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Cuenta que muchas veces su mamá lo llamó lamentándose porque veía en las noticias que habían asesinado a una mujer… “hoy le tocó a ella ser una más”.

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Expertos urgen a la reeducación para que se rompan patrones que han obligado a los hombres a suprimir emociones a través de la ira y el coraje.

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Su padre cuenta habían decidido desconectarlo, pero les dieron noticias esperanzadoras.

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Ha habido fuertes señalamientos sobre la utilización de los fondos para “CMC Care”, promovido durante la incumbencia del nominado secretario de Salud.

Réseau ZNS
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The Weekend Edition - March 16th, 2025

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tagesthemen 23:15 Uhr Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestages bringt Lockerung der Schuldenbremse auf den Weg, Tarifverhandlungen für den öffentlichen Dienst, Tote nach Brand in einer Diskothek in Nordmazedonien, Der Sport, Filmtipp "The last Showgirl", Das Wetter Hinweis: Die Beiträge zum Thema „Fußball-Bundesliga“ dürfen auf aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht gezeigt werden.

ZDFheute Nachrichten
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Der Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestags hat das Finanzpaket von Union, SPD und Grünen auf den Weg gebracht. Am Dienstag wird der Bundestag über die Grundgesetzänderungen abstimmen. Mehr dazu und weitere Nachrichten des Tages im heute journal. 00:00 Vorspann 00:54 Haushaltsausschuss stimmt für Finanzpaket Letzte Hürde vor der Abstimmung: Der Haushaltsausschuss bringt das milliardenschwere Finanzpaket von Union und SPD auf den Weg. Jetzt muss es noch durch Bundestag und Bundesrat. 03:58 Ergebnis "keineswegs völlig sicher" Ob das milliardenschwere Finanzpaket am Dienstag im Bundestag ein Erfolg für Friedrich Merz wird, sei "keineswegs völlig sicher", so Politikwissenschaftler Albrecht von Lucke. 09:19 Transformation: Wirtschaftskrise als Chance Nicht klagen, die Krise als Chance sehen: Unternehmen, die dauerhaft erfolgreich sein wollen, passen sich einem sich ändernden Marktumfeld an. Zwei Beispiele aus der Industrie. 13:17 Trauer und Bestürzung nach Brand in Diskothek Durch einen Brand in einer Diskothek in Nordmazedonien sind mindestens 59 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die meisten Besucher waren zwischen 14 und 28 Jahre alt. 18:37 US-Umweltpolitik: Wirtschaft first Die Trump-Regierung feuert Mitarbeiter, darunter Klimaforscher und Umweltexperten. Grenzwerte für Schadstoffe sollen nicht mehr gelten, wenn sie der Wirtschaft schaden könnten. 25:20 Archiv der Kulinarik in Dresden In Dresden sammelt ein Archiv die Hervorbringungen der Kulinarik für die Nachwelt. Kochbücher, Rezepte, Speisekarten: Es ist ein einzigartiger Schatz an Geschmäckern und Gerüchen. ----- Hier auf ZDFheute Nachrichten erfahrt ihr, was auf der Welt passiert und was uns alle etwas angeht: Wir sorgen für Durchblick in der Nachrichtenwelt, erklären die Hintergründe und gehen auf gesellschaftliche Debatten ein. Diskutiert in Livestreams mit uns und bildet euch eure eigene Meinung mit den Fakten, die wir euch präsentieren. Abonniert unseren Kanal, um nichts mehr zu verpassen. Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand seid ihr auf #Schulden #Bundestag #heutejournal

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Police have detained 10 people after a fire at a nightclub in North Macedonia killed at least 59 people. Video inside the club reveals sparks from flares hit the ceiling above the stage where a band was performing, setting fire to highly flammable material. The blaze broke out around 02:30 in the morning at the Pulse club in Kocani, where about 500 people were watching a concert by DNK, a popular hip-hop duo in Macedonia. Only one member of the band survived and was being treated in hospital. At least 155 people were injured in the disaster. Macedonia’s Interior Minister Pance Toskovski said the venue did not have a legal licence to operate, while police are looking into why the club was allowed to operate and whether bribes had been paid. The venue has been described as an "improvised nightclub" in the local press, having previously been a carpet warehouse. It’s reported that there was only one effective exit from the building and that a back door had been locked and could not be used to escape. The authorities have said there appeared to be breaches in fire safety regulations. Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Guy Delauney in Kocani. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit: #BBCNews

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Can forensic investigation bring a killer to justice? #ForensicsTheRealCSI #Forensics #ForensicScience #CrimeDocumentary #CrimeDoc Subscribe and ???? to the BBC ???? Watch the BBC first on iPlayer ???? When an elderly man is found dead in his home, the forensic team suspect a burglary gone wrong. Investigators later discover that the victim’s bank card has been stolen, and identify the perpetrator using CCTV footage and DNA profiling to bring him to justice. All our TV channels and S4C are available to watch live through BBC iPlayer, although some programmes may not be available to stream online due to rights. If you would like to read more on what types of programmes are available to watch live, check the 'Are all programmes that are broadcast available on BBC iPlayer?' FAQ ????

Sky News
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Watch News at Ten for a roundup of today's top stories from the UK and across the world. At 10.30pm, we will be reviewing tomorrow's front pages in Sky Papers. Tap the 'Notify me' bell button to be reminded when the show goes live and make sure you don't miss anything ⬆️ Read more on tonight's stories ???? #SkyNews #NewsatTen #News #SkyPapers SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: For more content go to and download our apps: Apple Android Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí: To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here:

Sky News
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Find out what's on tomorrow's front pages on the Sky News Press Preview ???? ????️ Every night we are joined by guests to take a look at the stories making the headlines. Tap the 'Notify me' bell button to be reminded when the show goes live and make sure you don't miss anything ⬆️ Find out more: #SkyPapers #PressPreview #NewsPaperHeadlines SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: For more content go to and download our apps: Apple Android Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí: To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here:

ITV News
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Newcastle United have ended a 56-year trophy drought as they beat Liverpool 2-1 in the Carabao Cup final at Wembley. Fans shook the stadium as the Magpies celebrated winning their first domestic competition since the 1955 FA Cup 70 years ago. The last piece of silverware Newcastle lifted was the 1969 Inter Cities Fairs Cup. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: • Get breaking news and more stories at Follows ITV News on TikTok Follow ITV News on Instagram: Follow ITV News on Facebook: Follow ITV News on Twitter:

ITV News
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59 people were killed and over 150 more were injured were injured as the North Macedonian government declares seven days of national mourning. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: • Get breaking news and more stories at Follows ITV News on TikTok Follow ITV News on Instagram: Follow ITV News on Facebook: Follow ITV News on Twitter:

ITV News
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Health Secretary Wes Streeting refused to pour cold water on rumours that the government intends to U-turn on plans to freeze personal independence payment (PIP) as uncertainty mounts surrounding Labour's upcoming welfare reforms. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: • Get breaking news and more stories at Follows ITV News on TikTok Follow ITV News on Instagram: Follow ITV News on Facebook: Follow ITV News on Twitter:

CNN Türk
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HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER Siyasetteki sıcak tartışmaların şifreleri CNN TÜRK Masası'nda çözüldü. Fulya Kalfa sordu; Ekonomiden Sorumlu eski Devlet Bakanı Dr. Masum Türker, Akademisyen Prof. Dr. Mesut Hakkı Caşın, Siyasal İletişimci Nur Tuğba Aktay, Ekonomist Muhammet Bayram, Gazeteciler Melik Yiğitel, Taha Hüseyin Karagöz ve CNN TÜRK ABD Temsilcisi Yunus Paksoy yanıtladı. 0:00 Giriş 0:50 Dünyada en genç emekliler Türkiye'de 49:59 Trump Husilere savaş ilan etti 2:13:52 ABD: İşte Yemen'i vuran jetler 2:38:48 Trump'tan İran'a: Şakam yok ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #CNNTÜRKMasası

CNN Türk
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HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Amerika - İran Savaşı çıkar mı soruları arasında Mesud Pezeşkiyan'dan çok önemli bir çıkış geldi! Pezeşkiyan'ın suikast çıkışının perde arkası ne? SON DAKİKA İRAN HABERLERİ SON DAKİKA AMERİKA HABERLERİ CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #trump

CNN Türk
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HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun... Yemen - ABD Savaşı başlar mı? Husiler, ABD'ye karşı geri adım atmayacağını açıklarken Trump'ın yanıtı ne olacak? SON DAKİKA YEMEN HABERLERİ CNN TÜRK YOUTUBE KANALINA ABONE OL ➤ CNN TÜRK Canlı Yayın İçin Tıkla ➤ | CANLI HABER ➤TÜM PROGRAM İÇERİKLERİ İÇİN: ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤ ➤Google News: 7 gün 24 saat haber canlı yayınla size ulaşıyor! CNN TÜRK YouTube kanalına abone olarak son dakika haberlerini ilk siz öğrenin! En son haberler, güncel gelişmeler ve uzman yorumcuların haber analizleri CNN TÜRK ekranında canlı yayın ile izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Sahadan haberler ve tartışma programları ile zirveyi bırakmayan CNN TÜRK'ün YouTube kanalına hemen abone olabilirsiniz. #Haber #Sondakika #yemen

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U.S. President Donald Trump said he was being "sarcastic" when he, as a presidential candidate, declared he could resolve the crisis in Ukraine within 24 hours. In a pre-recorded interview with a U.S. news outlet that aired on Sunday (March 16), Trump admitted to "being a little bit sarcastic" about bringing an end to a war that has continued to rage almost two months into his presidency. "What I really mean is I'd like to get it settled. And I'll -- I think I'll be successful," Trump said, adding that it would be "bad news for this world" if Russian president Vladimir Putin didn't agree to a ceasefire. Trump is trying to win Putin's support for a 30-day ceasefire proposal that Ukraine accepted last week, as both sides continued trading heavy aerial strikes through the weekend and Russia moved closer to ejecting Ukrainian forces from their months-old foothold in the western Russian region of Kursk. "I think I know him pretty well, and I think he's going to agree," Trump said. (Production: Pavithra George) For more ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more latest news and analysis from ABS-CBN News videos, click the link below: For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - Watch the full episodes of TV Patrol on iWantTFC: Visit our website at Facebook: Twitter: #ABSCBN #LatestNews #ABSCBNNews

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