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Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Motorsports Racing Driver David Reynolds says he is “really looking forward” to the Bathurst 500 race this weekend. Mr Reynolds told Sky News host Paul Murray that all the racers involved are good enough for “anyone” to win. “It really comes down to the team. “It’s going to be hectic – it’s going to be hard work. “But it really comes down to the consistency of that driver or that team.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Perth Mayor Basil Zempilas says people smugglers will see weakness and exploit it as he called on the Albanese government for “strong and decisive action”. “These boats only arrive when a weakness has been sensed – there is no other reason for them suddenly arriving,” Mr Zempilas told Sky News host Sharri Markson. “It is a situation that needs strong and decisive action and a very clear message to be sent. “More and more of these smugglers will attempt to bring more and more refugees. “It can end in disaster and nobody wants that.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Queensland Opposition leader David Crisafulli has promised “things are going to change” in the LNP wins at the next state election. Since the state Labor government took office, the number of people who have had their home broken into has increased by 60 per cent. The number of people who have had their car stolen in the same span of time is up 112 per cent. “Our community is going to get safe again on the back of stronger laws and more police,” Mr Crisafulli told Sky News host Sharri Markson. “The state government is the only level of government that can fix this. “It is youth crime laws that are fuelling this and we are determined to show Queenslanders that it doesn’t have to be like this.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Former Victorian Liberal Party president Michael Kroger took Anthony Albanese to task for walking away from his election promise of a $275 power bill reduction. “Before Albo made his promise, he knew full well this promise was an absolute dishonest lie,” Mr Kroger told Sky News host Paul Murray. “If you are in any doubt, have a look at that childish waffle he goes on today on Perberthy’s program. “Shame on you Albo for misleading the entire country into thinking that a cost of living crisis could be easily dealt with. “What Albanese did was win this election partly on that disgraceful con job.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

The British military is putting “diversity over national defence,” according to GB News host Patrick Christys. Mr Christys’ remarks come after The Sun revealed this week that a Trident missile dramatically misfired and crashed into the sea near the nuclear submarine from which it was launched from. This is the second misfire in a row, following the failed launch in 2016. “It is absolutely shocking – it’s the second failure in a row,” Mr Christys told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “We are now, genuinely, putting diversity over national defence. It’s absolutely remarkable. So, yes, I’m sure Putin is quaking in his boots.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson says the union representing speed camera operators has rejected the latest wage offer leading to Victoria’s mobile speed cameras to switch off for 48 hours. “I know most of us hate industrial disputes, but I reckon we may have found one that everybody can get behind,” he said. “From midnight on Friday, Victoria’s mobile speed cameras will be switched off. “The union representing the speed camera operators has rejected the latest wage offer. “So, they will refuse to catch speeding motorists for 48 hours with the promise of more strikes to come.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News host Chris Kenny says US Vice President Kamala Harris is “stretching the hammies” to take over Joe Biden’s position. Many American citizens have expressed concern over their President’s cognitive ability and health. “She doesn’t really believe he’s in good shape,” Mr Kenny said. “She’s not really hoping he’ll keep going. “She’s stretching the hammies and rolling her arm over.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Author Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has slammed Prince William’s comments on the Israel-Hamas war. Prince William expressed deep concern over what was happening in the Middle East, calling for an end to the fighting in Gaza and insisting that “too many have been killed”. “I wish that Prince William knew some of the history – I’m sure he does – of his own great-grandfather, King George VI,” he told Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi. “Because when he was the leader of Great Britain, he sanctioned the carpet bombing of entire German cities. “Israel uses the American daytime precision bombing, losing hundreds of its soldiers when of course its air force could flatten Gaza. “Here comes the Prince of Wales that says ‘why doesn’t everybody – give up the fighting’ … I’ll tell you Prince William, you have a wife, you wouldn’t want to see anything happen to her.” Warning: This video contains distressing content.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Bushfire evacuation orders in Western Victoria take place, police are searching for a missing man and a boyfriend in Sydney, a mining giant Rio Tinto will become Australia's largest user of renewable energy, a triple murder suspect has forged qualifications in Sydney, Demons midfielder Angus Brayshaw retires due to concussion, there are reports Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar may be ill with pneumonia, and rail and health workers strike in Argentina. See ( for privacy information.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood says it seems like one particular segment of the gig economy is getting hit by “Swiftonomics”. “AirTasker, the online platform (where) you know you can hire people who’ll do virtually anything for you – well, they’re reporting a Swift-related boost in activity,” Mr Greenwood said. “There’s been a huge spike in jobs posted on the site since the tickets have gone on sale. “People – it seems – pay complete strangers hundreds of dollars to go and buy Swift merchandise or to stay online and to buy the actual concert tickets. “Remind me, what is it they say about fools and their money?” Mr Greenwood’s remarks come as singer Taylor Swift is set to perform on Friday night in Sydney.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to an “enraged” activist with a transgender flag attacking students at a pro-life rally. The Students for Life group was joining the annual anti-abortion demonstration, March for Life, in the centre of Richmond, Virginia. In a video shared on X by Kristan Hawkins, the person marched through the crowd trying to tear a large banner. “You can be sure if someone with an American flag or, God forbid, a Maga flag did that during a pride rally, they most likely would not be able to walk away,” Ms Panahi said. “Funny how those who claim to be oppressed victims can be the most entitled and violent.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

US Congress’ China committee Chair Mike Gallagher has told Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen Washington’s ties with Taipei are stronger than ever. Ms Gallagher is just the latest in a string of US visitors to Taiwan since the island held its January presidential election. “Today freedom is under attack from authoritarian aggression,” Mr Gallagher said in a joint press conference with Ms Ing-wen. “We need to be more vigilant than ever if we want to pass on this gift of freedom we’ve been given to the next generation.” Ms Ing-wen thanked the US for its continued supply of defensive weapons to Taiwan to deter the threat from China.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Princess of pop Britney Spears has once again frightened fans with a bizarre social media post. The video posted to Instagram sparked new concerns with fans worried about her welfare. Thousands of fans shared their concerns in the comments section of the video, with one saying the entire post was "very sad" to watch over the weekend. The 42-year-old looked tired while dancing alone in her sparse room of her house, with another fan commenting Britney needed to "stop smoking because she's burnt out". The video has since been removed from the icons Instagram account.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are in damage control. The royal rejects careers are at a standstill yet are still in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Sky News All Stars Megyn Kelly, Esther Krakue and expose Harry and Meghan’s desperate attempt at damage control.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

A survey of historians and presidential experts ranks President Joe Biden in 14th place of all-time greatest US presidents ahead of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey ranked Abraham Lincoln as America’s greatest president, with Donald Trump ranked last as the worst president. Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer joined Sky News host Andrew Bolt to discuss the latest Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey. Mr Spicer questioned how the participants graded each president. “I kind of wonder how these guys grade; I wouldn’t want to take a class from any of them,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

The next front in the industrial relations battle has shifted from the right to disconnect to the right to work from home. The industrial umpire is now looking at major changes which could benefit millions of workers. “I think what we need to do is to look for win-win – we need to look (at) where it’s appropriate,” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said. The Fair Work Commission is looking at whether workers on industry awards should get extra flexibility. In its discussion paper, it points out working remotely has expanded employment opportunities, reduced commuting time and provided more flexibility to balance work and caring responsibilities.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Environment and Water Minister has praised the New South Wales Labor government for their handling of the asbestos crisis in Sydney. Ms Plibersek said she believes they are managing the crisis “extraordinarily well”. “It’s a real concern to have asbestos turning up, particularly in these parts,” she told Sky News Australia. “It was quite unexpected and now very widespread. “It shows why it’s really important to have a tough environmental regulator.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Julian Assange’s brother Gabriel Shipton has told Sky News it is “heartbreaking” visiting his brother in prison as he is “not in a good way.” Lawyers representing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange have begun their final legal challenge in the UK against his extradition to the United States. “This endless court proceeding, as well as the five years in a maximum security prison have taken a toll on him, and it’s leading now to him not being able to fully participate in his defence,” Mr Shipton told Sky News Australia. “Going to see him inside Belmarsh is really heartbreaking. “To see him in a physical decline over these many, many years of detention."

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Author Douglas Murray has called out the British police for failing to act against a group of anti-Semitic protesters. Mr Murray talked with Sky News host Rita Panahi about the current incitement laws which he said are "not used". “It’s startling to me – the British police the other day didn’t act again against a bunch of anti-Semitic protesters," he said. “But did act incredibly fast against a very brave young Iranian man who held up a poster in the middle of their demo saying that Hamas is possibly a terrorist group. “And my goodness, the crowd attacked that guy.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

New Zealand ACT Party leader David Seymour believes Australia’s Voice referendum defeat could pave the way for a vote to rework his nation’s treaty with Māori. He says the referendum result proves people don’t want ‘race-based rights’ as he pushes ahead with his controversial plan to redefine New Zealand’s treaty. “At the moment, in all areas of life, New Zealanders find that we are divided by race on the basis under the auspices of our constitutional document. “Because the Treaty of Waitangi is interpreted as having principles, that means there’s a partnership between the Crown and Māori, but not anyone else. “We have effectively two sets of political rights in New Zealand.”

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