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Breakfast Television
10 mois depuis

Devo sits down with 'Canada’s Got Talent' winner Rebecca Strong to celebrate her win and talk about her journey on the show. From inside the studio to the streets in local communities, Breakfast Television offers a refreshing look at the day ahead – combining the latest in local news, weather and traffic with the biggest celebrity interviews, lifestyle trends, local community events, and big ticket giveaways. Plus, stay connected all day with Breakfast Television’s videos, livestream and more at, and frequent social media updates. We stream our full show LIVE on Monday-Friday from 6am-10am ET on our YouTube channel and TikTok account. Connect with us on… X (formerly Twitter): @BreakfastTV Instagram: @BTandBeyond TikTok: @BreakfastTelevision Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:

Binh Duong TV (BTV)
1 an depuis

BTV - TRUYỀN HÌNH BÌNH DƯƠNG * Đăng Ký Youtube: * Website: * Facebook: * App IOS: * App Android: Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình tỉnh Bình Dương là đơn vị sự nghiệp trực thuộc Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh, thực hiện chức năng là cơ quan báo chí của Đảng bộ, chính quyền tỉnh Bình Dương. Đài chịu sự quản lý nhà nước về báo chí, về truyền dẫn và phát sóng của Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông; Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông thực hiện quản lý nhà nước trên địa bàn theo phân công của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh. #BTV #thoisubinhduong #phatthanhtruyenhinhbinhduong #binhduong #toiyeubinhduong #lehoi #quanly #xuangiapthin #TruyenHinhBinhDuong

Marodi TV Sénégal
10 mois depuis

Créer des émotions fortes et de qualité et les rendre accessibles à tous les consommateurs du Sénégal et d’Afrique, tel est l’engagement de Marodi TV. S’inspirer des émotions des différentes couches de la population pour créer des opportunités de visibilité et d’engagement pour les marques, telle est l’opportunité qu’offre Marodi TV.

K24 TV
1 an depuis

The 7.5 magnitude quake destroyed buildings, caused fires and knocked out infrastructure on Japan's main island, Honshu.

Television Jamaica
10 mois depuis

Jamaica News Today - Television Jamaica (TVJ) a Trusted Source for News, Sports & Entertainment. For Jamaican news, sports and weather reports with a mix of reggae music (dancehall, ska, mento), Jamaican entertainment and information shows for the entire family. SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE - For more TVJ videos visit - For access to LIVE TV go to!/live-stream/79336998495 #tvjnews #jamaicanewstoday

1 an depuis

A blast of winter hits the GTA with snow ice pellets and rain. Shauna Hunt with the winter storm advisory and messy driving conditions.

CBS Denver
10 mois depuis

Guns once used by Colorado police agencies but later traded or sold have turned up at crime scenes multiple times since 2014, according to reporting by CBS News and CBS News Colorado.

1 an depuis

Body-camera footage of the shooting of an 11-year-old boy by a Mississippi police officer has been released by the state's Department of Public Safety, according to ABC's "Good Morning America," which aired an excerpt of the footage on Sunday (January 7). The clip showed Indianola Officer Greg Capers arriving at the home of Aderrien Murry early one morning last May, after the 11-year-old called police to his home because his father was threatening his mother. It also showed the moment Capers shot the unarmed boy in the chest, just as the boy entered the room and put his hands up. Murry survived but suffered extensive injuries and had to undergo costly medical treatment. A grand jury opted not to indict Capers in December, finding that he had no criminal intent when he shot the boy. The Murrys also filed a civil lawsuit in May against Capers, the city of Indianola, and its police chief, seeking $5 million in damages for Capers' alleged "reckless disregard" for the Murrys' rights and safety. —Report from Reuters Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

WXYZ-TV Detroit
10 mois depuis

Evening showers and storms

St Lucia Lottery
1 an depuis

BLAST- Lucky Dragon Wilds

Excelsior TV
10 mois depuis

Los mejores momentos de Verónica Toussaint en ‘¡Qué Importa!. #verónicatoussaint #quéimporta #momentos

Net2TV Gh
1 an depuis

Subscribe to Net2TVGH for more content like this: *Note*: The views of the Host are not necessarily the views of the Network. Unauthorized reuploading of this video to any platform is prohibited. (C) Kencity Media Contact us: For more News log on to Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #1ontrending #Net2TVGH #GhanaNews #GhanaPolitics #ElectionsInGhana #KennedyAgyapong

AlJazeera Channel
10 mois depuis

أفاد مراسل الجزيرة باستشهاد ثلاثة فلسطينيين وإصابة آخرين جراء قصف إسرائيلي استهدف شقة سكنية في عمارة أبو هاشم وسط مدينة رفح جنوبي قطاع غزة. #الجزيرة #حرب_غزة #رفح #غزة #فلسطين #جيش_الاحتلال #قطاع_غزة ===================== تابعونا على منصات الجزيرة الرقمية ===================== ▶Facebook▶ ▶Instagram▶ ▶Twitter▶ ▶Twitter▶ ▶ ▶ Live▶ AlJazeera mobile applications▶ البث الحي / البث المباشر الأعلى مشاهدة قناة الجزيرة #الجزيرة #aljazeera #عاجل ============= غرفة الأخبار الرقمية شبكة الجزيرة الإعلامية جميع الحقوق محفوظة © 2024 Al Jazeera Digital Newsroom Al Jazeera Media Network - Doha, Qatar ============= #عاجل #شاهد #أخبار #المغرب #الجزائر #مصر #السعودية #العراق #اليمن #سوريا #قطر #الامارات #الكويت #عمان #ليبيا #تركيا #تونس #روسيا #امريكا #الصين #الهند #باكستان #ايران #فلسطين #غزة #بغداد #دمشق #القاهرة #الرياض #مكة #جدة #البحرين #الأردن #الجزيرة #تحقيق #تغطية #مباشرة #البث #الحي #حصري #خاص #رقمي #aljazeera #news #breaking #coverage #live #livestream #tv #USA #Russia #China #Europe #india #pakistan #turkey #israel #palestine #gaza #iran #syria #iraq #algeria #morocco #egypt #cairo #saudi #UAE

1 an depuis

Watch #Gladiators on #iPlayer from 13 Jan Subscribe and ???? to the BBC ???? Watch the BBC first on iPlayer ???? All our TV channels and S4C are available to watch live through BBC iPlayer, although some programmes may not be available to stream online due to rights. If you would like to read more on what types of programmes are available to watch live, check the 'Are all programmes that are broadcast available on BBC iPlayer?' FAQ ????

9 mois depuis

The Uganda Bureau of Statistics is in the last legs of the National Census exercise after covering at least 93% of the country, according to its Executive Director, Dr. Chris Mukiza. The exercise started on the 10th of May and is scheduled to be concluded by the end of tomorrow, following the recruitment of more enumerators in Mityana, Kassanda, and Mubende where counting started late. #NTVNews #NTVTonight #NTVWeekendEdition Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit Follow us on Twitter Connect with us on Messenger via

Haiti Viral News
1 an depuis

???? Mega Matin Live 12 Janvier 2024 Sou Radio Mega avec Blaise Peterson. Haiti Viral News is a YouTube Channel that covers everything from Haiti: News, severe weather, Sport, Culture, Politic and more. Anywhere, Any time. We are a the best trusted source for breaking news, analysis, exclusive interviews, headlines and live Streaming in Haiti Haiti Viral News se yon Chanèl ke Ayisyen Kreye pou kenbe ou Enfòme sou sa kàp pase nan Peyi a tankou lòtbò Dlo. Tout sa ki gen Rapò ak Actualités en temps réel et info en direct se nou. Nou Live Chak Jou nan Sousi pou pote Enfòmasyon yo bay ou Lakay ou. Nou genyen Jounalis ki sou teren an k'ap fouye Enfòmasyon toupatou pou Followers nou yo ka konnen sa k'ap pase nan peyi a menm so yo ta ap viv deyò Peyi a. Jounalis nou yo kouvri tout gro evènman tankou: Manifestasyon, Konferans pou La Presse, Kanaval etc.. Sou Channel sa wap Jwenn tout gro Emisyon Haiti yo Live tankou: Jounal Premye Okazyon, Mega Matin, Mega Booster, Matin Debat, Haiti Debat, Jounal 4e, Ti Koze ak TT, Boukante Lapawol ak Panorama. Nou bay tout moun pale san gade sou koule po ou, Rad ou mete ak Sa ou Posede. Nou pa genyen okenn kan nou pap soutni ni pouvwa a ni opozisyon an. Sèl Deviz nou se Enfòmew. Chak Fois ou abòne ak Chanèl sa, Gade Video nou yo pibliye yo e Pataje yo ak Zanmi oubyen Fanmiy se ede ou ede Travay la avanse. Merci deja ou Sipo ou. Join Channel: Store: Visit our Website: Follow us on Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #MegaMatin #Live #RadioMega #NewsEndirect #HaitiViralNews #HaitiLiveNews #HaitiViralEnDirect #RadioMegaHaiti #HaitiViralNewsUpdates #TiKozeAkTtEnDirect #haitilivenews #haitiancreator #NouvèlTotal #UnissonsNousLive #Tak509 #MachannZenHaiti #PremyeOkazyon #tripotaylakay

9 mois depuis

ETV est une chaîne de télévision d'information située en Guadeloupe, retrouvez tous nos programmes et reportages ainsi que le direct tv à partir de la Guadeloupe.???????? ETV est une chaîne de télévision généraliste privée diffusée par la société SAS ETV GLOBAL. Elle commence à émettre ses programmes en avril 2013, cette nouvelle chaîne est présente sur WSG, SFR Caraïbes, Canal Satellite en avril 2013, sur Orange TV à partir de 2017 et sur Free depuis mai 2023). Suivez la chaîne ETV sur Orange Caraïbes sur le canal 43, SFR Caraïbes sur le canal 310, Free sur le canal 916 et sur le cable St-Martin canal 118 ainsi qu'en direct sur le web sur Retrouvez toutes nos émissions et reportages en REPLAY sur : ???? Suivez la chaîne en direct live ???? Suivez nous sur les réseaux sociaux : ➡️ ▶️ ➡️ Plus d'info sur la chaîne de télévision ETV ➡️ Pour prendre contact avec la rédaction ???? (+59) 0590 53 01 34 ????

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1 an depuis

Cars cautiously navigated a New Hampshire road after a recent storm brought flooding and sea foam to the street. #NewHampshire #Flooding #CaughtOnCamera

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