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2 mois depuis

Volodymyr Zelensky a affirmé que 11.000 soldats nord-coréens étaient déployés dans la région russe de Koursk pour y soutenir l'armée du Kremlin, qui tente d'expulser les forces ukrainiennes de ce territoire frontalier de l'Ukraine. ???? Retrouvez LCI sur le canal 26. Le meilleur de l'info, de l'analyse, du décryptage et tous les grands événements en direct.

France 24
2 mois depuis

Des dizaines de milliers de manifestants sont descendus samedi dans les rues de Valence et d'autres villes espagnoles pour protester contre la classe politique espagnole, accusée d'avoir sous-estimé les risques et mal coordonné les secours après les inondations meurtrières dans le sud-est du pays. Au moins 220 personnes sont mortes et des dizaines d'autres toujours portées disparues. En savoir plus avec notre article : ???? Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : ???? En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : ???? Retrouvez toute l’actualité internationale sur notre site : Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook : Suivez-nous sur X (Twitter) : Parcourez l’actu en images sur Instagram : Découvrez nos vidéos TikTok : Recevez votre concentré d'information sur WhatsApp : et sur Telegram :

Euronews (Deutsch)
2 mois depuis

Informieren Sie sich über das aktuelle Geschehen in Europa und der Welt - Politik, Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Kultur und Reisen. LESEN SIE MEHR : Abonnieren Sie! Sehen Sie Euronews live TV : Euronews gibt es in 12 Sprachen: #TopNewsStoriesToday

Vos prévisions météo pour la journée du 10 novembre 2024.

Puissance Télévision vous donne rendez-vous quotidiennement pour un tour d'horizon complet des évènements de votre territoire ! Aujourd'hui dans votre agenda : - Atelier du mercredi, le 20 novembre au musée de Saint-Dizier - Moka Woods, le 28 novembre à 20h30 au théâtre de Saint-Dizier - Corrida de Noël, dimanche 22 décembre à la Salle des Fêtes de Bologne - Der Lauf, mercredi 27 novembre à la Salle Dumas de Bar-le-Duc

ZDFheute Nachrichten
2 mois depuis

Internationale Experten warnen eindringlich vor einer bevorstehenden Hungersnot im Gazastreifen. Die WHO fordert schnelles Handeln, um Zugang zu humanitärer Hilfe zu ermöglichen. Israel weist die Warnungen zurück. Mehr dazu und weitere Nachrichten des Tages im heute journal. 00:00 Vorspann 00:10 Feiern zum 35. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls In Berlin und an anderen Orten in Deutschland ist an den Mauerfall vor 35 Jahren erinnert worden. Die zentrale Gedenkveranstaltung fand an der Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer statt. 04:21 Genug Papier? Debatte um Neuwahlen Seit dem Ampel-Aus wird um den Neuwahl-Termin gestritten. Die Bundeswahlleiterin warnt vor einer zu frühen Wahl: Papier für Stimmzettel sei knapp. Die Papierindustrie widerspricht. 07:44 Drohende Hungersnot in Gaza Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation fordert sofortige Hilfe für die Menschen im Gazastreifen. Hintergrund ist die Warnung internationaler Experten vor einer bevorstehenden Hungersnot. ----- Hier auf ZDFheute Nachrichten erfahrt ihr, was auf der Welt passiert und was uns alle etwas angeht: Wir sorgen für Durchblick in der Nachrichtenwelt, erklären die Hintergründe und gehen auf gesellschaftliche Debatten ein. Diskutiert in Livestreams mit uns und bildet euch eure eigene Meinung mit den Fakten, die wir euch präsentieren. Abonniert unseren Kanal, um nichts mehr zu verpassen. Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand seid ihr auf #Gaza #Israel #heutejournal

Euronews (en espagnol)
2 mois depuis

Es un ensayo del famoso desfile de acción de gracias que tendrá lugar a finales de este mes en Nueva York. MÁS INFORMACIÓN : #Nocomment

Euronews English
2 mois depuis

Police launched a large-scale investigation after gangs of youths conducted what Amsterdam's mayor called 'hit and run' attacks on fans that were apparently inspired by calls on social media to target Jewish people. READ MORE : Subscribe to our channel: Watch our LIVE here: Subscribe to our thematic channels: NoComment: Euronews Green: Euronews Next: Euronews Travel: Euronews is available on YouTube in 12 languages: #EuropeNews

Euronews English
2 mois depuis

Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel. READ MORE : Subscribe to our channel: Watch our LIVE here: Subscribe to our thematic channels: NoComment: Euronews Green: Euronews Next: Euronews Travel: Euronews is available on YouTube in 12 languages: #TopNewsStoriesToday

Sky News
2 mois depuis

Seven-year-old Raanan Albert is just the 28th person in the world to be diagnosed with CLTC-related disorder. Staff at the Children's Nebraska hospital gifted him a customised bike and he couldn't wait to try it. #skynews #CLTC SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: For more content go to and download our apps: Apple Android Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí: To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here:

5 Kanal
2 mois depuis

Долучайтеся до збору на рації для ЗСУ: ???? Номер карти: 5375411204592088 PayPal: ❗️з приміткою "На рації" Також долучитися до збору можна, купивши "гарячі" магніти 5 каналу???? Підтримайте наших військових кореспондентів, які щодня ризикують своїм життям на фронті???? Buy Me a Coffee: ???? ????Картка: 5375411202207218 Окрім того, усю нашу команду 5 каналу можна підтримати на PayPal: Telegram X (колишній Twitter) Сайт 5 каналу: Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: WhatsApp (українською): WhatsApp (англійською) ✔️Підписуйся на YouTube 5 каналу та дивись онлайн оперативні перевірені новини ????Тисни на "дзвіночок", щоб отримувати сповіщення про трансляції та нові відео ❤️Ставай нашим спонсором ????Напиши в коментарях свої враження від відео #5канал #новини #Україна

CNN Türk
2 mois depuis

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu ve Ulu Önder Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 10 Kasım 1938'de aramızdan ayrıldı. Türk milleti, Ata'sını kaybedişinin üzerinden 86 yıl geçmesine rağmen, ona duyduğu saygı, minnet ve özlemi her geçen gün daha da derinleştiriyor. CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #10Kasım

CNN Türk
2 mois depuis

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Tüyleri Diken Diken Eden O An! Ulu Önder Son Günlerinde Neler Yaşadı? Bugün 10 Kasım. Türkiye, Ulu Önderi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ü kaybetmesinin üzerinden 86 yıl geçti. 3 yıl önce, Atatürk Araştırmacısı Dr. Orhan Çekiç, Atatürk'ün son günlerini gözyaşları içinde CNN TÜRK'te anlatmıştı. Haber Şefi Fulya Öztürk’ün gerçekleştirdiği o röportaj, son dönemde sosyal medyada en çok paylaşılan içerikler arasında yer aldı. İşte o tüyleri diken diken eden anlar... CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #10Kasım

CNN Türk
2 mois depuis

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Düşmanlarının Bile Saygısını Kazandı! Atatürk'ün Vefat Ettiği 10 Kasım 1938'de Ne Yaşandı? Ulu Önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün vefatının üzerinden 85 yıl geçti. Acı, hüzün ve minnet, hala ilk günkü gibi yüreklerde. Peki, hem Türkiye’yi hem de tüm dünyayı yasa boğan 10 Kasım 1938 tarihinde ve sonrasında neler yaşandı? CNN TÜRK Haber Şefi Fulya Öztürk, 10 Kasım’ın bilinmeyen detaylarını araştırdı ve tarihçiler o yıllara dair anılarını paylaştı. CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #10Kasım

Actualité Singapour
2 mois depuis

The United Nation's top climate summit, taking place next week in Azerbaijan will focus on raising money to help poorer nations handle the impact of a warming planet. But will global conflict overshadow discussions at the Conference of the Parties (COP)? Jack Board and Liling Tan discuss potential outcomes.

Channel NewsAsia
2 mois depuis

The Yangpu waterfront, known as the cradle of China's early industries, is set to become a national demonstration zone on how to protect and reuse industrial heritage sites. The riverside area, along the Huangpu River, was the home of the nation's first water, electricity, shipbuilding and textile companies. Many industrial buildings, such as the iconic Yangshupu Power Plant, have been preserved during the redevelopment of the riverside. Join CGTN to discover how "Yangpu Power" is supporting the seventh China International Import Expo, which is being held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10. #CIIE2024

Channel NewsAsia
2 mois depuis

For more: Soraya Arrabal is a filmmaker living in New York, and for the past 13 years, she has been working with Chinese people and has traveled to Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province. Soraya said that she naturally fell in love with China after being exposed to the culture at work. She believes that the Chinese culture is very rich, whether it is food culture or regional differences. As a filmmaker, she said that Wong Kar-wai is the film director she admires most. She says his shooting techniques and narration style are a very good interpretation of China. Meanwhile, she also feels the rich romance from Chinese culture. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
2 mois depuis

For more: A joint emergency response exercise was conducted in waters of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world's largest sea-crossing bridge, in south China on Saturday to mark the country's 33rd National Fire Prevention Day. The exercise simulated a collision between a passenger ship and an oil tanker. The collision damaged the ship's bow, causing passengers to fall overboard, and set the oil tanker on fire. The tanker then lost control and collided with the bridge. The search and rescue forces began an operation to save the people and extinguish the fire. The traffic resumed and the drill ended after ensuring the safety of the bridge's piers and deck. It was the first such joint drill by teams from Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao. It aimed to deepen emergency coordination and rescue capabilities in the Greater Bay Area. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
2 mois depuis

For more: Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with visiting Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto in Beijing on Saturday, with the two sides agreeing to further advance bilateral ties. Xi expressed his pleasure to meet with President Prabowo again, lauding that Prabowo's decision to make China the first country to visit after his election in March, and again as his first destination after taking office, reflects the high significance Prabowo places on China-Indonesia relation as well as the high level and strategic nature of bilateral ties. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

Channel NewsAsia
2 mois depuis

For more: Explore how the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) serves as a dynamic platform for global innovation and sustainability. With CGTN's Merna interviewing key figures from leading beauty and skincare brands, discover how this event fosters international collaboration, showcases pioneering advancements and emphasizes China's role in shaping the future of the beauty industry. This video sheds light on the evolving landscape of eco-friendly and advanced skincare solutions. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):

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