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Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump says “you have to be real” when answering a reporter’s question over his debate preparations against Kamala Harris. “I’m not, really, I am not, I am not spending a lot of time on it,” Mr Trump said. “You can go in and have all sorts of sessions … you have to be real.”

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Sky News contributor Kosha Gada has discussed Vice President Kamala Harris and former US president Donald Trump’s final preparations for the ABC News presidential debate. Ms Harris will come face to face with Trump for the second US presidential debate and their first clash since Joe Biden dropped out of the race in July. “So overall, apparently the way they’re (the Harris campaign) prepping right now is also mock interviews, and there’s a stand-in actor that’s playing for him (Donald Trump), and the lighting is exactly the same simulation, so she’s really doing a full prep,” Ms Gada told Sky News host Peta Credlin. “Whereas Trump’s just doing what he calls policy time, and just knows who he is, he just wants to make sure he has a handle on the issues and seems to be more relaxed about the whole thing.”

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Iran is believed to have sent over 200 ballistic missiles to Russia to use in the war against Ukraine according to reports. It comes as Russia has intensified its missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian cities. Sky News host Peta Credlin joined former Labor MP Michael Danby and Sky News contributor Kosha Gada to discuss Iran and Russia and the emerging weapons access in relation to Ukraine. “It feels like another attack vector potentially in what has been a tough battle uphill for the Ukrainians - obviously the war is always unpredictable, and we don’t know how this will turn out,” Ms Gada said.

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Sky News host Peta Credlin joins former Labor MP Michael Danby and Sky News contributor Kosha Gada to discuss the US presidential race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as it appears to tighten ahead of the first debate. “There’s been that surge of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, but it might have slowed down ahead of the debate tomorrow,” Ms Credlin said. “She’s fallen behind Trump nationally in the New York Times and Siena College polls, and it’s very close in a number of the swing states. “Maybe she needs to take some risks if the momentum’s fallen away.”

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

New Zealand Regulation Minister David Seymour says there “needs to be a debate” regarding the Treaty of Waitangi. The New Zealand government will consider the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, which aims to redefine the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. “Our party act believes there needs to be a debate and parliament needs to debate a 50-year silence about what the Treaty of Waitangi really means,” Mr Seymour told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

New Zealand Regulation Minister David Seymour discusses what they learned from the Voice referendum amid the New Zealand government considering a similar bill. The New Zealand government will consider the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, which aims to redefine the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. “What I took from it is that most people have an innate sense of what is fair and what is right,” Mr Seymour told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “Australians overwhelmingly came out and said no, despite the fact that they were told that they were racist, or they were wrong to think that way.”

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to Democratic Representative Maxine Waters accusing Republicans of racism for speaking out against the Haitian migrant situation.

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Shadow Resources and Northern Australia Minister Susan McDonald has expressed concern over Queensland's increased crime rates. The minister warned that the north of the state is facing the worst of the situation. “My read is that Queenslanders are too despair over crime, particularly youth crime,” Ms McDonald told Sky News Australia. “I either speak to a tradie who complains about their tools being stolen or a young mum who can’t get their kids to school. “It’s all over. In the north, I think it is even worse. “There’s no alternative if your car has been stolen or for a more mature woman like myself we now lock ourselves in our room after locking our house. “This is not acceptable.”

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Tens of thousands of Russians have relocated to Serbia since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, leading to the creation of a Russian enclave in Belgrade. Despite some integration into local life, many Russians are maintaining a "mini Russia" with Russian-owned businesses flourishing throughout the Serbian capital, according to Reuters.

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Shadow Resources and Northern Australia Minister Susan McDonald warns Tanya Plibersek is more concerned about seeking “green preferences” at the polling booths rather than giving miners certainty. “Less bureaucracy I think would be a start,” Ms McDonald said. “What I am very keen on is greater certainty for miners, for agriculturalists, for tourism operators. “I think she [Plibersek] is worried about votes in her own electorate … she’s looking for green preferences, she’s looking to be touchy and feely and accessible. “I think it’s one more demonstration of the layering of an anti-government and anti-mining agenda. “In the last two and a half years we have seen the layering of new legislation regulation that is making it almost impossible for companies to feel confident to invest here in Australia.”

Sky News Australia
20 journées depuis

Author Douglas Murray reveals two key “lines of attack” Donald Trump could use against Kamala Harris during the first presidential debate. “One is to actually ask her to get specific on any policy, literally any policy,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “It could be anything from education to foreign policy, taxation policy, absolutely any key policy and just get her to give any detail on it. Mr Murray added that the former president could question Ms Harris about how she plans to fix America given she has been in office for the past four years. “'This campaign is about fixing America and yet I'm proud of what Joe Biden and I have accomplished in the last four years’ – there is a disconnect between those two things.”

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has mocked a “confused young man” who waged war against conservative commentator Charlie Kirk.

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

The Victorian government has been slammed by the Upper House for failing to produce necessary documents regarding the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. Sky News Political Reporter Simon Love said the findings may be “in contempt” of parliament and investigative proceedings could be launched. “We know Victoria paid a large compensation sum of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Commonwealth Games Federation to get out of that contract,” Mr Love said. “The interesting thing now is that there are multiple reports that Scotland may take that money from the Victorian government and run its own event in 2026.”

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Nationals Leader David Littleproud says the Albanese Labor government’s live sheep export ban will only lead to “perverse animal welfare outcomes”. His remarks come after Wednesday’s farmers’ rally which took place in Canberra. “There is no scientific reason to shut down the live sheep export industry,” Mr Littleproud told Sky News Australia. “All you will see is the horrific death of millions of sheep from countries like Sudan and Ethiopia and South Africa who take this market up because we’ve cut and run.”

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has blasted Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, labeling him an “economically illiterate idiot” after the actor criticised Donald Trump’s economic plan.

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has hilariously mocked a “radical gender theory” board game which includes they/them pronouns.

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Former US President Donald Trump has surged past Vice President Kamala Harris in a poll ahead of the first presidential debate. Polling guru Nate Silver and his prediction model have given Trump a 63.8 per cent chance of winning the Electoral College. Silver provided the prediction forecast update on Sunday after a New York Times/ Sienna College poll put Trump ahead of Harris by one point. Following Harris’ ascension to the top of the Democratic ticket, she has led several national and swing state polls. According to Silver, the shift in the NYT/ Sienna poll proved his election model’s view of a “shift in momentum” in the presidential race. The NYT/ Sienna poll also found that a majority of voters found Harris “too liberal or progressive” on key policies, more so than voters consider Trump “too conservative”.

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

National Farmers’ Federation President David Jochinke has slammed the Albanese Labor government’s “avalanche of bad ideas” which are hurting the agriculture industry. His remarks come as thousands of farmers rally in Canberra on Tuesday morning, protesting against what they call the government’s ‘anti-farming ideology’. “We’re giving up our time to come to Canberra to make the message very loud and clear the government needs to start listening to agriculture,” he told Sky News Australia. “We need to make sure we base policy on facts and things that will advance our industry not on activists and ideals.”

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell discusses a “significant impasse” in the government’s aged care reforms. “The government had hoped the Opposition would get on board with this proposal to have self-funded retirees pay for more of their aged care,” Mr Clennell said. “But I am told it’s not even going to be on the Coalition party room agenda today. “The Coalition putting the brakes on ... the major sticking point here is a dispute over union representatives being put in aged care homes as part of the legislation.”

Sky News Australia
21 journées depuis

Republican strategist John Jordan discusses US Vice President Kamla Harris' debate preparations in which the rules state she may not use notes or a teleprompter. "When she [Kamala Harris] was running for president in the Democrat primary debates, she did not do particularly well, and her staff is concerned about this," Mr Jordan told Sky News Australia. "Which is why they are sealing her up in a motel room in Pittsburgh and going to such efforts to prepare her because the rules prevent her from having notes or a teleprompter and those are two things she always has at every appearance that she does, she never does anything live with the press. "The Kamala Harris campaign seems to be concerned."

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