'Agriculture sector in good hands'
A senior official of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, IICA, has told Barbados the sector is in good hands. Technical Specialist Dr. Roxanne Waithe made the comment after providing a progress report on initiatives and developments in agriculture between IICA and the Ministry of Agriculture. She says a future farmers think tank has been created by young farmers out of a youth project aimed at maintaining contact with IICA. Ms. Waithe said work is also ongoing to attract women to agriculture. Subscribe to CBC News: cbcbarbados Connect with the CBC News Barbados Website: https://www.cbc.bb/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CBCNews.bb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbcnewsbarb... Twitter: https://twitter.com/CBCBARBADOS #CBCTV8 #CBCNewsNight #ThisIsWhoWeAre