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Television Jamaica
6 mois depuis

Jamaica News Today - Television Jamaica (TVJ) a Trusted Source for News, Sports & Entertainment. For Jamaican news, sports and weather reports with a mix of reggae music (dancehall, ska, mento), Jamaican entertainment and information shows for the entire family. SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE - For more TVJ videos visit - For access to LIVE TV go to!/live-stream/79336998495 #tvjnews #jamaicanewstoday

New China TV
6 mois depuis

With a slew of favorable policies taking effect and continued opening-up, the Hainan Free Trade Port in south China provides a vast platform for foreign talents to pursue their dreams.

6 mois depuis

Thousands gather at Egypt's "largest Iftar table" to break their Ramadan fast. #Egypt #Iftar #Ramadan

Canal 10
6 mois depuis

Présenté par Chicanos

Qazaq TV
6 mois depuis

Ол мектеп бітірген соң, Англияға барып фармацевтиканы оқып келді. Бірақ, Отанға оралған соң мамандығын мүлде басқа бағытқа ауыстырды. Оны қазақстандықтар алдымен вайндар арқылы таныды. Кейін ол дижитл-продюсерлікке бет бұрды. Оның кәсіби командасы дайындаған интернет-жобалар Азия елдерінің көрермендеріне де жақсы таныс. Олардың өнімдері арқылы әлемдік ірі компаниялар да жарнама жасайды. Олар Қазақстанда алғашқылардың бірі боп стримингтік платформаларға сериалдар түсірді. Қазақстандық контентті шетелге экспорттау, еліміздегі креативті индустрияның даму жолдары жайында JKS Entertainment компаниясының негізін қалаушы, медиатренер Бексұлтан Қазыбекпен ЕРКІН СҰХБАТ. Біздің жобаларға жазылыңыз: @JibekJolypodcast @JibekJolyMusic @JibekjolyNews @Kazinform Видео астында пікір қалдыруды ұмытпаңыздар! Біздің өзге де бағдарламаларымыз: Жаңа түнгі студия: «Мархабат» бағдарламасы: Төрлетіңіз! Арман&Ләйлә шақырады: Jibek Joly TV: смотрите нас на спутниковом ТВ, в Youtube и социальных сетях. Оставляйте ваши комментарии под этим видео. Смотрите наши топовые шоу: «OZGER»: «Мужской разговор»: «Наша история»: #jibekjolytv # #

Телеканал ICTV
5 mois depuis

Полный выпуск программы смотрите здесь: Журналист Григорий Герман вместе с политологом Игорем Рейтеровичем развенчали самые абсурдные мифы российской пропаганды за последнее время. Среди них и высказывание Морозова, о том, что Путин "суверенизировал" РФ за последние два года. Подробности смотрите в программе Скальпель. Видео опубликовано исключительно с информационной целью, чтобы развенчать дезинформацию, которую распространяют на российских телеканалах. Авторы видео используют иронию и сатиру. ♥Друзья, подписывайтесь на наш канал — ♥ ???? жмите на «колокольчик», чтобы получать сообщения о новых видео на канале ???? смотрите онлайн наш прямой эфир — Крутые сериалы ICTV - ICTV в Facebook - https: ICTV ONLINE - Новости от ICTV - Instagram ICTV - ???? Еще больше проверенных новостей на сайте — #ICTV #Скальпель #пропаганда

Sky News
5 mois depuis

Tonight, Sky News is live from Jerusalem where Israel's War Cabinet is debating its response to Iran - as the world urges restraint. Live updates on the Middle East ???? Also in the headlines, former US president Donald Trump has appeared in court, calling the case against him an 'assault on America'. Read more ???? From 10.30pm, join us for a first look at tomorrow's front pages ???????? Read more on tonight's stories ???? #SkyNews #NewsatTen #News #SkyPapers SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: For more content go to and download our apps: Apple Android Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí: To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here:

5 mois depuis

Former assistant District Attorney Phil Holloway discusses the challenges in selecting an impartial jury in Trump's hush money case, problems with the gag order, and the fiery back-and-forth during the latest Biden impeachment hearing. #FoxNews Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre. Watch full episodes of your favorite shows The Five: Special Report with Bret Baier: Jesse Watters Primetime: Hannity: The Ingraham Angle: Gutfeld!: Fox News @ Night: Follow Fox News on Facebook: Follow Fox News on Twitter: Follow Fox News on Instagram:

Sky TG24
5 mois depuis

A Khan Younis le immagini mostrano le rovine lasciate dall’offensiva israeliana dopo l’attacco di Hamas del 7 ottobre. Per tutte le news visita il sito Segui Sky tg24 su: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Twitter:

Watania Replay
4 mois depuis

تحدي جديد لكرة الطاولة التونسية...اختيار رباعي للمشاركة في دورة تأهيلية لأولمبياد باريس Diffusion en direct de Watania Replay Subscribe on YouTube | للاشتراك على اليوتيوب Follow us on social media | تابعنا على السوشيال ميديا Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: الوطنية 1 هي إحدى قناتي التلفزة التونسية وهي قناة عمومية جامعة . يتواصل الإرسال في الوطنية الأولى لمدة 24 ساعة يوميا لعرض إنتاجات وبرامج تنفرد بها القناة في مجالات مختلفة وبأشكال عديدة مثل البرامج الحوارية والمجلات الإخبارية والبرامج الرياضية والثقافية والخدماتية والوثائقية ، ولكن أيضا برامج الألعاب والتسلية فضلا عن السهرات المنوعاتية والسينمائية والأعمال الدرامية... ومع نظام الإعادة لن تفوتكم البرامج المفضلة لديكم والتي تردكم في امتثال تام لمواصفات تلفزة عمومية. وقناة الوطنية الأولى هي قناة جامعة تبث برامجها من تسع محطات رئيسية و إحدى وسبعين محطة ثانوية في جميع أنحاء الأراضي التونسية. وتغطي شبكتها الأرضيه 99.8 ٪ من السكان. منذ الثاني من ماي 2007 أصبحت تبث برامجها بصفة مسترسلة على مدار اليوم دون انقطاع في حين أن الإرسال كان ينقطع يوميا من الساعة الواحدة والنصف بعد منتصف الليل إلى الساعة السادسة صباحا. القمر الاصطناعي التردّدات الاستقطاب سرعة الترميز يوتلسات 7 11657 عمودي 27500 نايل سات 10795 عمودي 27500 غالاكسي 19 11836 عمودي 20765 بدر 12643 أفقي 27500 هوت بيرد 12149 عمودي 27500 اتلانتيك بيرد 1 12683 أفقي 2894 Digital Distribution: ConCast DMCC

UTV Ghana
4 mois depuis

PLEASE NOTE: Unauthorized upload of this video unto any YouTube channel is prohibited. (C) United Television

Sky TG24
4 mois depuis

Per tutte le news visita il sito Segui Sky tg24 su: • Facebook: • Instagram: • Twitter:

Global News
4 mois depuis

Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Public Safety Dominic Leblanc and Justice Minister Arif Virani announced the federal government was proposing several measures as part of a national action plan to help crack down on auto theft. The plan includes legislative and regulatory changes, including proposed amendments to the Criminal Code, to institute tougher penalties for auto theft with ties to violence, organized crime and money laundering as well as new offences targeting the possession and distribution of devices that facilitate auto theft. The plan also includes intelligence and information sharing enhancements between municipal, provincial, federal and international police and customs officials. And finally, the officials added that intervention improvements will allow more shipping containers to be examined, through increased capacity at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the integration of new targeting tools. “You see a lot of us here today — a lot of federal ministers, a lot of elected officials — here on Victoria Day because we take this seriously,” Freeland said. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on X HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #GlobalNews #autotheft

TTT Live Online
4 mois depuis

The official start of the 2024 wet season has been declared. The Met Office says the 2024 wet season is expected to be mostly near-normal in terms of rainfall, with some regions experiencing above-average precipitation early in the season.

CBS Miami
4 mois depuis

Many students are saying the new version of FAFSA is a disaster.

Сондай-ақ, мерекеге орай, облыстық балалар ауруханасында да ерекше шара ұйымдастырылды. Онда ем алып жатқан балғындарға түрлі сыйлықтар таратылып, Бауырсақ ертегісі қойылды. Шараға біздің түсірілім тобы да қатысып келді. Толығарық тілші сюжетінде Сайт - online - facebook - VK - Instagram - Qazaqstan TV мобильді қосымшаны жүктеп алыңыз: AppStore - Google Play - #ATYRAU #TV #ATYRAUTV #АТЫРАУ #ТВ #АТЫРАУТВ #102FM #ATYRAURADIO #RADIO

CBS New York
4 mois depuis

CBS New York's Lonnie Quinn has your First Alert Forecast for June 7 at 11 p.m.

Suite à l’inondation des locaux de la RTB Hauts-Bassins, la SN-Citec apporte son soutien en nature et en espèce

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