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Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

A Russian cosmonaut has set a new record for the most time spent in space according to Russia’s space corporation. Oleg Kononenko was named as the record-breaker on Sunday. Kononenko has logged more than 878 days – nearly two and a half years – at the International Space Station. He broke the record first set by his compatriot while orbiting 263 miles from Earth during his fifth space flight. The International Space Station is considered one of the only projects in which Russia and the United States work together.

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Tensions are high on New Zealand’s national holiday as protestors hit the streets of the nation’s capital. Waitangi Day commemorates the signing of a treaty between the British Crown and Maori in 1840. This year commemorations are being overshadowed by tensions between Maori and the new government's policies. An estimated 2,000 people in Wellington have marched from the war memorial to Waitangi Park. The protest is in response to the new government’s proposed policy changes.

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

TalkTV Royal Editor Sarah Hewson says King Charles will now be “relying” on other members of his family such as his sister, Princess Anne, following his cancer diagnosis. “Those that are working already have packed schedules, Princess Anne for example has an incredibly busy diary and the King is going to be relying on his sister now,” Ms Hewson told Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan. “Also on Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, on Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Prince William. “But ... Prince William was hoping to take some time out to be looking after his wife and children – next week is half-term, the children will be home from school, Kate not really able to be carrying on as normal. “But we had the announcement today and I think the timing of that was significant and choregraphed, that (Prince William's) back to public duties on Wednesday."

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Daily Mirror Royal Editor Russell Myers says Prince Harry’s visit to the UK following King Charles's cancer diagnosis could be a “chance” for the pair to reconcile. Buckingham Palace has confirmed the King's diagnosis is not prostate cancer however the cancer was discovered while he was being treated in the hospital for an enlarged prostate. “I understand tonight from sources close to Harry that he is flying to the UK in the coming days which tells you not only the seriousness of the situation is, but will open the door to conversations,” Mr Myers told Sky News Australia. “The fracture of this relationship has been very, very well documented over the last few years. “There’s a lot of hurt in this family, through adversity, it could be a chance for them to come together. “And I think the focus will be very much on the King and his treatment and trying to get a path for his to get better.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Former Labor Senator Stephen Conroy says the Coalition has to “stick to the message” that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese “can’t be trusted”. Mr Conroy’s comments come as the Albanese government announced changes to the stage three tax cuts with the Coalition calling this a broken promise. “I think if the Coalition are able to land that, if their objective is ‘quick we’ve just got to get that tax cut issue off the table ... but what we want to do is build a narrative over the next 18 months that you can’t trust the Prime Minister’ ... that’s what they’ve got to try and aim,” Mr Conroy told Sky News Australia. “Stick to the message that Albo can’t be trusted. “That’s got to be their message."

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

CommSec’s Tom Piotrowski says the Reserve Bank will “certainly” leave rates on hold at their meeting today and there are hopes of a “softening” in discussion around further rate increases. The Reserve Bank of Australia will meet for the first time in 2024 on Tuesday to make their decision on the official cash rate, which currently sits at 4.35 per cent. “They’re certainly going to leave rates on hold, but there’s a far more expansive format to the RBA’s decision,” Mr Piotrowski told Sky News Australia. “No decision expected today to move interest rates; however, in the light of the moderation in inflation over the course of the last quarter, there are some hopes that you’ll see a softening in the RBA’s discussion around the potential for future rate increases. “That’s what the markets have calibrated their expectation towards.” Presented by CommSec.

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson says if you want hysterical, you “can’t get better” than Al Gore. Mr Macpherson’s remarks come after former US vice president Al Gore delivered an impassioned speech at the World Economic Forum. “Of course the more outrageous the demands of the climate catastrophists, the more hysterical their claims need to be,” Mr Macpherson said. Gore claimed greenhouse gases have trapped as much extra heat in the atmosphere as “would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs”. “Can you believe this guy?” Mr Macpherson said.

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

At least 112 people have been killed, and hundreds more missing after wildfires tore through central and southern Chile. Up to 14,000 homes have been damaged by the fires. It has destroyed entire neighbourhoods in some coastal cities. The blazes have caused widespread blackouts, prompting the evacuation of several hospitals and nursing homes. The death toll is expected to rise dramatically as rescue services are struggling to reach the worst affected areas.

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

California’s south is being pummelled by a powerful atmospheric river storm, dubbed a Pineapple Express. The slow-moving system has knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people in the US state. Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a state of emergency for several counties. State officials have mobilised 8,500 emergency responders to handle flooding and water rescues. Some parts of California have seen more than 200 millimetres of rain as more continues to fall.

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Taylor Swift has made history at this year’s Grammy Awards. The pop star became the first person in history to win the Grammy for Album of the Year four times. “I would love to tell you this is the best moment of my life,” Swift said. “But I feel this happy when I finish a song. “All I want to do is keep being able to do this.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says Australia’s first ever parliamentary inquiry into gender dysphoria will be put to a vote in South Australia on Wednesday. Mr Bond said it will “probably get warped into a pro-trans thing”. “Instead of actually looking critically. “At the medical treatment that is being offered in this country. “Particularly to children, such as transitioning.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer says “the needle hasn’t budged” on Albanese after Newspoll shows the tax cut changes are a popular move. “It would be such a win for Labor to turn around and be like ‘we tried give more money back to you and then the Greens, the Liberals, the Coalition wouldn’t let us, we tried’ because obviously the measure has polled incredibly popular,” Ms Storer said. “That was never in doubt. “But what we’ve seen is the needle hasn’t budged on two-part preferred. “He is still coming up as better PM – but what counts is votes … it doesn’t matter how popular a move you’ve made is unless that translates to votes, nothing is more important to any government than getting re-elected and they are not seeing that in the polling yet.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says according to Newspoll 62 per cent of Australians support Labor’s tax cut changes “even though we’ve seen nothing”. “We’ve got to talk about the stage three tax cuts,” Mr Bond said. “Even though we’ve seen nothing. “Apart from the vague promise of $15 extra a week. “This is popular with the electorate.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says the new tax cuts for people on “low-income wages” won’t save their lives. “In this report it shows people who are on low-income wages or people who are on pensions they continue to do it particularly tough,” Mr Murray said. “The garbage, the BS and the spin, that they really care about the people who are doing it most tough in the country. “The people who tell us that a tax cut of $14 a week is going to be enough to turn somebody’s life around on $40,000. “It is never going to be able to save those people’s lives.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says trucks moving freight in and out of Melbourne could be slugged with a new tax on containers. “In Victoria there is a conversation happening as we speak about even further increasing the amount that it costs for things to move from the Port of Melbourne around Melbourne and then out to the rest of Victoria,” Mr Murray said. “The Victorian premier is seriously considering a new proposal that would add between $150 to $250 to any truck that wishes to drive freight out of the Port of Melbourne. “The trucks will be slugged with a tiered tax. “Of $150 to $250 per container.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says the US’ airstrikes on Iran-backed militant groups are a “symbolic retaliation” by President Joe Biden. The US and UK have launched strikes on Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen on Sunday following strikes by the United States in Syria and Iraq on Saturday. “Biden deserves high marks for his solidarity with Israel,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “He is much better than the Democratic Party, that may be because he was never educated at Harvard. “He still works out that if an Islamist death cult attacks a liberal democracy you go with the liberal democracy.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Express Online Political Editor David Maddox says the centre of London has basically been “taken over” by pro-Palestine protests. Pro-Palestine rallies continue across the world to oppose Israel’s attacks on Hamas. Mr Maddox told Sky News host Peta Credlin that it “says a lot” about the left in the UK. “There’s a large kind of Muslim vote in the left," he said. “It’s quite disturbing.“

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Writer and broadcaster Esther Krakue says King Charles using his recent surgery to advocate for men to get regular health check-ins is showing the “value” the Royal Family brings to the Commonwealth. The King was seen waving to the public in good spirits when he left the London Clinic on Monday. “The republican movement in this country has stayed at around 20 per cent of the general population,” Ms Krakue told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “So by in large, the population has always been in support of the Royal Family. “I think the King’s openness about his surgery and how he has basically done that to advocate for men to get their prostates checked out has really shone a light on the actual value on the institution.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

Express Online Political Editor David Maddox says Palestine is a “really totemic issue" for the left. Pro-Palestine rallies continue across the world to oppose Israel’s attacks on Hamas. Mr Maddox told Sky News host Peta Credlin that he has never put his “finger on why”. “I assume it’s because Israel is so closely associated with America," he said. “I think that’s part of it.”

Sky News Australia
8 mois depuis

China has again shown its contempt for our government by sentencing an Australian dissident to death. Plus, a man is on the run for an alleged acid attack in Britain, Esther Krakue joins the show to discuss. See ( for privacy information.

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