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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Bondi Partners Senior Advisor Peter McGauran says Donald Trump’s “soft underbelly” is that donations are “not pouring in as it did” in previous campaigns. The former US president’s efforts to secure a bond to cover a $US454 million judgement in his New York fraud case has been rejected by 30 underwriters, his lawyers said this week. “Donald Trump has a lot of self-generating publicity because of the controversy, the rallies – and that’s why he does the rallies,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia. “It’s free publicity. “It is his soft underbelly that the money is not pouring in as it did in his previous campaign.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Five people have been killed and close to one million residents are without power after strikes on key energy infrastructure across Ukraine. Russia fired 150 missiles and drones in the largest assault on Ukraine’s energy grid since the conflict began. The city of Kharkiv and parts of Odesa were the worst-affected areas. Russia said the attacks were in response to previous Ukrainian incursions into Russian territory. Russia’s war with Ukraine has now lasted over two years.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Bondi Partners Senior Advisor Peter McGauran does not believe “anything can save the Labor government” in Queensland ahead of its state election in October. The Queensland state election will be held on October 26. Labor, led by Premier Steven Miles, will attempt to win a fourth term against the Liberal National Party, led by Opposition leader David Crisafulli. “It’s a disastrous state, but I think that will change on October 26th when the Liberal National Party will win the Queensland election,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia. “I don’t think anything can save the Labor government there.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Bondi Partners Senior Advisor Peter McGauran says Princess Kate “will be receiving all the love and support” that is “able to be given to her”. Princess Catherine has revealed she has been diagnosed with cancer in a video message released earlier today and says she is undergoing preventative cancer treatment. “A cancer diagnosis for any family, and any individual, is shattering, but families rally around it at a time like this,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia. “She will be receiving all the love and support able to be given to her. “It is a very, very tested physically, emotionally and psychologically time for anyone in that situation.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Princess of Wales has announced she is receiving treatment for cancer, the Coalition has hinted at repealing Labor's prohibition on vapes at the next election, and up to 40 people have died and dozens more are injured in a shooting in Moscow. See ( for privacy information.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Candidates in the South Australian seat of Dunstan have made their final appeal to voters before they too head to the polls on Saturday. Almost 27,000 South Australians are set to vote to elect a replacement for outgoing MP and former premier Steven Marshall. The contest will decide one of the state’s most marginal electorates, which was last won by the Liberals with just 260 votes. Labor’s candidate for Dunston Cressida O'Hanlon will likely be dependent on preferences from the Greens. “I hope that people think about what’s actually in the best interest of this community of Dunstan,” she said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton has weighed in on the debate around Kevin Rudd’s appointment as Ambassador to the US following Donald Trump’s comments about the former prime minister this week. The former president called Rudd “nasty” in an interview with GB News host Nigel Farage and also said Rudd wouldn’t stay long in his posting if he remained hostile towards him. Mr Houghton said old footage dug up by on Thursday demonstrated Rudd’s “well-established history of public hostilities” towards Trump. “But many in the media were simply unable to comprehend why this was news, and more importantly why we wanted the question asked," he said. “Rudd might be trying to present himself as a balanced statesman but only the most inept of journalists would fall for that charade. “And if Albanese did not want our most important diplomatic position scrutinised in the media, perhaps he should not have appointed an incredibly divisive and controversial figure to the role.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Synology has unveiled a brand new addition to its product line called the BeeStation. “The BeeStation is actually a personal cloud system,” Tech Guide Editor Stephen Fenech told Sky News Australia. “It looks like a hard drive but it’s connected to your home network. “You set it up really easily too, just scan a QR code and it connects to your network. “You can create accounts for people in your household, so you’re able to treat this as your personal cloud.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Racing NSW Nick Berney previews a stacked weekend of racing, including the Golden Slipper. “It is something else and I am really excited about today,” Mr Berney told Racing Dreams host Julie Snook. “It is such a fantastic field and we are going to get a perfect track. “I’m going to bet up today, it is the perfect day.” In partnership with Racing NSW.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Entertainment commentator Shane A Bassett says the news that Aaron Taylor-Johnson could be playing the next James Bond may have been the result of a leak. “I think he’s a great choice,” Mr Bassett told Sky News Australia. “But whether he actually is the next James Bond – I’m not sure it’s been confirmed. “A lot of people don’t know who Aaron Taylor-Johnson is but he’s an accomplished actor. “I like him, I think he’s a great choice, and they’re going for a younger James Bond, different to what they’ve had in the past.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

New laws passed in an overnight parliament sitting have made it harder for young people in New South Wales to be released on bail if they commit a serious offence, Sky News political reporter Julia Bradley explains. Sixty organisations had written to the Premier to oppose the reforms, which they say will not address the youth crime issue. NSW Premier Chris Minns maintained he did not want to see a “cycle of crime, arrest, bail, repeat” in his state. New legislation also targets youth who film their crimes and post them online, authorising a two-year jail term. Experts fear the laws may do more damage than good.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Up to 40 people have died and dozens more are injured after a shooting in Moscow. The attack took place at Crocus City Music Hall where several people dressed in combat fatigues opened fire and detonated explosives. The building is on fire and part of the roof has reportedly collapsed. The riot squad and around 50 ambulances have been dispatched to the scene. Moscow's mayor has called the incident a "great tragedy."

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Australian Border Force officials are investigating fresh evidence asylum seekers might have reached our shores. A photograph of abandoned clothes and food had the ABF scrambling but was then dismissed by Home Affairs. The items were found near the last two asylum seeker boats drop-off points, north of Broome, WA. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese assured Australians Operation Border Force was still operational. “Those people are not in Australia, they are on Nauru,” he told media.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

The Princess of Wales has announced she is receiving treatment for cancer as she admitted the diagnosis has come as a “huge shock”. She says the abdominal surgery received in January was successful and at the time her condition was believed to be non-cancerous. However, tests carried out after the operation have revealed the presence of cancer. The Princess started a course of preventative chemotherapy in February. A personal statement was released this morning from Princess Kate, thanking everyone for their support.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Media Research Centre Contributing Writer Stephanie Hamill discusses researchers' discovery of 41 instances of election "interference" by Google since 2008. "There's algorithms that seem to be in favour of the left," Ms Hamill told Sky News host James Morrow. "And this report found that not only are they typically in favour of the left but they’re in favour of the most liberal candidate. "So this goes as far back to 2008 and the researchers are saying that actually, Google may have interfered in the 2008 primary between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in support of Barack Obama. “It’s a manipulation of the algorithm and they’re saying that it’s actually escalating and increasing as we go into 2024 in support of Joe Biden.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News Australia host James Morrow has created and recited a new Irish blessing while sledging Joe Biden. It comes as popularity for the current US President continues to plummet as the election draws nearer. “Here’s an Irish blessing,” Mr Morrow said. “May the wind be always at your back. “And may you not have a son, Hunter, who films himself smoking crack.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Gender Clinic News’ Bernard Lane discusses his concerns with the new ACT law allowing teenagers aged 14 and above to change their gender. ACT teenagers will now be able to apply to change their gender and given name legally without the need for consent from a parent or guardian. “I don’t think that a 14-year-old can understand the potential of this decision to change a name or gender, to put them on a one-way medical path,” Mr Lane told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio. “The other thing I think is concerning about it is they’re able to do this without parental consent. “The evidence does show that for young people who are struggling, perhaps questioning their gender, it’s very important that they have parental support.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Footage has emerged of a float in a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Wisconsin featuring a man dressed as a disgruntled Joe Biden. The video features audio playing in the background of Joe Biden talking about his love for ice cream. “Well we’re a week past St. Patrick’s Day now – some of you may have gotten blind drunk,” says Sky News Australia host James Morrow. ”Chicago turned its river green. “In this town of Wisconsin, well they had a special appearance from the President himself, Joe Biden.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host James Morrow says the left’s commentary about Donald Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ comment was the “most unfair beat-up” in a long time. The former president said there would be a ‘bloodbath’ for the car industry if he loses the 2024 election, but a number of media outlets took his remark out of context. “The left went nuts and went crazy, taking out of context the story that Trump said there was going to be a bloodbath in the American auto industry if he wasn’t re-elected,” Mr Morrow said. “After being hounded for the deceptive coverage of this, our friends at The View still refused to accept reality. “This is the most unfair beat-up I think they’ve done in a long time.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

New York Post Texas Reporter Jennie Taer says there seems to be a “renewed surge” of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border as Texas’ immigration law “doesn’t seem to be deterring people from coming”. According to US Customs and Border Protection data, 68,260 migrants crossed the border in Texas in January – a drop from the 149,806 who entered in December. A court of appeal has reversed the Supreme Court’s decision on Texas’ immigration law, which would allow the state to detain and prosecute illegal immigrants on criminal charges while also granting state judges the power to require migrants to return to Mexico as an alternative to prosecution. “It feels like whiplash at this point, and we’re seeing this bounce back and forth in the courts,” Ms Taer told Sky News host James Morrow. “It really hasn’t gone into effect at all here. “It doesn’t seem to be deterring any people from coming … maybe it’s showing that the confusion is allowing people to come. “It sure seems like there is a renewed surge here.”

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