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Sky News Australia
28 journées depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond has reacted to the latest product launch from Heinz aimed at Gen Zers who are too broke to order takeout and are not great at cooking. Heinz last week announced its new product carbonara in a can to supermarkets. “If you are eating that, you really need to reassess your life choices. That is disgusting,” Mr Bond said.

Sky News Australia
28 journées depuis

Sky News host Andrew Bolt has criticised Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over his “weak” response to China’s aggressive coast guard tactics. It comes as a Chinese coast guard vessel on Saturday rammed a Philippine ship in the South China Sea. “I think the prime minister's response yesterday to this Chinese aggression was very weak, not even naming China,” Mr Bolt said.

Sky News Australia
28 journées depuis

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan has slammed Minnesota Governor Tim Walz after he appeared to walk away after being questioned about the murdered hostages in Gaza. “I think that Waltz moment is grotesque,” Mr Sheridan said. The clip of the Democrat vice presidential nominee at the Minnesota State Fair on Sunday has made its round on social media showing Mr Walz appearing to walk away when asked about his reaction to the six hostages found dead in Gaza. The Israeli military on Sunday confirmed the bodies of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Master Sergeant Ori Danino were recovered from an underground tunnel in Rafah on Saturday.

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Woodside Chief Executive Meg O’Neill discusses the "ripple effect" a change in geopolitics has on the natural gas industry. “If we look at natural gas prices particularly for LNG, things are looking pretty positive,” Ms O’Neill told Sky News Business Reporter Ed Boyd. “We’re seeing Asian LNG prices looking pretty strong for the forward period. “Again, a change in geopolitics or a change in China’s economy or a change in the US economy can have a ripple effect. “So we try not get too complacent with the forward curves.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Woodside Chief Executive Meg O’Neill says the company is watching the policy positions of both United States political parties “really closely”. The US presidential election will be held on November 5, 2024. “The Republicans of course have a very pro-oil and gas mindset,” Ms O’Neill told Sky News Business Reporter Ed Boyd. “But if you look at the facts, you would say that oil and gas production in the US grew more under Biden than it did under the first Trump administration. “So, we feel pretty good about our ability to continue to do our work in the US.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Woodside Chief Executive Meg O’Neill believes, despite a “tough patch”, Australia is starting to realise a “prosperous future” requires gas. “I think the gas industry has gone through a pretty tough time here in Australia,” Ms O’Neill told Sky News Business Reporter Ed Boyd. “Between regulatory changes, court cases, protesters, we’ve had a bit of a tough patch. “I think people are starting to come to a realisation though that for Australia to have a prosperous future, that prosperous future needs gas.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Woodside Chief Executive Meg O’Neill claims it is “hard to figure out” what the Right to Disconnect laws mean to the business. The Right to Disconnect law which came into effect on August 26, allows employees to refuse contact with their employers outside of working hours. “We’re still trying to figure out what these changes mean,” Ms O’Neill told Sky News Business Reporter Ed Boyd. “In the context of a global business, where our two major offices are in Perth and Houston … it’s very hard to figure out what this means to us. “The flexibility that the employees want needs to come with the flexibility that the employers need.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Woodside Chief Executive Meg O’Neill discusses the role of China’s economy and the various geopolitical conflicts on the business. “China’s economic situation is incredibly important to most Australian companies,” Ms O’Neill told Sky News Business Reporter Ed Boyd. “They’re a very important energy consumer. “So, what China does affect the price of our commodities. “But then again there are other externalities, things like war in the Middle East, war in the Ukraine.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

BHP Chief Executive Mike Henry discusses the company’s “consistent execution” of its strategies. BHP’s yearly results were released, showing its underlying profit up two per cent to $US13.7 billion. “What you’re really seeing from us is just a consistent execution of the strategy that we’ve laid out,” Mr Henry told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “Focus on operational excellence, delivering social value and ensuring that we’ve got a portfolio that is shaped to benefit those megatrends. “That’s really what you can see from this set of results.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

BHP Chief Executive Mike Henry discusses whether cheap iron ore exports from Australia can replace India’s domestic production. “India has a wonderful growth story ahead of it,” Mr Henry told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “It’s currently the fastest growing large economy in the world. “But it is going to need a different mix of commodity imports than China has needed. “In the case of coking coal, India doesn’t have domestic resource of high-quality coking coal, so it’s going to be more reliant on imports.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

BHP Chief Executive Mike Henry discusses where “best to invest” for the mining company amid Australia’s new industrial relations proposal. BHP has taken issue the new industrial relations proposed by the Labor government, which could result in a $1.3 billion jump in its wage payments. “BHP has been very clear that we support rising wages to the extent that there’s a link between productivity improvements,” Mr Henry told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “Exactly how it plays out in terms of our investment decision making really depends on a whole range of other factors. “It will depend on how we see commodity prices, the resource quality, the cost of capital and so on. “We’ll be guided by the capital allocation framework on determining where best to invest.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

BHP Chief Executive Mike Henry discusses the company’s copper operation amid the global energy transition. BHP has continued with the expansion of its copper smelter and refinery at Olympic Dam, located in South Australia. “We’ve got opportunities around the world,” Mr Henry told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “Every project has to compete for capital under the capital allocation framework and we’re advancing a number of these options in parallel.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

BHP Chief Executive Mike Henry takes aim at Australia’s policy settings preventing it from competing globally and hindering its “long term” capabilities. BHP has taken issue the new industrial relations proposed by the Labor government, which could result in a $1.3 billion jump in its wage payments. “We’ve been clear and vocal for a number of years about for the need for Australia to maintain policy settings that enable it to compete globally,” Mr Henry told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “We’re not just focused here on the resources sector or BHP; we’re talking about the economy more broadly. “Our concern about some of the policies that are being put in place right now is that they bring in extra costs, less flexibility and certainly no productivity improvement. “That trend isn’t going to be good for Australia in the long term.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Gold Star mother Kelly Barnett, whose son, Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, was among the 13 US service members killed during the Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan, has spoken out about Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery. It comes as Mr Trump has sparked backlash after he visited Arlington National Cemetery on Monday. Ms Barnett during an interview with NBC defended the former US president, stating that she had invited him. Sky News host Rita Panahi reacted to the US media’s backlash of Mr Trump after being captured posing for pictures with the Gold Star families.

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Sky News host James Morrow has reacted to Donald Trump’s latest campaign ad mocking Vice President Kamala Harris over comments she made during an interview with CNN. Mr Trump took to X to target the Democratic nominee emphasising her statement, “My values have not changed”. “Again, if CNN had any integrity ... they would have gone much harder on this and tried to pin Harris down on what she really believes,” Mr Morrow said.

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Wesfarmers CEO Rob Scott has reacted to the Greens’ Robin Hood-style tax reform plan which targets big businesses. The Greens leader Adam Bandt has announced a supersized tax reform package to target what he has described as “excessive profits” earned by big businesses. “What would be most concerning for Australia is it would decimate everyone’s retirement savings, it would decimate superannuation balances,” Mr Scott told Sky News Business Reporter Edward Boyd. “And there’d be no capacity to invest in Australian businesses – so, I think it would be quite a reckless and dangerous approach that would really kill the prosperity of Australia.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Sky News host James Morrow gives his analysis of CNN’s Dana Bash’s “heavily produced” interview with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. “Dana Bash of CNN … came across like a parent trying to let their kid win at chess without making it look too much like they were trying to let the kid win at chess,” Mr Morrow said. “Note the difference – Bash let Harris off the hook with barely any probing follow-ups that got to the heart of any issue. “Yet when she was sitting down with JD Vance, she was in full attack dog mode.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Sky News host James Morrow has predicted there’ll be a “move against” Elon Musk and the social media platform X if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win the November presidential election. “Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have given statements about free speech where they say, ‘no, free speech doesn’t extend to ... ‘misinformation’,” he said. “Which is, of course ... controlling the narrative. “Just watch. If Harris and Walz get up, there will be a move against Elon Musk and X.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Social Services Minister Amanda Risworth has revealed pensioners and people on Commonwealth Rent Assistance are set to receive a boost from September 20 onwards as indexation bumps up payments. “Those rates include, a single pensioner will go up by $28 .10 a fortnight, taking their pension to $1144 .40 and of course, a couple pension will get $42 .40,” Ms Rishworth said. “JobSeeker will increase by $15.30 and as a result of this increase along with our base rate increase, JobSeeker has gone up $135 since we've come to the office but of course, legislation passed through the parliament also has gone through to rent assistance. “Rent assistance people will be getting an extra $23 in their rent assistance at the maximum rates because of our 10 per cent increase along with indexation. “So this is real cost of living relief for people, indexation is a very important part of keeping our social security system, keeping up with the cost of living.”

Sky News Australia
29 journées depuis

Queensland is hit with unusually high heat across the state. The sweltering sun is forcing thousands of different people to beat the heat. There is more weather expected to be on the way.

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