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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says Russian President Vladimir Putin is “trying to blame” the recent terrorist attack at a concert venue in Moscow, on Ukraine. It is the worst act of terror on Russian soil in 20 years. Islamic State has claimed responsibility and posted a video from the attack on Crocus City Hall. The Kremlin has released images of President Putin praying for the victims of the attack as the nation mourns its collective loss. Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Andrew Bolt that Ukraine being responsible for the attack is “the most implausible thing you can imagine”.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) CEO Mary Delahunty explains why enabling early super access would not improve housing affordability for first-home buyers. “We need to make sure that any solution that we come up with to address that actually makes an impact on the problem at hand,” Mr Delahunty told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “So, what we’ve done is taken a sample set of 34-year-olds, so first home buyer type of market, and had a look at whether they had any money in their superannuation to begin with and the answer is no. “Well, they’ve got money in their superannuation (but) certainly not enough. “So if you look at what it costs to get into the market in capital cities … not even a couple or single person could drain their super and still not make it. “They’d be draining their superannuation fund … and pushing on the demand side leaver.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Australia Taxpayers Alliance economics researcher Barclay McGain says the University of Queensland's “far left-radical budget” sailed through parliament. The breakdown of this year’s Services Amenities Fee budget paid by all full-time students at Queensland University saw $241,000 put towards 'Gender and Sexuality’ and $59,000 towards 'Environment.' “We’re not talking about gardening or trimming hedges,” Mr McGain told Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi. “We’re talking about protests against the military industrial complex. “We’re talking about people protesting climate change and climate change alarmism. “Sadly, this sailed through with the help of Labor left, Labor right and would you believe some Labor like Liberals teaming up with the socialists to pass what I would call a far-left radical budget for the 2023/2024 year.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Nationals MP Anne Webster says Australians need to be “aware” of the risks associated with voting in Independents. Ms Webster’s comments comes in light of the latest polling which suggests Anthony Albanese could be governing in a minority government with the Greens, as well as the Teals. “Do we really want to go through the Windsor-Oakeshott Gillard and back to Rudd years all over again?” Ms Webster said to Sky News host Chris Kenny. “It is all about horse trading, it’s all about keeping independents on side. “It’s not a government that can come with a strong agenda. “Australia needs to be aware of what they are really doing when they are voting in Independents.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Nationals MP Anne Webster reveals farming communities across Mallee are “deeply concerned” about a transmission-line project. The project aims to connect the Western Renewables Link in Victoria to EnergyConnect in New South Wales, to deliver clean energy to consumers. “Scarcely a day goes by where I don’t hear from farming communities across Mallee who are deeply concerned about transmission lines,” Ms Webster told Sky News Australia host Chris Kenny. “Four hundred kilometres are expected to take place across Mallee, along with the renewable projects themselves. “And then of course you have to add rare earth mining.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Chris Kenny has revealed more instances of Kevin Rudd’s strident criticism of Donald Trump, saying Australia’s ambassador to the US is looking “increasingly shaky” in his role. In the past, Rudd has called Trump "nuts", tweeted about him as a "traitor to the west" and declared him the "most destructive president in history." Mr Kenny said Rudd's anti-Trump views were “deep-seated, carefully explained and repeatedly expressed” during his sideline career as a China analyst. In March 2022, Rudd described Trump as a “madman” to the Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington DC. Mr Kenny also said in the 2022 book ‘The Avoidable War’ – about how to avoid a war between the US and China – Rudd's view of Trump created news. Rudd said China had made "phenomenal progress from 2016 to 2020 courtesy of Donald Trump – the US as the stabilising fulcrum in the international order started to wobble. China didn't believe their luck. The diminution of US standing was unprecedented”. “Yep, Rudd's thesis was that Trump gave power to China's arm, because Trump weakened the west and the US," Mr Kenny said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Labor government has announced ten more Regional University Study Hubs for regional Australia to bring tertiary education to students living far from urban areas. The new hubs join the 34 existing regional study centres spread across the nation. Data suggests university participation and completion has increased where the hubs are located. Assistant Education Minister Anthony Chisholm joined Sky News Australia to discuss how regional communities were granted study hubs. “The department went through an independent process, so the areas were able to apply and they needed to demonstrate that they had community support, often that comes from the local council,” he said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry CEO Andrew McKellar says a recent survey has revealed “marked indicators of fragility” in the economy during the March quarter. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has released its quarterly survey of industrial trends showing conditions in the manufacturing sector have deteriorated due to several factors. “There is a stronger sense of pessimism than there has been for a while,” Mr McKellar told Sky News Australia. “It really points to the fact that higher interest rates over the past 12 months have done their work – they have taken the heat out of the economy. “We now have to be very careful about getting the balance right over the coming months.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Shadow Communications Minister David Coleman has slammed Meta’s “appalling” and “disgraceful” conduct after its decision to stop paying for Australian news content on its platforms. Earlier this month, the tech giant made the decision to walk away from commercial deals with Australian news outlets. The decision is expected to cost Australian news outlets hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for their content. “The government has got to make Meta pay but it actually took two weeks after the Meta decision before the media companies even got a letter asking them with a clear request to provide information about why Meta should be designated under the code,” Mr Coleman told Sky News Australia. “The government was not ready, they want to huff and puff and they want to say Meta is bad well we all agree Meta’s conduct is terrible. “All that matters is the outcome and the government talks a lot about process and process is important but more important than process is the outcome.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Daily Mirror’s Royal Editor Russell Myers says moving forward, Princess Kate will be taking a “leave of absence” to rest and recuperate fully following her cancer diagnosis. Princess Kate over the weekend released a video message where she revealed her cancer diagnosis, which sent shockwaves internationally. The Princess of Wales’ announcement comes amid several weeks of rampant rumours and speculation about her whereabouts and health following her absence from the public eye after her abdominal surgery in January. “I think we’re all still reeling from the news delivered by the Princess of Wales personally that she’s undergoing preventative chemotherapy,” Mr Myers told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo. “It seems quite a grave situation for the whole family to have dealt with.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former Labor MP Graham Richardson says Tasmania has always had “difficulties” due to its dependence on federal money. Mr Richardson joined Sky News Australia to discuss the latest in Australian politics with the recent Tasmanian state election. “They can’t look after themselves, they need federal money to survive,” he said. “They’re always looking for an extra buck here or there, it’s never easy for them. “Doesn’t matter who governs in Tasmania, when the crunch comes, we’ll still be paying for them.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite says Australians understand the Albanese government is “doing its best” to help people. This comes as the latest Newspoll reveals the Labor Party is heading towards a minority government at the next election. Labor’s primary vote has fallen a point to 32 per cent while the Coalition’s increased by a point to 37 per cent. “Our tax cuts, everyone knew about them on the weekend, and appreciated the fact that they’re aimed at ensuring that Australians can earn more and keep more of what they earn,” Mr Thistlethwaite said. “They also knew about our cheaper medicines policy, they knew about our investments in Medicare and cheaper childcare and our rebates for energy prices. “All of these policies are contributing to assisting people.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Harry Potter star Miriam Margolyes has slammed adult fans of the famous book series, claiming “it’s for children”. The actress joined the ABC and slammed adult fans of the book series, saying it’s time to “forget about it”. “I just think that it’s for children,” she said. “If your balls have dropped, then it’s time to forget about it. “You know, go on to other things.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Australian entrepreneur Dick Smith has accused the RMIT ABC Fact Check unit of being dishonest, claiming his comments were misconstrued. Mr Smith previously stated no country had been able to run entirely on renewable energy. The RMIT ABC Fact Check unit allegedly conflated electricity with total energy use, claiming Albania, Bhutan, Nepal, and Paraguay were run off 100 per cent renewable energy. Mr Smith has disputed the claim. “It is just completely ridiculous. They have motor vehicles and transport in those countries all running on fossil fuels,” he told 2GB radio.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Daily Mirror’s Royal Editor Russell Myers says Princess Catherine’s cancer diagnosis is a “grave situation” for her whole family to have dealt with. Princess Kate over the weekend released a video message where she revealed her cancer diagnosis, which sent shockwaves internationally. The Princess of Wales’ announcement comes amid several weeks of rampant rumours and speculation about her whereabouts and health following her absence from the public eye after her abdominal surgery in January. “Certainly, William and Kate deciding how to break the news to their three young children was absolutely heartbreaking when (the) Princess was talking about it,” Mr Myers told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo. “I think moving forward, she’s going to be taking a leave of absence for the foreseeable future to rest and recuperate fully.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Daily Mirror’s Royal Editor Russell Myers has slammed the “cascade of conspiracy theories” about Princess Catherine, which were peddled by people who have “absolutely no information”. Following weeks of rampant rumours and speculation, Princess Catherine over the weekend released a video message where she revealed her cancer diagnosis, which sent shockwaves internationally. It prompted celebrities to issue an apology over jokes they made about the Princess of Wales – actress Blake Lively being one of them. “It’s been hurtful, we’ve seen celebrities getting involved in the act,” Mr Myers told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo. “We really need to take a look at ourselves as a society.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says Labor are “enthusiastic champions” of low-paid workers. The Albanese government is pushing to raise the minimum wage in line with inflation for a third straight year. Labor is expected to make its submission to the Fair Work Commission on Thursday this week. “We’ll make a submission on Thursday that the wages of Australia’s lowest paid workers don’t go backwards,” Mr Chalmers told Sky News Australia. “We are enthusiastic champions of the low-paid in our country, and our submission will reflect that. “But our focus this week – indeed every week – is ensuring that Australians can earn more and keep more of what they earn, and our submission will reflect that.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski says last week the US markets saw some of the “best performances” in recent months. “We saw some of the best performances in recent months from US markets as far as last week was concerned,” Mr Piotrowski told Sky News Australia. “The Nasdaq rose by almost three per cent; the S&P 500 was up by 2.3 per cent. “So, the point to make here is that those gains come in a week where the US Federal Reserve essentially told us that we can expect considerable rate cuts in the near term – as many as three.” Presented by CommSec.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

King Charles’ nephew Peter Phillips has thanked the public for their ongoing support after the shock cancer diagnosis of both King Charles and now the Princess of Wales. Mr Phillips told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo in an exclusive interview on Sunday that the public response has been “hugely heartening”. “Well wishes for the both of them to recover quickly has been hugely heartening,” he said. “She’s remarkable in herself ... her and William make a fantastic team together.” Mr Phillips also praised his mother Princess Anne’s “remarkable” work ethic.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

King Charles met the Princess of Wales for lunch hours before she revealed her cancer diagnosis to the public on Saturday. It’s reported Princess Catherine wanted to speak to the King about his own ongoing battle with the disease. A source claims it’s “highly unusual” for the two of them to sit down together in a meeting like this. It’s understood that the pair discussed Princess Catherine’s video message during their meeting at Windsor Castle. The Princess’ shock cancer diagnosis reveal comes after rampant rumours and speculation about her health and whereabouts following her absence from the public eye after her abdominal surgery in January.

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