
A section of Kamwengye Christians raised 2,000 shs each to build a health centre

Dans Afrique / Ouganda

Affordable Health care is very crucial for a community. The government has been intentional in expanding health centers in the country, in a bid to extend affordable care to the public. Religious institutions have over time contributed to improving care and this has relieved the government, of the burden of spending more money to put up health centres everywhere. NTV’s Daniel Kibet tells us how Christians in East Ruwenzori Diocese contributed 2,000 shillings each, in less than a year to raise an 800 million shilling health center, to benefit thousands of locals in Kamwenge district. #NTVNews #NTVTonight #NTVWeekendEdition Subscribe to Our Channel For more news visit Follow us on Twitter Connect with us on Messenger via

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