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Президент Бразилии Лула да Силва провел в Форталезе встречу с главой МИД КНР Ван И, который сейчас находится в этой стране с визитом.

CGTN Français
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Après avoir terminé une tournée en Afrique, le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi s'est rendu en visite vendredi au Brésil. Les deux pays se sont engagés à approfondir la coopération stratégique, alors qu'ils célèbrent le 50e anniversaire de leurs relations diplomatiques. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Channel NewsAsia
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For more: China has played a responsible and responsive role in the face of the new global setting, said Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) prior to the 54th WEF Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. In an interview with China Media Group (CMG), Schwab emphasized China's significance in a world that has transitioned from a unipolar to a multipolar reality. "We first have to recognize that the world has changed. The world has undergone or is undergoing those transformation. And here, particularly the transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world. China has to play what I call and is playing a responsible and responsive role in this new global setting," he said. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
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For more: The World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2024 commenced in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, bringing together more than 2,800 representatives from over 120 countries and regions. In an exclusive interview with China Media Group (CMG), Schwab highlighted the meeting's role as a unique platform for global stakeholders to share ideas and collaborate on solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. As the world continues to grapple with complex issues that require collective action, the role of the forum in facilitating such cooperation becomes increasingly crucial, the founder said. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
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For more: With the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2024 underway, WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab hopes the event can help policy makers to seek consensus and nations to rebuild confidence in each other in a fractured and crisis-ridden world. Schwab said the reason this year's meeting in Davos, Switzerland has taken the theme of "Rebuilding Trust" is that increasing division, heightened hostility and a surge in conflicts around the world are creating a challenging global landscape. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
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For more: Jinggang Mountains, renowned for their historical significance and resilient revolutionary spirit, have remained a popular destination for decades. However, the majority of current visitors are older individuals. Authorities are now implementing measures to capture the attention of the younger generation. Huang Yichang has more. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
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For more: The U.S. military and its Kurdish ally have been smuggling Syrian wheat from the occupied northeast to its military bases in neighboring Iraq, exacerbating an ongoing food crisis in the war-ravaged country, according to a director with a local news agency in Syria. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

CGTN Arabic
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تعد ولاية ألتاي في شينجيانغ موطنا لأقدم شكل من أشكال التزلج في العالم. إن الزلاجات التقليدية هناك مصنوعة من الخشب ومغطاة بجلد الحصان ومربوطة ببعضها البعض بخيوط جلدية. منذ آلاف السنين، كان التزلج أسلوب حياة في ألتاي، مما يسمح للناس بالسفر والصيد أثناء فصول الشتاء القاسية. وتعد الزلاجات المغطاة بالفراء كنزا محليا فريدا، و"أحفورة حية" تقدم لنا لمحة عن التاريخ القديم للمنطقة. #شينجيانغ الاشتراك في فيديوهات قناة من خلال اليوتيوب موقع قناة يمكنكم متابعتنا على التويتر صفحة على الفيسبوك

Глава МИД КНР Ван И в ходе визита в Бразилию провел встречу с советником президента этой страны Селсу Аморимом. Стороны обсудили стратегическое сотрудничество между двумя странами.

CGTN Français
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Altay, préfecture du Xinjiang, est le berceau de la plus ancienne façon de skier du monde. Ses skis traditionnels sont faits en bois, recouverts de cuir chevalin. Depuis des milliers d'années, le ski est un mode de vie à Altay. Cela permet de voyager, de chasser, et de prospérer durant les rudes mois d'hiver. Ces skis à fourrure constituent un trésor local unique, un "fossile vivant" qui nous offre un aperçu de la région dans l’ancien temps. #Xpedition

CGTN Français
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Les coûts du transport maritime augmentent, des centaines de porte-conteneurs étant détournés vers le Cap de Bonne Espérance, tout au sud de l'Afrique, afin d'éviter les attaques des Houthis du Yémen en mer Rouge. Le groupe français de transport maritime CMA-CGM a augmenté ses tarifs entre l'Asie et la région méditerranéenne de près de 100 %. Selon Freightos, une plateforme de réservation et de paiement pour le fret international, les tarifs entre l'Asie et l'Europe du Nord ont plus que doublé, dépassant les 4 000 dollars par conteneur de 12 mètres. Les prix entre l'Asie et la Méditerranée ont également grimpé à plus de 5 000 dollars. La voie navigable de la mer Rouge achemine environ 12 % du commerce mondial. Le détour par le cap de Bonne-Espérance augmente le temps de navigation entre l'Asie et l'Europe de 20 jours. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CGTN Français
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Les membres de l'équipage de Shenzhou-16 ont rencontré la presse pour la première fois, 80 jours après leur retour de la station spatiale chinoise. Ils ont partagé des détails sur leurs cinq mois dans l'espace allant de leur vie à leur expérience de travail. Sélection des meilleurs reportages de la rédaction du " Journal " de CGTN Français. Abonnez-vous sur YouTube: Abonnez-vous sur : Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CGTN Français
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Dans une interview exclusive accordée à CMG, Klaus Schwab, président du Forum économique mondial, a exprimé son point de vue sur l’économie chinoise, les perspectives de développement économique de la Chine et les nouvelles forces motrices de l'économie chinoise.

Channel NewsAsia
1 an depuis

Harbin Ice and Snow World is one of the world's leading theme parks for ice and snow sculptures, landscapes, ice castles and stage shows. Also known as the "Ice City," Harbin, the capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, transforms into a carnival town at this time of year. Join us for a visit to this frosty wonderland! #hello2024 #StreamingChina

Channel NewsAsia
1 an depuis

For more: CGTN's Zheng Junfeng spoke to Misiek Piskorski, professor of strategy and digital transformation at IMD Business School, to get his insights on the significance of embracing AI. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
1 an depuis

For more: The Forbidden City, Qianmen Street, Wangfujing... Beijing's most photogenic places are located in Dongcheng District. What new spot in Dongcheng is worth an experience? What is the top priority for Dongcheng in 2024? See what Sun Xinjun, the top official of Dongcheng District, will pick as the must-visit place and the must-do itinerary for Dongcheng. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
1 an depuis

For more: CGTN's Zheng Junfeng spoke to She Haifeng, vice president of LONGi. They discussed topics of green development in climate change that were prominent at the annual event. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
1 an depuis

For more: CGTN's Guan Xin spoke with professor Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate in Economics. Prof. Spence shared his outlook on the global economy this year and the key factors that will shape global growth. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

New China TV
1 an depuis

Boasting low tuition fees, night schools are becoming a new fashion among budget-conscious young Chinese, who are leveraging such classes to acquire new skills, new hobbies, and new friends.

New China TV
1 an depuis

China's opening up policy delivers substantial benefits not only to the Chinese economy but also to the regional and global economy, said a Pakistani expert. #GLOBALink

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