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Sky News Australia
3 mois depuis

Third Way Executive Vice President for Policy Jim Kessler discusses the “two things” he will be looking at on election day regarding the Harris-Walz campaign. “I’m going to be looking to see how much leakage there is in the black urban areas,” he told Sky News Australia. Mr Kessler outlined how Kamala Harris is unlikely to do as well as past Democrats when it comes to black voters. “I’m also going to be looking at the suburbs, where Harris is really trying to make a plan, particularly with women,” he said.

3 mois depuis

Nick Kypreos, Justin Bourne, and Sam McKee look back on the Leafs' shocking 6-2 loss to the Columbus Blue Jackets before welcoming in Josh Kloke to help break down the ugly defeat in Ohio. David Amber joins in-studio to share his early impressions of the Canadian NHL teams. ---------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Leafs/Jackets Recap 33:08 - Josh Kloke on the Leafs’ Forward Lines & Joseph Woll’s Absence 49:14 - David Amber’s Early Canadian Team Impressions 1:12:52 - Capitals’ Playoff Hopes, Ovi Chasing Gretzky & Trouba’s Hit ---------------------------------------------- ???? - Stream live on Sportsnet+ ???? - More news & highlights on ---------------------------------------------- Pumping the Brakes On The Maple Leafs’ Hype | Real Kyper & Bourne Full Episode #NHL #Hockey #MapleLeafs

Roya TV
3 mois depuis تابعوا رؤيا HD على النايل سات , تردد : 11957 أفقي تابعوا رؤيا SD على النايل سات , تردد : 12398 عمودي If you believe your copyright-protected work was posted on our YouTube channel without your authorization you may submit a copyright infringement notification at Please be sure to consider whether fair use fair dealing or a similar exception to copyright applies before you submit. إذا كان لديك اعتقاد أن العمل المنشور في هذا الفيديو من أعمالك المحمية بحقوق التأليف والنشر وبدون إذن منك، يمكنك تقديم إشعار التعدي على حق المؤلف من خلال إرسال بريد الكتروني على العنوان التالي : ويرجى النظر في ما إذا كان استخدامنا للعمل المحمي بحقوق التأليف والنشر استخداما عادلا غير مخالفا لحقوق التأليف والنشر قبل تقديم الإشعار.

CBS New York
2 mois depuis

Three people were hurt when a sidewalk shed collapsed Monday in New York City. Dramatic video shows the moment the structure crumbled on 29th Street near Eighth Avenue in Chelsea and injured the pedestrians, including one who suffered a serious head injury. The video also shows good Samaritans coming to aid the victims, just before another section collapses. They escape in the nick of time. Subscribe on YouTube: Download our app: Stream live: Follow us on Instagram: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on TikTok: Follow us on Twitter:

Noticias SIN
1 mois depuis

“Noticias SIN”, es una empresa dedicada a la producción y transmisión de programas de información y opinión a través de televisión abierta a nivel nacional por el canal 9 de Color Visión. SUBSCRIBETE: / noticias. Los programas de “Grupo SIN” ofrecen los más completos contenidos de noticias en el ámbito social, económico y político tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Adicionalmente cuenta con programas especializados en economía, finanzas, deportes, tecnología, espectáculos y salud, ofreciendo a la audiencia televisiva la más amplia cobertura en programas informativos. Es por esto, referencia para destacados empresarios, dirigentes, políticos y líderes de opinión. Parte de este éxito, radica en el equipo de presentadores y periodistas de amplia experiencia y observadores agudos de los eventos, personalidades y tendencias. SUBSCRIBETE: / noticias. . Programas: El Despertador, Noticias SIN – Primera Emisión, Deportes SIN, Noticias SIN y Más, El Informe, Noticias SIN Edición Digital, Noticias SIN Emisión Estelar, Noticias SIN Fin de semana. No olvides compartir el vídeo con tus amigos y seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales: Suscríbete en YouTube → / noticias. . Twitter→ Facebook → Alicia Ortega Fans → Instagram→ Google+→ Visita nuestra página web oficial de Noticias SIN. Aquí podrás encontrar informaciones actualizadas. Nuestras emisiones son por Color Visión, canal 9. → #NoticiasSIN, #Elinformeconaliciaortega, #AliciaOrtega, Noticias SIN | República Dominicana | Color Visión Canal 9

Imagen Noticias
1 mois depuis

Atienden ola de incendios en las primeras horas del 2025 en la CDMX. Sube el dólar su cotización en el primer día de 2025.

Iran International
1 mois depuis

علی خامنه‌ای، برای سومین بار به حکومت جدید سوریه حمله کرد. پس از سقوط بشار اسد، جمهوری اسلامی تنها کشوری در خاورمیانه بوده که نسبت به این تحول سیاسی واکنشی منفی نشان داده است. در حالی که دیگر کشورهای منطقه یا از سرنگونی اسد استقبال کرده‌اند یا ابراز امیدواری کرده‌اند که سوریه پس از سال‌ها جنگ و درگیری شاهد صلح و ثبات باشد، جمهوری اسلامی موضع کاملاً متفاوتی اتخاذ کرده است.

18 journées depuis

이르면 오늘 새벽 재집행…형사 1,200명 최대 3일 투입 [앵커] 경찰의 윤석열 대통령에 대한 2차 체포영장 집행이 초읽기에 들어갔습니다. 어제(14일) 광역수사단 지휘관들을 국가수사본부로 불러 3차 회의를 했고 이 자리에는 공수처 검사들도 참석했는데요. 이르면 오늘(15일) 새벽 집행에 나설 것으로 보입니다. 배규빈 기자입니다. [기자] 윤석열 대통령에 대한 2차 체포영장 집행이 임박한 가운데, 수도권 광역수사단 지휘부가 한 자리에 모였습니다. 차벽과 철조망으로 요새화된 대통령 관저에 진입하기 위한 세부 계획을 논의하기 위해섭니다. 서울 서대문구 홍제동에 있는 안보수사대 청사에서 1시간 반 가량 진행된 회의에는 공수처 소속 부장검사 등 검사 4~5명도 참석했습니다. 사실상 최종 점검 회의입니다. 앞서 국수본이 지난 9일 수도권 지역 지방경찰청에 공문을 보내 "14일부터 인력을 파견하라"고 지시한 것으로 확인되면서, 이르면 15일 새벽 집행에 나설 가능성이 큰 것으로 알려졌습니다. 체포조에 대한 고위공직자범죄수사처 파견 발령 절차도 마쳤는데 1월 15일부터 17일로 적시해 최대 2박 3일의 장기전을 준비하고 있는 것으로 해석됩니다. 영장 집행 시에는 광수단과 특수단 경력을 포함해 약 1,200명의 인원이 투입될 것으로 보입니다. 집행을 앞두고 경호처 강경파로 꼽히는 김성훈 차장에 대한 체포영장도 발부됐습니다. 일부는 김 차장 등 경호처 수뇌부 체포와 방어막 와해에 투입되고 다른 일부는 윤 대통령 체포를 전담할 것으로 보입니다. 극렬히 저항하는 경호원들은 현행범으로 체포해 분리 호송한다는 방침으로 이를 위해 각 경찰서의 유치장 가용 현황도 파악한 것으로 전해졌습니다. 체포에 투입되는 형사들은 이날 오후 구체적인 작전 계획을 하달받은 뒤 언제든 출동할 수 있는 대기 태세를 갖추고 있는 것으로 알려졌습니다. 연합뉴스TV 배규빈입니다. #체포영장 #윤석열 #국수본 연합뉴스TV 기사문의 및 제보 : 카톡/라인 jebo23 ▣ 연합뉴스TV 유튜브 채널 구독 ▣ 대한민국 뉴스의 시작 연합뉴스TV / Yonhap News TV

TPA Online
1 an depuis

#Quadra_festiva #ANIESA #Cuanza-Norte #sensibiliza #operadores económicos

1 an depuis

The US has expressed support for the UN's latest draft resolution on humanitarian aid for Gaza - a vote for which is expected later today. The original draft called for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, but the final version calls for creating the conditions for one. It comes as the World Food Programme says Gaza is at risk of famine within six months if the conflict doesn't end. Earlier this week, the Hamas-run Gaza government said 20,000 people had been killed in the enclave since the war erupted. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #Gaza #Israel #BBCNews

1 an depuis

On Tuesday afternoon, two Good Samaritans found a vehicle that had crashed into a ravine on Interstate 94 in Porter County. Authorities revealed how the man was found and discussed his condition. The two Good Samaritans also reveal how he stumbled upon a man trapped in a car, how long he had been there and what they did the moment they found him. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Connect with NBC 5 Chicago Online Visit NBC Chicago Website : Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: X:

CBC Vancouver
1 an depuis

Watch CBC Vancouver News with host Dan Burritt for the latest on the most important news stories happening across B.C. Connect with CBC Vancouver online: Website: TikTok: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: #livenews #cbcvancouver #vancouver #britishcolumbia

Breakfast Television
1 an depuis

Sid, Meredith and Tam react to Anderson Cooper’s viral giggles during CNN's "Countdown to 2024". From inside the studio to the streets in local communities, Breakfast Television offers a refreshing look at the day ahead – combining the latest in local news, weather and traffic with the biggest celebrity interviews, lifestyle trends, local community events, and big ticket giveaways. Plus, stay connected all day with Breakfast Television’s videos, livestream and more at, and frequent social media updates. We stream our full show LIVE on Monday-Friday from 6am-10am ET on our YouTube channel and TikTok account. Connect with us on… X (formerly Twitter): @BreakfastTV Instagram: @BTandBeyond TikTok: @BreakfastTelevision Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Visit our website:

1 an depuis

#cafédomynews O Ministério de Infraestrutura argentino publicou uma resolução que estabelece que as tarifas de ônibus e trens aumentarão todos os meses de acordo com os índices de inflação, sem levar em conta a remoção gradual dos subsídios estabelecidos pelo governo para 2024. LINK PARA O PROGRAMA COMPLETO: ________________ Vem para o Time de Membros do MyNews! Para acessar o conteúdo exclusivo no YouTube, primeiro clique em Playlist e depois em Membros. Já se deseja ver como ter acesso à área exclusiva no site do MyNews, clique aqui: Se você usa IOS, torne-se membro do canal MyNews clicando neste link: Receba conteúdos exclusivos: - Bate-papo e entrevistas exclusivas; - Espaço Você Colunista; - Promoções; - Clube do Livro do MyNews: Além disso, tenha seus comentários destacados no chat ao vivo e nos vídeos. _______________ MyNews Previdência: _______________ Você conhece a página Google Notícias do Canal MyNews? O Google Notícias exibe as nossas principais notícias tanto do canal quanto do nosso site e podem ser acessadas neste link: ________________ Comercial: Sugestões de pauta: Membros: #MyNews

CBS Miami
1 an depuis

Keith Jones says dogs that are found abandoned are picked up, or rescued, by Pembroke Pines officers and get a temporary home at the police department until they are adopted or placed in a foster home.

Global News
1 an depuis

Around 20 people were killed in Thailand in an explosion on Jan. 17 at a fireworks factory north of Bangkok, police said. Authorities were inspecting the site but have yet to find any survivors.

CNN Brasil
1 an depuis

Assista AO VIVO à programação da CNN nesta madrugada. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Radio-Canada Info
1 an depuis

À Ullumi, Isabelle Chapadeau explique l'importance que représente l'ouverture du centre Inuusirvik, à Iqaluit, un lieu où cohabitent les services et les enseignements axés sur les savoirs traditionnels inuit en santé. -- Accédez aux nouvelles essentielles en téléchargeant l'application Radio-Canada Info : Abonnez-vous à nos comptes : X : TikTok :

Showing 32 out of 69