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Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Donald Trump has been ordered to pay $566 million in penalties for fraudulently claiming to be worth more than he is. The former US president has also been banned from owning a business in New York, the city where he first made his name. Donald Trump was heated outside court, claiming the trial was “in coordination” with the White House and Joe Biden “because he can’t win a campaign fairly”. His sons, Donald Jr and Eric Trump, each received two-year bans from owning New York businesses. The civil fraud trial accused Donald Trump and his sons of inflating the value of company assets to receive more favourable terms on loans and insurance.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

A second group of asylum seekers have reportedly been found just hours after the initial group of about 30 men were discovered in a remote part of WA by the Australian Border Force. It is prompting concerns more than one asylum boat landed in the area in recent days. The second group consisted of 12 Bangladeshi men and one Indian man. The new arrivals walked into the campsite of Pender Bay on Western Australia's remote Dampier Peninsula shortly before 5pm on Friday. It is understood this second group has not been acknowledged publicly by the Australian Border Force, WA Police or the Prime Minister.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Fairy bread has joined the ham and cheese sandwich by being placed in an unwanted category when it comes to children’s school lunchboxes. The popular lunchbox items have now been banned at school canteens in the states of WA and South Australia. Sky News Australia reporter Crystal Wu has taken to the streets of Perth to ask parents what they think of the new restrictions. “Everything is good in moderation,” one parent commented. “Ham comes from pigs and cheese comes from cows – can’t see anything wrong with that,” another said.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

A Taiwanese YouTuber has been jailed in Cambodia for attempting to fake his own friend's kidnapping. The pair was arrested after posting videos with the fake claims online. The two stated they had been abducted and needed help. They allege they were beaten by security guards before escaping and posting about their ordeal online. Both men have been sentenced to two years behind bars.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Japan’s space agency has successfully launched a test model of its new flagship rocket, the H3. It had a successful liftoff at 9:22am Tokyo time on Saturday. It is one year since the first test model failed due to engine ignition trouble. Japan’s space agency is planning for the H3 to fly for two hours before releasing two micro-satellites out of orbit. The Japanese government has planned to launch around 20 satellites and probes with the rocket by 2030.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has addressed the death of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny at a media conference a short time ago. Vladimir Putin’s most significant political opponent, Alexei Navalny, has died in prison, aged 47. “This is, of course, a tragedy and Australia is shocked and saddened by the news of Alexei Navalny’s death, and we hold Vladimir Putin and the Russian regime responsible for this death in prison,” Mr Albanese said at a press conference on Saturday. “Vladimir Putin is an authoritarian, and we have a divide in the world between authoritarian regimes and democracies. “Just to our north, we’ve seen the greatest democratic exercise on a single day in human history with the election of a new president of Indonesia … and it stands in stark contrast. “We cannot take democracy for granted … and we need to call out the behaviour of authoritarians like Vladimir Putin.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Peter Dutton has called Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny a hero, the family of missing Victorian mum Samantha Murphy believe she has met with foul play, SA health authorities are warning people to be weary of measles, Australian universities criticise school preparation, John Pesutto receiving legal support against Moira Deeming, and Ukraine signs a security pact with Franc. See ( for privacy information.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Curtin University Dean of Global Futures Joe Siracusa believes if Julian Assange is extradited to the United States, they are going to “throw the book at him” because they are “holding him to a second standard”. Judges in London’s High Court are due to rule on Julian Assange’s appeal for extradition to the US next week. “If he gets to America, they’re going to throw the book at him,” Mr Siracusa told Sky News Australia. “Hillary Clinton wanted this guy alive. “Nobody in the American establishment can be seen to be soft on this guy. “They’re holding him to a second standard.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Tropical Cyclone Lincoln made landfall yesterday. It arrived near the border of Queensland and the Northern Territory. The system has since weakened back to a tropical low as it tracks southwest across the Northern Territory. It is bringing heavy rainfall and the risk of damaging wind gusts. A severe weather warning and flood watch are in place.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Equatorial Launch Australia Chief Executive Michael Jones has commented on the Arnhem Space Centre facilitating launches for a range of space organisations worldwide, including NASA. Australia is fast becoming Asia’s launch site of choice, with a rocket company teaming up with Australia with plans to launch from the Arnhem Space Centre. “The [partnership] we’ve just announced is with a Singaporean-based company who has an aim very similar, but is not actually connected to us, which is equatorial space services,” Mr Jones told Sky News Australia. “[They] have a range of small rockets that they want to launch and test from our site, and that is on their pathway to developing an orbital rocket, which their intention is to launch from our site again in the future. “In 2022, we were selected by NASA to do the only commercial space launch that they’ve done from a commercial spaceport – it was also Australia’s first commercial space launch.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

University of California Political Science Professor Louis DeSipio is “confident” there will be many more Putin opposers, such as Alexei Navalny, despite him being a “unique leader of the movement.” Mr Desipio’s comments come in light of the death of Vladimir Putin's most significant opponent, Alexei Navalny. According to the Russian Prison Service, Mr Navalny died in prison, where he was serving 19 years for extremism charges. Criticism of his death was immediate and widespread. “Mr Navalny was a unique leader of that movement,” Mr DeSipio told Sky News Australia. “It’s not clear who his successor will be … who will take up the mantle of challenging President Putin. “But we can be confident that there will be many that follow; they may not have the eloquence of Mr Navalny.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

University executives are criticising schools for failing to prepare students for tertiary education. They say the biggest barrier is the lack of high school maths and science teachers, especially in low socio-economic areas. Students aren’t able to pursue higher education in these fields if they don’t have the relevant prerequisites from school. 24.6 per cent of public high school students leave before finishing year 12. It is the highest national dropout rate in 30 years.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

A new phage therapy trial may be the answer to the fight against antibiotic-resistant superbugs. “As antibiotics become less effective, as bacteria adapt to them, we are now facing a future in which we expect antibiotic infection to be the leading cause of death within a generation,” Jonathan Iredell from the Westmead Institute for Medical Research told Sky News Australia. “We are really looking around for new solutions, so we’ve turned to nature to look for natural solutions, and this is the bacteria phage. “There is no doubt that properly harnessed these bacteria phages are tremendously powerful.” Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been identified as a major global health concern by the World Health Organisation.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell has revealed Nationals Deputy Leader Perin Davey admitted to drinking alcohol prior to appearing before a Parliamentary Committee on Tuesday night, where she slurred her words. However, she told Sky News, “I don’t think I was drunk” and claimed to have only had two glasses of red wine. “It is extraordinary – in the first sitting week of the Parliament, we had a former Nationals leader and former deputy prime minister deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce found on the ground, apparently drunk,” Mr Clennell said. “And in the second sitting week, we now have what appears to be the Nationals Deputy Leader slurring her words and appearing drunk at a Parliamentary Committee session. “This occurred on Tuesday night. I’ve spoken to Perin Davey – she’s claimed she only had two glasses of wine.” In a statement to Mr Clennell, Davey said, ‘I went to the Nationals staff drinks that were on Tuesday night … I don’t think I was drunk.’ ‘I wouldn’t say I was under the weather. I stumbled over my words. If you want to pick on people who stumble over their words, there are plenty of Labor MPs (who do so) … I did have a drink.’

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Entertainment Commentator Shane A. Bassett says Bob Marley has been “resurrected “in new film about the music legend's life, thanks to Kingsley Ben – Adir’s acting performance. Reggae icon Bob Marley’s brief but amazing life is now on the big screen with ‘Bob Marley: One Love’ “I think that Bob Marley has been resurrected,” Mr Bassett told Sky News Australia. “This actor who plays him is so good, he encompasses the reggae icon. “I’m no big fan of reggae music, that’s never been my think – but I was really fascinated about his story.”

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Political Science professor Louis Desipio says Joe Biden’s TikTok move could be his way of reaching out to younger voters. “President Biden has been weak among younger voters, people in their 20s,” Mr Desipio told Sky News Australia. “One effective way of reaching out to them is through TikTok. “It was worth an effort.” The decision to join TikTok proved controversial as the US President signed legislation back in 2022 prohibiting the use of the app – which is owned by Chinese company ByteDance, citing security concerns.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Australian families are enduring extended wait times for their new cars. Backlogs caused by Covid and a rush for hi-tech gadgetry are being blamed. Meaning motor manufacturers are having to compete with computer companies for critical parts. The wait time for a new car in Australia is now more than twice as long as it was before the COVID-19 lockdowns. The average wait currently stands at 65 days. For more popular models the wait time could be as long as two years.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Prince Harry has spoken publicly about his father's cancer diagnosis saying it could have a reunifying effect on the Royal Family. The Duke of Sussex appeared to offer an olive branch to his family during an interview with breakfast TV in the United States. When asked if illness can have a reunifying effect on a family, and whether the same could be true for the Royal Family, he responded: “Yeah, I’m sure.” Buckingham Palace confirmed earlier this month that King Charles had been diagnosed with a form of cancer and would be postponing engagements to undergo treatment. Prince Harry who fell out with his family after himself and wife Meghan Markle quit royal duties, flew to London following the announcement and had a brief meeting with his father.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Australia's third Tropical Cyclone of the season crossed the Northern Territory coast on Friday. The system crossed the coast as a category one storm as far as Borroloola. The weather system brought with it heavy rainfall and damaging wind gusts. Lincoln is forecast to decay rapidly. But while the system was short lived, the consequent damaging winds are expected to be long lasting.

Sky News Australia
7 mois depuis

Nationals MP Keith Pitt has ridiculed the Albanese government’s plans to transfer from coal to renewable as a “magic” policy “according to Chris Bowen”. “It will just fall out of the sky, and everyone will be happy, and everything will still work,” Mr Pitt told Sky News Australia host Danica De Giorgio. “There’ll be wonderful power puffs in the sky and unicorns running down the street. “It is ridiculous – you will need to keep your coal-fired power stations online. “You’ve got the ridiculous situation in Victoria where they have prohibited gas exploration for a decade, and now they have run out, and they are wondering why they have got challenges.”

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