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Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond has questioned how 14-year-olds in the ACT can change their gender, but aren’t allowed to smoke or get tattoos. The Government of the Australian Capital Territory have changed the law to allow 14-year-olds to change their name without their parents’ consent. “Now I look forward to the ACT allowing 14-year-olds to drink," Mr Bond said. “Allowing 14-year-olds to smoke. “Allowing 14-year-olds to get tattoos. “Of course, they are not going to do that are they, but when it comes to gender; no parental permission required.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

A new analysis released by the Greens has revealed that affordable housing is beyond reach for the average Australian. The report shows that the average annual income required to buy a home without financial stress is $164,400. With figures dropping to $130,599 annual income needed to buy an apartment in Australia’s capital cities without severe mortgage stress. “It is shocking some of the figures that have come out today,” Sky News Senior Reporter Caroline Marcus said. “It shows basically outside of really Perth and Darwin people who are on a single income and average incomes cannot afford basically even a unit without severe mortgage stress,” she said.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond has reacted to a pet alligator being seized by police. A New York man had his 34-year-old, 750 pound pet alligator seized by the NYPD. A petition to have ‘Albert’ the alligator returned to his owner has already amassed over 100,000 signatures. “I can’t blame them,” Mr Bond said of the NYPD’s decision to seize the animal. “Just go get a cat or a dog.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Menzies Research Centre Senior Fellow Nick Cater says Australian Ambassador to the US Kevin Rudd should “graciously step down” over comments made against former US President Donald Trump. Rudd has previously criticised Donald Trump even going as far as calling him the ‘most destructive US president in history.’ “Let’s reverse the situation imagine the US Ambassador to Australia had come out and said that Peter Dutton was unfit for office,” Mr Cater told Sky News Australia host Sharri Markson in response. “It is not his place to say. “That would be something we couldn’t really countenance, and I’m sure America would do the right thing and withdraw their ambassador under those circumstances. “The best thing is for Kevin Rudd to realise what he’s done, and to gracefully step down.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Australians should “take notice” of ongoing negotiations for millions' worth of compensation over a tunnel burrowing under a bowling club by an Indigenous land council, The Australian’s Media Writer Sophie Elsworth says. An Indigenous land council is negotiating for up to millions of dollars worth of compensation for the Western Harbour Tunnel burrowing under their bowling club, while thousands of neighbours will have to go without. “It seems very unfair,” Ms Ellsworth told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “How far does this go. “I think Australians should sit up and take notice of this. “This is very concerning, and this could open up a can of worms."

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Commentator Jason Morrison says it is “utterly appalling” that staff members from a London hospital allegedly tried to access Princess Kate’s medical notes. Three staff members from the hospital are currently under investigation for the alleged breach of medical records. Mr Morrison told Sky News host Sharri Markson that the “whole story is appalling”. “The lady has been sick – there’s a constitutional obligation for them to inform the government if there’s a problem. Mr Morrison joined Sky News host Sharri Markson to discuss the hospital staff under investigation for the alleged breach of Princess Kate’s medical records.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Chris Kenny says a supermarket chain in the United Kingdom is taking the “cross” out of hot cross buns. “Hot cross buns, in London, in the UK, one supermarket chain getting rid of the cross,” she said. “Putting a tick on it, I mean, I get cranky at my kids because they eat them cold. “They are hot cross buns, not cold buns. “Take the cross off them? I mean, give it away, right?”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson says it is “astonishing” how few people have actually worked “real jobs” within the Labor Party. Mr Macpherson told Sky News host Andrew Bolt that the Party has a lot of “full time professional political staffers”. “They’re steeped in ideology but lacking in real world experience. “And it shows in their policies.” Mr Macpherson joined Sky News host Andrew Bolt to discuss Labor’s policy decisions.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former defence intelligence analyst Paul Monk has criticised the Albanese government's move to remove two of Australia’s most senior intelligence bosses from a top security body. ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess and ASIS Director-General Kerri Hartland have been removed from the National Security Committee of Cabinet. “I’m deeply disturbed by this development as with other things that have gone along with it,” Mr Monk told Sky News host Sharri Markson. “I’ve got to be brutally frank and say if I were to lead a Coalition government into office tomorrow, the first order of business would be to reverse the decisions that have been made. “I would sack Glyn Davis frankly and would give Peter Varghese his marching orders.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Independent MP Dai Le says the Labor Party is “really disconnected from the community”. Ms Le told Sky News host Andrew Bolt that they “used to represent” the average Australian. “Electricity prices have gone up and continue to rise. “It’s not going to go down and we know that. “The majority of working Australians are not benefiting at all from the policies that the Labor Party are pushing through at the moment in parliament.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says it is “completely inappropriate” for the Chinese Foreign Minister to meet with former prime minister Paul Keating. Keating has been highly critical of Australia’s relationship with China and described Foreign Minister Penny Wong as having “a mindless pro-American stance”. Senator Wong downplayed Keating's meeting on Wednesday reiterating that the former prime minister has no influence over government policy. Given Mr Keating’s constant criticisms of the Albanese government’s approach to China and the United States, many have accused him of undermining the federal government. Mr Downer told Sky News host Chris Kenny that it was “incredibly tactless”.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Peta Credlin says the Australian public are in a “recession” while the country remains out of one. “Australians are starting to wake up to the distinction,” she said. “Australia is not in a recession, but Australians are." Ms Credlin stated that is "the difference”. “Everything feels squeezed.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News host Peta Credlin says ABS migration data numbers are out indicating “record highs”. “With Question Time, the focus today of course those official ABS migration data numbers out,” she said. “Labor’s big Australia push continues on unabated.” Ms Credlin stated the number is reaching “record highs”. “The RBA has been crunching the numbers.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Washington H. Soul Pattinson CEO Todd Barlow says his company has been “very active” in public markets portfolios. His comments follow Soul Patts’ asset values lifting by ten per cent to $11.5 billion. “The activity is definitely picking up, and that’s in response to the market dynamics,” he told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “We’ve been very active for a couple of years now in redeploying our assets into more private markets transactions, private equity, and credit in particular. “But also our public markets portfolios in large caps and small caps have been very, very active.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Prue MacSween has blasted former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews over the Commonwealth Games fiasco following recent reports that he “overstated” the cost of hosting the games. A report from the Victorian Auditor-Generals' Office revealed the cost of cancelling the 2026 games cost Victorians $589 million with 'no discernible benefit'. According to the Auditor General’s report, 'The cost estimate for the Games that the government publicly released in August 2023 of $6.9 billion was overstated and not transparent'. “It was all just a big con job,” Ms MacSween told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “Andrews was coning everybody and sadly they fell for it.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

GB News host Patrick Christys has urged the woke mainstream media to “leave Bond alone” as speculation brews around the casting of the iconic British character. The new face of James Bond may soon be made official as British-born actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been offered the role, according to UK tabloid The Sun. The BBC claims there is no truth behind the rumours of the Bond casting. “The BBC says it’s not true because they don’t want it to be true,” Mr Christys told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Shock horror – James Bond is a straight white male. “Bond is a hunky man, a bit of a womaniser who shoots bad guys; he is not an electric car driving, pink hat wearing vegan.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Education Minister Jason Clare says the Universities Accord Final Report is a “blueprint” for higher education reform. Mr Clare said it will be for the “next decade and the one after that”. “And it includes recommendations in it about how we make our HECS system fairer and simpler. “We’re looking at all of the recommendations in that report at the moment, including the recommendations around HECS. “And we’ll respond to the first stage of our reforms, responding to that report in the next few months.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has engaged in a heated exchange with Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinsky during a hearing on Wednesday. Bobulinsky, a witness related to US President Joe Biden's impeachment inquiry, attended the House Oversight Committee Hearing. During the hearing, AOC asked Bobulinsky if he had ever seen “the president commit a crime”. Hunter’s former business partner responded by asking, “How much time do I have to go through it” and listed crimes such as “corruption statutes, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act (RICO) and conspiracy." AOC cut off Bobulinsky, “What is the crime sir, specifically”, sparking a heated debate between the two before she condescendingly asserted “Excuse me, sir, RICO is not a crime. It is a category”. Wednesday's hearing, which looked at the Biden family business dealings, lasted just under eight hours. GOP members in the House of Representatives alleged the Biden family, including the president, profited from policy decisions during Obama’s presidency, according to Reuters.

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

University of Tasmania Associate Professor Kate Crowley says "all the pundits" believe the Liberals will "fall into a minority" in Tasmania after the upcoming state election. Ms Crowley joined Sky News Australia to discuss the latest on Tasmania’s politics as the state’s election draws nearer. “This is the last Liberal government standing around the country,” she said. “Yesterday the Premier said that he was within striking distance of remaining in government. “I do believe he thinks he’s within striking distance but all the pundits and the just general feeling on the ground really for the whole campaign has been that they will fall into a minority.”

Sky News Australia
6 mois depuis

Seven Network Commercial Director Bruce McWilliam has resigned after more than 20 years at the company. He has worked as a Commercial Director at Network Seven since May 2003. Chairman of Seven West Media Kerry Stokes thanked Mr McWilliam for his "significant contribution" to the company and wished him all the best in the future. "Bruce has been an excellent executive of Seven for the past 21 years, having been involved in all of the major corporate initiatives we have undertaken during that period," Mr Stokes said in a statement. Mr McWilliam said in a statement he was very proud of his time at Seven and will be focused on his media advisory and property interests going forward.

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