have begun to piece together a rough timeline of events leading up to the collision but a full investigation could take years.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Film director Christopher Nolan and his wife, Emma Thomas, are set to receive a Knighthood and a Damehood. Ms Thomas is well known for producing all of Mr Nolan’s films. The UK government says the pair are being honoured for their service to film. Mr Nolan’s most recent film, Oppenheimer, won a number of awards at the Oscars. This includes him winning Best Director and Best Picture.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The International Court of Justice has unanimously ordered Israel to take action and address the famine in Gaza. The world’s top court has said Israel must ensure urgent humanitarian assistance gets into the enclave as soon as possible. The new measures were requested by South Africa. It comes as part of South Africa’s ongoing case which accuses Israel of state-led genocide. The vote was made on March 28.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Reserve Bank of Australia and the federal government are being blamed for the cancellation of Splendour in the Grass. Bluesfest Chairman Peter Noble says the central bank is fueling the cost of living crisis which is hurting music festivals. Reportedly, 25 events have been cancelled since 2022. However, this recent cancellation is the biggest so far. There are growing fears over what the future of festivals in Australia will look like.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

King Charles has stressed the importance of friendship in times of need during the annual maundy Easter service. A pre-recorded message was broadcast in his absence at a service in Worcester as the King undergoes treatment for cancer. The monarch told the congregation it was “a great sadness” he could not attend the service with them. Pictures of the King have emerged where he was working in more controllable settings, meeting with several ambassadors behind closed doors. Queen Camilla continued to carry out the royal duties in Worcester, distributing charity coins to community volunteers.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

A social media campaign is encouraging Australians to protest card payments by partaking in ‘Draw Out Some Cash Day’. The protest is set to occur on April 2. “People are being encouraged to go to an ATM or to a bank,” Sky News host Caleb Bond said. “They’re encouraging people to take out at least $20 and go and spend it in a local business. “May I say on behalf of all of us – hear hear.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

GB News host Darren Grimes has taken aim at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, labelling the pair “ginge and the whinge”. Mr Grimes critcised the Sussexs while joining Sky News host Rita Panahi to discuss how the Royal Family were holding up in light of King Charles and Princess Catherine's illnesses. “There’s a real show of unity and strength,” Mr Grimes said. “I think as we said earlier Queen Camilla is a pillar of support for both King Charles and Princess Catherine. “I think they're pulling through alright, I think they're emerging pretty strong and untied and that even after Prince Harry and Meghan have done all they can to ensure that wasn’t the case.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

‘The Snake Hunter’ Mark Pelley has urged members of the community to keep away from snakes and call a professional catcher. Mr Pelley joined Sky News host Rita Panahi to discuss his choice of profession. “I believe snakes play a very important role in the environment,” he said. He explained when he thought he was “going to die” in hospital from a snake bite, his final message to the community was to “still keep away from snakes”. “I was afraid that my being bitten by a snake would cause people to try to go out after them themselves.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky New Australia host Caleb Bond has questioned how long until people “wake up” to the “simple matter of fairness” surrounding the debate about transgender people joining female sporting teams. Mr Bond’s comments come as a Sydney soccer team with five trans players won every game in the league. “There are many sporting leagues and organisations that have banned transgender people from playing,” Mr Bond said. “But we still have leagues including the AFL in this country that have made no decision on these matters. “It is abundantly evident, not only from the anecdotal evidence like this case, but the scientific evidence that a biological male who has been through puberty has an advantage over a biological female. “How long does it take us to wake up and say this is simply a matter of fairness?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

‘The Snake Hunter’ Mark Pelley discusses how he dealt with the criticism he faced after nearly dying from a snakebite. Mr Pelley told Sky News host Rita Panahi “you’re never criticised by those doing more than you in life”. “Dave Chappelle said it best – when a hero stumbles, cowards rejoice. “The very few people who had something nasty to say, it’s a reflection of themselves rather than me. “No matter what you do in life, you’re going to get haters.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

GB News host Darren Grimes has blasted the Late Show host Stephen Colbert following his remarks on Princess Catherine. The Late Show host poked fun at the Princess of Wales' absence from the public eye during his March 13 episode, weighing into theories Prince William was having an affair. However, has since addressed his controversial remarks following Kate’s revelation on Friday that she had actually been battling cancer. Mr Colbert tried to explain the reasoning behind his jokes during Monday night's show, “I mean, a lot of my jokes have upset people in the past, and I’m sure some of my jokes will upset people in the future”. Mr Grimes labelled the Late Show host a “liberal lout”. “It wasn’t a joke, I actually think in reporting that, thought he was giving some really cool insightful gossip,” Mr Grimes told Sky News host Rita Panahi.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

‘The Snake Hunter’ Mark Pelley reveals his “critical” tips to maximise the chances of surviving a snakebite. “The first step you take is you step away from the snake,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “Don’t try to touch it, don’t try to handle it. “Once you’re safely away from the snake, immediately call 000. “If you have no help around you, it’s better to walk to a position where you can call for help rather than lay there and let the snake venom take you out. “Once there, stay as still as you can and apply a pressure bandage, and follow the instructions of 000 – it’s critical.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer says the Californian city of Sacramento has just declared themselves the “Transgender Sanctuary City”. “You think our city councils are bad?” Ms Storer said. “These guys have just declared themselves a sanctuary city for the trans movement. “Move over, illegal immigrants. “Trans have got less rights than you apparently and they’re top of the pots.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Australian's Environment Editor Graham Llyod has called Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s $1 billion dollar solar panel program “unsustainable”, arguing it’s not economically feasible. The Prime Minister spruiked a $1 billion investment for Australian-made solar panels during a visit to New South Wales’ Hunter Valley region on Thursday. “The problem is as solar panel firms all around the world have found out, they can’t compete with China on price,” Mr Lloyd told Sky News Australia host Steve Price. “So, the result here will be these panels will be more expensive than ones we can get from overseas. “The arguments becomes is there an economic benefit in putting money into that rather than something else. “There’s a lot more politics in it than there is economics.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Strategic Analysis Australia Director Michael Shoebridge says there are “big problems” for Australia if war broke out in our region considering imports and infrastructure. “There is a real schizophrenia here,” he said. “There are two big problems if a war broke out and our overseas trade was interrupted. “Australia is more dependent on imports from China than any other developed economy on the planet. “In the defence sector they seem to not know what Australian companies can make that will be critical to our military in times of war.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

University of Melbourne INTL Relations Professor Michael Wesley says the collapse of the Baltimore bridge “really reinforces how old much of the critical infrastructure in the United States is”. Mr Wesley says the bridge is now “decades old”. “Reports coming through it really wasn’t safe, particularly to misadventures like that. “A number of experts have said that a modern bridge would not have been built to those modern specifications. “When critical infrastructure like that goes down it could have massive effects on a national economy.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

NT police union president on how officers are enforcing the Alice Springs youth curfew, Labor announces a major solar panel investment. Plus, security expert Michael Shoebridge on how conflict with China would seriously impact our trade routes.   See ( for privacy information.

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