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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

O'Leary Ventures Chairman Kevin O'Leary has praised the "adults" in the New York appeals court for reducing the bond owed by Donald Trump in his civil fraud lawsuit. The Shark Tank star told Fox News on Monday the initial result of Trump's fraud case had made foreign investors wary about putting their money into New York. "What was happening in New York was extremely scary," O'Leary said. "Thank goodness the adults came to the rescue." On Monday, the New York appeals court granted a delay in the collection of Trump's $US454 million civil fraud judgment. The former US president previously indicated he had a comparable amount in his bank account earmarked for his campaign. The appellate court permitted Trump to post a $175 million bond ten days after the deadline instead. On the same day, another New York Judge scheduled Donald Trump's hush money trial to commence on April 15.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Kosha Gada says Donald Trump is trailing President Joe Biden by “just a few points” in the polls ahead of the upcoming US election. Ms Gada joined Sky News Australia host Sharri Markson to discuss the latest with US politics. “He’s pretty much close,” she said. “What’s more interesting is in those battleground states and specifically Michigan, the Biden campaign is really in trouble. “The thing with Michigan is there’s an immediate term effect that’s happening in the wake of October 7 – the Democrat voter base has really been this coalition of the fringes.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Princess Catherine’s cancer diagnosis reveal was not a direct reaction to the rumours and speculation about her online, according to Talk TV Royal Editor Sarah Hewson. “It was that the Princess of Wales wanted to be upfront with the public,” she told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “She knew that after that photo editing misstep, there was a potential issue of trust. “She wanted to put it out there, she wanted to tell people what was going on, and she wanted to do it in her own time. “So, they say it wasn’t about the trolls.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

News Corp's Chief Communications Officer Jim Kennedy analyses how the presidential election is shaping up as Joe Biden and Donald Trump look set for an election rematch. Mr Kennedy served in the Clinton White House as the President's Deputy Assistant, Deputy Press Secretary and Senior Advisor to the White House Counsel. He later became Hilary Clinton's Head of Communications when she was a New York Senator and worked closely with Senator Clinton on her response to the 9/11 terror attacks as she successfully campaigned for billions in recovery and development funds. He also was a volunteer advisor in Hillary Clinton's 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns. Discussing upcoming tactics for both presidential candidates, Mr Kennedy encouraged Joe Biden to avoid the “basement strategy” again from 2020 and show he has the vitality and optimism to be a great president. “And don’t demonise all of the supporters of your opponent. You can criticise Donald Trump but don’t criticise the people who support him because you want to be president of all the people, I think it’s important for him to have that in mind,” he told Sky News Australia. “And don’t be afraid to take more of a conservative position on immigration. Maybe offend some on the left of the party but with every vote you may lose on the left you can gain a couple in the middle.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

New Zealand is latest country to confirm it has fallen victim to a Chinese state-sponsored cyber-attack. The historic attack occurred on the country’s parliament in 2021. It is understood information was stolen but was not of a “strategic or sensitive” nature, according to New Zealand’s spy agency. The Government Communications Security Bureau confirmed the group Advanced Persistent Threat 40 (APT 40) were responsible for the attack. The parliamentary council office along with the parliamentary service was hit for a very short time by these hackers before security experts acted on the threats.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Ancient construction tools uncovered at Pompeii have helped to shine a new light on ancient Roman infrastructure. Archaeologists found working tools, tiles, bricks and piles of lime and stones at a newly discovered building on the historical site. Concrete appeared to have been made through “hot mixing”, with water added just before walls were built. It is helping historians draw conclusions about how structures like the Colosseum and Pantheon were built. Italy’s culture ministry said the site of Pompeii was probably active until 79 AD – when volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

US Vice President Kamala Harris has suffered an embarrassing moment after clapping to a Spanish song protesting against her. Ms Harris was unknowingly clapping along to a Puerto Rican protest song before stopping when she was told the lyrics were directed at her. During a visit to San Juan last week, Ms Harris visited a community centre where a group of local musicians was playing. Video footage captured her clapping to the music before stopping after an aide next to her translated the band’s lyrics. The Vice President was filmed folding her arms and nodding her head for the remainder of the song.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Julian Assange is about to learn his fate as to whether he will be extradited to the US. After five years of battling extradition to face 17 counts of espionage and a computer misuse charge for revealing hundreds of thousands of classified military documents. If the result goes his way the court will allow a further appeal in the High Court but he will most likely stay in London’s Belmarsh Prison. However, if the result goes against him, Mr Assange will almost immediately be escorted on a military plane to the US. If found guilty he would face a maximum term of 175 years.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

A group of nuns have taken an unorthodox approach to preaching. The group served pints of beer at an ancient sanctuary in northern Spain. The sisters have taken over operations at the newly refurbished bar outside the city of Vitoria. They were dressed in bartender aprons for the opening of the venue. The event also coincided with the start of the holy week.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Farmers are driving tractors across the streets of central London. They are protesting against a lack of support for British food production. Organisers claim cheap food imports and unsupportive policies are putting local food security at risk. Similar protests have taken place throughout Europe in recent weeks. The incident comes after French farmers blocked routes in Paris earlier this year.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski says the markets will “take a little bit of a step lower” when they kick off on Tuesday morning. “At this stage, the futures are saying that the ASX 200 will be down by around 0.2 of a per cent,” Mr Piotrowski told Sky News Australia. “So, only a modest move, and that essentially reflects the conviction that we have seen in the Northern Hemisphere markets overnight. “We have seen neither buyers nor sellers really be able to hold sway of anything.” Presented by CommSec.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray has discussed Labor’s proposed fuel efficiency standards. Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen is preparing to lower Australia's proposed high fuel efficiency standards for petrol vehicles following US President Joe Biden's backdown on American standards and pressure from Thailand, Japan, and the domestic automotive industry. Australia, along with Russia, is one of only two nations in the world which doesn’t have fuel efficiency standards. “What about the government, if you buy the right car by 2028 you’ll save $1,000 then it was $1,800 and today Matt Thistlethwaite says it's $5,000 you’re going to save … the BS,” Mr Murray said. “They're just making it up,” Mr Murry claimed.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Daily Mirror’s Royal Editor Russell Myers has discussed King Charles and Princess Catherine's close bond. It comes after reports the pair went out for lunch on Thursday before the Princess of Wales revealed her cancer diagnosis to the public. “I’ve seen their bond up close,” Mr Myers told Sharri Markson. “Certainly, in the last past few years and there’s a tremendous amount of respect not only from Kate to Charles of course. “But the King finds her fascinating, the way she’s dealt with public pressure, the way she’s brought up her three young children.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Sharri Markson has slammed the Palace over the way they handled Princess Kate’s photoshop incident while she was undergoing treatment for cancer. "Everyone now is coming out now and blaming the media for speculation in the wake of that Photoshop debacle but actually the media were very respectful of Princess Kate's privacy for months, isn't really the issue here that the Palace handled it so appallingly,” Mr Markson said. The Princess of Wales on Friday revealed in an emotional message on Friday that she had been diagnosed with cancer. In the clip, she spoke about the "major abdominal surgery" she underwent at The London Clinic, with doctors at the time believing her condition was non-cancerous. Despite the success of the procedure, tests later confirmed cancer was present.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Talk TV Royal editor Sarah Hewson says Princess Catherine has “clearly” asked the public to give her and her family “privacy" as she undergoes treatment for cancer. The Princess of Wales announced Saturday she is undergoing a course of preventative chemotherapy for cancer. The announcement follows an array of rumours on social media about the true nature of the Princesses’ disappearance from public duties. “I think what she did in that statement was very clear, which was saying look don’t ask me anymore and don’t ask me when I’m coming back, I will be back, I want to be back, but I’ll be back when I’m ready,” Ms Hewson told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “She said she needs that time to spend with her family.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Headline advisory director Andrew Carswell says Australia is heading towards an “unholy and unruly” minority government in light of recent polling. The latest polls show the Labor Party’s vote has dropped to 32 per cent, their worst result since November last year. “We are certainly sliding towards a pretty unholy and unruly minority government of Labors, Greens and Teals and whoever else they can cobble together,” Mr Carswell told Sky News Australia host Sharri Markson. “That is the reality of where we are heading. “History is against the Albanese government in the first place anyway – no government since the first world war has increased their margin from the first term to the second term.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Co-CEO Alex Ryvchin has discussed why his organisation has lodged vilification complaints against two radical Islamist preachers with the with the Australian Human Rights Commission. The preachers have described Jewish people as “monsters”, “vile” and “bloodthirsty” in their sermons. “Since October 7, we’ve seen this rolling sequence of sermons on a weekly basis, really, each more horrific than the last which are deliberately intended to incite violence and hatred against our community,” Mr Ryvchin told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “And coming into a time of heightened tension our society, this isn’t merely individuals spouting their own views, these are religious clerics – authorities who are listened to, whose views are adhered to by their followers.” Mr Ryvchin said this is an “extremely dangerous phenomenon”. “The laws in this country and in this state clearly are inadequate to deal with this – there’s been no prosecution at all and so we felt we had to take action to protect our society and to protect our community.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Talk TV Royal editor Sarah Hewson has discussed when Princess Catherine will make her official return to royal duties following her cancer diagnosis. The Princess of Wales on Friday revealed in an emotional video message that she has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing preventive treatment. Ms Hewson said it’s premature to be putting a date on when the Princess will return to work. “It’s going to be in the medical teams’ hands and up to the Princess of Wales herself,” Ms Hewson told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “She’s going to carry on with her routine, though we might see her out and about that visit to the farm shop nothing out of the ordinary for her.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Energy Minister Chris Bowen is driving Australia to the “brink of economic ruin”, says Sky News contributor Gary Hardgrave. It comes as the Energy Minister is preparing to lower Australia’s proposed high fuel efficiency following pressure from Thailand, Japan and the domestic automotive industry. “He is on a crusade to drive up the cost of living for everybody,” Mr Hardgrave told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “The fuel you put in the car is one thing, the price of electricity well it’s double for many Queenslanders for example. “This guy is driving us all to the brink of economic ruin.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Liberal Senator Alex Antic says Australians are “working this government out”. Mr Antic told Sky News host Rita Panahi that everything’s “more expensive” now under the Albanese government. “We know that they’re going to work out this Labor government by the time we get to the next election. “The message for my side of politics is the Liberal Party needs to be Liberal. “And it needs to prosecute those values, and we win.”

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