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9 mois depuis

국민의힘 비대위원장 1순위인 한동훈 법무부장관이 국회 법제사법위원회 출석차 국회를 찾았습니다. 당시 현장 모습, 함께 보시죠. #한동훈 #법무부 #장관 #국회 #비대위 #국민의힘 ▣ 연합뉴스TV 두번째 채널 '연유티' 구독하기 ▣ 연합뉴스TV 유튜브 채널 구독 ▣ 대한민국 뉴스의 시작 연합뉴스TV / Yonhap News TV

9 mois depuis

[현장의재구성] 역대급 한파에 꽁꽁…철도·바다·하늘길 멈춰섰다 역대급 한파가 찾아왔습니다. 수도권 곳곳에서 전동차가 추위로 인해 멈춰 섰습니다. 서울은 체감 온도가 영하 15도까지 떨어졌는데요. 더 추운 북극발 한파가 곧 찾아올 예정입니다. 아직 12월 중순입니다. 영상으로 보시죠. #현장의재구성 #한파 #역대급 #영하 #전철 #전동차 #공항 #항구 #비행기 #배 #KTX #지연 #통제 #체감 #15도 #12월 #북극 연합뉴스TV 기사문의 및 제보 : 카톡/라인 jebo23 ▣ 연합뉴스TV 유튜브 채널 구독 ▣ 대한민국 뉴스의 시작 연합뉴스TV / Yonhap News TV

9 mois depuis

[현장연결] 국정원장·외교장관 후보자 발표…조태용·조태열 지명 대통령실이 조금 전 개각 관련 브리핑을 했는데요. 외교안보 라인인 국가정보원장과 외교부 장관을 교체하기로 했습니다. 현장 직접 보시겠습니다. [김대기 / 대통령실 비서실장] 발표하겠습니다. 대통령께서 오늘 국가정보원장과 외교부 장관 후보자를 지명하셨습니다. 먼저 국가정보원장 후보자입니다. 조태용 현 국가안보실장입니다. 후보자는 외교부 1차관, 안보실 1차장 및 주 미국대사 등 핵심 요직을 두루 거친 외교·안보 분야 전략가입니다. 특히 대미 관계와 대북 안보 문제에 정통하고 경륜이 풍부하십니다. 후보자가 그동안 대한민국의 국제적 위상을 높이고 빈틈없는 안보 태세를 구축하는 등 큰 성과를 보여준 만큼 국정원장으로서도 대한민국의 안보와 정보 역량을 한 단계 높여줄 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 다음은 외교부 장관 후보입니다. 조태열 전 주유엔 대사입니다. 후보자는 정통 외교관 출신으로 통상교섭조정관, 주제네바 대표부 차석대사, 주스페인 대사 등을 지내서 양자 및 다자외교 경험이 풍부하고 특히 경제 통상 분야에 해박합니다. 경제와 안보가 복합적으로 얽혀 있는 국제 환경 속에서 후보자가 가진 경제 통상 전문성과 외교적 감각은 우리나라가 직면한 다양한 외교 현안을 해결하는 데 크게 기여할 것으로 생각합니다. 이상입니다. [사회자] 먼저 조태용 국가정보원장 후보자 인사말씀이 있겠습니다. [조태용 / 국가정보원장 후보자] 여러분, 안녕하십니까. 제가 한 9개월 전에 안보실장으로 취임하면서 이 자리에 섰었고, 그리고 두 번째로 서는 것 같습니다. 먼저 이렇게 중요한 직책을 지명해 주신 대통령님께 감사하다는 말씀드립니다. 국가정보원은 대한민국을 지키는 최일선에 서 있는 국가의 중추적 정보기관입니다. 그리고 국가정보원은 정확한 정보를 적시에 제공을 함으로써 우리 대한민국이 올바른 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 뒷받침해야 되는 그런 막중한 책임을 가지고 있습니다. 제가 청문 절차를 거쳐서 국가정보원장을 맡게 된다면 온 구성원들의 마음을 하나로 모아서 우리 국가정보원이 세계 어느 정보기관과 견주어도 뒤지지 않는 초일류 정보기관이 될 수 있도록 제 온 힘을 다하겠습니다. 감사합니다. [사회자] 다음으로 조태열 외교부 장관 후보자 인사말씀 있겠습니다. [조태열 / 외교부 장관 후보자] 안녕하십니까, 조태열입니다. 미·중 전략 경쟁과 우크라이나 전쟁으로 규범에 기반한 전후 국제 질서가 요동을 치면서 안보와 경제 경계까지 허물어지는 그런 지정학적 대변환의 시대에 외교부 장관 후보자로 지명이 돼서 어깨를 짓누르는 듯한 중압감을 느끼고 있습니다. 피할 수 있다면 피하고 싶었습니다만 공직이라는 게 스스로 선택할 수 있는 것도 아니고, 또 나라의 부름이 있으면 몸을 일으켜서 소명에 따르는 것이 평생을 공직자로서 살아온 사람으로서 마땅히 해야 할 도리라고 생각해서 무거운 마음으로 이 자리에 섰습니다. 능력과 경륜 모두 부족하지만, 국회 청문회 절차를 거쳐서 정식으로 장관에 임명이 된다면 엄중한 대외 환경을 지혜롭게 헤쳐 가면서 우리 외교의 입지와 전략적 공간 그리고 활동 영역을 넓혀서 국가 안보와 번영의 토대를 더욱 튼튼히 하는 데 혼신의 노력을 다하고자 합니다. 감사합니다. 연합뉴스TV 기사문의 및 제보 : 카톡/라인 jebo23 (끝)

9 mois depuis

[속보] 윤대통령, 국정원장에 조태용·외교장관에 조태열 지명 [앵커] 대통령실에서 조금 전에 개각 관련 브리핑을 했습니다. 우선 국정원장 후보자에 조태용 전 안보실장을 지명을 했습니다. 대통령실은 조태용 전 안보실장은 외교 안보 전문가이며 대미, 대북에 정통하다, 이런 언급이 있었고요. 외교부 장관 후보자에 조태열 전 외교부 2차관을 지명을 했습니다. 조태열 전 외교부 2차관은 경제통상 전문성과 외교적 감각을 겸비했다, 이런 내용이 있었습니다. 연합뉴스TV 기사문의 및 제보 : 카톡/라인 jebo23 (끝)

9 mois depuis

#TheSeasons #LongDayLongNightwithAKMU #더시즌즈 #악뮤의오날오밤 #AKMU #악동뮤지션 #LeeSuHyun #이수현 #李秀賢 #LeeChanhyuk #이찬혁 #李燦赫 Sat 00:30 | Re-run : Sat 6:00,12:40 (Seoul, UTC+9) #Averypersonalstory #DAVICHI #지극히사적인얘기 #다비치 ➕ Music Bank 2023 : 2022 : 2021 : ➕ Song Festival 2022 : 2021 : 2020 : ➕ Never Stop! Online Compilation Concert Season #2 : Season #1 : ➕ Exclusive BTS Stage : Editor's Pick! : ➕ LEGEND Video : ➕ Subscribe KBS WORLD TV Official Pages Youtube Subscribe: Homepage : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram : Line : Android Download : IOS Download :

Berita RTM
9 mois depuis

Ikuti perkembangan semasa yang sahih di semua pautan media sosial rasmi Berita RTM: Portal Rasmi Berita RTM Twitter Rasmi Berita RTM Facebook Rasmi Berita RTM Instagram Rasmi Berita RTM Youtube Rasmi Berita RTM Main channel: Backup channel: TikTok Rasmi Berita RTM Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia kerana sentiasa setia bersama kami. "YANG SAHIH DI BERITA RTM"

Berita RTM
9 mois depuis

Ikuti perkembangan semasa yang sahih di semua pautan media sosial rasmi Berita RTM: Portal Rasmi Berita RTM Twitter Rasmi Berita RTM Facebook Rasmi Berita RTM Instagram Rasmi Berita RTM Youtube Rasmi Berita RTM Main channel: Backup channel: TikTok Rasmi Berita RTM Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia kerana sentiasa setia bersama kami. "YANG SAHIH DI BERITA RTM"

Berita RTM
9 mois depuis

Ikuti perkembangan semasa yang sahih di semua pautan media sosial rasmi Berita RTM: Portal Rasmi Berita RTM Twitter Rasmi Berita RTM Facebook Rasmi Berita RTM Instagram Rasmi Berita RTM Youtube Rasmi Berita RTM Main channel: Backup channel: TikTok Rasmi Berita RTM Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia kerana sentiasa setia bersama kami. "YANG SAHIH DI BERITA RTM"

Berita RTM
9 mois depuis

Ikuti perkembangan semasa yang sahih di semua pautan media sosial rasmi Berita RTM: Portal Rasmi Berita RTM Twitter Rasmi Berita RTM Facebook Rasmi Berita RTM Instagram Rasmi Berita RTM Youtube Rasmi Berita RTM Main channel: Backup channel: TikTok Rasmi Berita RTM Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia kerana sentiasa setia bersama kami. "YANG SAHIH DI BERITA RTM"

Berita RTM
9 mois depuis

Ikuti perkembangan semasa yang sahih di semua pautan media sosial rasmi Berita RTM: Portal Rasmi Berita RTM Twitter Rasmi Berita RTM Facebook Rasmi Berita RTM Instagram Rasmi Berita RTM Youtube Rasmi Berita RTM Main channel: Backup channel: TikTok Rasmi Berita RTM Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia kerana sentiasa setia bersama kami. "YANG SAHIH DI BERITA RTM"

9 mois depuis

Somebody must bell the cat...': Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee on chances of an alliance with Congress When asked if she wants an alliance with Congress in West Bengal, CM Mamata Banerjee says, "...Somebody must bell the cat...I don't have any problem if they have genuine things. But in West Bengal, they have only two seats. I am open to talk and discuss...". Watch #2024elections #publicopinion #asaduddinowaisi #khabardarpan #election2023 #election2023voting #madhyapradeshelection2023 #madhyapradesh #bjp #sivrajsinghchauhaanspeech #kamalnathgovernment #2024elections #2024elections #publicopinion #asaduddinowaisi #nitishkumar #akhileshyadav #2024electionnews #bihar #up #kejriwal #bengal #bjp #congressnews #लोकसभा_चुनाव #mamtabanerjee #bengal #gujarat #loksabha #rahulgandhi #TMC #BJP #JDU #RJD #AAP #Kejriwal #Godimedia #RSS #NitsihKumar #TejashwiYadav #g20summit #SamajvadiParty #UPNEWS #Yogi #g20 #2024opinionpoll #2024exitpoll #2024publictalk madhya pradesh election news, mp assembly election 2023, madhya pradesh public opinion, madhya pradesh vidhansabha chunav 2023, madhya pradesh chunav, madhya pradesh chunav news, madhya pradesh chunav samachar, madhya pradesh mp election, madhya pradesh chunav date, madhya pradesh chunav update, madhya pradesh election report, madhya pradesh assembly election, madhya pradesh election 2023 in tamil, madhya pradesh chunav live news, madhya pradesh vidhan sabha chunav live, madhya pradesh ka chunav ka video, madhya pradesh ke chunav ki video jyotiraditya scindia about rahul gandhi, jyotiraditya scindia about modi, jyotiraditya scindia on congress, jyotiraditya scindia on shivaji maharaj, jyotiraditya scindia on bjp, jyotiraditya scindia on rahul gandhi, jyotiraditya scindia vs kamal nath, jyotiraditya scindia in gwalior, jyotiraditya scindia comedy, jyotiraditya scindia channel, jyotiraditya scindia in rajya sabha, jyotiraditya scindia mp, jyotiraditya scindia vs congress #madhyapradeshnews #madhyapradeshelection #vidhansabhaelection2023 #assemblyelection2023 #publicreaction #publicereview #publicopinion india Next prime Minister ? who will be the PM of India in 2024 ? Public OPinion India ka agla pm kaun ? BJP vs Cingress | Modi vs Rahul vs Nitish vs Mamta vs Kejriwal vs Akhilesh Yadav vs Mayawati 2024 public talk 2024 opinion poll 2024 exit poll | who will be the next prime minister of India ? 2024 election date | Mahagatbandhan | pallavi shrivastava | khabar darpan 2024 ground reporting | pm modi news | pallavi shrivastava 2024 ground survey | Public reaction bank latest video #pmmodi #rahulgandhi #bjp #delhi #congress #congressnews #priyankagandhi #election #election2024 #lokshahinews #loksabha #loksabhaelection2024 जनता के हित से सरोकार सिर्फ सरकार का नहीं होता ये हम सबकी साझा ज़िम्मेदारी है तो आइये जनता के हित के लिए साथ मिलकर करते है एक शुभ शुरुआत "खबर दर्पण" | Public interest is not a matter of government only. It is a collective responsibility of ours. So, let's come together for public interest to give it a positive start with "Khabar Darpan". We are a 24x7 digital news channel, which cover beats from politics to public interest, sports to entertainment, national & international with 100% news

9 mois depuis

Opposition Meeting Live: मीटिंग से पहले Lalu Yadav के बयान पर मच गया घमासान ! | Nitish | RJD | JDU Opposition Meeting Live: मीटिंग से पहले Lalu Yadav के बयान पर मच गया घमासान ! | Nitish | RJD | JDU #biharpolitics #live #nitishkumar Bihar Politics Live: Nitish Kumar को PM Candidate बनाएगा INDIA Alliance? | Opposition Meeting Delhi #biharpolitics #live #nitishkumar #oppositionmeeting #indiaalliance #livenews #news18biharjharkhandlive #2024elections #publicopinion #asaduddinowaisi #khabardarpan #election2023 #election2023voting #madhyapradeshelection2023 #madhyapradesh #bjp #sivrajsinghchauhaanspeech #kamalnathgovernment #2024elections #2024elections #publicopinion #asaduddinowaisi #nitishkumar #akhileshyadav #2024electionnews #bihar #up #kejriwal #bengal #bjp #congressnews #लोकसभा_चुनाव #mamtabanerjee #bengal #gujarat #loksabha #rahulgandhi #TMC #BJP #JDU #RJD #AAP #Kejriwal #Godimedia #RSS #NitsihKumar #TejashwiYadav #g20summit #SamajvadiParty #UPNEWS #Yogi #g20 #2024opinionpoll #2024exitpoll #2024publictalk madhya pradesh election news, mp assembly election 2023, madhya pradesh public opinion, madhya pradesh vidhansabha chunav 2023, madhya pradesh chunav, madhya pradesh chunav news, madhya pradesh chunav samachar, madhya pradesh mp election, madhya pradesh chunav date, madhya pradesh chunav update, madhya pradesh election report, madhya pradesh assembly election, madhya pradesh election 2023 in tamil, madhya pradesh chunav live news, madhya pradesh vidhan sabha chunav live, madhya pradesh ka chunav ka video, madhya pradesh ke chunav ki video jyotiraditya scindia about rahul gandhi, jyotiraditya scindia about modi, jyotiraditya scindia on congress, jyotiraditya scindia on shivaji maharaj, jyotiraditya scindia on bjp, jyotiraditya scindia on rahul gandhi, jyotiraditya scindia vs kamal nath, jyotiraditya scindia in gwalior, jyotiraditya scindia comedy, jyotiraditya scindia channel, jyotiraditya scindia in rajya sabha, jyotiraditya scindia mp, jyotiraditya scindia vs congress #madhyapradeshnews #madhyapradeshelection #vidhansabhaelection2023 #assemblyelection2023 #publicreaction #publicereview #publicopinion india Next prime Minister ? who will be the PM of India in 2024 ? Public OPinion India ka agla pm kaun ? BJP vs Cingress | Modi vs Rahul vs Nitish vs Mamta vs Kejriwal vs Akhilesh Yadav vs Mayawati 2024 public talk 2024 opinion poll 2024 exit poll | who will be the next prime minister of India ? 2024 election date | Mahagatbandhan | pallavi shrivastava | khabar darpan 2024 ground reporting | pm modi news | pallavi shrivastava 2024 ground survey | Public reaction bank latest video #pmmodi #rahulgandhi #bjp #delhi #congress #congressnews #priyankagandhi #election #election2024 #lokshahinews #loksabha #loksabhaelection2024 जनता के हित से सरोकार सिर्फ सरकार का नहीं होता ये हम सबकी साझा ज़िम्मेदारी है तो आइये जनता के हित के लिए साथ मिलकर करते है एक शुभ शुरुआत "खबर दर्पण" | Public interest is not a matter of government only. It is a collective responsibility of ours. So, let's come together for public interest to give it a positive start with "Khabar Darpan". We are a 24x7 digital news channel, which cover beats from politics to public interest, sports to entertainment, national & international with 100% news

9 mois depuis

Breaking News LIVE: Dawood Ibrahim को जहर ! | Shehbaz Sharif | Pakistan | Karachi | Trending #breakingnews #dawoodibrahim #dawoodibrahimpoison #shehbazsharif #pakistan #tv9bharatvarsh #latestnews s per the latest newsUnderworld don Dawood Ibrahim has been admitted to a hospital in Karachi, with tight security measures in place, according to sources. According to reports, severe health complications are said to be the reason for hospitalization.... #live #pakistan #dawoodibrahim #dawoodibrahimhealthcondition #dawoodibrahimlatestnews #karachi #dawwodibrahiminhospital #timesnow #latestupdates #dawood जनता के हित से सरोकार सिर्फ सरकार का नहीं होता ये हम सबकी साझा ज़िम्मेदारी है तो आइये जनता के हित के लिए साथ मिलकर करते है एक शुभ शुरुआत "खबर दर्पण" | Public interest is not a matter of government only. It is a collective responsibility of ours. So, let's come together for public interest to give it a positive start with "Khabar Darpan". We are a 24x7 digital news channel, which cover beats from politics to public interest, sports to entertainment, national & international with 100% news

Zee News
9 mois depuis

खबरें आ रही हैं कि पाकिस्तान में छिपे भारत का मोस्ट वॉन्टेड आतंकी दाऊद इब्राहिम को जहर दिया गया है और उसकी हालत काफी नाजुक है. उसको कराची के अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है. पाकिस्तानी पत्रकार आरजू काजमी समेत कई लोगों ने बताया है कि इस खबर के आते ही पाकिस्तान में फेसबुक, X (पूर्व में ट्विटर), यट्यूबर और गूगल सर्विस डाउन हो गई हैं, जिससे कोई कम्यूनिकेशन नहीं हो पा रहा है. इस खबर की कोई पुष्टि नहीं हो पा रही है. There are reports that India's most wanted terrorist Dawood Ibrahim, hiding in Pakistan, has been poisoned and his condition is very critical. He has been admitted to Karachi hospital. Many people including Pakistani journalist Arzoo Kazmi have told that as soon as this news came, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube and Google services have gone down in Pakistan, due to which no communication is possible. There is no confirmation of this news. #breakingnews #dawoodibrahim #pakistan #karachi #livenews About Channel: ज़ी न्यूज़ देश का सबसे भरोसेमंद हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल है। जो 24 घंटे लगातार भारत और दुनिया से जुड़ी हर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़, नवीनतम समाचार, राजनीति, मनोरंजन और खेल से जुड़ी खबरे आपके लिए लेकर आता है। इसलिए बने रहें ज़ी न्यूज़ के साथ और सब्सक्राइब करें | Zee News is India's most trusted Hindi News Channel with 24 hour coverage. Zee News covers Breaking news, Latest news, Politics, Entertainment and Sports from India & World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also visit our website at: Download our mobile app: अब दिन की हर बड़ी ख़बर से रहें अपडेट, फॉलो करें ZEE News का WhatsApp चैनल: Subscribe to our Youtube channel: Watch Live TV : Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Get latest updates on Telegram:

Zee News
9 mois depuis

ज्ञानवापी मामले पर ASI के वकील अमित कुमार का बयान आया है. उन्होंने कहा है कि कई साक्ष्य मिले हैं. 21 वकील ने कोर्ट में रिपोर्ट सौंपी है. 21 दिसंबर को इसपर फैसला आएगा. ASI lawyer Amit Kumar's statement has come on the Gyanvapi case. He has said that many evidences have been found. 21 lawyers have submitted the report in the court. The decision on this will come on 21st December. #gyanvapihearing #varanasi #gyanvapisurvey About Channel: ज़ी न्यूज़ देश का सबसे भरोसेमंद हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल है। जो 24 घंटे लगातार भारत और दुनिया से जुड़ी हर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़, नवीनतम समाचार, राजनीति, मनोरंजन और खेल से जुड़ी खबरे आपके लिए लेकर आता है। इसलिए बने रहें ज़ी न्यूज़ के साथ और सब्सक्राइब करें | Zee News is India's most trusted Hindi News Channel with 24 hour coverage. Zee News covers Breaking news, Latest news, Politics, Entertainment and Sports from India & World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also visit our website at: Download our mobile app: अब दिन की हर बड़ी ख़बर से रहें अपडेट, फॉलो करें ZEE News का WhatsApp चैनल: Subscribe to our Youtube channel: Watch Live TV : Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Get latest updates on Telegram:

Zee News
9 mois depuis

इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) 2024 की नीलामी होने वाली है। मिनी-नीलामी के लिए कुल 333 खिलाड़ियों ने पंजीकरण कराया है, जिसमें केवल 77 स्लॉट भरे जाने हैं। तीन टीमों जिनमें रॉयल चैलेंजर्स बैंगलोर (आरसीबी), मुंबई इंडियंस (एमआई) और दिल्ली कैपिटल्स (डीसी) शामिल हैं, ने पिछले सीज़न के अपने टीम से 11 खिलाड़ियों को रिलीज़ किया था। The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 auction is set to take place. A total of 333 players registered for the mini-auction with only 77 slots to be filled. Three teams which include Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB), Mumbai Indians (MI), and Delhi Capitals (DC) had 11 players released from their squad of last season. #breakingnews #iplauction2024 #mumbaiindians #royalchallengersbangalore #delhicapitals #livenews About Channel: ज़ी न्यूज़ देश का सबसे भरोसेमंद हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल है। जो 24 घंटे लगातार भारत और दुनिया से जुड़ी हर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़, नवीनतम समाचार, राजनीति, मनोरंजन और खेल से जुड़ी खबरे आपके लिए लेकर आता है। इसलिए बने रहें ज़ी न्यूज़ के साथ और सब्सक्राइब करें | Zee News is India's most trusted Hindi News Channel with 24 hour coverage. Zee News covers Breaking news, Latest news, Politics, Entertainment and Sports from India & World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also visit our website at: Download our mobile app: अब दिन की हर बड़ी ख़बर से रहें अपडेट, फॉलो करें ZEE News का WhatsApp चैनल: Subscribe to our Youtube channel: Watch Live TV : Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Get latest updates on Telegram:

Zee News
9 mois depuis

BJP Parliamentary meeting: संसद सुरक्षा में चूक के बाद विपक्ष के हंगामे और निलंबन के बीच आज बीजेपी की संसदीय दल की बैठक होने जा रही है. इस बैठक में पीएम मोदी शामिल होंगे। बताया जा रहा है कि इस बैठक को पीएम मोदी संबोधित करेंगे। इस बैठक में बीजेपी के तमाम सांसद शामिल हो रहे हैं. BJP's parliamentary party meeting is going to be held today amidst uproar and suspension by the opposition after the lapse in Parliament security. PM Modi will attend this meeting. It is being told that PM Modi will address this meeting. All BJP MPs are attending this meeting. #bjpparliamentarymeeting #pmmodi #parliamentsecuritybreachupdate About Channel: ज़ी न्यूज़ देश का सबसे भरोसेमंद हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल है। जो 24 घंटे लगातार भारत और दुनिया से जुड़ी हर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़, नवीनतम समाचार, राजनीति, मनोरंजन और खेल से जुड़ी खबरे आपके लिए लेकर आता है। इसलिए बने रहें ज़ी न्यूज़ के साथ और सब्सक्राइब करें | Zee News is India's most trusted Hindi News Channel with 24 hour coverage. Zee News covers Breaking news, Latest news, Politics, Entertainment and Sports from India & World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also visit our website at: Download our mobile app: अब दिन की हर बड़ी ख़बर से रहें अपडेट, फॉलो करें ZEE News का WhatsApp चैनल: Subscribe to our Youtube channel: Watch Live TV : Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Get latest updates on Telegram:

Zee News
9 mois depuis

Coronavirus Update: भारत में एक बार फिर कोरोना लौट आया है. केरल में कोरोना के मामले एक बार फिर से बढ़ रहे हैं. यहां कोविड-19 के 111 नए मामले सामने आए हैं. केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय के मुताबिक अब राज्य में इलाज करा रहे मरीजों की संख्या बढ़कर 1,634 हो गई है. कोरोना के बढ़ते मामलों को देखते हुए केंद्र सरकार ने राज्य सरकारों को एडवाइजरी जारी की है. कर्नाटक सरकार ने ज्यादा उम्र के लोगों को मास्क पहनना अनिवार्य कर दिया है. Corona has once again returned to India. Corona cases are increasing once again in Kerala. 111 new cases of Covid-19 have been reported here. According to the Union Health Ministry, now the number of patients undergoing treatment in the state has increased to 1,634. In view of the increasing cases of Corona, the Central Government has issued an advisory to the state governments. The Karnataka government has made it mandatory for older people to wear masks. #covid19inindia #coronanewstoday #keralacorona About Channel: ज़ी न्यूज़ देश का सबसे भरोसेमंद हिंदी न्यूज़ चैनल है। जो 24 घंटे लगातार भारत और दुनिया से जुड़ी हर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़, नवीनतम समाचार, राजनीति, मनोरंजन और खेल से जुड़ी खबरे आपके लिए लेकर आता है। इसलिए बने रहें ज़ी न्यूज़ के साथ और सब्सक्राइब करें | Zee News is India's most trusted Hindi News Channel with 24 hour coverage. Zee News covers Breaking news, Latest news, Politics, Entertainment and Sports from India & World. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also visit our website at: Download our mobile app: अब दिन की हर बड़ी ख़बर से रहें अपडेट, फॉलो करें ZEE News का WhatsApp चैनल: Subscribe to our Youtube channel: Watch Live TV : Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Get latest updates on Telegram:

9 mois depuis

Dawood Ibrahim Died? LIVE: क्या पाकिस्तान में सच में मारा गया दाऊद ? Pakistan News | Dawood #DawoodIbrahim #Pakistan #Karachi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos, visit or Subscribe to IndiaTV and don't forget to press "THE BELL ICON" to never miss any updates- Download Mobile App: Link for Android device: Link for Apple device: Follow Us On: Facebook: Twitter: About Us: IndiaTV is the country's most trusted Hindi News Channel. IndiaTV covers the latest news in Politics, Nation, World, Entertainment, Bollywood, Business, and Sports categories and delivers reliable information across all platforms - TV, Internet, and Mobile. Stay tuned for IndiaTV's flagship programs like Aap Ki Adalat, Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma, Corona Se Jung Swami Ramdev Ke Sang, Bhavishyavani, Haqiqat Kya Hai, OMG, Special Report, and many more. IndiaTV भारत का No.1 विश्वसनीय Hindi News Channel है। IndiaTV News Channel राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल से जुड़े Latest News अपने दर्शकों तक पहुंचाता है। IndiaTV की Live खबरें एवं Hindi Breaking News के लिए बने रहें। Also Watch: Aaj Ki Baat: Aap Ki Adalat: Haqiqat Kya Hai: Yoga by Swami Ramdev: Get All Latest Updates Here: IndiaTV Live TV Streaming: IndiaTV News in English: IndiaTV News in Hindi:

9 mois depuis

Lok Sabha Opinion Poll 2024 India tv : 2024 का नया सर्वे देख उड़ी विपक्ष की नींद ! BJP Vs Congress #loksabhaelection2024 #opinionpoll2024 #indiatv 5 राज्यों में हुए चुनाव में बीजेपी ने 3 राज्य में बहुमत से जीत हासिल करने के बाद अब 20 चुनाव में बीजेपी की जीत पक्की दिख रही हैं वहीं कांग्रेस सिर्फ 1 राज्य में सरकार बना पायी..अब 24 का ओपिनियन पोेल में विपक्ष हार रही है और NDA की सरकार बनती नजर आ रही है? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos, visit or Subscribe to IndiaTV and don't forget to press "THE BELL ICON" to never miss any updates- Download Mobile App: Link for Android device: Link for Apple device: Follow Us On: Facebook: Twitter: About Us: IndiaTV is the country's most trusted Hindi News Channel. IndiaTV covers the latest news in Politics, Nation, World, Entertainment, Bollywood, Business, and Sports categories and delivers reliable information across all platforms - TV, Internet, and Mobile. Stay tuned for IndiaTV's flagship programs like Aap Ki Adalat, Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma, Corona Se Jung Swami Ramdev Ke Sang, Bhavishyavani, Haqiqat Kya Hai, OMG, Special Report, and many more. IndiaTV भारत का No.1 विश्वसनीय Hindi News Channel है। IndiaTV News Channel राजनीति, मनोरंजन, बॉलीवुड, व्यापार और खेल से जुड़े Latest News अपने दर्शकों तक पहुंचाता है। IndiaTV की Live खबरें एवं Hindi Breaking News के लिए बने रहें। Also Watch: Aaj Ki Baat: Aap Ki Adalat: Haqiqat Kya Hai: Yoga by Swami Ramdev: Get All Latest Updates Here: IndiaTV Live TV Streaming: IndiaTV News in English: IndiaTV News in Hindi:

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