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CNN Türk
21 heures depuis

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... ABD Basınından Dev İddia: "ABD Suriye'de, Türkiye ve Rusya'ya Karşı Denge Arayışında!" SON DAKİKA ABD HABERLERİ SON DAKİKA SURİYE HABERLERİ CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #ABD

CNN Türk
21 heures depuis

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Emekli İkramiyeleri Ne Zaman Yatacak? Zamlı Bayram İkramiyesi İçin Beklenen Tarih... SON DAKİKA EMEKLİ HABERLERİ CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #Emekliİkramiyesi

CNN Türk
21 heures depuis

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Yumurtaya %70 Zammın Arkasında Ne Var? Yumurta Fiyatları Neden Artıyor? CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #Zam

Channel NewsAsia
21 heures depuis

For more: Foreign enterprises in China say the country's recent action plan to stabilize foreign investment has boosted confidence. A Belgian investor told CGTN that China is a place for businesses to thrive. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Polsat News
21 heures depuis

00:00 Wprowadzenie 02:52 Śmierć Barbary Skrzypek 27:42 Donald Tusk kontra Mateusz Morawiecki 43:43 Broń atomowa w Polsce - W tym kłębowisku żmij, w tym pełnym intrygantów miejscu była to najwspanialsza osoba - tak Marcin Mastalerek określił zmarłą Barbarę Skrzypek, bliską współpracowniczkę Jarosława Kaczyńskiego. Prezes PiS stwierdził, że jej śmierć może mieć związek z przesłuchaniem ws. "dwóch wież". - Kontekst jest rzeczywiście nieszczęśliwy (...) sprawę trzeba wyjaśnić - powiedział Grzegorz Schetyna (KO). Politycy w programie "Śniadanie Rymanowskiego" odnieśli się do śmierci Barbary Skrzypek, wieloletniej współpracowniczki Jarosława Kaczyńskiego. W środę urzędniczka była przesłuchiwana w prokuraturze w sprawie "dwóch wież". Prezes PiS powiązał ze sobą te dwa zdarzenia. Prokuratura Okręgowa w Warszawie wydała komunikat, w którym podkreślono, że czynności odbywały się "w bardzo kulturalnej atmosferze", zgodnie z procedurami. Sprawę skomentował szef gabinetu prezydenta RP Marcin Mastalerek, który przed laty pracował jako rzecznik PiS. - W tym kłębowisku żmij, w tym pełnym intrygantów miejscu była to najjaśniejsza, najwspanialsza i najlepsza osoba - powiedział o zmarłej.  - Dziś to w interesie prokuratury jest przedstawić nagranie (z przesłuchania Barbary Skrzypek - red.). Bo jeżeli ktoś odmawia, starszej pani, emerytce pełnomocnika, to jeżeli próbuje straszyć, to powinien pokazać nagranie np. komisji poselskiej. Wszyscy mogliby się przekonać, czy przesłuchanie było w takiej dobrej atmosferze, czy nie. To dziś jest problemem prokuratury - stwierdził Mastalerek.    Grzegorz Schetyna z PO stwierdził, że "kontekst jest rzeczywiście nieszczęśliwy". - Przesłuchanie było w środę, śmierć nastąpiła w sobotę. Jest kampania wyborcza i nie chciałbym tego mówić i patrzeć na wypowiedzi polityków PiS-u jako na próbę wykorzystania tej śmierci do kampanii wyborczej, stworzenia tragicznego podziału - mówi Schetyna.   Cały tekst: Więcej informacji na: Polub nasz profil na Facebooku: Polub nasz profil na Instagramie: Polub nasz profil na X:

Polsat News
21 heures depuis

00:00 - 00:00 Wprowadzenie 15:00 Pokój na Ukrainie 10:20 Broń atomowa w Polsce 16:10 Tarcza Wschód 20:04 Powszechne szkolenie wojskowe 27:40 Słowa Morawieckiego w sprawie Rumunii Gośćmi, byli polscy premierzy Leszek Miller i Waldemar Pawlak, wskazują na różnice w podejściu do sytuacji między Rosją a Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Z jednej strony, Rosja zachowuje tajemniczość w swoich działaniach, z drugiej, Trump publicznie prezentuje swoje propozycje, co budzi pytania o ich skuteczność i szczerość. Mówi się także o ewentualnych ustępstwach, które Ukraina mogłaby poczynić, w tym utracie części swojego terytorium (około 20%), w zamian za pokój. Istnieje obawa, że Putin może wykorzystać czas rozejmu do wzmocnienia swojej armii, podczas gdy Ukraińcy mogą otrzymać wsparcie w postaci broni od Zachodu. W kontekście Kurska, omawiane są kontrowersje dotyczące informacji o okrążeniu ukraińskich żołnierzy, które wydają się być bardziej dezinformacją niż rzeczywistością. Pojawia się również temat amerykańskiej broni jądrowej na terytorium Polski, który wywołuje kontrowersje zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Część polityków w Polsce uważa, że to propozycja, która może zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo, podczas gdy inni zwracają uwagę na ryzyko związane z bliskością takiej broni do granic Rosji. Rozmówcy podkreślają także problemy związane z decyzjami Unii Europejskiej, gdzie niejednokrotnie mniejsze państwa, takie jak Węgry, mogą blokować większe inicjatywy, co prowadzi do trudności w podejmowaniu decyzji. Na koniec poruszono temat służby wojskowej, podkreślając, że takie doświadczenia kształtują poczucie patriotyzmu i odpowiedzialności za bezpieczeństwo narodowe. Więcej informacji na: Polub nasz profil na Facebooku: Polub nasz profil na Instagramie: Polub nasz profil na X:

21 heures depuis

As U.S. President Donald Trump puts high hopes on discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin, dozen of people protested on Saturday (March 15) in front of U.S. embassy in Kyiv. Gregory Huey, an American living in Kyiv, held a sign reading ‘trump Puts Russia First’ near two persons dressed up as Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump. “Current American president does not represent American values: the values of democracy, and freedom, and justice,” Huey told Reuters. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday (March 14) there was a "very good chance" the war between Russia and Ukraine can end after productive discussions with President Vladimir Putin of Russia on Thursday (March 13). (Production: Leonardo Benassatto, Andrii Pryimachenko) For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch the full episodes of TV Patrol on iWantTFC: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: #ABSCBN #LatestNews #ABSCBNNews

21 heures depuis

Ikalawang yugto ng BINI Docuseries na "Here With You" mapapanood ang kanilang pag-ikot sa iba-ibang bahagi ng bansa para sa kanilang BINIverse regional tour. Mapapanood na ang Docuseries sa A2Z at Kapamilya Channels. For more TV Patrol videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more ABS-CBN News, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch the full episodes of TV Patrol on iWantTFC: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: #LatestNews #TVPatrol #ABSCBNNews

21 heures depuis

Hundreds of Palestinians gathered for a Ramadan Iftar on Saturday (March 15) among the ruins of their destroyed homes in Beit Lahiya, as well as the ruins of the city's "Saleem Abu Muslim" mosque. Organizers say the iftar gathering is a message by the people to reject any attempt at displacing Palestinians from Gaza, referring to comments made by U.S. President, Donald Trump. At least nine Palestinians including three local journalists were killed on Saturday in an Israeli air strike on Gaza's northern Beit Lahiya town, the local health ministry said, as Hamas leaders held ceasefire talks with mediators in Cairo. Several were critically injured as the strike hit a car, with casualties inside and outside the vehicle, health officials told Reuters. Witnesses and fellow journalists said the people in the car were on a mission for a charity called Al-Khair Foundation in Beit Lahiya, and they were accompanied by journalists and photographers when the strike occurred. At least three local journalists were among the dead, according to Palestinian media. (Production: Mahmoud Issa, Bassam Masoud, Mai Shams El-Din) For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch the full episodes of TV Patrol on iWantTFC: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: #ABSCBN #LatestNews #ABSCBNNews

21 heures depuis

For more Lotto Draw videos, click the link below: For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch full episodes on iWantTFC for FREE here: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #PCSO #Lotto #ABSCBNNews

21 heures depuis

A flight carrying 238 alleged members of a Venezuelan gang deported from the U.S. arrived to El Salvador where they were taken to a high-security prison, video released by the government of El Salvador on Sunday (March 16) showed and as announced by President Nayib Bukele. U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday (March 14) invoked the 1798 Alien Enemies Act to rapidly deport alleged members of Tren de Aragua, a criminal organization that has been linked to kidnapping, extortion, organized crime and contract killings. A day later, a federal judge in Washington, D.C., blocked the application of the law for 14 days. The alleged gang members were transferred to the Terrorism Confinement Center - a mega-prison that can hold up to 40,000 inmates - for a one-year period that could be renewed. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government said it rejected the use of the "anachronistic" U.S. law to deport alleged gang members, saying it violated migrants' rights. Both Bukele and Rubio said the U.S. had also sent 23 members of the Salvadoran gang MS-13 to El Salvador. (Production: Rodolfo Pena Roja, Nina Lopez)

CGTN на русском
21 heures depuis

В городе Циндао китайской провинции Шаньдун состоялся первый успешный полет большого грузового беспилотника TP1000. Он весит 3,3 тонны и способен при полной загрузке в 1000 кг преодолеть расстояние в 1000 км. Это первый китайский большой грузовой беспилотник, который оснащен функцией десантирования с воздуха. Ожидается, что подобные БПЛА в скором времени смогут удовлетворить быстрорастущий спрос на низковысотный грузовой транспорт. Их начнут активно эксплуатировать в 2026 году.

Radio-Canada Info
21 heures depuis

Des chercheurs de l’UQAC mènent des expériences sur les terres de l’érablière au Sucre d’or à Laterrière, l’une des plus nordiques au Québec. Avec leur « érablière intelligente » ils aident les producteurs à s’adapter aux changements climatiques. -- Abonnez-vous à notre chaine : Accédez aux nouvelles essentielles en téléchargeant l'application Radio-Canada Info : Retrouvez-nous aussi sur : X : TikTok :

Radio-Canada Info
21 heures depuis

Quel est le point commun entre un éclair au chocolat, un Paris-Brest et des chouquettes? La pâte à choux! On apprend tout sur les secrets de la pâte à choux, qui est la base de plusieurs gourmandises sucrées ou salées! Journaliste-réalisatrice : Andrée Langlois Images : Claude Bellemare et Michel Riverin Prise de son : Frederic Caron-Tremblay Montage : Olivier Bochenek -- Abonnez-vous à notre chaine : Accédez aux nouvelles essentielles en téléchargeant l'application Radio-Canada Info : Retrouvez-nous aussi sur : X : TikTok :

Radio-Canada Info
21 heures depuis

Après une semaine pour le moins chaotique sur les marchés boursiers, on se demande si nos investissements et placements tiendront le coup. Que faire devant tant d'incertitude économique ? Youcef Ghellache, fondateur de l'application Educfinance et enseignant en finance au Collège Montmorency, nous suggère des pistes de réflexion. -- Abonnez-vous à notre chaine : Accédez aux nouvelles essentielles en téléchargeant l'application Radio-Canada Info : Retrouvez-nous aussi sur : X : TikTok :

21 heures depuis

The 30-day ceasefire deal between Russia and Ukraine has yet to be accepted by Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, the talks leading to the proposed ceasefire deal have excluded Trump's Russia-Ukraine envoy, Keith Kellogg. U.S. President Trump has limited Kellogg's role to special envoy to Ukraine, rather than special envoy to Russia and Ukraine. According to reports, President Trump sidelined Kellogg from peace talks in Jeddah and Riyadh after Russia demanded his exclusion, citing bias toward Ukraine. Reports also suggest that Kellogg did not attend the U.S.-Russia summit in Riyadh at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In Kellogg's absence, Trump's West Asia envoy, Steve Witkoff took the lead. Witkoff had presented the ceasefire proposal to Vladimir Putin in Moscow. The Russian president accepted the U.S. proposal for a 30-day ceasefire in Ukraine but emphasized that the terms are yet to be finalized.. Watch to know more! #donaldtrump #keithkellogg #usanews About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. So for us, the World is truly One. Please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs and personal insults. Subscribe to our channel at Check out our website: Join our WhatsApp Channel: Connect with us on our social media handles: Facebook: Twitter: Follow us on Google News for the latest updates Zee News:- Zee Business:- DNA India:- WION: Zee News Apps:

21 heures depuis

Top headlines of the hour: - US: Multiple Houthi Leaders Killed - Russian Drone Strike In Chernihiv - US Strikes Yemen, Iran Vows Retaliation - 59 Killed In North Macedonia Club Fire - Delhi: Jaishankar Meets PM Luxon - Dhaka: Death Penalty Upheld For 20 Students - Williams & Wilmore Set To Return Home #houthi #worldnews #ukraine About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. So for us, the World is truly One. Please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs and personal insults. Subscribe to our channel at Check out our website: Join our WhatsApp Channel: Connect with us on our social media handles: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Follow us on Google News for the latest updates Zee News:- Zee Business:- DNA India:- WION: Zee News Apps:

21 heures depuis

A newly released video shows the moment immigration agents detained Columbia University student Mahmud Hal for advocating Palestinian rights in New York City. The video, recorded by Hal's pregnant wife, Mahmoud Khalil, shows Hal telling the agents, "I'm coming with you, don't worry," while they handcuffed him. #usa #palestine #mahmoudkhalil About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. So for us, the World is truly One. Please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs and personal insults. Subscribe to our channel at Check out our website: Join our WhatsApp Channel: Connect with us on our social media handles: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Follow us on Google News for the latest updates Zee News:- Zee Business:- DNA India:- WION: Zee News Apps:

21 heures depuis

Blaze Kills 59 In North Macedonia Nightclub #northmacedonia #worldnews #nightclub About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. So for us, the World is truly One. Please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs and personal insults. Subscribe to our channel at Check out our website: Join our WhatsApp Channel: Connect with us on our social media handles: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Follow us on Google News for the latest updates Zee News:- Zee Business:- DNA India:- WION: Zee News Apps:

ABC News
21 heures depuis

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz interviews national security adviser Mike Waltz on “This Week.” Subscribe to ABC News on YouTube: ABC News Digital is your daily source of breaking national and world news, exclusive interviews and 24/7 live streaming coverage. Download the ABC News app for the latest headlines and alerts: Watch 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events on ABC News Live: Watch full episodes of World News Tonight with David Muir here: Read ABC News reports online: ABC News is the home to the #1 evening newscast “World News Tonight” with David Muir, “Good Morning America,” “20/20,” “Nightline,” “This Week” with George Stephanopoulos, “ABC News Live Prime” with Linsey Davis, plus the daily news podcast “Start Here.” Connect with ABC News on social media: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: X: Threads: LinkedIn:

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