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CityNews' Joanne Roberts speaks to Jane Kidd-Hantscher from the Children's Rehabilitation Foundation about how they help children in Manitoba, and how people can support them through One Great Lottery.

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Nearly 9 in 10 renters in Metro-Vancouver say they don't think they will be able to buy a home in the city, based on CityNews' exclusive poll. Jack Morse has the story.

Global News
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A lockdown advisory for residents in the Montreal’s east end was lifted after a major fire involving lithium batteries was brought under control by firefighters late Monday. The advisory was issued after a fire broke out at a shipping container holding some 15,000 kilograms of lithium batteries around 2:45 p.m. at the Port of Montreal. The Montreal fire department first reported it was responding to a blaze at 3:15 p.m., with the intervention lasting through the night. “Due to the amount of energy that these batteries store, it took us quite a while to extinguish the fire,” Matthew Griffith, the fire department’s section chief, said in an interview Tuesday. “The fire was extinguished around 3 a.m. this morning.” Global's Dan Spector explains. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on X HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #Montreal #fire

Global News
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Smoke over parts of Lebanon remained fresh Tuesday, as Israel continued its strikes. Hezbollah has responded with more rockets. At his last speech to the United Nations (UN), U.S. President Joe Biden called for diplomacy to calm tensions. But the Americans have failed for nearly a year to get Hamas and Israel to agree to a ceasefire — which is Hezbollah's condition to stop attacking. Global's Nathaniel Dove looks at Israel and Hezbollah's objectives, and where they could lead. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on X HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #Israel #Hezbollah

Global News
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Police in northern Switzerland said Tuesday that several people have been arrested and a criminal case has been opened in connection with the suspected death of a person in a so-called “suicide pod.” The “Sarco” pod has been in the works for years, but up until now has never been used. The Sarco pods — short for sarcophagus — allow a person to control their death inside the pod by quickly reducing internal oxygen levels. After death, the pod can be used as a coffin. Global's Katherine Ward explains. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on X HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #SuicidePod #Sarco

Global News
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Tropical storm Helene formed Tuesday in the Caribbean Sea and could strengthen into a major hurricane while moving north toward the U.S., forecasters said. Heavy rains and big waves already lashed the Cayman Islands, and some Florida residents filled sandbags days ahead of anticipated flooding. Hurricane watches were issued for parts of Cuba, Mexico and a stretch of the Florida coastline, including Tampa Bay, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. A tropical storm warning was issued for parts of the Florida Keys. The storm was 175 miles (280 kilometers) south of the western tip of Cuba, had sustained winds of 45 mph (75 kph) and was moving northwest at 12 mph (19 kph). It was expected to strengthen into Hurricane Helene on Wednesday as it approached the Gulf Coast and could become a major hurricane Thursday. Global's Reggie Cecchini explains. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on X HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #Florida #HurricaneHelene

Global News
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Israel is continuing its attacks on Lebanon on Tuesday, and United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that Lebanon is on the brink of becoming a second Gaza. Israel has struck hundreds of targets — including the populated suburbs of Beirut — targeting what it claims are Hezbollah positions and weapons facilities. Israeli officials say they are not eager to start a ground invasion and want to force Hezbollah to a diplomatic solution, but there doesn’t appear to be one on the horizon. Redmond Shannon reports. The day after appearing on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,’ Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had another busy day at the UN, including meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy told a special UN Security Council session that Russia can only be “forced into peace” and denounced Iran and North Korea as “accomplices” in the war. Trudeau also pressed NATO leaders to lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range missiles. Mackenzie Gray has the details. While Trudeau is in New York, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is in Ottawa trying to convince MPs to vote for his party's motion to bring down the minority government and force a federal election. The Liberals need the support of at least one other party to survive the vote, and it looks like they're going to get it. David Akin reports. And more details regarding the federal government's motivation for curbing the number of international students to Canada are coming to light. Global News has learned that in the first nine months of this year, more than 12,000 foreign students applied for asylum to stay in Canada once their student visa runs out. For years, post-secondary institutions have depended upon foreign students. But now, as Mercedes Stephenson reports, it appears the government has backed itself — and schools — into a corner. Plus, lobster harvesters in the Maritimes and Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier seem to agree that there is illegal fishing activity occurring on the East Coast. But the parties continue to be at odds over what should be done, and who needs to do it. Frustrated fishers turned their backs on a Tuesday meeting with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in an act of frustration. Heidi Petracek explains. And finally, a second moon will soon be seen lighting up the night sky, thanks to a newly discovered asteroid that has joined Earth’s orbit. The space rock, an asteroid by the name of 2024 PT5, will show up to do a partial orbit around Earth by the end of this month, before slipping back into space. Dubbed a “mini-moon” by astronomers, this particular piece of space material was discovered by NASA in early August. Eric Sorensen has more on how long it's here for, and where it's headed. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on X HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #GlobalNational #Canada

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【企業強人】第八集預告 道明指人力是企業的包袱 今晚《企業強人》,道明公開指人力是企業的包袱,不諱言世代要繼續發展,裁員是唯一選擇,結果引起軒然大波…… #TVB #企業強人 #陳豪 #譚俊彥 #龔嘉欣 #張曦雯 #姜大衞 #商戰 #劇集 #港劇 #電視劇 企業強人|今晚 8:30 PM|翡翠台 TVB最新資訊: TVB 會員限定內容盡在會員專區: 觀看更多TVB精彩內容: TVB (official): TVB 綜藝: TVB 無綫新聞:

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【玫瑰的故事】第二集劇情 劉亦菲令事業型暖男心如鹿撞 彭冠英短訊攻陷芳心?(繁/簡字幕) 黃亦玫(劉亦菲)平時被男仔圍住轉,但今次調反轉!事業型暖男Eric(彭冠英)被一班女同事黐到實,亦玫無機會同佢深入認識,兩個互相吸引嘅人以短訊打開話題,又成唔成功得到對方個心? 【玫瑰的故事】劇集精華傳送門► #TVB #玫瑰的故事 #劉亦菲 #佟大為 #霍建華 #林更新 #萬茜 #彭冠英 #林一 #愛情 #言情 #劇集 #電視劇 玫瑰的故事|星期一至五 晚上9:30|翡翠台 《玫瑰的故事》劇集類型: 劇情、時裝、愛情、寫實、小說改編 《玫瑰的故事》演員: 劉亦菲、佟大為、霍建華、林更新、萬茜、彭冠英、林一 劇情簡介: 《玫瑰的故事》(The Tale of Rose),是時裝愛情電視劇。《玫瑰的故事》改編自亦舒的同名長篇小說《玫瑰的故事》,講述了一個女人在成為怎樣的自己這條道路上,全力以赴勇於探索,活出自我的故事。由導演汪俊指導、李瀟及王思共同編劇,並由劉亦菲、佟大為與萬茜領銜主演,林更新特邀主演及霍建華特別主演《玫瑰的故事》。最新現代愛情劇《玫瑰的故事》再次掀起觀眾追劇潮!劉亦菲是次不單止在《玫瑰的故事》突破自我首次挑戰母親角色,更搭檔五年沒有主演新劇的霍建華,俊男美女,在《玫瑰的故事》獲封「神顏CP」! TVB最新資訊: TVB 會員限定內容盡在會員專區: 觀看更多TVB精彩內容: TVB (official): TVB 綜藝: TVB 無綫新聞:

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【玫瑰的故事】第三集預告 初戀打得火熱亦吵得眼紅紅 今晚《玫瑰的故事》,黃亦玫(劉亦菲)同初戀男友Eric(彭冠英)打得火熱,不過Eric將接受令佢哋分開嘅工作offer? 【玫瑰的故事】劇集精華傳送門► #TVB #玫瑰的故事 #劉亦菲 #佟大為 #彭冠英 #愛情 #言情 #劇集 #電視劇 玫瑰的故事|今晚9:30PM|翡翠台 TVB最新資訊: TVB 會員限定內容盡在會員專區: 觀看更多TVB精彩內容: TVB (official): TVB 綜藝: TVB 無綫新聞:

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【TVB大寶藏】劉亦菲為粉絲化身花仙子 劉亦菲因為「小龍女」一角而為香港觀眾熟悉,氣質清冷嘅佢,雖然性格鍾意安靜,但亦有活潑一面,佢仲非常好學,為逗粉絲開心而學習包裝花束,更將生平做嘅第一束花獻給香港觀眾! #TVB #TVB大寶藏 #劉亦菲 #劇集 #港劇 #電視劇 #娛樂 TVB最新資訊: TVB 會員限定內容盡在會員專區: 觀看更多TVB精彩內容: TVB (official): TVB 綜藝: TVB 無綫新聞:

Binh Duong TV (BTV)
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????????Livestream | Giao thông - Giờ cao điểm | Sáng 25/9/2024 ????Chương trình “Giao thông Giờ cao điểm” được phát trên sóng FM 92,5 Mhz, kênh BTV2 và livestream trên Fanpage BTV Fm, Youtube Truyền hình Bình Dương từ 7h - 8h và 17h - 18h hàng ngày. ????Hãy cung cấp thông tin cho chương trình để chúng tôi thông tin đến khán giả và những người tham gia giao thông bằng những cách sau: ????Nhắn tin và gọi Zalo: 0917.097.666 ????Fanpage: BTV Fm ????Youtube: Truyền hình Bình Dương Vui lòng gửi tin nhắn bằng tiếng Việt có dấu. #btv #btvfm #btvfm925 #giaothonggiocaodiem #giaothong #truyenhinhbinhduong

Binh Duong TV (BTV)
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????????Livestream | Giao thông - Giờ cao điểm | Sáng 25/9/2024 ????Chương trình “Giao thông Giờ cao điểm” được phát trên sóng FM 92,5 Mhz, kênh BTV2 và livestream trên Fanpage BTV Fm, Youtube Truyền hình Bình Dương từ 7h - 8h và 17h - 18h hàng ngày. ????Hãy cung cấp thông tin cho chương trình để chúng tôi thông tin đến khán giả và những người tham gia giao thông bằng những cách sau: ????Nhắn tin và gọi Zalo: 0917.097.666 ????Fanpage: BTV Fm ????Youtube: Truyền hình Bình Dương Vui lòng gửi tin nhắn bằng tiếng Việt có dấu. #btv #btvfm #btvfm925 #giaothonggiocaodiem #giaothong #truyenhinhbinhduong

Binh Duong TV (BTV)
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-------------------------------------------------------------- BTV - TRUYỀN HÌNH BÌNH DƯƠNG * Đăng Ký Youtube: * Website: * Facebook: * App IOS: * App Android: Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình tỉnh Bình Dương là đơn vị sự nghiệp trực thuộc Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh, thực hiện chức năng là cơ quan báo chí của Đảng bộ, chính quyền tỉnh Bình Dương. Đài chịu sự quản lý nhà nước về báo chí, về truyền dẫn và phát sóng của Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông; Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông thực hiện quản lý nhà nước trên địa bàn theo phân công của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh. #BTV #thoisubinhduong #phatthanhtruyenhinhbinhduong #binhduong #toiyeubinhduong #tinhhoacuocsong #TruyenHinhBinhDuong

FBNC Vietnam
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Tin 24h 24/9 | Căng thẳng Israel-Lebanon dâng cao, Mỹ điều quân khẩn; người Việt giữa tâm chấn trung đông | BNC Now MỸ KHẨN CẤP ĐIỀU THÊM QUÂN ĐẾN TRUNG ĐÔNG GIỮA CĂNG THẲNG ISRAEL - LI-BĂNG TT UKRAINE: ÔNG PUTIN “RẤT SỢ” CUỘC XÂM NHẬP TRÊN ĐẤT NGA NHẬT BẢN THỀ BẢO VỆ KHÔNG PHẬN SAU KHI BỊ MÁY BAY NGA XÂM NHẬP RỪNG NHIỆT ĐỚI AMAZON MẤT 1 KHU VỰC TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG DIỆN TÍCH ĐỨC VÀ PHÁP CUỘC SỐNG NGƯỜI VIỆT GIỮA TÂM CHẤN TRUNG ĐÔNG VIỆT NAM KHUYẾN CÁO QUY ĐỊNH AN TOÀN CHO CÔNG DÂN TẠI ISRAEL VIỆT NAM BẮT TAY GOOGLE THÚC ĐẨY NGÀNH DU LỊCH XUẤT HIỆN ĐỀ NGHỊ MUA TÀI SẢN CỦA BÀ TRƯƠNG MỸ LAN BÀ NGUYỄN PHƯƠNG HẰNG NHẬN QUYẾT ĐỊNH BẤT NGỜ SAU THỜI GIAN THỤ ÁN ---------------------- Chương trình do Truyền hình Pháp luật ( sản xuất và cấp phép khai thác độc quyền trên Youtube FBNC. ------------------- Công ty Cổ phần Truyền thông và Ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin FBNC (FBNC Vietnam) - Đăng ký kênh để theo dõi: Kênh truyền thông FBNC: - Website: - Fanpage: - Zalo: - Email: --------------- FBNC ĐỒNG TIỀN THÔNG MINH - CUỘC SỐNG THÔNG MINH #bncnow #bantin24h #tin24h

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???? Kênh Youtube chính thức của Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình Đồng Tháp (THDT - Đậm chất Miền Tây). ???? Bấm Theo dõi (Subscribe) để nhận thông tin tin tức, khoa giáo, giải trí, ẩm thực... nhanh nhất, đặc sắc nhất. * Đăng ký: * Website: * Facebook Truyền hình Đồng Tháp: * Tiktok: * Facebook THĐT Giải trí: * Zalo: #thdt #thdt1 #thđt #dongthaptv #truyềnhìnhđồngtháp #dongthap #truyenhinhdongthap #tintức24h #đồngtháp #dongthaptvonline

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???? Kênh Youtube chính thức của Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình Đồng Tháp (THDT - Đậm chất Miền Tây). ???? Bấm Theo dõi (Subscribe) để nhận thông tin tin tức, khoa giáo, giải trí, ẩm thực... nhanh nhất, đặc sắc nhất. * Đăng ký: * Website: * Facebook Truyền hình Đồng Tháp: * Tiktok: * Facebook THĐT Giải trí: * Zalo: #thdt #thdt1 #thđt #dongthaptv #truyềnhìnhđồngtháp #dongthap #truyenhinhdongthap #tintức24h #đồngtháp #dongthaptvonline

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???? Kênh Youtube chính thức của Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình Đồng Tháp (THDT - Đậm chất Miền Tây). ???? Bấm Theo dõi (Subscribe) để nhận thông tin tin tức, khoa giáo, giải trí, ẩm thực... nhanh nhất, đặc sắc nhất. * Đăng ký: * Website: * Facebook Truyền hình Đồng Tháp: * Tiktok: * Facebook THĐT Giải trí: * Zalo: #thdt #thdt1 #thđt #dongthaptv #truyềnhìnhđồngtháp #dongthap #truyenhinhdongthap #tintức24h #đồngtháp #dongthaptvonline

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???? Kênh Youtube chính thức của Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình Đồng Tháp (THDT - Đậm chất Miền Tây). ???? Bấm Theo dõi (Subscribe) để nhận thông tin tin tức, khoa giáo, giải trí, ẩm thực... nhanh nhất, đặc sắc nhất. * Đăng ký: * Website: * Facebook Truyền hình Đồng Tháp: * Tiktok: * Facebook THĐT Giải trí: * Zalo: #thdt #thdt1 #thđt #dongthaptv #truyềnhìnhđồngtháp #dongthap #truyenhinhdongthap #tintức24h #đồngtháp #dongthaptvonline

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วาระการประชุมสภาผู้แทนราษฎรครั้งที่ 26 (สมัยสามัญประจำปีครั้งที่หนึ่ง)วันที่ 25 กันยายน​ 2567 เรื่องที่ประธานจะแจ้งต่อที่ประชุม 1 เรื่อง รับทราบเรื่อง วุฒิสภาได้ลงมติเห็นชอบร่างพระราชบัญญัติซึ่งสภาผู้แทนราษฎรลงมติเห็นชอบแล้ว เรื่องที่คณะกรรมาธิการพิจารณาเสร็จแล้ว 3 เรื่อง ร่างพระราชบัญญัติแก้ไขเพิ่มเติมประมวลกฎหมายแพ่งและพาณิชย์ (ฉบับที่ ..) พ.ศ. .... ร่างพระราชบัญญัติสถาบันวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีแห่งประเทศไทย (ฉบับที่ ..) พ.ศ. .... ร่างพระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองและส่งเสริมวิถีชีวิตกลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ พ.ศ. .... เรื่องด่วน 4 เรื่อง ร่างพระราชบัญญัติการจัดสรรที่ดิน (ฉบับที่ ..) พ.ศ. .... ร่างพระราชบัญญัติการประกอบกิจการกระจายเสียงและกิจการโทรทัศน์ (ฉบับที่ ..) พ.ศ. .... ฯลฯ เรื่องที่ค้างพิจารณา 37 เรื่อง ติดตาม VoiceTV YouTube : Facebook : Instagram : Twitter : Website : LINE : #VoiceTV # #

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