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تحدث وزير الخارجية الباكستاني جليل عباس جيلاني هاتفيا مع وزير الخارجية الإيراني حسين أمير عبد اللهيان. وأصدرت وزارة الخارجية الباكستانية بيانا قالت فيه إن الجانبين اتفقا على تعزيز التعاون والتنسيق الوثيق في مكافحة الإرهاب والمجالات ذات الاهتمام المشترك. كما اتفق الطرفان على تهدئة التوتر وناقشا عودة سفيري البلدين إلى منصبيهما. وفي الوقت نفسه، شدد جيلاني على أن التعاون يجب أن يقوم على احترام السيادة والسلامة الإقليمية. كما دعا جيلاني عبد اللهيان لزيارة باكستان. الاشتراك في فيديوهات قناة من خلال اليوتيوب موقع قناة يمكنكم متابعتنا على التويتر صفحة على الفيسبوك
Мижань - древний город в оазисе на южном краю пустыни Такла-Макан в Синьцзян-Уйгурском автономном районе на северо-западе Китая. Тысячу лет назад он был ключевым перевалочным пунктом на Шелковом пути. Со временем цветущий оазис поглотили пески. В наши дни на их пути встала станция контроля пустыни уезда Цэлэ.
Четверо советников иранского Корпуса стражей исламской революции погибли в субботу в результате ракетного удара Израиля по сирийскому Дамаску. В числе погибших командир разведслужбы спецназа "Аль-Кудс" КСИР генерал Юсиф Омид Заде. В Иране израильскую атаку назвали "отчаянной попыткой распространения нестабильности в регионе" и оставили за собой право на ответ. В Израиле действия своей авиации пока никак не комментировали. На видеокадрах с места взрывов руины многоэтажного здания в квартале Мезза на западе Дамаска, где базировались иранские военные советники.
Rejoignons les deux jeunes danseurs chinois du Groupe des arts du spectacle oriental de Chine dans le défi #LoongYearLoongDance pour attirer la chance en 2024 ! #SpringFestival2024
L'Armée israélienne poursuit sa dévastation de la bande de Gaza, en bombardant dans la nuit du 19 au 20 janvier la ville de Khan Younès. Le Croissant-Rouge palestinien a accusé #Israël d'avoir ouvert le feu sur un hôpital de la région, blessant des personnes déplacées qui s'y abritaient. Selon le ministère de la Santé de Gaza, 24 927 personnes ont été tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début des opérations militaires israéliennes et ceux qui sont sous les décombres seraient au nombre de plusieurs milliers. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Les dauphins blancs chinois, connus pour leur peau rose, sont une espèce rare que l'on croyait disparue. Cependant, un projet de recherche et de conservation mené depuis une trentaine d'années en mer de Chine méridionale a permis d'augmenter leur nombre. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Des tempêtes hivernales frappent l'Europe. De fortes chutes de neige se sont abattues ces derniers jours sur la France, la Belgique, la Russie et l'Islande. L'épaisseur de la neige a atteint 4 centimètres à Paris et dans les régions avoisinantes. Les autorités météorologiques locales ont émis une alerte orange pour le nord et le centre de la France. Dans le sud de la Belgique, l'épaisseur de la neige atteint environ 11 centimètres dans certaines parties de la région wallonne. Certains animaux, comme les jumeaux pandas géants Bao Di et Bao Mei, ont été aperçus en train de profiter de la neige. Moscou a souffert de vents tempétueux vendredi, et les fortes chutes de neige ont perturbé les transports. Les autorités météorologiques s'attendent à ce que les températures chutent à une fourchette allant de moins 10 à moins 15 degrés Celsius dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche. La neige est également tombée vendredi dans la zone d'éruption volcanique de la péninsule de Reykjanes, en Islande. Le magma qui s'est étendu à Glindavik les jours précédents est lentement recouvert de neige. Les autorités ont déclaré que l'éruption qui avait commencé le week-end dernier était terminée, mais ont averti que la zone restait dangereuse. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du “Monde de l'Economie” de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Jigong Mountain is located in Xinyang City, central China's Henan Province. "Brocken bow, sea of clouds, rime, sleet, sunglow, exotic flowers and plants, strange mountain peak, waterfall" are known as its eight natural landscapes. Jigong Mountain also has a reputation as a "natural botanical garden and natural herb garden." The vegetation coverage rate is as high as 90 percent, with more than 2000 kinds of precious plants and a natural green gene pool.
For more: Introducing "Architecture Intelligence," an all-new documentary series and a true gift for engineering enthusiasts. Join CGTN's Yang Zhao on a captivating global journey, exploring a league of ambitious new engineering marvels. Uncover the extraordinary challenges and ingenious strategies behind these colossal structures. Click here to watch the series: To discover more latest science & tech stories, please follow Tech It Out Studio on our channels: Youtube: @Tech It Out Studio Twitter: @Yang Zhao TIO Facebook Page:@Tech It Out with Yang Zhao Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
The highly anticipated presidential is election just months away. Former U.S. President Trump and his rivals are campaigning in New Hampshire ahead of Tuesday, when Republicans vote on which candidate they prefer. Eleanor Clift, Political Columnist at The Daily Beast, joins CGTN’s Sally Ayhan to discuss the latest on the campaign trail. #worldtoday Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is wrapping up his LatAm tour in Jamaica, which is all part of building stronger global relations. CGTN’s Sally Ayhan speaks with Anthony Moretti, Associate Professor at Robert Morris University, who weighs in. #worldtoday Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
As China’s foreign minister visits Jamaica, the Caribbean nation hopes for greater trade with the Asian giant, where niche markets for specific products have been opened up in recent years. #China #Jamaica #trade Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
The Colombian government and the guerrilla group known by its acronym EMC have announced they will extend their ceasefire by another six more months. The two parties are holding a third round of peace talks in the capital, Bogota. Our correspondent in Colombia, Michelle Begue, spoke to a victim of Colombia's armed conflict who says she has faith in the negotiations despite challenges and setbacks. Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
Chinese white dolphins, known for their pink hue, are a rare marine species that were once thought extinct. A three-decade long research and conservation project in the South China Sea has helped increase their number. #environment #biodiversity #conservation Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
Experience the stunning view of snow-covered Taishan Mount in east China's Shandong Province through our captivating livestream. Taishan Mount, nestled in the north of Taian City, is the highest point in Shandong.
The aging population is growing faster than ever before. By 2050, the proportion of people age 60 and older is expected to double. As longevity increases, how can people's quality of life continue into their later years? A groundbreaking project at Johns Hopkins University is trying to figure out what healthy aging looks like. Dr. Jeremy Walston is a professor of geriatric medicine and gerontology and leads the Human Aging Project, a cross-disciplinary initiative that supports research in biology, clinical care, and engineering. "The vast majority of people probably have gene mixtures that are not predicting that they're going to live to be 100 years old," Walston said. "So in that case, I think it's really important that people who want to maintain their health and prevent the development of chronic disease states continue to exercise and do everything they can do. That, I think, is what's pushing longevity in healthy 70-, 80- and 90-year-olds rather than the genes themselves." Exercise and diet are important, of course. But so are social interactions. "It helps people's brain continue to function and not become socially isolated," Walston said. #features #fullframecgtn Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
It’s well-established that hearing loss becomes more common as we age. One in 3 adults aged 65-74 suffers from hearing loss. After age 75, about half report trouble hearing. But what may be surprising is the link between hearing loss and dementia. Dr. Frank Lin is the director of the Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. His research established that hearing loss is a risk factor for developing dementia and cognitive decline in older adults. One reason for the link may be the idea of "cognitive load." "We forget when we hear what we're doing right now for instance, is it happens in two steps. The ear has to take in a sound, it has to convert that sound with perfect fidelity into a signal that then goes to the brain. The brain has to decode the signal...If the brain is not getting a clear sound, the brain is constantly having to work harder to process that sound," Lin said. In short, "the brain has less energy to dedicate toward thinking, toward memory, to doing other stuff," he said. Lin then wondered if hearing aids actually slow down cognitive problems. In a multi-year study following thousands of participants, one group was assigned to wear hearing aids and the other half did not. There was not much change in cognitive function between the two groups as a whole. However, when researchers looked specifically at participants who had high risk factors for dementia, the use of hearing aids slowed down cognitive decline by 48 percent. "Hearing loss is incredibly consequential for our health," Lin said. "Even though it seems like just the usual process of aging, we're learning increasingly, it's not without consequence. And that's really the novelty of it, because until now, it was like, well, it's just getting older doesn't really matter." #features #fullframecgtn Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
At the cellular level, damage to our DNA is a major cause of aging. But what factors can slo down or even reverse the damage? Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, is on the search for the anti-aging antidote. #features #fullframecgtn Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
Jamaica was one of the first Caribbean countries to join China’s Belt and Road initiative in 2019. Since then, its infrastructure has benefitted and allowed the small nation to compete on the global stage. #Jamaica #China #infrastructure #economy Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
CGTN's Sean Callebs talks to Einar Tangen, a senior fellow at the Taihe Institute and the chairman of Asia Narratives, about China's role at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. #WorldToday. Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.