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Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

New footage has been released of thousands of migrants waiting to be processed in Eagle Pass, Texas as the situation at the border escalates. Americans have been reacting to the vision on X, formerly known as Twitter. "Why even have a border if it's not protected properly?” one user asked on X. "An open border is not a border," another user wrote. There were a record 12,600 encounters at the southern border on Monday, according to Fox News sources. Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said the situation is “getting worse”.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

The threat from a large bushfire burning in northwest New South Wales has begun to ease. Rain is now falling across the fireground at Duck Creek near Narrabri. The fire is still out of control and has burnt more than 121,000 hectares so far. The Newell Highway remains closed between Narrabri and Coonabarabran. Locals in Baan Baa, Wilala, Goolhi, Rocky Glen, Stannix Park, Jacks Creek, Bohena Creek and Wynella are being told to monitor conditions.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon touches down in Sydney this morning to meet with Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. It comes as the country's leader declares the long-standing issue of around 501 deportees now resolved. In Sydney, Luxon and Albanese are expected to focus on regional security and cross-Tasman trade. Albanese flagged the need for having an “enhanced economic relationship” with New Zealand. The trip marks Christopher Luxon’s first official overseas visit since being sworn in as prime minister three weeks ago.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Jaffas fans are outraged by Woolworths’ decision to remove the Allen’s confectionary product from shelves. The popular item is no longer being stocked in Woolworths stores across the country. Jaffas were axed by the supermarket giant after an internal review. Woolworths defended the move saying they only stock products that have the “broadest customer appeal”. The treat can still be picked up in select supermarkets including Big W and Coles.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

E-scooter riders could soon be subject to breathe testing under new powers that could be granted to police in Queensland. The potential new laws include cyclists, e-scooters, and other personal mobility devices. New transport Bart Melish has confirmed the Government is considering the amendments. Police currently do not have the power to randomly breathe test riders. They are relying on arrests to breathe test at police stations.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, is under a pollution warning due to gasses released from a volcanic eruption. A nearby fishing town was evacuated last month in preparation, after weeks of intense quake activity. Eyewitnesses have described the sky being 'lit up in red' as the lava burst from a crack around three kilometres long. Experts said the lava is unlikely to reach any populated areas, even though the eruption could last for several months. Volcanic activity had been recorded in the region as early as October, with authorities closely monitoring seismic activity in the peninsula in the days leading up to the eruption.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

ADF rescues stranded flood victims, the government to consider Benbrika’s release decision, Victorian triple-0 callers waiting over a minute, Australia declines to send warship to the Red Sea, RBA fears unemployment rise in 2024, over 100 dead after China earthquake. See ( for privacy information.

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Radio 2CC host Stephen Cenatiempo says Labor government IR reform bills have “sold out” businesses. “There’s no question they’ve sold out particularly small and medium business, but also some big business,” Mr Cenatiempo told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “This was driven by the unions from day one. “Whenever they try to push through one of these bills that’s got so much legislation in it. “You know there’s going to be something hidden in there.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Outgoing Northern Territory chief minister Natasha Fyles has “no excuse” to use for resigning from her role, says Hobart City Councillor Louise Elliot. “It doesn’t seem right,” she told Sky News contributor Steve Price. “This is the Chief Minister of a mining state, with mining shares. “I really wouldn’t have thought it would be too hard to do a quick stocktake when you need to look at your tax return or whatever else. “I really find this perplexing.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Radio 2CC host Stephen Cenatiempo says Natasha Fyles resigning as chief minister of the Northern Territory could set a “good precedent” for other politicians. “We’ve seen this kind of thing happen before … it’s always nothing to see here,” Mr Cenatiempo told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “It just shows the arrogance and complacency of our political class now that they think they can get away with this. “With not having to be as careful with their shareholdings as the codes of conduct insists they are. “Maybe it’s a good precedent, that some of our politicians might actually wake up to themselves.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

A Queensland resident has been caught swimming in his front yard during flood waters. Footage has emerged of a surprisingly calm man wading in waist-deep flood waters during the severe flooding in far north Queensland. Hobart City Councillor Louise Elliot has called the person “down to Earth”. “We need more of that,” she told Sky News contributor Steve Price. “That’s the true Australian spirit there.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy Ted O’Brien says if the Opposition gets into government at the next federal election, they will come at Australia’s energy policies from a “very different angle”. Mr O’Brien told Sky News host Chris Kenny that instead of coming at it politically, it needs to be driven by “economics and engineering”. “So that we actually have a total system cost planned for the Australian grid. “That means a balanced mix of technologies. “Each technology doing what it’s best doing on that grid.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr says Port Douglas was the only place which was not affected by flooding. While a few regions affected by the havoc of ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper are beginning their clean-up, many areas are still severely inundated from the severe storms of Far North Queensland. “We got a bit of wind blown during the cyclone itself, but these floods have been from Mossman and north of the shire,” he told Sky News contributor Steve Price. “Port Douglas is sitting there ready to take tourists as soon as we can get them here. “Unfortunately – the Captain Cook Highway is blocked and it could be quite a few weeks before that’s opened up, but there will be other accesses to get into Port Douglas, and we certainly hope in a couple of weeks time … tourists will come back to us and enjoy Port Douglas like they always do.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Cairns Mayor Terry James has encouraged tourists to visit Far North Queensland with the city of Cairns itself “pretty well unscathed” from flooding. The region’s tourism sector is expected to take a $60 million hit after being impacted by severe flooding. “We would like to see them (tourists) back next week,” Mr James told Sky News host Chris Kenny. “The Great Barrier Reef is still there, the airport is back open, the harbour is open, we will be ready for business. “We need to support some of these operators, they have done it very tough.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Victoria Shadow Treasurer Brad Rowswell says the Labor state government is shrinking the “economic pie” for businesses impacted by taxes at a time when they should be creating opportunities for everyone. “When business are impacted by state government taxes here in Victoria they’re making their next big investment decision in another state,” Mr Rowswell told Sky News contributor Steve Price. “That’s bad for our economy here in Victoria. “Bad for Victorian jobs, and it means we’re actually shrinking the economic pie. “At a time when we need to be creating opportunity for everyone.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Sky News contributor Kosha Gada claims President Joe Biden is the “frontman” for the left side of politics. President Biden’s primary fundraising arms have received strong support from the country’s most expensive zip codes, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. “The rich supporting the left side of politics is one of the most fascinating … dynamics that I think we have seen in Western societies in the last 30 to 40 years for many reasons,” she told Sky News host Caleb Bond. “Biden is sort of just a frontman at this point in time. Whoever it is, what they are really supporting is the left side of the isle politically because the policies favour them, the system and the power structures are self-rewarding and reward them the culture approves of doing that. “It’s kind of a win-win-win for people who live in those circles and they don’t have to live often a lot of the policies that affect everybody else because they are in gated communities, rich standard of living, not affected by the economy etc.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie warns there is a “sense of lawlessness” in rural regions across Australia. Ms McKenzie told Sky News contributor Steve Price that there are issues “culturally wider” than just police officers being able to utilise the full force of the law. “A lot of police forces across different states have been wound back under Labor," she said. “And they’ve had their scope of practice … really curtailed. “It’s up to all of us to make sure that young people are raised in a way that they don’t turn to drugs and alcohol.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

The Australian’s Political Reporter Sarah Ison says while Opposition Leader Peter Dutton hasn’t had a gaffe, his “retail likeability” is a point of contention among voters. Sky News host Tom Connell broke down the latest Newpoll figures, which showed that 66 per cent of voters think Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has leadership experience, whereas Mr Dutton has 70 per cent. However, only 41 per cent of voters think Mr Dutton is in touch with voters, whereas Mr Albanese received 46 per cent. “That’s something that Peter Dutton has struggled with for a while,” Ms Ison told Sky News Australia. “I think he definitely had Labor being very reactive, even from as far back as sort of December … last year, like over the summer, he started to have them be quite reactive, and he was leading the narrative, so I think in terms of experience and some things like that, people can recognise someone who seems to have control. “He hasn’t had a gaffe or a number of kind of slipups or anything like that, but just broadly … his sort of like retail likeability has always been a point of contention.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

MIX 104.9 Host Katie Woolf says if Australia gets to a point where it charges people to use cash, it would be “absurd”. RBA Governor Michele Bullock questioned whether Australians should pay a fee to use cash. Ms Woolf told Sky News host Chris Kenny that it would impact senior Australians significantly. “Especially if you’re somebody that’s potentially on the pension or is counting your dollars,” she said. “I just think it’s a ridiculous idea.”

Sky News Australia
9 mois depuis

Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan says Hollywood has “lost the plot” in recent years at the altar of trying to “tick endless boxes”. “It needs to be said loudly,” Mr Morgan said. “Hollywood has lost the plot in recent years at the altar of trying to tick endless boxes for diversity, for virtue signalling – whatever it may be. “And it’s made a lot of movies simply unwatchable, and it’s also made award ceremonies unwatchable.” Mr Morgan discussed the issue with modern Hollywood with the author of ‘Everywhere an Oink Oink: An Embittered, Dyspeptic, and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood’, David Mamet.

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