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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The latest Newspoll suggests Labor is heading towards a minority government in the next election. Labor’s primary vote has fallen a point to 32 per cent while the Coalition’s increased by a point to 37 per cent. More than 30 per cent say they’d vote for anyone other than the major parties. It’s the Albanese government’s worst result since November following the failed Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum. The Coalition is sitting at almost two points higher than its 2022 election result, but it’s also not enough to form a majority government.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Join Paul Murray for an epic east coast adventure as he travels to Sydney's Balgowlah for this month's Our Town episode. In partnership with Harvey Norman.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Marine biologist and ocean conservationist Lauren Sandeman says shark culling is not the answer to reduce the number of shark attacks in Australia. Ms Sandeman said there was no evidence a cull would make the sea any safer. “If your objective is to reduce a shark bite occurring culling isn’t going to achieve that objective simply because that is what decades of research in evidence of shark bite mitigation tells us,” she said. “A shark bite isn’t determined by the size of a local shark population.” “The rise in shark bites that were seeing in Australia and around the world is predominately determined by the drastic increase in the number of people were seeing in the ocean. “More people is leading to more interactions.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says the Royal Family should consider doing annual physical checks similar to the US President amid following health issues. “No part of me wants to be ghoulish about this conversation, but in the same way we should know what’s going on with the King, we should know what’s going on with everyone in the real line of succession,” Mr Murray said. “There's a model for this in the United States they do a yearly physical of the President … theoretically they do a medical test of the President. “The point is I think this is where maybe the Royal Family have to start thinking about this as an option into the future. “Whether it starts with the King and it's only for the King okay, whether it's for the King and the immediate air maybe.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

News Corp Columnist Louise Roberts says she finds it “staggering” the celebrities who have come out to apologise to the Princess of Wales even “engaged” in such behaviour in the first place. Since the Princess of Wales revealed she is currently undergoing preventative chemotherapy celebrities including Kim Kardashian have apologised for jokes they made about her disappearance prior to the announcement. “Beggars belief these celebrities would join the pile on for Kate,” Ms Roberts told Sky News Australia host Caroline Di Russo. “Kim Kardashian making jokes about her car, going out to find Kate, of course, Blake Lively doing a very clumsy photoshop. “I find it staggering that these celebrities would even engage in this sort of terrible behaviour towards a woman that was already unwell.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Legalise Cannabis MP Jeremy Buckingham has argued in favour of legalising pill testing centres claiming they “reduce” the amount of drugs people take. “If you want to stop people taking drugs, if you want to reduce the number of drugs people take, provide a service for them to have them tested. “They make an informed decision talking to a health practitioner about the risks. “Reasonable people discard the drugs. “Pill testing actually reduces the amount of drugs people take.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says candidates for the Jacqui Lambie Network “literally went door to door” to show they were there for the vibe and admitted on television they “have no ideas”. “Jacqui Lambie … her candidates literally went door to door,” he said. “The Lambie candidates, actually admitted on television, no policies. “Literally no policies, no idea, no policies, they just were going to be there for the vibe. “She is a politician in Canberra and then these people that may well be elected in her name … admitting they have no ideas.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio says claims of ABC bias were “catapulted back into the headlines” after a controversial Four Corners documentary. The ABC has copped criticism for its documentary ‘Ukraine’s War: The Other Side’, which offered a “human perspective on life on the Russian frontline”. Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Myroshnychenko described it as “pro-Putin and pro-violence propaganda” as he labelled the program the “journalistic equivalent of a bowl of vomit” in a scathing statement. Ms De Giorgio said the ABC was once a “respected and trusted voice”. “But these allegations of bias have again prompted the question, do we really need a public broadcaster?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former ABC Chairman Maurice Newman says the ABC is “supposed to inform and to entertain”. Mr Newman told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio that there’s “nothing about the ABC which is distinctive”. “There’s nothing about the ABC which goes to Australia’s culture. “It is a contrived culture which goes to the green left. “And it is totally uncountable, there are no consequences.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former ABC Chairman Maurice Newman says he was “concerned about the level of bias” when working at the ABC. Mr Newman told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio that he gave a speech to the top 200 people at the ABC which “brought the roof down”. “Because I said they need to be more curious, particularly on questions like climate change. “I was shunned from that moment on. “There was never another one of those meetings.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio says ABC’s Managing Director David Anderson has “rejected suggestions” that the public broadcaster has been “compromised by any left-wing prejudice”. The ABC has copped criticism for its documentary ‘Ukraine’s War: The Other Side’, which offered a “human perspective on life on the Russian frontline”. Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Myroshnychenko described it as “pro-Putin and pro-violence propaganda” as he labelled the program the “journalistic equivalent of a bowl of vomit” in a scathing statement. He said the ABC should be “ashamed” of itself after it aired “such total garbage” about the Ukraine-Russia war. Ms De Giorgio said many conservatives believe the ABC’s bias is “making a mockery” of its obligation to be neutral.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips says King Charles is ready to get back to a “form of normality” as he discusses his uncle’s eagerness to return to royal duties. King Charles was diagnosed with an undisclosed form of cancer while undergoing a separate procedure to treat an enlarged prostate in January. The King has cut back on royal duties while he receives outpatient treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer. “He is in good spirits, I think, ultimately, he's hugely frustrated,” Mr Phillips told Sky News Australia host Caroline Di Russo. “He's frustrated that he can't get on and do everything that he wants to be able to do.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Royal Family member Peter Phillips spruiks his charity work as he visits Australia to represent the IFAC for the Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour. Mr Phillips has been working with Dr Handa for nearly 12 years, starting with the International Sports Promotion Society Handa. He said they have taken huge strides over the past decade in creating the all-abilities championship as part of the Australian Open, where all-abilities men are playing on the same course at the same time as the men's professionals. “I think that Handa’s support of golf in Australia generally and the Australian mindset of being able to actually, ‘you know what we'll try something’, it's proved such a success here that it's now being adopted by the DP World Tour and other tours, including the PGA Tour,” he told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo. “It has been a long, long journey, long road to get to get to the point, but there was real momentum behind having a full inclusion of all abilities and men and women playing at the same level.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips has praised King Charles’ “remarkable” transition from prince to king since Queen Elizabeth’s tragic death. Mr Phillips said his uncle did not “rip up the rulebook” that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip put in place over their reign. “He has kept the core of what they stood for and he has put his own mark on it and I think that's probably the greatest testament to both of them,” he told Sky News host Caroline Di Russo. “He is he's doing things his way but very much with a nod to the way they always did it and the core of what they taught us and what they left us.” He added that change is “inevitable”, but the “fingerprints” are left on members of the Royal Family and on everything they do.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Author Douglas Murray says Hamas is facing the “consequences” of starting its war with Israel as he calls for the IDF to destroy the terrorist organisation. Western nations, including the United States, are putting pressure on Israel to reach a ceasefire deal with Hamas amid the rising civilian death toll in Gaza. “As one of the members of the war cabinet in Israel the other day said, Benny Gantz, there is no point in putting out three-quarters of a fire,” Mr Murray said. “You either put the fire out or you don't. You don't put out a bit of the fire and then leave it burning. “Extinguish the whole thing or there's no point and in the case of Gaza, extinguishing the whole thing is destroying Hamas completely, making sure they are never again operationally capable.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former MP Tim Wilson will re-contest the seat of Goldstein at the next Federal election for the Liberal Party. The 44-year-old is understood to have beat out Stephanie Hunt and Colleen Harkin in a pre-selection ballot. It's believed Tim Wilson did not have a majority of votes in the first round. Two sources have told Sky News, in the final round of polling the vote was somewhere around 160 for Wilson and 130 for Colleen Harkin. Mr Wilson has locked in a re-match with Teal independent Zoe Daniel who defeated him at the 2022 poll.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood says there is “little doubt” the government’s new industrial relations laws are “difficult to interpret” for many businesses and workers. Mr Greenwood said one of the most difficult aspects is “when is a person a worker for a company and when are they not.” “If you work for an agency, say, are you a worker entitled to superannuation and holiday pay ... or not? What if you use a website that lines the work up for you,” he said. “Last year, the Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke clouded the issue by making a comparison of two companies: Airtasker and Mable. “Airtasker is a website that allows freelancers to bid for work - chores around the home, whatever, with people or companies that want something done. “Then there is Mable. It's a site that does something similar to Airtasker. It lines up work for people looking for disability or aged care support ... with local independent support workers “According to the minister, Mable had employees, Airtasker did not. But not for long. Just nine days later, when the legislation was released, it was determined any person who contracts for work using Airtasker is indeed an employee.” Mr Greenwood sat down with Airtasker Chief Executive Tim Fung to discuss the Industrial Relations reforms.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Tasmania’s Labor leader has conceded the state election, paving the way for the Liberals to form government. Rebecca White says she will not seek to form a minority government. Premier Jeremy Rockliff has reached out to the independents and Jacqui Lambie Network but has vowed not to make a deal with the Greens. Labor’s election loss now means the party leadership will be made vacant.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi says members of the Albanese government were “falling over themselves” this week to defend Australia’s ambassador to the United States Kevin Rudd from former US President Donald Trump. Ms Panahi’s comments come after Donald Trump labelled Mr Rudd “a little bit nasty and “not the brightest bulb”. The former US President also warned that if Mr Rudd was “at all hostile, he will not be there long,” Ms Panahi said. “These comments were fairly mild compared to what many of Kevin’s own colleagues have said about him over the year publicly and privately,” she said. The Sky News host said Mr Rudd had spent years “embarrassing himself” on Twitter/X with the “sort of attention-seeking tomfoolery that one would expect from a dysfunctional, angst-ridden teenager.” “That behaviour showed Rudd was not fit for a diplomatic role,” she said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Author Douglas Murray says Western nations are still at the “toddler stage” of the immigration debate as he discusses the larger cultural issues. Mr Murray noted that countries like Australia must be doing “something right” as you don’t see Australians trying to enter other countries illegally. “We have got this situation where you can talk about it in economic terms, you can talk about it in housing terms, but the larger cultural terms are still a third rail,” Mr Murray told Sky News Australia. The author hailed people who come to Australia and want to be productive citizens and contribute to the country’s economy. “But if it's the case that you want to come here and you don't really like the place or you want to change the place or you want to change the place back to the sort of place where the place you left from … then maybe that's not going to be a workable deal,” he said.

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