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For more: After his four-nation trip to Africa, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi continued his first-of-the-year diplomatic tour to Brazil and Jamaica. What were the highlights of the top Chinese diplomat's visits to the two countries? And what do they tell us about China's regional policies? Guests in this episode are José Ricardo Júnior, the CEO of LIDE China, Professor John Gong from the University of International Business & Economics, and Professor Rodrigo Zeidan from NYU Shanghai. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: China's auto industry reached new heights in 2023 in terms of production, delivery and export. Among the emerging car manufacturers, BYD remains at the forefront of the trend, surpassing Tesla in the fourth quarter to become the world's top-selling pure electric vehicle brand. Explore how BYD achieved this milestone as CGTN's Zhao Chenchen takes you to its headquarters in Shenzhen in this episode of Tech Please! Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Dance your way into the Chinese New Year with social media users around the world. Join the #LoongYearLoongDance challenge and spread good luck throughout 2024! Let's celebrate together, harnessing the power of dance! Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
Discover a winter haven in Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve, hosting 25,000 birds of 51 species, such as the red-crowned crane and white crane...
Can you imagine the scene of hundreds of millions of people returning home for the Chinese New Year? China is expected to see 9 billion passenger trips during the annual Spring Festival travel rush. In this video, you will see how China transformed a 110-year-old railway into a high-speed railway with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, how China built the world's deepest train station beneath the Great Wall, and how China uses high-speed rail to deal with the world's “largest migration” and promote the path to modernization. #China #modernization #railway #SpringFestival
الاشتراك في فيديوهات قناة من خلال اليوتيوب موقع قناة يمكنكم متابعتنا على التويتر صفحة على الفيسبوك
الاشتراك في فيديوهات قناة من خلال اليوتيوب موقع قناة يمكنكم متابعتنا على التويتر صفحة على الفيسبوك
В Китае появилась первая лаборатория по разведению кораллов. Она расположена в городе Сямэнь на юго-востоке страны. В ней выращивают около 100 видов рифообразующих кораллов. Ученые уверены, что их работа поможет как в исследованиях, так и в поддержании экологического баланса в близлежащих морских акваториях. #ОхранаэкологииСямэня #КрасивыйСямэнь
Хранители берегов или "зеленые легкие океана". Так в Китае называют мангровые леса. Они играют важную роль в очистке морской воды, предотвращении тайфунов и наводнений, а также в поддержании биоразнообразия. В городе Сямэнь на юго-востоке Китая создают крупнейший в провинции Фуцзянь мангровый парк, площадь которого достигнет 404 га. #ОхранаэкологииСямэня #КрасивыйСямэнь
Israeli forces are accused of attacking an aid distribution site in Gaza City and a United Nations training center sheltering Palestinians in Khan Younis. An estimated one million people forced to flee from the heavy fighting have crowded in the city of Rafah, near the border with Egypt. Aid workers say there’s not enough food, water or medicine and they’re worried about an outbreak of disease. Joining the discussion: Joshua Landis is the Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Nabeel Khoury is a former U.S. diplomat and was a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Center’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East. Khalil Jahshan is the Executive Director of the Arab Center Washington DC. Amotz Asa-El is a Senior Commentator with the Jerusalem Post and a Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute. Watch CGTN LIVE on your computer, tablet or mobile Subscribe to CGTN America on YouTube Follow CGTN America: Twitter: @cgtnamerica Facebook: @cgtnamerica Instagram: @cgtnamerica TikTok: @newstoks This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
En direct : Le Journal 26/01
Soixante ans représentant un « jiazi » (un cycle de six décennies) constituent un cycle infini de renaissance. Le 27 janvier 1964, la Chine et la France ont publié un communiqué conjoint sur l’établissement des relations diplomatiques, avec échange d’ambassadeurs. D’où la France a été la première puissance occidentale à établir des liens officiels avec la République populaire de Chine. Depuis ces 60 ans, quels que soient l’évolution de la situation intérieure de ces deux pays ou des changements enregistrés sur la scène internationale, les échanges entre la Chine et la France deviennent de plus en plus diversifiés et intenses. A travers une série d’histoires, ce documentaire présente, sous différents angles, des instants inoubliables qui ont marqué le soixantenaire des relations diplomatiques entre la Chine et la France. #60anschinefrance
La Chine et le Kenya ont renforcé leur engagement à bâtir une communauté d'avenir partagé en renforçant la confiance politique et en approfondissant la coopération tous azimuts. C'est le message clé d'une rencontre tenue jeudi à Beijing, entre le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi et son homologue kényan Musalia Mudavadi. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Les liens bilatéraux élevés au rang de "partenariat stratégique global à toute épreuve pour une nouvelle ère" La Chine et l'Ouzbékistan ont élevé leurs liens à un "partenariat stratégique global à toute épreuve pour une nouvelle ère". L'accord a été conclu lors d'un entretien mercredi entre le président chinois Xi Jinping et son homologue ouzbek Chavkat Mirziyoïev à Beijing. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du "Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
L'ambassade de Chine au Maroc et le Centre culturel chinois à Rabat ont organisé une série d'activités pour marquer le prochain Nouvel An lunaire à travers le pays. Des artistes, des visiteurs et des responsables chinois et marocains y ont participé. Les organisateurs estiment que cette initiative peut contribuer à renforcer les relations solides entre les deux pays. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du “Afrique Infos” de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
雪地“村超”、冰凌穿越、冰雪市集......在辽宁究竟能解锁多少种与众不同的冰雪乐趣?一起走进沈阳白清寨滑雪场,和“高端玩家”学习时下流行的滑雪技术;到锡伯族小镇踢一场雪地“村超”,感受24支参赛队伍酣战雪地的火热现场;“踏浪”红海滩,一睹冬日里“定格”的海岸线;到冬日的浑河边,体验冰上赛龙舟,发现冰上赛事的别样魅力;在白沙岛自然营地里,享受专属于冰天雪地的露营新体验。关注直播,一起解锁辽宁“冰雪+N”的超多新玩法! 《Live Now 直播间》播放列表: 【欢迎订阅LIVE NOW频道】: #辽宁 #冰雪旅游 #直播 #Live ■□更多精彩内容■□ 《CCTV特别节目》播放列表: 《重大事件回看》播放列表: 《中国航天》播放列表: 《神舟十七号载人飞行任务》播放列表: 《神舟十六号载人飞行任务》播放列表: 《神舟十五号载人飞船发射》: 《神舟十四号载人飞船发射》: 《神舟十三号航天员乘组返回地球》: 《神舟十三号航天员首次出舱》: ■□更多精彩视频,请关注我们■□ CCTV中国中央电视台: CCTV春晚: CCTV科教: CCTV百家讲坛官方频道: CCTV电视剧: CCTV热播剧场: CCTV社会与法: CCTV今日说法官方频道: ■□关注CCTV系列帐号 Like us on Facebook■□ Facebook(中文): Facebook(英文):
China's State Council Information Office holds a press conference on the topic of seeking progress through stability and promoting stability with progress for new breakthroughs in high-quality commerce development. Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao briefs the media and takes questions. #OfficialRelease
For more: In a small village in Pakistan's Tharparkar desert, one truck driver has quietly been inspiring a village. When Singhari heard that a nearby mining company was hiring truck drivers, and that they were willing to hire women, she decided to give it a try. As a result, her life has changed, and not only has she helped her family, but she has also become a source of inspiration for others in her village. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: In China, people eat dumplings a lot, especially when it comes to a festival or family gathering. France has a similar food, called "quenelle", which basically means dumpling as well. Corentin Delcroix, a chef of French cuisine and food innovation, explains more. #china #france #food #dumplings #quenelle Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: Dining sequences are different in each country. What is the Chinese dining sequence? Chinese food vlogger Yang Guang shared his experiences. #china #france #chinafrance #food #dining Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):