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Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham has called for Australia’s embassy in Kyiv to reopen because Australia’s ambassador should be in Ukraine. The Coalition has pledged to reopen Australia’s embassy in the Ukrainian capital as soon as possible. Australia’s embassy in Kyiv closed after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. “We’ve been clear for some time that Australia’s ambassador to Ukraine should ideally be in Ukraine,” Mr Birmingham told Sky News Australia. “Instead, we’ve got a situation where the Albanese government is still paying rent in the Canadian embassy here in Kyiv … but our ambassador is actually based in Poland.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer says “some Karens” have complained about a restaurant due to the smell of its cooking. “A restaurant owner … The Smoke Shack is trying to save his smoker, the whole idea of his restaurant is brisket, burgers, big juicy chunks of meat,” Ms Storer said. “But the council has received complaints about the smells.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Hollywood actor Mark Wahlberg is pleading with Australians to stand up and ‘save Moore Park Golf Club’. His remarks come as Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore campaigns for a slice of the 18-hole course to be carved off as a park for local residents. In a video posted to his Instagram account, Mark Wahlberg said, ‘it’s been here for over 100 years and it’s been giving people hundreds and hundreds of years of pleasure and joy’.

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond discusses North Sydney councillor Jilly Gibson’s outburst when she was denied a plaza named in her honour after 25 years of public service. “North Sydney Council last night, and Jilly Gibson, who was once the mayor of North Sydney and has been a servant councillor for 25 years, gave her valedictory speech," Mr Bond said. “One of her fellow councillors, James Spenceley, decided, well, maybe in her honour, we should name a plaza after her. “She’d stuck it out all that time in order to get that plaza, and we know that because when she didn’t get it, my God did she wreak havoc."

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says a council in the United Kingdom have come up with an “ingenious” plan to turn off street lights at night to “save the planet”. “A council over in the UK … has come up with an ingenious plan to save the planet, they are going to turn off all the street lights,” Mr Bond said. “No, I am not joking."

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Former speaker of the house Bronwyn Bishop there is a “simple way” the construction of the $1 billion gold mine can continue. Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has vetoed the construction of a billion-dollar gold mine in rural NSW. “Albanese said he wants the mine, Minns has said he wants the mine,” Ms Bishop told Sky News host Paul Murray. “So there is a very simple way – Mr Minns should ring Mr Albanese and Mr Albanese should tell his senators they should not call on the motion and … they should not defeat it … and let it become disallowed. “Then the mine can continue.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly discusses a change in former US president Donald Trump’s media strategy. “I think he is getting much more disciplined and much more pinpoint strike targeted,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray. “His media strategy lately has been to go on these alternative media platforms.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly discusses the fact Kamala Harris is unwilling to do interviews without her VP pick Tim Walz, and if she participates in a debate, she will do it with notes. “She is not a very smart person; she does not have any intellectual depth,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray. “She understands she needs a crutch, whether it is going to be her emotional support governor in an interview or her note cards in a debate, she can’t perform alone.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says the Albanese government’s inflation spin is “artificial” as it is down “not even” half of one per cent. “This is completely artificial, as you know the federal government decided to spend a lot of money on a political slogan, not just about too little, too late tax cuts but more importantly the $300 rebate,” Mr Murray said. “That has artificially pulled things down … by 0.3 per cent, so not even half of one per cent.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Paul Murray says the price of tobacco has lifted significantly. “Tobacco, it’s at 13.9 per cent compared to this time last year,” Mr Murray said. “In terms of the past month, it’s gone up.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

NSW Minerals Council Chief Excitative Stephen Galilee slams Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Minister for the Environment Tanya Plibersek for rejecting a new NSW gold mine and then suggesting the project can proceed if a tailings dam is moved. “This is political damage control from the Prime Minister and the minister involved [Tanya Plibersek] this decision is a dagger at the heart of the project,” Mr Galilee told Sky News host Steve Price. “This is the kind of political damage control and rhetoric you get from people who have never had a real job outside of parliament; they have been in parliament for too long. “To move that tailings dam means an entire redesign of the mine itself.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Australian Jewish Association President Dr David Adler discusses the appointment of Greens Deputy Leader Mehreen Faruqi to an antisemitism probe into Australian Universities. “I think it is seen as quite an absurd, bizarre appointment,” Dr Adler told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “You would be hard-pressed to find a less suitable candidate in Australian parliament for this sort of role.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Australian Jewish Association President Dr David Adler discusses a social media post by Foreign Minister Penny Wong calling for a de-escalation in the Middle East without mentioning the cause of the conflict. “On this issue, she has been possibly our worst-ever foreign minister,” Dr Adler told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “To make that sort of outrageous statement without any reference at all to the cause is not fulfilling the sort of leadership duties we expect from our politician.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to footage of an “anti-Israel protester” telling Vivek Ramaswamy he has “no right to be at Union Park”. “There you have a bunch of white far-left clowns calling a brown man a racist and Zionist pig and telling him he has no right to be in a public park,” Ms Panahi said. “That’s the modern left for you folks.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has given “another reason” to mock the “fake news peddlers” of MSNBC. “Let’s take a minute now and hold Joe Scarborough accountable for this mad rant in 2020 where he claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was fake, pushed by Russian misinformation,” Ms Panahi said. ‘Watch and marvel at Scarborough showing why you should never trust MSNBC. “Four years later, it’s Scarborough who is exposed as the ultimate idiot and fool.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to an advertisement from Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. The ad consisted of Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris “damning herself with her own words," Ms Panahi said. Ms Panahi also poked fun at the "fake news peddlers" of MSNBC.

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Alpha News posted a video to their X account showcasing what supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris think of her. While attending a fair, the supporters were asked what they thought was Harris’ biggest achievement as vice president. The fairgoers, however, struggled to name a single achievement apart from her time as vice president, her skin colour or gender. Users on social media reacted to the video, with many criticising the supporter’s inability to list an achievement. “This is the definition of following someone blindly,” one user wrote.

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Author Douglas Murray says there are people who continue to “lie about Israel” being an apartheid state. Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi that there are people pretending Israel’s society is something that it “just isn’t”. “Israel is a society where Muslims, Jews, Christians and others all have equal rights. “And Hamas of course wants to take away every one of those rights and has done everything it can to do so.”

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer has reacted to Hollywood filmmaker Quentin Tarantino urging Vice President Kamala Harris to avoid doing any interviews ahead of the US presidential elections in November. Tarantino appeared on the Club Random podcast with talk show host Bill Maher on Sunday to discuss cinema and politics. “Quentin says he will vote Kamala Harris 2024 no matter what she says and yet there he is, begging her to shut up,” Ms Storer said.

Sky News Australia
1 mois depuis

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has labelled the Greens’ proposed tax on corporations a “policy designed to get attention”. Mr Chalmers said he would rule out the proposed tax on corporations. “The Greens, their primary task is to make up numbers and put out press releases, we actually have to run the place – run the economy and run the country,” Mr Chalmers said. “That means taking a responsible and methodical approach to policy. “If the Greens really cared about more fairness in the tax system, they’d support unequivocally our efforts to make multinational corporations pay their fair share of tax, our efforts to make the taxes on people with more than $3m in superannuation fairer, to fund paying the superannuation guarantee on paid parental leave, and for other priorities.”

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