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Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announces a Cabinet reshuffle in Sunday's media conference. Tony Burke will be the Minister for Home Affairs, the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Cyber security as well as continuing to be Minister for the Arts and Leader of the House. Julie Collins will move to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry whilst maintaining Minister for Small Business. Clare O’Neil will be the Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness. Senator Murray Watt will be the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations. Senator Malarndirri McCarthy will take the position of Minister for Indigenous Australians. Pat Conroy will move into the cabinet as the Minister for Defence Industry and Capability Delivery, Minister for International Development and the Pacific. Andrew Giles will be the Minister for Skills and Training. Senator Jenny McAllister will be the Minister for Cities and the Minister for Emergency Management.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Shopify Managing Director for APAC and Japan Shaun Broughton says consumers are being more “considerate” about where they spend their money. Consumer spending has lowered amid Australia’s cost-of-living crisis. The Shopify Australian Retail Report shows 79 per cent of Australian shoppers are cutting back and 54 per cent are seeking value. Soaring labour costs, electricity prices, shipping costs and rents are putting massive pressure on retailer margins. In partnership with Shopify.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the factors putting pressure on inflation are not from “government spending”. The RBA is waiting on the June quarter inflation numbers before making a decision about the interest rates. “The Reserve Bank Board, when it takes it’s decisions independently, it weighs up a whole bunch of factors in our economy,” Mr Chalmers told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “When you think about the inflationary pressures in our economy, we expect the big drivers on Wednesday to be things like insurance and rent and petrol. “Of course, petrol is impacted by the global oil price and all this uncertainty we’re seeing in the Middle East. “None of those factors are about government spending.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says Inflation peaked “lower and later” in Australia compared to other countries. Australia is expecting interest rate rises, despite other OECD countries expecting interest rate cuts. “I think the major difference between us and other countries … is that inflation peaked lower and later in Australia,” Mr Chalmers told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “Other countries that we compare ourselves have usually got much higher interest rates than we have as a starting point. “Those are two important points to remember.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says that Inflation has “substantially” reduced since the “peaks in 2022”. The RBA is waiting on the June quarter inflation numbers before making a decision about the interest rates. “Inflation has come off really quite substantially since those peaks in 2022,” Mr Chalmers told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “What we’ve seen around the world is that Inflation doesn’t moderate in a straight line. “Often, at around the level we’re at now, we’ve seen in other countries that it plateaus a bit before it starts to go down again."

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Tonight’s episode of Paul Murray Live Our Town is taking place in the suburb of Newcastle, New South Wales. In partnership with Harvey Norman.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Sky News host Rita Panahi has called out the “Orwellian” media for pushing a Democrat “lie” about US Vice President Kamala Harris. “Now the media claim she was never the border czar, a title she has for some time tried to disown obviously because of her failure to do anything constructive to solve that substantial issue,” she said. “And it’s not just the border; the media this week also engaged in Orwellian lies to claim she never raised bail money for BLM rioters.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick says Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen’s public comments about himself, and the Liberal Party were “insulting”. Mr Rennick challenged Mr Bowen to a debate after the minister publicly accused him of spreading conspiracy theories. “He wrote back and basically called anyone who holds views similar to ours as cookers and conspiracy theorists,” Mr Rennick told Sky News Australia. “Which I felt was very insulting.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson discusses Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress to bolster US support for the ongoing war in Gaza. “I think he gave a very strong speech,” Mr Paterson told Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell. “He very clearly outlined the rationale for why Israel continues to seek the removal of Hamas from Gaza. “There will not be peace for the people of Gaza or the broader Palestinian population or the people of Israel while Hamas remains in charge.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Shadow Home Affairs Minister James Paterson criticises the government’s process of branding the Houthis as a terrorist organisation as the “world’s slowest”. This comes amid criticism of the Labor government for their delay in branding the Houthis as a terrorist organisation. “This would have to be one of the world’s slowest terrorist listings ever,” Mr Paterson told Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell. “They took nearly six months to make a decision to list the Houthis. “In the statement of reasons … there are extraordinary and inexplicable delays throughout that process.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

The Coalition is leading Labor 51.5 to 48.5 per cent on a two-party preferred basis, according to a new poll by RedBridge. According to the Daily Telegraph, Australians struggling with the increasing cost of living are swinging towards the Coalition. “If you dive into the numbers of this – which I have – it’s cost of living. It’s all cost of living,” Sky News host James Morrow said.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Eastern Australia enjoyed mild temperatures to end the week. However, a cold change crossing the southeast this weekend will usher in classic wintry weather with a frost outbreak. “A widespread frost outbreak will take shape across the country – beginning on Sunday for parts of southern Australia but increasing in size and stature into Tuesday and Wednesday,” Sky News Weather Meteorologist Rob Sharpe said.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance has defended comments made against Democrats. The Republican vice presidential candidate called Democratic politicians a bunch of “childless cat ladies with miserable lives”. Speaking on the Megyn Kelly Show, Mr Vance said he has nothing to be sorry for.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has said the war in the Middle East ‘must end’. Mr Albanese joins Canada and New Zealand, in calling for a ceasefire in the Middle East. It is the first time since the October 7 attack on Israel, that the Australian PM has used such strong language.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

AMP Chief Economist Shane Oliver says the government’s cost of living relief in the federal budget is not enough to “cause a spending spree”. Mr Oliver told Sky News Australia that he expects unemployment to “rise”. “The bottom line is we won’t know either way for a few months.”

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

AMP Chief Economist Shane Oliver says Australia has “lagged” in its battle with inflation. Mr Oliver told Sky News Australia that with the “economy slowing” it is “only a matter of time” before inflation numbers start going back down. The inflation figures for the June quarter are due out on Wednesday.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

AMP Chief Economist Shane Oliver says the RBA may be “back on track” to start cutting interest rates soon. Mr Oliver told Sky News Australia that the RBA will “probably” start cutting rates in September. The inflation figures for the June quarter are due out on Wednesday.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

AMP Chief Economist Shane Oliver says the decline in inflation from 2022 has seemed to have “stalled”. Mr Oliver told Sky News Australia that if upcoming inflation data is in line with the RBA’s expectations, it “won’t be a major problem”. The inflation figures for the June quarter are due out on Wednesday.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

AMP Chief Economist Shane Oliver says the inflation data from the June quarter will be “critical” for the RBA’s interest rate decision. Mr Oliver told Sky News Australia that the RBA has already indicated a “discomfort” with the higher-than-expected inflation numbers. The inflation figures for the June quarter are due out on Wednesday.

Sky News Australia
2 mois depuis

Australian borrowers will soon have a clearer idea of what to expect to happen with interest rates in August. The inflation figures for the June quarter are due out on Wednesday. AMP Chief Economist Shane Oliver joins Sky News Australia to discuss inflation within the economy.

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