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Tesla's Shanghai plant, the U.S. carmaker's first gigafactory outside the United States, delivered 947,000 vehicles in 2023, the company said on Wednesday in its production and deliveries report for 2023. #Tesla
Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин в четверг направил своему иранскому коллеге Ибрахиму Раиси соболезнования в связи с терактами в городе Керман. Китайский лидер отметил в телеграмме, что был потрясен известием о взрывах, в результате которых, по последним данным, 84 человека погибли и более 280 пострадали. От имени правительства и народа Китая Си Цзиньпин выразил глубокую скорбь и искреннее сочувствие членам семей погибших и пострадавших. Председатель КНР подчеркнул, что Пекин выступает против всех форм терроризма, осуждает атаки и поддерживает усилия Ирана по обеспечению национальной безопасности и стабильности.
For more: The Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday it was shocked to learn about the deadly blasts in the city of Kerman in Iran and expressed support for the Iranian government to counter terrorism. "We express our condolences over the victims and sincere sympathy to the bereaved families and the injured people," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a daily press briefing on Thursday, adding that China firmly opposes all forms of terrorism. Iran has called Wednesday's blasts, which killed 84 people, an act of terrorism, but no group has claimed responsibility so far. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: All parties should play a constructive and responsible role in maintaining the safety of Red Sea waterways, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a press briefing in Beijing on Thursday. Wang made the statement in response to a press query on a joint statement issued on Wednesday by 12 countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany and Japan, which warned Yemen's Houthi group to immediately halt attacks in the Red Sea. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Rahman Bayramdurdyyev is from Turkmenistan. He is now a staff member of the Integrated Office, College of International Education, China University of Petroleum, Beijing. In March 2023, when Bayramdurdyyev was studying for his doctorate, he organized Central Asian students from the university to jointly send a letter to President Xi Jinping to describe their lives and studies in China and express their resolve to contribute to building a China-Central Asia community with a shared future. They received a reply in May. In his response, President Xi encouraged them to make a greater contribution to promoting the development of China's relations with Central Asian countries. Bayramdurdyyev said that he has always hoped to have the opportunity to express his gratitude to China and become a down-to-earth "developer and promoter" of China-Central Asia relations. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Ice and snow have made China's northeastern city of Harbin a popular destination for winter tourism, attracting numerous tourists from China and abroad around New Year's Day. Approximately 250,000 cubic meters of ice and snow have been crafted into miniature versions of landmark buildings and sculptures at the Harbin Ice-Snow World, a renowned theme park. Visitors can marvel at the various structures and enjoy exciting activities like the 500-meter-long ice slide. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Eye-catching titles, storylines featuring intense emotions and fast-moving plots: ReelShort, a streaming service launched in 2022 in the United States by Crazy Maple Studio, is pioneering a business model that has proven very successful in China. The app has seen a remarkable boom in the number of downloads in the U.S. in recent months. It even made headlines in November 2023 when it overtook TikTok to become the top-ranking entertainment download on Apple's App Store. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
4th graders at a primary school in Kashgar in China's Xinjiang recite poems, with deep affection to the motherland. This video was recorded by their teacher and posted onto social media. #patriotism #China #Xinjiang #Uygur #motherland #affection #school #student #pupil #viral
A flock of swans has arrived at a wetland near the Yellow River for wintering in northwest China's Gansu Province
Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин направил президенту Ирана Ибрахиму РаисИ телеграмму с соболезнованиями в связи с гибелью людей из-за теракта в Кермане. В МИД КНР заявили, что Пекин всегда выступал и будет выступать против терроризма в любых его формах и проявлениях.
Катюша. Такое имя жители Москвы выбрали для первой родившейся в столичном зоопарке панды. Голосование проходило на портале "Активный гражданин" и продолжалось месяц. В нем приняли участие более 380 тысяч человек.
С наступлением нового года в западных СМИ замелькали очередные прогнозы о жесткой посадке второй экономики мира. Несмотря на то, что в ушедшем 2023-м рост ВВП Китая превысил запланированные правительством 5%, китайские экономисты говорят, что замедление роста неизбежно хотя бы из-за снижения так называемого демографического дивиденда - высокой рождаемости, которая обеспечивала экономику дешевой рабочей силой и быстрорастущим потребительским рынком.
Deux étudiantes de troisième année d'apprentissage du chinois à l'Institut Confucius de l'Université de Lomé au Togo ont lu des poèmes pour accueillir la nouvelle année 2024. Écoutons ensemble. #readapoem
La Russie et l'Ukraine ont annoncé leur premier échange de prisonniers de guerre depuis près de cinq mois. Ce sont plus de 200 prisonniers qui ont été libérés de part et d'autre. L'annonce de mercredi est intervenue à l'issue d'une négociation complexe, selon les deux parties, avec la médiation des Émirats arabes unis. Le ministère russe de la Défense a affirmé que 248 militaires ont été remis par l'Ukraine, tandis que Kiev a indiqué avoir ramené 230 personnes. Le ministère émirati des Affaires étrangères a reconnu son rôle, déclarant que l'échange a été rendu possible grâce à ses "solides relations amicales" avec Moscou et Kiev. Selon le ministère russe de la Défense, l'Ukraine a lancé des attaques répétées de missiles et de drones contre la région de Belgorod, dans le sud de la Russie. Kiev a précisé que depuis vendredi, la Russie a lancé plus de 300 drones et missiles sur des villes ukrainiennes. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
L'armée israélienne a déclaré que les combats intensifs contre le Hamas se poursuivent dans la ville de Khan Younès, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, alors qu'elle continue ses attaques aériennes et terrestres dans toute la bande. Des camps de réfugiés ont été la cible des attaques. Les avions de guerre et les chars israéliens ont intensifié leurs attaques contre le camp de réfugiés de Bureij, dans le centre de l'enclave. Le ministère de la Santé de Gaza a déclaré que le nombre de morts palestiniens a dépassé les 22 000 depuis éclatement du conflit le 7 octobre. Parallèlement, le Hezbollah libanais et l'armée israélienne ont fait des déclarations suggérant que les deux parties souhaitent éviter que la guerre ne s'étende au-delà de la bande de Gaza. Ces déclarations ont été faites après qu'un drone israélien a tué un chef adjoint du Hamas à Beyrouth. Dans un discours télévisé prononcé mercredi, le chef du Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, a exprimé ses condoléances pour la mort du chef du Hamas, ajoutant que le groupe ne restera pas "silencieux". Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
L'auditeur français, Jean-Marie Lambret, a lu un poème de Jules Verne pour accueillir la nouvelle année 2024. Écoutons ensemble. #readapoem
Harbin Ice and Snow World is a renowned winter festivity in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. The latest 25th Harbin Ice and Snow World covers an area of 810,000 square meters, creating a winter amusement park for visitors from around the world. On December 31, 2023, Harbin Ice and Snow World secured the Guinness World Record for being the "largest ice and snow-themed amusement park" in the world. Join CGTN and enjoy the amazing view of the ice and snow sculptures.
For more: Qinhu Lake National Wetland Park in Taizhou City, east China's Jiangsu Province, is home to rich natural resources that attract flocks of migratory birds. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
The central Japanese prefecture of Ishikawa reported 82 deaths and 80 were still missing as of Thursday after a series of earthquakes of up to 7.6 magnitude struck the prefecture and its vicinity, amid ongoing rescue efforts nearly three days after the disaster. #GLOBALink
"I saw the progress in infrastructure, technology, and the level of comfort, which had changed completely my previous imagination about China that people had told me about." Kaula Fahmi, an Indonesian scholar who studied in China, has said. #GLOBALink