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Підозрюваному у вбивстві Демʼяна Ганула обрано запобіжний захід. Туреччина засудила анексію Криму. Хвиля протестів прокотилася світом. Голос Америки зупинив свою роботу у всьому світі. 00:00:00 Час новин 16.02.25 00:00:11 довічне ув'язнення за вбuвство активіста Ганула 00:01:28 Удар по Чернігову 00:03:33 Окупанти вдарили по Ізюму 00:03:55 90 ударних безпілотників запустила росія по Україні вночі 00:04:48 Туреччина засудила анексію Криму. 00:05:44 Заява Макрон 00:06:42 Рубіо поспілкувався з Лавровим 00:07:22 У лавах ЗСУ стрімко зростає кількість іноземних легіонів 00:12:02 Як працює комплес протиповітряної оборони IRIS-T 00:18:31 США завдали масштабних авіаударів по позиціях єменських хуситів 00:19:52 Хвиля протестів прокотилася світом 00:25:37 Кочани масштабна пожежа 00:26:21 Голос Америки зупинив свою роботу у всьому світі 00:31:08 Простір для психологічної підтримки бійців у Харкові Патреон: Долучайтеся до збору на рації для ЗСУ: ???? Номер карти: 5375411204592088 PayPal: ❗️з приміткою "На рації" Також долучитися до збору можна, купивши "гарячі" магніти 5 каналу???? Підтримайте наших військових кореспондентів, які щодня ризикують своїм життям на фронті???? Buy Me a Coffee: ???? ????Картка: 5375411202207218 Окрім того, усю нашу команду 5 каналу можна підтримати на PayPal: Telegram X (колишній Twitter) Сайт 5 каналу: Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: WhatsApp (українською): WhatsApp (англійською) ✔️Підписуйся на YouTube 5 каналу та дивись онлайн оперативні перевірені новини ????Тисни на "дзвіночок", щоб отримувати сповіщення про трансляції та нові відео ❤️Ставай нашим спонсором ????Напиши в коментарях свої враження від відео #5канал #новини #Україна
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HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... İngiliz Basını Türkiye'yi Manşetine Taşıdı! The Telegraph'tan Türkiye Övgüsü: "Kritik Bir Ortak" ABD ile Avrupa arasında giderek derinleşen uçurum, Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği ilişkilerinde yeni bir yakınlaşmayı beraberinde getirdi. İngiliz The Telegraph gazetesi, haberinde Türkiye'yi manşetine taşıyarak, "Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Türkiye'nin küresel aktör olarak rolünü sağlamlaştırmak istiyor" ifadelerini kullandı. Gazete ayrıca, Türk ordusunun NATO'nun en büyük ikinci ordusu olduğuna da dikkat çekti. CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #TheTelegraph
HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... SON DAKİKA ???? Bahçeli'den DEM Parti Ziyareti Öncesi Açıklama: "Terörle Varılacak Bir Menzil Yok" CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #DevletBahçeli
HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanı Donald Trump ile bir telefon görüşmesi yaptı. Görüşmede, Türkiye ile ABD arasındaki ikili ilişkiler ve bölgesel ile küresel konular ele alındı. CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #CumhurbaşkanıErdoğan
HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Husiler'den ABD'ye "GÖMERİZ" Mesajı! Kızıldeniz ABD Askerine Mezar Mı Olacak? SON DAKİKA ABD HABERLERİ SON DAKİKA YEMEN HABERLERİ CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #Savaş
HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Husiler'den "KIZILDENİZ'E GÖMERİZ" Mesajı! | CANLI HABER CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. CNN TÜRK son dakika haber ve canlı yayınlar ile dünyanın haberini izleyicisiyle buluşturuyor. Canlı bağlantılar, son dakika haberler, sıcak gelişmeler ve detaylı analizler CNN TÜRK canlı yayını ile 7/24 kesintisiz tüm dünyaya ulaşıyor. Türkiye'de son gelişmeler, Orta Doğu haberleri, gündeme dair son bilgiler masa başından değil, sahadan izleyiciye ulaşıyor. Canlı haber bağlantıları ve son dakika haberleri için CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olmayı unutmayın. #Haber #Sondakika #CANLI #ABD
When asked whether the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) plans to contest in West Coast-Jurong West GRC in the upcoming General Election, the party's founder Tan Cheng Bock said it would be keeping its options open. Speaking to the media during a PSP walkabout at Taman Jurong Market and Food Centre on Sunday (Mar 16) morning, Dr Tan also said that he is familiar with the Jurong area, having served as a doctor there. "I started the Jurong East Town Council here," he added. Read more: #GE2025 Subscribe to our channel here: Visit our website: Download our app: Get our editors' picks of stories via chat apps: Telegram: WhatsApp: Follow us on these platforms:
When asked whether the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) plans to contest in West Coast-Jurong West GRC in Singapore’s upcoming General Election, the party's founder Tan Cheng Bock said it would be keeping its options open. Speaking to the media during a PSP walkabout at Taman Jurong Market and Food Centre, he said: "When my friend saw the changes, they expressed sadness for me ... (They) said, 'You are going to a new area. You fought so hard in West Coast now you've got to fight again in Jurong'," said Dr Tan. "Where we go, we fight. Because we're all fighting for the country, for Singapore, and that's most important."
For more: China's first Type 054B frigate, the Luohe, commissioned into the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy on January 22 at a military port in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, has recently conducted a live-fire combat training in the Yellow Sea. With a displacement of approximately 5,000 tonnes, the Luohe (hull number 545) represents a new generation of frigates independently developed and built by China. It is noted for breakthroughs in stealth technology, combat command systems and firepower integration, delivering a significantly enhanced overall performance. #china #new #frigate #army Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: A day after liftoff, a SpaceX crew capsule reached the International Space Station, delivering replacements for NASA's stranded astronauts. The four newcomers from the U.S., Japan, and Russia will train with Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams before the duo departs later this week. Wilmore and Williams launched last June on Boeing's troubled Starliner for a weeklong mission but were stranded when NASA deemed the capsule too faulty to return. Their ride arrived in September, but battery issues delayed their replacements, pushing their return to mid-March. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: The U.S. Central Command has released footage of overnight airstrikes on Houthi sites across northern Yemen. The strikes have killed over 30 people and left at least 101 others wounded, according to Al Jazeera. The casualties were reported across multiple locations, including the capital Sanaa, the northern province of Saada – a Houthi stronghold – as well as other Houthi-controlled Yemeni provinces. #usa #yemen #death #news Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
For more: The Xiamen section of the Xiamen-Kinmen Bridge has entered a new construction phase with the successful lifting of its first precast pier. Spanning 17.34 kilometers with 85 piers, the bridge will connect Xiamen to the under-construction Xiang'an Airport. The 3,000-tonne pier was lifted using an intelligent positioning system that replaced manual operations with automated precision. With a 37.27 billion yuan ($5.15 billion) investment, the bridge will be the most efficient link between Xiamen and the airport, easing congestion and boosting transport efficiency. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
W programie „Dobry wieczór Polsko” omawiano nadchodzące wybory prezydenckie w Polsce, które odbędą się za 63 dni. Gospodarze, Adamina Sajkowska i Grzegorz Jankowski, poruszyli kwestie związane z kandydatami, w tym Rafałem Trzaskowskim, który prowadzi w sondażach, oraz Karolem Nawrockim, który również zyskuje poparcie, mimo kontrowersji związanych z jego przeszłością. Podkreślono znaczenie bezpieczeństwa narodowego, z naciskiem na sojusze z USA i UE. W dyskusji pojawiły się również różne opinie na temat obecnych kandydatów. Adrian Zandberg apelował o zmianę w polskim przemyśle i polityce, a Sławomir Mentzen był przedstawiany jako kandydat populistyczny, głównie apelujący do młodszych mężczyzn. Karol Nawrocki, mimo krytyki, wciąż ma duże poparcie, a eksperci przewidują, że może przejść do drugiej tury, gdzie będzie starał się zbudować wizerunek niezależnego kandydata, oddzielonego od partii politycznych. Sondaże budzą kontrowersje, zwłaszcza dotyczące metodologii i wpływu zleceniodawców na wyniki, co również zostało omówione w programie. Wskazano na podobieństwa do kampanii prezydenckiej z 2015 roku, gdzie wynik w drugiej turze mógłby zależeć od wsparcia elektoratów różnych kandydatów. Ostatecznie, choć wyniki sondaży różnią się, większość ekspertów przewiduje, że Trzaskowski i Nawrocki będą rywalizować o zwycięstwo w drugiej turze. Mentzen pompowany Więcej informacji na: Polub nasz profil na Facebooku: Polub nasz profil na Instagramie: Polub nasz profil na X:
Nagdaos ng motorcade ang mga tagasuporta ni dating Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte sa ilang lugar sa Metro Manila ngayong Linggo. Sabay-sabay na bumusina at nag-ingay ang mga rider nang sumugod sila sa Mendiola, Maynila. For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: For more Breaking News & Live Coverage videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch full episodes on iWantTFC for FREE here: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #Motorcade #RodrigoDuterte #ABSCBNNews
Nasabat ang 500 gramo ng hinihinalang shabu na nagkakahalaga ng 3.4 milyong piso sa buy-bust operation sa Sampaloc, Maynila. Arestado ang apat na suspek kabilang ang isang high-value target ng PNP. For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: For more Breaking News & Live Coverage videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch full episodes on iWantTFC for FREE here: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #BuyBust #Maynila #ABSCBNNews
At least 59 people were killed when a fire ripped through a packed nightclub early on Sunday (March 16) in the North Macedonian town of Kocani, injuring more than 100 injured, after sparks ignited the roof over a live band. Footage showed the club's corrugated iron roof burned through and collapsed in places, its interior wooden beams exposed and blackened. Arrest warrants have been issued for four people in connection with the fire, interior minister Pance Toskovski. State news agency Mia said that police have detained the owner of the club over the incident. One video from the event, verified by Reuters, showed a band playing on stage flanked by two flares that fired white sparks into the air, some of which set the ceiling alight. Interior Minister Pance Toskovski said the fire, which began at around 3 a.m. (0200 GMT), was caused by "pyrotechnic devices" whose sparks triggered the blaze. Speaking to media on Sunday, Toskovski said the wounded were transported to hospitals in Skopje, Kocani and Stip, as he offered condolences to the families of the victims. At the time of the news conference Toskovski had been told of only 51 deaths and the number was later revised up. About 148 people were hospitalised in Skopje, Kocani and surrounding towns, Health Minister Arben Taravari said at a press conference. North Macedonia’s MRT public broadcaster reported that 27 people were hospitalized at the Skopje City Hospital with severe burns, and another 23 were being treated at the Clinical Center. Among the injured were minors, it said. North Macedonia's Public Prosecutor Ljupco Kocevski said five prosecutors would investigate the incident. "At the moment, orders have been issued for collecting of evidence" and some people were being interviewed, Kocevski said, without elaborating. (Production: Branko Filipovic, Lewis Macdonald and Zainab Elhaj) For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: For more Breaking News & Live Coverage videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch full episodes on iWantTFC for FREE here: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #Fire #NorthMacedonia #ABSCBNNews
National University completed a sweep of the first round of the UAAP Season 87 women’s volleyball tournament.
Babala at sensitibo po ang susunod na balita. Patay ang isang babaeng may kondisyon sa pag-iisip matapos magulungan ng truck sa Bulan, Sorsogon. 24 Oras Weekend is GMA Network’s flagship newscast, anchored by Ivan Mayrina and Pia Arcangel. It airs on GMA-7, Saturdays and Sundays at 5:30 PM (PHL Time). For more videos from 24 Oras Weekend, visit #GMAIntegratedNews #KapusoStream Breaking news and stories from the Philippines and abroad: GMA Integrated News Portal: Facebook: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: GMA Network Kapuso programs on GMA Pinoy TV:
David Licauco, busy sa kanyang business at sa upcoming movie na "Samahan ng mga Makasalanan" From Pambansang Ginoo to Pambansang Entrepreneur si David Licauco! Busy rin siya sa kanyang mga showbiz ganap kasama ang GMA Pictures movie na--- "Samahan ng mga Makasalanan" 24 Oras Weekend is GMA Network’s flagship newscast, anchored by Ivan Mayrina and Pia Arcangel. It airs on GMA-7, Saturdays and Sundays at 5:30 PM (PHL Time). For more videos from 24 Oras Weekend, visit #GMAIntegratedNews #KapusoStream Breaking news and stories from the Philippines and abroad: GMA Integrated News Portal: Facebook: TikTok: Twitter: Instagram: GMA Network Kapuso programs on GMA Pinoy TV: