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KTN News
5 heures depuis

#KTNNews #KTNNewsDigital #ktnkenya #KTNTV #KTNHome #KenyaNews #genz Welcome to the 24/7 KTN Kenya News Channel on YouTube – your trusted source for the latest news and updates in Kenya and beyond. Stay informed with our comprehensive news coverage, breaking stories, in-depth analysis, and exclusive reports. Our live-streaming service brings you real-time updates on current affairs, politics, business, technology, health, entertainment, and much more. Join us and be a part of the conversation, and don't forget to subscribe for the latest news and updates. Stay connected with KTN Kenya News, your reliable news partner. #KTNKenya #NewsChannel #BreakingNews #KenyaNews #ktnprime #livestream #livenews SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond. Watch KTN Live Watch KTN News Follow us on Like us on

KTN News
5 heures depuis

#KTNNews #KTNNewsDigital #ktnkenya #KTNTV #KTNHome #KenyaNews #genz Welcome to the 24/7 KTN Kenya News Channel on YouTube – your trusted source for the latest news and updates in Kenya and beyond. Stay informed with our comprehensive news coverage, breaking stories, in-depth analysis, and exclusive reports. Our live-streaming service brings you real-time updates on current affairs, politics, business, technology, health, entertainment, and much more. Join us and be a part of the conversation, and don't forget to subscribe for the latest news and updates. Stay connected with KTN Kenya News, your reliable news partner. #KTNKenya #NewsChannel #BreakingNews #KenyaNews #ktnprime #livestream #livenews SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond. Watch KTN Live Watch KTN News Follow us on Like us on

KTN News
5 heures depuis

#KTNNews #KTNNewsDigital #ktnkenya #KTNTV #KTNHome #KenyaNews #genz Welcome to the 24/7 KTN Kenya News Channel on YouTube – your trusted source for the latest news and updates in Kenya and beyond. Stay informed with our comprehensive news coverage, breaking stories, in-depth analysis, and exclusive reports. Our live-streaming service brings you real-time updates on current affairs, politics, business, technology, health, entertainment, and much more. Join us and be a part of the conversation, and don't forget to subscribe for the latest news and updates. Stay connected with KTN Kenya News, your reliable news partner. #KTNKenya #NewsChannel #BreakingNews #KenyaNews #ktnprime #livestream #livenews SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond. Watch KTN Live Watch KTN News Follow us on Like us on

CNN Brasil
4 heures depuis

O Ministério da Saúde do Líbano atualizou para 274 o número de pessoas mortas e em ataques aéreos israelenses nesta segunda-feira (23) que atingiram o sul do país. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 heures depuis

O analista sênior de Internacional Américo Martins comentou o aumento da violência e das tensões no Oriente Médio após Israel ampliar os ataques contra o Líbano. O analista avalia que é muito provável que essa guerra se intensifique, assim como ocorreu na Faixa de Gaza. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 heures depuis

O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) está em Nova York, onde terá reunião com líderes da Alemanha e União Europeia nesta segunda-feira (23). O presidente também participará de evento com Bill Gates. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 heures depuis

Ao retornar ao Brasil após a Cúpula da ONU, em Nova York, o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) dará prioridade à discussão sobre a criação de uma autoridade climática para atuar como porta-voz do Brasil no exterior. No entanto, o projeto gera embate no governo. A informação é da âncora da CNN Tainá Falcão. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 heures depuis

Assista AO VIVO ao programa Bastidores CNN desta segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2024. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Record News
4 heures depuis

Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: X: Facebook:

Record News
4 heures depuis

Depois de sofrer uma série de ataques no domingo (22), Israel lançou novos bombardeios em larga escala contra alvos do grupo terrorista Hezbollah, no sul do Líbano, nesta segunda-feira (23). Cerca de 150 alvos foram atacados. O Exército pediu que os civis libaneses que vivem ao sul do país deixem a região o mais rápido possível. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: X: Facebook:

Record News
4 heures depuis

Essa é a semana nacional de doação de órgãos. Em todo o Brasil, nos primeiros seis meses deste ano, mais de quatro mil órgãos e cerca de oito mil córneas foram doadas - um aumento de mais de 3% em relação a 2023. Para marcar a data, será lançado em São Paulo, nesta quinta-feira (26), o livro "A vida com vida", da empresária Kelly Graff. Na obra, a escritora faz uma espécie de testemunho de vida, contando a experiência de um transplante renal, uma gravidez e a partida prematura de um filho. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: X: Facebook:

Record News
4 heures depuis

Os incêndios florestais no Pantanal e na Amazônia atingiram o pior patamar em quase duas décadas. A informação está no relatório Copernicus, divulgado nesta segunda-feira (23). O estudo também registra que as emissões de carbono no Brasil chegaram a 183 megatoneladas até 19 de setembro. O monitoramento aponta que, apenas nos estados do Amazonas e Mato Grosso do Sul, os números chegaram a 28 e 15 megatoneladas, respectivamente. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: X: Facebook:

Record News
4 heures depuis

Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: X: Facebook:

Sky News Australia
4 heures depuis

Master Plumbers CEO Peter Daly says he is campaigning to make sure consumers are informed on “the true cost” of switching from gas to electric. A new campaign called ‘Your Home Your Choice’ comes in light of the Allan Government's forced transition away from gas. Mr Daly told Sky News host Peta Credlin that Master Plumbers is having “thousands of conversations a day” with consumers and businesses around switching.

Sky News Australia
4 heures depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond says Joe Biden is not “really in charge” of the United States. Mr Bond believes Joe Biden would personally like Donald Trump to have increased security, but is unable to make that decision. “There are other people who are quite happy to see Trump not have the level of protection he ought to have.”

Sky News Australia
4 heures depuis

Menzies Research Centre Freya Leach has discussed the Albanese government's drop in the polls amid a cost-of-living crisis. A fresh Newspoll, conducted for The Australian, revealed Labor's primary vote has slumped to its lowest point since it was voted into office in 2022. "I think now when your hip pocket is affected, and keep in mind, it's not just challenging to rent, it's virtually impossible and it's not just challenging to repay your mortgage, it is almost virtually impossible as well," Ms Leach told Sky News host Paul Murray. "It's quite a steep climb and the question is now, and I think this is going to be really critical for the coalition going forward, is those people that have abandoned Labor, where are they going. "They're up for grabs and so this is the challenge. I think we're seeing Labor's primary vote decline to the same level it was at the 2022 federal election but those votes aren't necessarily going to the coalition yet."

Sky News Australia
4 heures depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson has reacted to a lefty with "absolutely no sense of self-awareness" calling conservatives "weird". It comes as a reporter from Turning Point USA decided to go out on the street and interview Democrat voters as to why they believe conservatives are so weird. "There is a almost a cultish vibe, I feel. The way they operate within themselves, they refuse to listen to outside people. You know, they're refusing to learn, essentially," the Democrat supporter said.

Sky News Australia
4 heures depuis

Sky News host Caleb Bond has mocked US President Joe Biden following his latest blunder during a press conference on Saturday. Biden had appeared to have lost track of where he was during the Quad address. The awkward moment happened when Biden was supposed to introduce Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Le Parisien
4 heures depuis

Le fondateur d’Emmaüs, décédé en 2007, est accusé par plusieurs femmes d’agressions sexuelles, dans deux rapports rendus publics cet été. Crédits. Direction de la rédaction : Pierre Chausse - Rédacteur en chef : Jules Lavie - Reporter : Barbara Gouy - Production : Raphaël Pueyo et Clara Garnier-Amouroux - Réalisation et mixage : Pierre Chaffanjon - Musiques : François Clos, Audio Network Archives : INA, TF1, Le Parisien #emmaus #prêtre

Le Parisien
4 heures depuis

Ce lundi, une minute de silence a été observée en hommage à cette étudiante de 19 ans qui a été retrouvée morte samedi après-midi enterrée dans le bois de Boulogne dans des circonstances encore mystérieuses.

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