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Le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi a déclaré lundi que la Chine appréciait la Thaïlande pour son respect du principe d'une seule Chine. Il a fait ces remarques lors de sa rencontre avec le Premier ministre thaïlandais Srettha Thavisin, notant que la Chine considère toujours la Thaïlande comme une priorité dans sa diplomatie avec les pays voisins. Selon M. Wang, la Chine est heureuse de voir la Thaïlande jouer un rôle positif dans la stabilité régionale et la paix mondiale. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
For more: Over more than 5,000 years, the Chinese people have created a splendid civilization and made significant contributions to the progress of human civilization. Now China is still working on it to advance humanity's modernization process and make the garden of world civilization more flourishing. As another major public product provided to the world by China after the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, how will the Global Civilization Initiative help advance the progress of human civilization? Take a look. #china #civilization #culture Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Antidote or poison? Weeks after Argentina's President Javier Milei took office, waves of protests erupted in Buenos Aires and other cities. Argentinians protested against Milei's economic austerity measures, known as "shock therapy," which have led to a sharp devaluation of the currency peso, a cost-of-living crisis, and accelerated inflation. Is Milei bringing more problems or solutions to the country? 【Guest】 Gisela Cernadas Argentine Economist Niu Haibin Director, Institute for Foreign Policy Studies Shanghai Institutes for International Studies Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has delivered an interim ruling on South Africa's case against Israel's offensive in Gaza, ordering Israel to "take all measures within its power" to prevent genocidal acts. Following the ruling, U.S. Secretary of State pointed out that the court did not support South Africa's request for a ceasefire. The UN court deems accusations of genocide against Palestinians plausible, so why does the U.S.-led West seem unconcerned? 【Guest】 Einar Tangen Senior Fellow, Taihe Institute Prof. David Monda Political Science Department City University of New York Edward Lehman Co-founder; Lehman, Lee and Xu Law Firm Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
#chinesenewyear #springfestival2024 With the Chinese New Year approaching, China's streets fill up with red lanterns, couplets, and people donning red outfits. Explore the video for a quick 60-second insight into why the celebration is so distinctly "red"! For more: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
At a daycare center in Wusu City, China's Xinjiang, elderly people play table tennis, practice calligraphy, or dance to music, enjoying a colorful life.#China #Xinjiang #elderly
The ancient "Zuo Zhuan," a Confucian masterpiece, contains a saying: "Qīn Rén Shàn Lín, Guó Zhī Bǎo Yě." It means that a nation should prioritize benevolence and righteousness while fostering friendly relations with neighboring countries. Extending care for oneself to others, and then to the world. China, guided by the principle of "fostering neighborliness," will use its unique Oriental wisdom and national character to work together with other countries to build our planet into a harmonious global family.
Sheikh Faria and Hamail Nadeem, two Pakistani students studying at China's Ningxia Medical University, went on an adventure at Helan Mountain to welcome the upcoming Year of the Dragon. #GLOBALink
The new Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) built by China is running largely in parallel with the old one. It emerged as the preferred choice for commuters, playing a pivotal role in stimulating commerce and empowering smaller towns along its corridor.
Setting foot on the African continent, the settlers aspired to turn the vast fertile land of Kenya into a "white man's paradise." In the 1930s and 1940s, a storm of resistance was brewing among local communities who had been stripped of lands.
في بلدة ووتشن بمقاطعة تشجيانغ الصينية، سقط طفل صغير في الماء أثناء جلوسه في عربة الأطفال. في هذه الأثناء، سمع شيوي شوي قن، عامل النظافة الذي يقوم بتنظيف النهر والبالغ من العمر 70 عاما، نداء المساعدة، فسرعان ما جدف بالقارب لينقذ الطفل بشبكة صيد، ولم يصب الطفل بجروح خطيرة بفضل الإنقاذ في الوقت المناسب. وفي وقت لاحق، قام أفراد أسرة الطفل بزيارة منزل المسن شيوي شوي قن لتقديم الشكر له والتعبير عن امتنانهم. الاشتراك في فيديوهات قناة من خلال اليوتيوب موقع قناة يمكنكم متابعتنا على التويتر صفحة على الفيسبوك
À l'approche du Nouvel An chinois, le Gala de la Fête du printemps 2024 de China Media Group (CMG) est sur le point d'éblouir le public du monde entier. 2024 est l'année du Dragon dans le calendrier lunaire chinois. Le dragon symbolise la bonne fortune, la sagesse et la force dans la culture traditionnelle chinoise. Où que vous soyez, rejoignez-nous pour célébrer l'Année chinoise du Dragon lors du gala. Ne manquez pas notre émission en direct ! #SpringFestival #SuperNight2024
Élections en Finlande : l'ancien Premier ministre de centre-droit, Alexander Stubb, arrive en tête du premier tour Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Cette journée de lundi marque le quatrième jour du pic des voyages de la Fête du printemps. Environ 12 millions de passagers ont pris le train dimanche, selon les chiffres de 12306, la plateforme officielle chinoise de réservation de billets de train en ligne. D'après les données officielles, plus d'un millier de billets par seconde ont été vendus aux heures de pointe. Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xi'an et Chengdu sont restées les six destinations les plus populaires pour la deuxième journée consécutive. #SpringFestival2024 Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
中国的古老节日,与天象历法、农事节气依伴而生,源于人们对自然规律的发现与认知,也是人与自然和谐共处的具体写照。在诸多传统佳节中,一段长达十五天的欢聚时光,最令人期待,这就是春节。岁月不居,时节如流。在几千年来的农耕文明中,中华民族创造了一大批丰富多彩的文化遗产。这些文化遗产,穿越时空,记录着春节文化历史变迁的鲜活脉络,承载着血脉相传的文化传承,也让当下的中国人,在这样一个时间节点上,感受着浓浓的传统年味。 《Live Now 直播间》播放列表: 【欢迎订阅LIVE NOW频道】: #春节 #春节里的非遗 #直播 #Live ■□更多精彩内容■□ 《CCTV特别节目》播放列表: 《重大事件回看》播放列表: 《中国航天》播放列表: 《神舟十七号载人飞行任务》播放列表: 《神舟十六号载人飞行任务》播放列表: 《神舟十五号载人飞船发射》: 《神舟十四号载人飞船发射》: 《神舟十三号航天员乘组返回地球》: 《神舟十三号航天员首次出舱》: ■□更多精彩视频,请关注我们■□ CCTV中国中央电视台: CCTV春晚: CCTV科教: CCTV百家讲坛官方频道: CCTV电视剧: CCTV热播剧场: CCTV社会与法: CCTV今日说法官方频道: ■□关注CCTV系列帐号 Like us on Facebook■□ Facebook(中文): Facebook(英文):
For more: The reopening ceremony of the Chinese embassy in Nauru began on Monday evening at a hotel in the southeastern part of the Pacific island country. Wang Xuguang, head of the Chinese diplomatic team in Nauru, delivered a speech at the ceremony. Wang said that amity is key to bilateral relations. #china #nauru #diplomacy Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: China reopened its embassy in Nauru on Monday. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Actresses dressed in military attire from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) patrol the Xi'an City Wall Scenic Area in Shaanxi Province. These patrols are a new cultural highlight to enhance visitors' experience. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: The wearing of ancient Chinese clothing, known as hanfu, has grown rapidly from a niche hobby to a nationwide phenomenon in recent years. It has become popular owing to people's appreciation and love of traditional Chinese culture. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
China and Nauru are naturally complementary and have great potential in bilateral cooperation, said the head of the Chinese diplomatic team in #Nauru. #GLOBALink