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Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Israel will alter the lyrics of its entry to the Eurovision Music Contest to remove references to the October 7 Hamas attacks. Israel’s public broadcaster Kan has requested the change to Eden Golan’s song, October Rain. This comes after organisers barred it for breaking political neutrality rules. President Isaac Herzog has called for an adjustment to the lyrics. He has emphasised the need for Israel to ‘raise its voice’ on the international stage.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume says Liberals aren’t seeing the Dunkley by-election result as a loss. While Labor retained the seat in Melbourne’s outer east at Saturday’s by-election, the party suffered an almost four per cent swing against it. Both the government and the Liberal Party are claiming the result as a victory, given the pre-election margin of 6.2 per cent. “We are not looking at this as a loss – quite frankly, our primary vote came back in a way that we haven’t seen in more than a decade in Dunkley,” Ms Hume told Sky News Australia. “This is really quite exciting for us, and Dunkley was not a marginal seat.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

On the eve of the 10th anniversary of its disappearance – Malaysia’s government has hinted it may renew the search for the wreckage of flight MH370. The flight – carrying 227 passengers, including six Australians and 12 crew – vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. US company Ocean Infinity has put forward a new search proposal on a ‘no find, no fee basis’. Despite the largest search in aviation history, the Boeing 777 plane has never been found. Reopening the case would mark the first major search for the wreckage since 2018.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

At least a dozen of the Queensland government’s key health projects have been delayed by up to two and a half years or have been hit with cost blowouts. New documents reveal the budget for the affected projects has risen by $51 million to a total of $2.29 billion. These affected projects include a new $1.2 billion hospital in Bundaberg and the Gold Coast University Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation unit. Queensland Health Minister Shannon Fentiman blamed high inflation, the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine for contributing to cost and supply chain pressures. “I am committed to transparency and accountability as we deliver the health big build,” she said.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Queen Camilla is reportedly set to take a break from royal duties. It follows an increase in engagements on the Queen’s part as senior royals including the King, the Princess of Wales and the Prince of Wales have had to step back over medical issues. “She has been doing a stellar job," News Corp columnist Angela Mollard told Sky News Australia. “I think she’s done 13 engagements since the announcement of King Charles having cancer. “When Charles and Camilla came out for the first time at the first announcement of their relationship… Nobody at that stage could ever imagine that you would see Camilla heading up the entire royal family, but we’ve seen her do that, and do it remarkably.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

One Nation Chief of Staff James Ashby the Liberal Party “still have problems” despite a small boost in polling at the Dunkley by-election. The first results of the night showed a swing to the Liberals but it was Labor’s Jodie Belyea who won the seat in the end. “No matter how you try to slice and dice the positives out of this the Liberal Party needed a moral boost, and they got a slight one which is going to encourage some people back to the Party,” Mr Ashby told Sky News host Paul Murray. “It is unfathomable to think that you’ve got Advance Australia spending $300,000 on a campaign that was deliberately targeting those conservative voters to come back to the Liberals. “If they can’t do it with Advance Australia’s help, I don’t think they are capable of doing it alone.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond has discussed the latest “green madness” following Western Australia's decision to change its laws on takeaway coffee cups in an environmental crackdown. Western Australia is set to become the first state to introduce a ban on single-use coffee cups, non-compostable coffee cups. Businesses that fail to comply with the new rule could face fines of up to $25,000. Cafes will be able to use all compostable paperboard cups and lids, but customers are being encouraged to bring their own cups. Mr Bond argued that the new rule will encourage people "to do less" for the environment. "If you're really worried about the environment - it encourages you to do less because you've got this allusion that your fixing this environment by getting rid of the plastic straw and getting rid of the coffee cup ... meanwhile there are hundreds of other things that are far more destructive to the planet," he said.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

News Corp Columnist Angela Mollard says the Prince and Princess of Wales are “very concerned” about the rise of anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom amid the Israel-Hamas war. Mollard’s comments follow a visit by the Prince to a London synagogue to meet members of the Jewish community. “This visit to the synagogue came after he made those fairly outspoken comments about what was happening in Gaza,” she said. “He called for just short of a ceasefire really. “He and Kate are very concerned about the rise in anti-Semitism in England at the moment.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Meghan Markle pictured enjoying a ski trip with her "power mum" friends. The Duchess of Sussex made a surprise appearance on Instagram with one of her friends taking to social media to share a picture of their lavish ski trip. Ms Markle was pictured smiling with pilates Platinum founder Heather Dorak and Kelly McKee Zajfen, the co-founder of Alliance of Moms on the slopes of Powder Mountain near Salt Lake City in Utah. Writer and broadcaster Esther Krakue joined Sky News host Caroline Di Russo to discuss Ms Markle's recent trip. "She seems none the wiser, she looks like she’s living a very carefree life," Ms Krakue said.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Former Liberal MP Nicole Flint says she is “very disappointed” to see “Labor thuggery” at poll booths during the Dunkley by-election. Ms Flint’s comments follow claims by Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume that ‘Labor operatives’ and union officials deployed ‘menacing tactics’ at polling booths in Dunkley. “I’m very disappointed to see more Labor thuggery, because this is what they do. “Labor, the unions, enough is enough. “Let’s just have a fight over policy for goodness sake.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

On tonight’s episode of Paul Murray Live, Sky News host Paul Murray discusses the Dunkley by-election, the cost-of-living crisis, immigration, US politics and more. Sky News host Paul Murray says Labor Party members were “worried” as concerns emerge over the Dunkley by-election. “Let’s get into Dunkley and tell you exactly what the message is and what is the spin that lefties will try to put upon it,” he said. “The Labor Party, well, they ended up holding onto it, but there was a swing, was the swing big enough? “Let’s not pretend that Labor wasn’t worried.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Greens Senator David Shoebridge says Australia’s laws around cannabis are “outdated," as he argues for the total de-criminalisation for recreational use. Mr Shoebridge joined Sky News host Danica De Giorgio to explain why he has put forward a bill to legalise the drug. “Overwhelmingly, what the data shows internationally is that it [legalisation] doesn’t create an addiction problem,” he said. “What it does is it makes it a much safer product. “Already 41 per cent of Australians have tried cannabis at one point or another. “Laws that make almost half the country criminals are just so outdated."

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

University of Notre Dame head of general practice Dr Charlotte Hespe says she is all for the de-criminalisation of cannabis in Australia as long as there is a programme offered to assist the user. Ms Hespe’s comments come as Victorian Greens push for a total de-criminalisation of recreational use. “We really need to understand the unintended consequence, I’m all for de-criminalisation if you look at some of the approaches around the world where you actually make sure that people aren’t being put in prison,” she said. “You actually link it to a programme; ok you’re using cannabis let’s actually make sure we can give you a program that assists you in what is it that’s missing in your life that we are otherwise using cannabis for.” “As a GP who does a lot of addiction medicine, what I know is that people who use cannabis heavily and have all of the high risks, have other needs that need to be met.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says Australians know the tax changes are “too little, too late” in the “fight” against the cost-of-living surge. “The cost-of-living fight in terms of elections will be won with the person or the party that has answers not complaints,” he said. “Over and over, we talk about cost-of-living because it is the number one issue in the country. “The prime minister offered to the median income earner of Dunkley, a $14 a week improvement from July to their wages, yet that is what the electorate has ultimately backed in. “Australians know this is too little, too late, when it comes to a tax cut.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

The Queensland Liberal National Party launches candidate for the Ipswich West by-election, Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto parts ways with his Chief of Staff and media manager, kids on online game Roblox fall prey to online cults, the Albanese government makes more medicines affordable, high winds and dry air in Texas hamper efforts to bring the state's biggest wildfires under control, and vote counting starts for Iran’s parliamentary elections. See ( for privacy information.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Former US president Donald Trump paid a visit to the US-Mexico border recently and got “quite the welcome”, says Sky News host James Morrow. Migrants from behind the fence could be heard calling his name. “They like Trump, can you believe that?”, Trump said. “They Like Trump – what can I say … November cannot come soon enough,” Mr Morrow said. Mr Morrow said Joe Biden’s failures on border policy are a “great political opportunity” for the former president.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Melbourne Law School Chair of Intellectual Property Professor Andrew Christie discusses the next steps for news organisations and the government following Meta's shock announcement on Friday. Meta informed Australian executives on Friday of its decision not to renew deals with publishers signed in 2021 under the world-first News Media Bargaining Code introduced by the Coalition government. The deals were struck with major Australian news outlets, including Sky News Australia, News Corp, Seven, Nine and The Guardian. Mr Christie said one option following the announcement is for nobody to do anything "in which case we're left with whatever the result Meta saying it's going to achieve". "Another option, however, and one that seems more likely to occur is the government has to decide whether it's going to exercise the powers that it gave itself a few years ago for exactly this situation," he told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. "Now, those powers are essentially to declare that Meta now is regulated by the News Media Bargaining Code."

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has raised concerns for “truly disturbing” scenes recorded at school of students “licking the toes” of other students. Ms Panahi said Deer Creek School District in Oklahoma called it a “Wonderful Week of Fundraising”. “According to the school, Students volunteered to participate in different class competitions to raise money for a local charity and that included licking each other's feet in front of the shocked school community. “What sick, crazy adults thought this was a good idea. Any parent, teacher or administrator, or any adult who oversaw this activity needs a visit from authorities. And fast. Oklahoma state superintendent Ryan Walters has promised a thorough investigation writing This is disgusting. We are cleaning up this filth in Oklahoma schools. Our agency is investigating. “But the lefties claim this is okay cause it's students licking the feet of other students. Nothing to see here.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

A mother at a US pride parade has claimed her 15-month-old is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. The mother was asked by a fellow attendee of the parade, “how old is she?" “They are 15 months old, they actually use they/them pronouns until they tell us who they are,” the mother replied. Sky News host Rita Panahi reacted to the video. “When it comes to some of these attention-seeking parents that we show on Lefties Losing It, it's clear that they think it’s never too early to set your child on the path of gender confusion, medicalised interventions and eventually, irreversible surgeries,” Ms Panahi said.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Seattle University Associate Professor of American Politics Dr Patrick Schoettmer says Donald Trump’s court appearances “certainly helped him” garner support within his political base. Donald Trump handily won in the Michigan primary, solidifying what will likely be a rematch with Joe Biden in November. Mr Trump has been removed from the Illinois state ballot over his involvement in the 2021 January 6 Capitol Hill riots. “The problem is that these court appearances don’t sit nearly as well with independent and moderate voters who he’s going to need to win the general election,” Dr Schoettmer said. “While it has been beneficial to him thus far, once he’s locked up the nomination, these repeated court cases are going to prove to be a little bit more of a drag.”

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