
BC Today, July 3: Remembering CBC's Rick Cluff

CBC Vancouver

We remember longtime host of The Early Edition Rick Cluff in this special edition of BC Today, hosted by Cluff's longtime friend Amy Bell. Cluff died recently at the age of 74 following a short battle with cancer. He spent more than 40 years with the CBC, and is best remembered for his 20 years as host of The Early Edition where he helped to turn it into the No. 1-rated morning show in the competitive Metro Vancouver radio market. Guests Margaret Gallagher, Fred Lee, Michelle Eliot and Jason D'Souza join us to celebrate our friend and former colleague. We're inviting you to share your memories by calling us at noon PT. To join the conversation, call us from noon PT on: Toll-free: 1-800-825-5950 Lower Mainland: 604-669-3733 Cellphone: # 690 You can email us at any time. Our address is #CBCVancouver #BCToday #britishcolumbia #livenews #livestream #rickcluff #theearlyedition #cbcradio

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